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# A sample TOML config file for SeaweedFS filer store
# Used with "weed filer" or "weed server -filer"
# Put this file to one of the location, with descending priority
# ./filer.toml
# $HOME/.seaweedfs/filer.toml
# /etc/seaweedfs/filer.toml
# Customizable filer server options
# with http DELETE, by default the filer would check whether a folder is empty.
# recursive_delete will delete all sub folders and files, similar to "rm -Rf"
recursive_delete = false
#max_file_name_length = 255
# The following are filer store options
# local on disk, mostly for simple single-machine setup, fairly scalable
# faster than previous leveldb, recommended.
enabled = true
dir = "./filerldb2" # directory to store level db files
# similar to leveldb2.
# each bucket has its own meta store.
enabled = false
dir = "./filerldb3" # directory to store level db files
# local on disk, similar to leveldb
# since it is using a C wrapper, you need to install rocksdb and build it by yourself
enabled = false
dir = "./filerrdb" # directory to store rocksdb files
# local on disk, similar to leveldb
enabled = false
dbFile = "./filer.db" # sqlite db file
[mysql] # or memsql, tidb
# `dirhash` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'first 64 bits of MD5 hash value of directory field',
# `name` VARCHAR(766) NOT NULL COMMENT 'directory or file name',
# `directory` TEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'full path to parent directory',
# `meta` LONGBLOB,
# PRIMARY KEY (`dirhash`, `name`)
# ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;
enabled = false
# dsn will take priority over "hostname, port, username, password, database".
# [username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]/dbname[?param1=value1&...¶mN=valueN]
dsn = "root@tcp(localhost:3306)/seaweedfs?collation=utf8mb4_bin"
hostname = "localhost"
port = 3306
username = "root"
password = ""
database = "" # create or use an existing database
connection_max_idle = 2
connection_max_open = 100
connection_max_lifetime_seconds = 0
interpolateParams = false
# if insert/upsert failing, you can disable upsert or update query syntax to match your RDBMS syntax:
enableUpsert = true
upsertQuery = """INSERT INTO `%s` (`dirhash`,`name`,`directory`,`meta`) VALUES (?,?,?,?) AS `new` ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `meta` = `new`.`meta`"""
[mysql2] # or memsql, tidb
enabled = false
createTable = """
`dirhash` BIGINT NOT NULL,
`name` VARCHAR(766) NOT NULL,
`directory` TEXT NOT NULL,
`meta` LONGBLOB,
PRIMARY KEY (`dirhash`, `name`)
) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;
hostname = "localhost"
port = 3306
username = "root"
password = ""
database = "" # create or use an existing database
connection_max_idle = 2
connection_max_open = 100
connection_max_lifetime_seconds = 0
interpolateParams = false
# if insert/upsert failing, you can disable upsert or update query syntax to match your RDBMS syntax:
enableUpsert = true
upsertQuery = """INSERT INTO `%s` (`dirhash`,`name`,`directory`,`meta`) VALUES (?,?,?,?) AS `new` ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `meta` = `new`.`meta`"""
[postgres] # or cockroachdb, YugabyteDB
# dirhash BIGINT,
# name VARCHAR(65535),
# directory VARCHAR(65535),
# meta bytea,
# PRIMARY KEY (dirhash, name)
# );
enabled = false
hostname = "localhost"
port = 5432
username = "postgres"
password = ""
database = "postgres" # create or use an existing database
schema = ""
sslmode = "disable"
connection_max_idle = 100
connection_max_open = 100
connection_max_lifetime_seconds = 0
# if insert/upsert failing, you can disable upsert or update query syntax to match your RDBMS syntax:
enableUpsert = true
upsertQuery = """UPSERT INTO "%[1]s" (dirhash,name,directory,meta) VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4)"""
enabled = false
createTable = """
dirhash BIGINT,
name VARCHAR(65535),
directory VARCHAR(65535),
meta bytea,
PRIMARY KEY (dirhash, name)
hostname = "localhost"
port = 5432
username = "postgres"
password = ""
database = "postgres" # create or use an existing database
schema = ""
sslmode = "disable"
connection_max_idle = 100
connection_max_open = 100
connection_max_lifetime_seconds = 0
# if insert/upsert failing, you can disable upsert or update query syntax to match your RDBMS syntax:
enableUpsert = true
upsertQuery = """UPSERT INTO "%[1]s" (dirhash,name,directory,meta) VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4)"""
# CREATE TABLE filemeta (
# dirhash bigint,
# directory varchar,
# name varchar,
# meta blob,
# PRIMARY KEY ((dirhash, directory), name)
enabled = false
keyspace = "seaweedfs"
hosts = [
username = ""
password = ""
