--- - name: Create prometheus user and group import_tasks: prometheus_user.yml - name: Check if Prometheus is installed stat: path: /opt/prometheus/prometheus register: prometheus_binary - name: Download and install Prometheus when: not prometheus_binary.stat.exists block: - name: Download Prometheus from GitHub get_url: dest: /tmp/prometheus-{{ prometheus_version }}.tar.gz url: https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/releases/download/v{{ prometheus_version }}/prometheus-{{ prometheus_version }}.linux-amd64.tar.gz checksum: sha256:e12917b25b32980daee0e9cf879d9ec197e2893924bd1574604eb0f550034d46 - name: Create Prometheus directory file: path: /opt/prometheus state: directory owner: prometheus group: prometheus mode: 0755 - name: Extract Prometheus unarchive: remote_src: true src: /tmp/prometheus-{{ prometheus_version }}.tar.gz dest: /opt/prometheus owner: prometheus group: prometheus extra_opts: - --strip-components=1 - name: Create Prometheus service file copy: src: prometheus.service dest: /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service owner: root group: root mode: 0644 - name: Add Prometheus config file template: src: prometheus.yml.jinja2 dest: /opt/prometheus/prometheus.yml owner: prometheus group: prometheus mode: 0644 notify: - Restart prometheus - name: Start and enable prometheus service systemd_service: name: prometheus state: started enabled: true