You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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syntax = "proto3";
package schema_pb;
option go_package = "";
// schema definition
message RecordType {
repeated Field fields = 1;
message Field {
string name = 1;
int32 field_index = 2;
Type type = 3;
bool is_repeated = 4;
bool is_required = 5;
message Type {
oneof kind {
ScalarType scalar_type = 1;
RecordType record_type = 2;
ListType list_type = 3;
enum ScalarType {
BOOL = 0;
INT32 = 1;
INT64 = 3;
FLOAT32 = 4;
FLOAT64 = 5;
BYTES = 6;
message ListType {
Type element_type = 1;
// value definition
message RecordValue {
map<string, Value> fields = 1;
message Value {
oneof kind {
bool bool_value = 1;
int32 int32_value = 2;
int64 int64_value = 3;
float float_value = 4;
double double_value = 5;
bytes bytes_value = 6;
string string_value = 7;
ListValue list_value = 14;
RecordValue record_value = 15;
message ListValue {
repeated Value values = 1;