# This changes the data layout. Only add new directories. Removing/Updating will cause data loss.
superLargeDirectories = []
# Name of the datacenter local to this filer, used as host selection fallback.
localDC = ""
# Gocql connection timeout, default: 600ms
connection_timeout_millisecond = 600
enabled = false
zkquorum = ""
table = "seaweedfs"
enabled = false
address = "localhost:6379"
password = ""
database = 0
# This changes the data layout. Only add new directories. Removing/Updating will cause data loss.
superLargeDirectories = []
enabled = false
addresses = ["","",""]
masterName = "master"
username = ""
password = ""
database = 0
enabled = false
addresses = [
password = ""
# allows reads from slave servers or the master, but all writes still go to the master
readOnly = false
# automatically use the closest Redis server for reads
routeByLatency = false
# This changes the data layout. Only add new directories. Removing/Updating will cause data loss.
superLargeDirectories = []
enabled = false
servers = "localhost:2379"
username = ""
password = ""
key_prefix = "seaweedfs."
timeout = "3s"
# Set the CA certificate path
# Set the client certificate path
# Set the client private key path
enabled = false
uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017"
username = ""
password = ""
ssl = false
ssl_ca_file = ""
ssl_cert_file = ""
ssl_key_file = ""
insecure_skip_verify = false
option_pool_size = 0
database = "seaweedfs"
enabled = false
servers = [
username = ""
password = ""
sniff_enabled = false
healthcheck_enabled = false
# increase the value is recommend, be sure the value in Elastic is greater or equal here
index.max_result_window = 10000
[arangodb] # in development dont use it
enabled = false
db_name = "seaweedfs"
servers=["http://localhost:8529"] # list of servers to connect to
# only basic auth supported for now
# skip tls cert validation
insecure_skip_verify = true
[ydb] #
enabled = false
dsn = "grpc://localhost:2136?database=/local"
prefix = "seaweedfs"
useBucketPrefix = true # Fast Bucket Deletion
poolSizeLimit = 50
dialTimeOut = 10
# Authenticate produced with one of next environment variables:
# YDB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE_CREDENTIALS=<path/to/sa_key_file> — used service account key file by path
# YDB_ANONYMOUS_CREDENTIALS="1" — used for authenticate with anonymous access. Anonymous access needs for connect to testing YDB installation
# YDB_METADATA_CREDENTIALS="1" — used metadata service for authenticate to YDB from yandex cloud virtual machine or from yandex function
# YDB_ACCESS_TOKEN_CREDENTIALS=<access_token> — used for authenticate to YDB with short-life access token. For example, access token may be IAM token
# To add path-specific filer store:
# 1. Add a name following the store type separated by a dot ".". E.g., cassandra2.tmp
# 2. Add a location configuration. E.g., location = "/tmp/"
# 3. Copy and customize all other configurations.
# Make sure they are not the same if using the same store type!
# 4. Set enabled to true
# The following is just using redis as an example
enabled = false
location = "/tmp/"
address = "localhost:6379"
password = ""
database = 1
enabled = false
# If you have many pd address, use ',' split then:
# pdaddrs = "pdhost1:2379, pdhost2:2379, pdhost3:2379"
pdaddrs = "localhost:2379"
# Concurrency for TiKV delete range
deleterange_concurrency = 1
# Enable 1PC
enable_1pc = false
# Set the CA certificate path
# Set the certificate path
# Set the private key path
# The name list used to verify the cn name