515 lines
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515 lines
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package s3api
import (
type OptionalString struct {
set bool
func (o OptionalString) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, startElement xml.StartElement) error {
if !o.set {
return nil
return e.EncodeElement(o.string, startElement)
type ListBucketResultV2 struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/ ListBucketResult"`
Name string `xml:"Name"`
Prefix string `xml:"Prefix"`
MaxKeys uint16 `xml:"MaxKeys"`
Delimiter string `xml:"Delimiter,omitempty"`
IsTruncated bool `xml:"IsTruncated"`
Contents []ListEntry `xml:"Contents,omitempty"`
CommonPrefixes []PrefixEntry `xml:"CommonPrefixes,omitempty"`
ContinuationToken OptionalString `xml:"ContinuationToken,omitempty"`
NextContinuationToken string `xml:"NextContinuationToken,omitempty"`
EncodingType string `xml:"EncodingType,omitempty"`
KeyCount int `xml:"KeyCount"`
StartAfter string `xml:"StartAfter,omitempty"`
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) ListObjectsV2Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/v2-RESTBucketGET.html
// collect parameters
bucket, _ := s3_constants.GetBucketAndObject(r)
glog.V(3).Infof("ListObjectsV2Handler %s", bucket)
originalPrefix, startAfter, delimiter, continuationToken, encodingTypeUrl, fetchOwner, maxKeys := getListObjectsV2Args(r.URL.Query())
if maxKeys < 0 {
s3err.WriteErrorResponse(w, r, s3err.ErrInvalidMaxKeys)
marker := continuationToken.string
if !continuationToken.set {
marker = startAfter
response, err := s3a.listFilerEntries(bucket, originalPrefix, maxKeys, marker, delimiter, encodingTypeUrl, fetchOwner)
if err != nil {
s3err.WriteErrorResponse(w, r, s3err.ErrInternalError)
if len(response.Contents) == 0 {
if exists, existErr := s3a.exists(s3a.option.BucketsPath, bucket, true); existErr == nil && !exists {
s3err.WriteErrorResponse(w, r, s3err.ErrNoSuchBucket)
responseV2 := &ListBucketResultV2{
Name: response.Name,
CommonPrefixes: response.CommonPrefixes,
Contents: response.Contents,
ContinuationToken: continuationToken,
Delimiter: response.Delimiter,
IsTruncated: response.IsTruncated,
KeyCount: len(response.Contents) + len(response.CommonPrefixes),
MaxKeys: uint16(response.MaxKeys),
NextContinuationToken: response.NextMarker,
Prefix: response.Prefix,
StartAfter: startAfter,
if encodingTypeUrl {
responseV2.EncodingType = s3.EncodingTypeUrl
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, r, responseV2)
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) ListObjectsV1Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_ListObjects.html
// collect parameters
bucket, _ := s3_constants.GetBucketAndObject(r)
glog.V(3).Infof("ListObjectsV1Handler %s", bucket)
originalPrefix, marker, delimiter, encodingTypeUrl, maxKeys := getListObjectsV1Args(r.URL.Query())
if maxKeys < 0 {
s3err.WriteErrorResponse(w, r, s3err.ErrInvalidMaxKeys)
response, err := s3a.listFilerEntries(bucket, originalPrefix, uint16(maxKeys), marker, delimiter, encodingTypeUrl, true)
if err != nil {
s3err.WriteErrorResponse(w, r, s3err.ErrInternalError)
if len(response.Contents) == 0 {
if exists, existErr := s3a.exists(s3a.option.BucketsPath, bucket, true); existErr == nil && !exists {
s3err.WriteErrorResponse(w, r, s3err.ErrNoSuchBucket)
writeSuccessResponseXML(w, r, response)
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) listFilerEntries(bucket string, originalPrefix string, maxKeys uint16, originalMarker string, delimiter string, encodingTypeUrl bool, fetchOwner bool) (response ListBucketResult, err error) {
// convert full path prefix into directory name and prefix for entry name
requestDir, prefix, marker := normalizePrefixMarker(originalPrefix, originalMarker)
bucketPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/", s3a.option.BucketsPath, bucket)
reqDir := bucketPrefix[:len(bucketPrefix)-1]
if requestDir != "" {
reqDir = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", bucketPrefix, requestDir)
var contents []ListEntry
var commonPrefixes []PrefixEntry
var doErr error
var nextMarker string
cursor := &ListingCursor{
maxKeys: maxKeys,
prefixEndsOnDelimiter: strings.HasSuffix(originalPrefix, "/") && len(originalMarker) == 0,
// check filer
err = s3a.WithFilerClient(false, func(client filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient) error {
for {
empty := true
nextMarker, doErr = s3a.doListFilerEntries(client, reqDir, prefix, cursor, marker, delimiter, false, func(dir string, entry *filer_pb.Entry) {
empty = false
dirName, entryName, prefixName := entryUrlEncode(dir, entry.Name, encodingTypeUrl)
if entry.IsDirectory {
if entry.IsDirectoryKeyObject() {
contents = append(contents, newListEntry(entry, "", dirName, entryName, bucketPrefix, fetchOwner, true, false))
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_ListObjectsV2.html
} else if delimiter == "/" { // A response can contain CommonPrefixes only if you specify a delimiter.
commonPrefixes = append(commonPrefixes, PrefixEntry{
Prefix: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/", dirName, prefixName)[len(bucketPrefix):],
//All of the keys (up to 1,000) rolled up into a common prefix count as a single return when calculating the number of returns.
