273 lines
9.0 KiB
273 lines
9.0 KiB
package shell
import (
func init() {
Commands = append(Commands, &commandVolumeList{})
type commandVolumeList struct {
collectionPattern *string
dataCenter *string
rack *string
dataNode *string
readonly *bool
writable *bool
volumeId *uint64
volumeSizeLimitMb uint64
func (c *commandVolumeList) Name() string {
return "volume.list"
func (c *commandVolumeList) Help() string {
return `list all volumes
This command list all volumes as a tree of dataCenter > rack > dataNode > volume.
func (c *commandVolumeList) HasTag(CommandTag) bool {
return false
func (c *commandVolumeList) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv, writer io.Writer) (err error) {
volumeListCommand := flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError)
verbosityLevel := volumeListCommand.Int("v", 5, "verbose mode: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5")
c.collectionPattern = volumeListCommand.String("collectionPattern", "", "match with wildcard characters '*' and '?'")
c.readonly = volumeListCommand.Bool("readonly", false, "show only readonly volumes")
c.writable = volumeListCommand.Bool("writable", false, "show only writable volumes")
c.volumeId = volumeListCommand.Uint64("volumeId", 0, "show only volume id")
c.dataCenter = volumeListCommand.String("dataCenter", "", "show volumes only from the specified data center")
c.rack = volumeListCommand.String("rack", "", "show volumes only from the specified rack")
c.dataNode = volumeListCommand.String("dataNode", "", "show volumes only from the specified data node")
if err = volumeListCommand.Parse(args); err != nil {
return nil
// collect topology information
var topologyInfo *master_pb.TopologyInfo
topologyInfo, c.volumeSizeLimitMb, err = collectTopologyInfo(commandEnv, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
c.writeTopologyInfo(writer, topologyInfo, c.volumeSizeLimitMb, *verbosityLevel)
return nil
func diskInfosToString(diskInfos map[string]*master_pb.DiskInfo) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
for diskType, diskInfo := range diskInfos {
if diskType == "" {
diskType = types.HddType
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s(volume:%d/%d active:%d free:%d remote:%d)", diskType, diskInfo.VolumeCount, diskInfo.MaxVolumeCount, diskInfo.ActiveVolumeCount, diskInfo.FreeVolumeCount, diskInfo.RemoteVolumeCount)
return buf.String()
func diskInfoToString(diskInfo *master_pb.DiskInfo) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "volume:%d/%d active:%d free:%d remote:%d", diskInfo.VolumeCount, diskInfo.MaxVolumeCount, diskInfo.ActiveVolumeCount, diskInfo.FreeVolumeCount, diskInfo.RemoteVolumeCount)
return buf.String()
func (c *commandVolumeList) writeTopologyInfo(writer io.Writer, t *master_pb.TopologyInfo, volumeSizeLimitMb uint64, verbosityLevel int) statistics {
output(verbosityLevel >= 0, writer, "Topology volumeSizeLimit:%d MB%s\n", volumeSizeLimitMb, diskInfosToString(t.DiskInfos))
slices.SortFunc(t.DataCenterInfos, func(a, b *master_pb.DataCenterInfo) int {
return strings.Compare(a.Id, b.Id)
var s statistics
for _, dc := range t.DataCenterInfos {
if *c.dataCenter != "" && *c.dataCenter != dc.Id {
s = s.plus(c.writeDataCenterInfo(writer, dc, verbosityLevel))
output(verbosityLevel >= 0, writer, "%+v \n", s)
return s
func (c *commandVolumeList) writeDataCenterInfo(writer io.Writer, t *master_pb.DataCenterInfo, verbosityLevel int) statistics {
var s statistics
slices.SortFunc(t.RackInfos, func(a, b *master_pb.RackInfo) int {
return strings.Compare(a.Id, b.Id)
dataCenterInfoFound := false
for _, r := range t.RackInfos {
if *c.rack != "" && *c.rack != r.Id {
s = s.plus(c.writeRackInfo(writer, r, verbosityLevel, func() {
output(verbosityLevel >= 1, writer, " DataCenter %s%s\n", t.Id, diskInfosToString(t.DiskInfos))
if !dataCenterInfoFound && !s.isEmpty() {
dataCenterInfoFound = true
output(dataCenterInfoFound && verbosityLevel >= 1, writer, " DataCenter %s %+v \n", t.Id, s)
return s
func (c *commandVolumeList) writeRackInfo(writer io.Writer, t *master_pb.RackInfo, verbosityLevel int, outCenterInfo func()) statistics {
var s statistics
slices.SortFunc(t.DataNodeInfos, func(a, b *master_pb.DataNodeInfo) int {
return strings.Compare(a.Id, b.Id)
