You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// Copyright (c) 2020 Tulir Asokan
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
import { html, render, Component } from "" import { Spinner } from "./spinner.js" import { sendSticker } from "./widget-api.js"
// The base URL for fetching packs. The app will first fetch ${PACK_BASE_URL}/index.json,
// then ${PACK_BASE_URL}/${packFile} for each packFile in the packs object of the index.json file.
const PACKS_BASE_URL = "packs" // This is updated from packs/index.json
const makeThumbnailURL = mxc => `${HOMESERVER_URL}/_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/${mxc.substr(6)}?height=128&width=128&method=scale`
class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { packs: [], loading: true, error: null, } = null this.packListRef = null }
observeIntersection = intersections => { for (const entry of intersections) { const img = if (entry.isIntersecting) { img.setAttribute("src", img.getAttribute("data-src")) img.classList.add("visible") } else { img.removeAttribute("src") img.classList.remove("visible") } } }
componentDidMount() { fetch(`${PACKS_BASE_URL}/index.json`).then(async indexRes => { if (indexRes.status >= 400) { this.setState({ loading: false, error: indexRes.status !== 404 ? indexRes.statusText : null, }) return } const indexData = await indexRes.json() HOMESERVER_URL = indexData.homeserver_url || HOMESERVER_URL // TODO only load pack metadata when scrolled into view?
for (const packFile of indexData.packs) { const packRes = await fetch(`${PACKS_BASE_URL}/${packFile}`) const packData = await packRes.json() this.setState({ packs: [...this.state.packs, packData], loading: false, }) } }, error => this.setState({ loading: false, error })) = new IntersectionObserver(this.observeIntersection, { rootMargin: "100px", threshold: 0, }) }
componentDidUpdate() { for (const elem of this.packListRef.getElementsByClassName("sticker")) { } }
componentWillUnmount() { }
render() { if (this.state.loading) { return html`<main class="spinner"><${Spinner} size=${80} green /></main>` } else if (this.state.error) { return html`<main class="error">
<h1>Failed to load packs</h1> <p>${this.state.error}</p> </main>` } else if (this.state.packs.length === 0) { return html`<main class="empty"><h1>No packs found :(</h1></main>` } return html`<main>
<nav> ${ => html`<${NavBarItem} id=${} pack=${pack}/>`)} </nav> <div class="pack-list" ref=${elem => this.packListRef = elem}> ${ => html`<${Pack} id=${} pack=${pack}/>`)} </div> </main>` } }
const NavBarItem = ({ pack }) => html`<a href="#pack-${}" title=${pack.title}>
<div class="sticker"> <img src=${makeThumbnailURL(pack.stickers[0].url)} alt=${pack.stickers[0].body} class="visible" /> </div> </a>`
const Pack = ({ pack }) => html`<section class="stickerpack" id=${`pack-${}`}>
<h1>${pack.title}</h1> <div class="sticker-list"> ${ => html`
<${Sticker} key=${sticker["net.maunium.telegram.sticker"].id} content=${sticker}/> `)}
</div> </section>`
const Sticker = ({ content }) => html`<div class="sticker" onClick=${() => sendSticker(content)}>
<img data-src=${makeThumbnailURL(content.url)} alt=${content.body} /> </div>`
render(html`<${App} />`, document.body)