139 lines
4.6 KiB
139 lines
4.6 KiB
package command
import (
func init() {
cmdMaster.Run = runMaster // break init cycle
var cmdMaster = &Command{
UsageLine: "master -port=9333",
Short: "start a master server",
Long: `start a master server to provide volume=>location mapping service
and sequence number of file ids
var (
mport = cmdMaster.Flag.Int("port", 9333, "http listen port")
masterIp = cmdMaster.Flag.String("ip", "localhost", "master <ip>|<server> address")
masterBindIp = cmdMaster.Flag.String("ip.bind", "", "ip address to bind to")
metaFolder = cmdMaster.Flag.String("mdir", os.TempDir(), "data directory to store meta data")
masterPeers = cmdMaster.Flag.String("peers", "", "all master nodes in comma separated ip:port list, example:,")
volumeSizeLimitMB = cmdMaster.Flag.Uint("volumeSizeLimitMB", 30*1000, "Master stops directing writes to oversized volumes.")
volumePreallocate = cmdMaster.Flag.Bool("volumePreallocate", false, "Preallocate disk space for volumes.")
mpulse = cmdMaster.Flag.Int("pulseSeconds", 5, "number of seconds between heartbeats")
defaultReplicaPlacement = cmdMaster.Flag.String("defaultReplication", "000", "Default replication type if not specified.")
// mTimeout = cmdMaster.Flag.Int("idleTimeout", 30, "connection idle seconds")
mMaxCpu = cmdMaster.Flag.Int("maxCpu", 0, "maximum number of CPUs. 0 means all available CPUs")
garbageThreshold = cmdMaster.Flag.Float64("garbageThreshold", 0.3, "threshold to vacuum and reclaim spaces")
masterWhiteListOption = cmdMaster.Flag.String("whiteList", "", "comma separated Ip addresses having write permission. No limit if empty.")
masterSecureKey = cmdMaster.Flag.String("secure.secret", "", "secret to encrypt Json Web Token(JWT)")
masterCpuProfile = cmdMaster.Flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "cpu profile output file")
masterMemProfile = cmdMaster.Flag.String("memprofile", "", "memory profile output file")
masterWhiteList []string
func runMaster(cmd *Command, args []string) bool {
if *mMaxCpu < 1 {
*mMaxCpu = runtime.NumCPU()
util.SetupProfiling(*masterCpuProfile, *masterMemProfile)
if err := util.TestFolderWritable(*metaFolder); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Check Meta Folder (-mdir) Writable %s : %s", *metaFolder, err)
if *masterWhiteListOption != "" {
masterWhiteList = strings.Split(*masterWhiteListOption, ",")
if *volumeSizeLimitMB > 30*1000 {
glog.Fatalf("volumeSizeLimitMB should be smaller than 30000")
r := mux.NewRouter()
ms := weed_server.NewMasterServer(r, *mport, *metaFolder,
*volumeSizeLimitMB, *volumePreallocate,
*mpulse, *defaultReplicaPlacement, *garbageThreshold,
masterWhiteList, *masterSecureKey,
listeningAddress := *masterBindIp + ":" + strconv.Itoa(*mport)
glog.V(0).Infoln("Start Seaweed Master", util.VERSION, "at", listeningAddress)
listener, e := util.NewListener(listeningAddress, 0)
if e != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Master startup error: %v", e)
go func() {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
myMasterAddress, peers := checkPeers(*masterIp, *mport, *masterPeers)
raftServer := weed_server.NewRaftServer(r, peers, myMasterAddress, *metaFolder, ms.Topo, *mpulse)
// start grpc and http server
m := cmux.New(listener)
grpcL := m.Match(cmux.HTTP2HeaderField("content-type", "application/grpc"))
httpL := m.Match(cmux.Any())
// Create your protocol servers.
grpcS := util.NewGrpcServer()
master_pb.RegisterSeaweedServer(grpcS, ms)
httpS := &http.Server{Handler: r}
go grpcS.Serve(grpcL)
go httpS.Serve(httpL)
if err := m.Serve(); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("master server failed to serve: %v", err)
return true
func checkPeers(masterIp string, masterPort int, peers string) (masterAddress string, cleanedPeers []string) {
masterAddress = masterIp + ":" + strconv.Itoa(masterPort)
if peers != "" {
cleanedPeers = strings.Split(peers, ",")
hasSelf := false
for _, peer := range cleanedPeers {
if peer == masterAddress {
hasSelf = true
peerCount := len(cleanedPeers)
if !hasSelf {
peerCount += 1
if peerCount%2 == 0 {
glog.Fatalf("Only odd number of masters are supported!")