--- - name: Check if the correct version of Python is already installed stat: path: /usr/local/bin/python{{ python_version }} register: python_binary - name: Download and install Python when: not python_binary.stat.exists block: - name: Download Python source code get_url: dest: /tmp/python.tar.gz url: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/{{ python_full_version }}/Python-{{ python_full_version }}.tgz checksum: sha256:1e71f006222666e0a39f5a47be8221415c22c4dd8f25334cc41aee260b3d379e - name: Create temp directory to extract Python to file: path: /tmp/python state: directory - name: Extract Python unarchive: remote_src: true src: /tmp/python.tar.gz dest: /tmp/python extra_opts: - --strip-components=1 - name: Install build dependencies for Python apt: name: - make - build-essential - libssl-dev - zlib1g-dev - libbz2-dev - libreadline-dev - libsqlite3-dev - wget - curl - llvm - libncurses5-dev - libncursesw5-dev - xz-utils - tk-dev - name: Build and install Python (this can take a long time) shell: chdir: /tmp/python cmd: | ./configure --enable-optimizations --with-ensurepip=install make make altinstall - name: Create dir for venvs file: path: /opt/venvs state: directory owner: "{{ app_username }}" group: "{{ app_username }}" mode: 0755 - name: Install packages needed for compiling psycopg2 apt: name: - gcc - libpq-dev - name: Create venv become_user: "{{ app_username }}" command: cmd: python{{ python_version }} -m venv {{ venv_dir }} creates: "{{ venv_dir }}" - name: Check installed packages in venv command: cmd: "{{ bin_dir }}/pip freeze" register: pip_freeze changed_when: false - name: Install Python packages into venv become_user: "{{ app_username }}" pip: executable: "{{ bin_dir }}/pip" requirements: "{{ app_dir }}/{{ pip_requirements_filename }}" - name: Install Tildes into venv as editable become_user: "{{ app_username }}" pip: executable: "{{ bin_dir }}/pip" name: "{{ app_dir }}" editable: true when: "'-e '+app_dir not in pip_freeze.stdout_lines"