You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
127 lines
3.2 KiB
127 lines
3.2 KiB
syntax = "proto3";
package messaging_pb;
import "mq_schema.proto";
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "seaweedfs.mq_agent";
option java_outer_classname = "MessageQueueAgentProto";
service SeaweedMessagingAgent {
// Publishing
rpc StartPublishSession (StartPublishSessionRequest) returns (StartPublishSessionResponse) {
rpc ClosePublishSession (ClosePublishSessionRequest) returns (ClosePublishSessionResponse) {
rpc PublishRecord (stream PublishRecordRequest) returns (stream PublishRecordResponse) {
// Subscribing
rpc StartSubscribeSession (StartSubscribeSessionRequest) returns (StartSubscribeSessionResponse) {
rpc CloseSubscribeSession (CloseSubscribeSessionRequest) returns (CloseSubscribeSessionResponse) {
rpc SubscribeRecord (stream SubscribeRecordRequest) returns (stream SubscribeRecordResponse) {
message Topic {
string namespace = 1;
string name = 2;
message Partition {
int32 ring_size = 1;
int32 range_start = 2;
int32 range_stop = 3;
int64 unix_time_ns = 4;
message Offset {
Topic topic = 1;
repeated PartitionOffset partition_offsets = 2;
enum PartitionOffsetStartType {
message PartitionOffset {
Partition partition = 1;
int64 start_ts_ns = 2;
int64 stop_ts_ns = 3;
PartitionOffsetStartType start_type = 4;
message StartPublishSessionRequest {
Topic topic = 1;
int32 partition_count = 2;
schema_pb.RecordType record_type = 3;
string publisher_name = 4;
message StartPublishSessionResponse {
string error = 1;
int64 session_id = 2;
message ClosePublishSessionRequest {
int64 session_id = 1;
message ClosePublishSessionResponse {
string error = 1;
message PublishRecordRequest {
int64 session_id = 1; // session_id is required for the first record
bytes key = 2;
schema_pb.RecordValue value = 3;
message PublishRecordResponse {
int64 ack_sequence = 1;
string error = 2;
message StartSubscribeSessionRequest {
string consumer_group = 1;
string consumer_id = 2;
string client_id = 3;
Topic topic = 4;
PartitionOffset partition_offset = 5;
string filter = 6;
int32 concurrency = 8;
message StartSubscribeSessionResponse {
string error = 1;
int64 session_id = 2;
message CloseSubscribeSessionRequest {
int64 session_id = 1;
message CloseSubscribeSessionResponse {
string error = 1;
message SubscribeRecordRequest {
int64 session_id = 1; // session_id is required for the first record
int64 ack_sequence = 2;
bytes ack_key = 3;
message SubscribeRecordResponse {
int64 sequence = 1;
bytes key = 2;
schema_pb.RecordValue value = 3;
int64 ts_ns = 4;
string error = 5;
bool is_end_of_stream = 6;
bool is_end_of_topic = 7;