Until now, if people want their account deleted, I've just been banning
it. This will let me do it properly, but some additional cleanup should
be added in the future once I think through what's safe to get rid of
from deleted accounts.
Previously, search only covered topic titles and markdown. This adds
tags to it as well, and will make it easier to add other things in the
future since there's now a custom function instead of using the built-in
one that only supports text columns.
This adds a trigger to the scraper_results table which will add rabbitmq
messages whenever a scrape finishes, as well as a consumer that picks up
these messages, and uses Embedly data to download (and resize if
necessary) the favicons from any sites that are scraped. These are
downloaded into the input folder for the site-icons-spriter, so it
should be able to use these to generate spritesheets.
This is a bit of a hacky way of doing it in a few aspects and definitely
still needs some work, but it's a reasonable start. Specifically, a
major miss is that there's no way to remove an Exemplary label unless
you currently have one available. This should definitely be fixed, but
I'm not sure what might be the best approach yet.
This follows the REUSE practices to add license and copyright info to
all source files: https://reuse.software/practices/2.0/
In addition, LICENSE.md was switched to a plaintext LICENSE file, to
support the tag-value header as recommended.
Note that files that are closer to configuration than code did not have
headers added. This includes all Salt files, Alembic files, and Python
files such as most __init__.py files that only import other files, since
those are similar to header files which are not considered
Quite a few aspects of this are very hackish (especially as related to
the templates and things that needed to be done to allow
topic_listing.jinja2 to be inherited from for this new one), but it's a
lot better than nothing.
This detects mentions of users in comments using the same pattern as the
markdown parsing uses to generate user links. Mentioned users are sent a
notification, and mentions are added/deleted if needed on comment edits.
As part of this, setup was done to generate rabbitmq messages for
comment creation and edits, and the mentions are handled by an async
consumer of these messages.