136 lines
4.0 KiB
136 lines
4.0 KiB
package page_writer
import (
var (
_ = PageChunk(&SwapFileChunk{})
type ActualChunkIndex int
type SwapFile struct {
dir string
file *os.File
logicToActualChunkIndex map[LogicChunkIndex]ActualChunkIndex
logicToActualChunkIndexLock sync.Mutex
chunkSize int64
freeActualChunkList []ActualChunkIndex
type SwapFileChunk struct {
swapfile *SwapFile
usage *ChunkWrittenIntervalList
logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex
actualChunkIndex ActualChunkIndex
func NewSwapFile(dir string, chunkSize int64) *SwapFile {
return &SwapFile{
dir: dir,
file: nil,
logicToActualChunkIndex: make(map[LogicChunkIndex]ActualChunkIndex),
chunkSize: chunkSize,
func (sf *SwapFile) FreeResource() {
if sf.file != nil {
func (sf *SwapFile) NewTempFileChunk(logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex) (tc *SwapFileChunk) {
if sf.file == nil {
var err error
sf.file, err = os.CreateTemp(sf.dir, "")
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("create swap file: %v", err)
return nil
defer sf.logicToActualChunkIndexLock.Unlock()
actualChunkIndex, found := sf.logicToActualChunkIndex[logicChunkIndex]
if !found {
if len(sf.freeActualChunkList) > 0 {
actualChunkIndex = sf.freeActualChunkList[0]
sf.freeActualChunkList = sf.freeActualChunkList[1:]
} else {
actualChunkIndex = ActualChunkIndex(len(sf.logicToActualChunkIndex))
sf.logicToActualChunkIndex[logicChunkIndex] = actualChunkIndex
return &SwapFileChunk{
swapfile: sf,
usage: newChunkWrittenIntervalList(),
logicChunkIndex: logicChunkIndex,
actualChunkIndex: actualChunkIndex,
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) FreeResource() {
defer sc.swapfile.logicToActualChunkIndexLock.Unlock()
sc.swapfile.freeActualChunkList = append(sc.swapfile.freeActualChunkList, sc.actualChunkIndex)
delete(sc.swapfile.logicToActualChunkIndex, sc.logicChunkIndex)
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) WriteDataAt(src []byte, offset int64) (n int) {
innerOffset := offset % sc.swapfile.chunkSize
var err error
n, err = sc.swapfile.file.WriteAt(src, int64(sc.actualChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize+innerOffset)
if err == nil {
sc.usage.MarkWritten(innerOffset, innerOffset+int64(n))
} else {
glog.Errorf("failed to write swap file %s: %v", sc.swapfile.file.Name(), err)
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) ReadDataAt(p []byte, off int64) (maxStop int64) {
chunkStartOffset := int64(sc.logicChunkIndex) * sc.swapfile.chunkSize
for t := sc.usage.head.next; t != sc.usage.tail; t = t.next {
logicStart := max(off, chunkStartOffset+t.StartOffset)
logicStop := min(off+int64(len(p)), chunkStartOffset+t.stopOffset)
if logicStart < logicStop {
actualStart := logicStart - chunkStartOffset + int64(sc.actualChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize
if _, err := sc.swapfile.file.ReadAt(p[logicStart-off:logicStop-off], actualStart); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("failed to reading swap file %s: %v", sc.swapfile.file.Name(), err)
maxStop = max(maxStop, logicStop)
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) IsComplete() bool {
return sc.usage.IsComplete(sc.swapfile.chunkSize)
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) WrittenSize() int64 {
return sc.usage.WrittenSize()
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) SaveContent(saveFn SaveToStorageFunc) {
if saveFn == nil {
for t := sc.usage.head.next; t != sc.usage.tail; t = t.next {
data := mem.Allocate(int(t.Size()))
sc.swapfile.file.ReadAt(data, t.StartOffset+int64(sc.actualChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize)
reader := util.NewBytesReader(data)
saveFn(reader, int64(sc.logicChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize+t.StartOffset, t.Size(), func() {
sc.usage = newChunkWrittenIntervalList()