--- - name: Add APT key for PostgreSQL repository apt_key: url: https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc - name: Add PostgreSQL APT repository apt_repository: repo: deb https://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt bookworm-pgdg main - name: Install PostgreSQL apt: name: postgresql-{{ postgresql_version }} - name: Remove postgresql from init.d (may conflict with systemd service) file: path: /etc/init.d/postgresql state: absent when: is_docker - name: Update rc.d to reflect init.d removal command: cmd: update-rc.d postgresql remove when: is_docker - name: Start and enable PostgreSQL meta unit service systemd_service: name: postgresql state: started enabled: true - name: Start and enable PostgreSQL cluster service systemd_service: name: postgresql@{{ postgresql_version }}-main state: started enabled: true - name: Set configuration options in postgresql.conf lineinfile: path: /etc/postgresql/{{ postgresql_version }}/main/postgresql.conf regexp: "^#?{{ item.key }} ?=" line: "{{ item.key }} = {{ item.value }}" loop: "{{ _postgresql_settings | combine(postgresql_settings) | dict2items }}" notify: - Restart postgresql