rackInfoFound := false
for _, dn := range t.DataNodeInfos {
if *c.dataNode != "" && *c.dataNode != dn.Id {
s = s.plus(c.writeDataNodeInfo(writer, dn, verbosityLevel, func() {
output(verbosityLevel >= 2, writer, " Rack %s%s\n", t.Id, diskInfosToString(t.DiskInfos))
if !rackInfoFound && !s.isEmpty() {
rackInfoFound = true
output(rackInfoFound && verbosityLevel >= 2, writer, " Rack %s %+v \n", t.Id, s)
return s
func (c *commandVolumeList) writeDataNodeInfo(writer io.Writer, t *master_pb.DataNodeInfo, verbosityLevel int, outRackInfo func()) statistics {
var s statistics
diskInfoFound := false
for _, diskInfo := range t.DiskInfos {
s = s.plus(c.writeDiskInfo(writer, diskInfo, verbosityLevel, func() {
output(verbosityLevel >= 3, writer, " DataNode %s%s\n", t.Id, diskInfosToString(t.DiskInfos))
if !diskInfoFound && !s.isEmpty() {
diskInfoFound = true
output(diskInfoFound && verbosityLevel >= 3, writer, " DataNode %s %+v \n", t.Id, s)
return s
func (c *commandVolumeList) isNotMatchDiskInfo(readOnly bool, collection string, volumeId uint32, volumeSize int64) bool {
if *c.readonly && !readOnly {
return true
if *c.writable && (readOnly || volumeSize == -1 || c.volumeSizeLimitMb >= uint64(volumeSize)) {
return true
if *c.collectionPattern != "" {
if matched, _ := filepath.Match(*c.collectionPattern, collection); !matched {
return true
if *c.volumeId > 0 && *c.volumeId != uint64(volumeId) {
return true
return false
func (c *commandVolumeList) writeDiskInfo(writer io.Writer, t *master_pb.DiskInfo, verbosityLevel int, outNodeInfo func()) statistics {
var s statistics
diskType := t.Type
if diskType == "" {
diskType = types.HddType
slices.SortFunc(t.VolumeInfos, func(a, b *master_pb.VolumeInformationMessage) int {
return int(a.Id - b.Id)
volumeInfosFound := false
for _, vi := range t.VolumeInfos {
if c.isNotMatchDiskInfo(vi.ReadOnly, vi.Collection, vi.Id, int64(vi.Size)) {
if !volumeInfosFound {
output(verbosityLevel >= 4, writer, " Disk %s(%s)\n", diskType, diskInfoToString(t))
volumeInfosFound = true
s = s.plus(writeVolumeInformationMessage(writer, vi, verbosityLevel))
ecShardInfoFound := false
for _, ecShardInfo := range t.EcShardInfos {
if c.isNotMatchDiskInfo(false, ecShardInfo.Collection, ecShardInfo.Id, -1) {
if !volumeInfosFound && !ecShardInfoFound {
output(verbosityLevel >= 4, writer, " Disk %s(%s)\n", diskType, diskInfoToString(t))
ecShardInfoFound = true
var expireAtString string
destroyTime := ecShardInfo.ExpireAtSec
if destroyTime > 0 {
expireAtString = fmt.Sprintf("expireAt:%s", time.Unix(int64(destroyTime), 0).Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
output(verbosityLevel >= 5, writer, " ec volume id:%v collection:%v shards:%v %s\n", ecShardInfo.Id, ecShardInfo.Collection, erasure_coding.ShardBits(ecShardInfo.EcIndexBits).ShardIds(), expireAtString)
output((volumeInfosFound || ecShardInfoFound) && verbosityLevel >= 4, writer, " Disk %s %+v \n", diskType, s)
return s
func writeVolumeInformationMessage(writer io.Writer, t *master_pb.VolumeInformationMessage, verbosityLevel int) statistics {
output(verbosityLevel >= 5, writer, " volume %+v \n", t)
return newStatistics(t)
func output(condition bool, w io.Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) {
if condition {
fmt.Fprintf(w, format, a...)
type statistics struct {
Size uint64
FileCount uint64
DeletedFileCount uint64
DeletedBytes uint64
func newStatistics(t *master_pb.VolumeInformationMessage) statistics {
return statistics{
Size: t.Size,
FileCount: t.FileCount,
DeletedFileCount: t.DeleteCount,
DeletedBytes: t.DeletedByteCount,
func (s statistics) plus(t statistics) statistics {
return statistics{
Size: s.Size + t.Size,
FileCount: s.FileCount + t.FileCount,
DeletedFileCount: s.DeletedFileCount + t.DeletedFileCount,
DeletedBytes: s.DeletedBytes + t.DeletedBytes,
func (s statistics) isEmpty() bool {
return s.Size == 0 && s.FileCount == 0 && s.DeletedFileCount == 0 && s.DeletedBytes == 0
func (s statistics) String() string {
if s.DeletedFileCount > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("total size:%d file_count:%d deleted_file:%d deleted_bytes:%d", s.Size, s.FileCount, s.DeletedFileCount, s.DeletedBytes)
return fmt.Sprintf("total size:%d file_count:%d", s.Size, s.FileCount)