} else {
var delimiterFound bool
if delimiter != "" {
// keys that contain the same string between the prefix and the first occurrence of the delimiter are grouped together as a commonPrefix.
// extract the string between the prefix and the delimiter and add it to the commonPrefixes if it's unique.
undelimitedPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", dir, entry.Name)[len(bucketPrefix):]
// take into account a prefix if supplied while delimiting.
undelimitedPath = strings.TrimPrefix(undelimitedPath, originalPrefix)
delimitedPath := strings.SplitN(undelimitedPath, delimiter, 2)
if len(delimitedPath) == 2 {
// S3 clients expect the delimited prefix to contain the delimiter and prefix.
delimitedPrefix := originalPrefix + delimitedPath[0] + delimiter
for i := range commonPrefixes {
if commonPrefixes[i].Prefix == delimitedPrefix {
delimiterFound = true
if !delimiterFound {
commonPrefixes = append(commonPrefixes, PrefixEntry{
Prefix: delimitedPrefix,
delimiterFound = true
if !delimiterFound {
contents = append(contents, newListEntry(entry, "", dirName, entryName, bucketPrefix, fetchOwner, false, false))
if doErr != nil {
return doErr
if cursor.isTruncated {
if requestDir != "" {
nextMarker = requestDir + "/" + nextMarker
} else if empty || strings.HasSuffix(originalPrefix, "/") {
nextMarker = ""
} else {
// start next loop
marker = nextMarker
response = ListBucketResult{
Name: bucket,
Prefix: originalPrefix,
Marker: originalMarker,
NextMarker: nextMarker,
MaxKeys: int(maxKeys),
Delimiter: delimiter,
IsTruncated: cursor.isTruncated,
Contents: contents,
CommonPrefixes: commonPrefixes,
if encodingTypeUrl {
// Todo used for pass test_bucket_listv2_encoding_basic
// sort.Slice(response.CommonPrefixes, func(i, j int) bool { return response.CommonPrefixes[i].Prefix < response.CommonPrefixes[j].Prefix })
response.EncodingType = s3.EncodingTypeUrl
return nil
type ListingCursor struct {
maxKeys uint16
isTruncated bool
prefixEndsOnDelimiter bool
// the prefix and marker may be in different directories
// normalizePrefixMarker ensures the prefix and marker both starts from the same directory
func normalizePrefixMarker(prefix, marker string) (alignedDir, alignedPrefix, alignedMarker string) {
// alignedDir should not end with "/"
// alignedDir, alignedPrefix, alignedMarker should only have "/" in middle
if len(marker) == 0 {
prefix = strings.Trim(prefix, "/")
} else {
prefix = strings.TrimLeft(prefix, "/")
marker = strings.TrimLeft(marker, "/")
if prefix == "" {
return "", "", marker
if marker == "" {
alignedDir, alignedPrefix = toDirAndName(prefix)
if !strings.HasPrefix(marker, prefix) {
// something wrong
return "", prefix, marker
if strings.HasPrefix(marker, prefix+"/") {
alignedDir = prefix
alignedPrefix = ""
alignedMarker = marker[len(alignedDir)+1:]
alignedDir, alignedPrefix = toDirAndName(prefix)
if alignedDir != "" {
alignedMarker = marker[len(alignedDir)+1:]
} else {
alignedMarker = marker
func toDirAndName(dirAndName string) (dir, name string) {
sepIndex := strings.LastIndex(dirAndName, "/")
if sepIndex >= 0 {
dir, name = dirAndName[0:sepIndex], dirAndName[sepIndex+1:]
} else {
name = dirAndName
func toParentAndDescendants(dirAndName string) (dir, name string) {
sepIndex := strings.Index(dirAndName, "/")
if sepIndex >= 0 {
dir, name = dirAndName[0:sepIndex], dirAndName[sepIndex+1:]
} else {
name = dirAndName
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) doListFilerEntries(client filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient, dir, prefix string, cursor *ListingCursor, marker, delimiter string, inclusiveStartFrom bool, eachEntryFn func(dir string, entry *filer_pb.Entry)) (nextMarker string, err error) {
// invariants
// prefix and marker should be under dir, marker may contain "/"
// maxKeys should be updated for each recursion
// glog.V(4).Infof("doListFilerEntries dir: %s, prefix: %s, marker %s, maxKeys: %d, prefixEndsOnDelimiter: %+v", dir, prefix, marker, cursor.maxKeys, cursor.prefixEndsOnDelimiter)
if prefix == "/" && delimiter == "/" {
if cursor.maxKeys <= 0 {
if strings.Contains(marker, "/") {
subDir, subMarker := toParentAndDescendants(marker)
// println("doListFilerEntries dir", dir+"/"+subDir, "subMarker", subMarker)
subNextMarker, subErr := s3a.doListFilerEntries(client, dir+"/"+subDir, "", cursor, subMarker, delimiter, false, eachEntryFn)
if subErr != nil {
err = subErr
nextMarker = subDir + "/" + subNextMarker
// finished processing this subdirectory
marker = subDir
if cursor.isTruncated {
// now marker is also a direct child of dir
request := &filer_pb.ListEntriesRequest{
Directory: dir,
Prefix: prefix,
Limit: uint32(cursor.maxKeys + 2), // bucket root directory needs to skip additional s3_constants.MultipartUploadsFolder folder
StartFromFileName: marker,
InclusiveStartFrom: inclusiveStartFrom,
if cursor.prefixEndsOnDelimiter {
request.Limit = uint32(1)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
stream, listErr := client.ListEntries(ctx, request)
if listErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("list entires %+v: %v", request, listErr)
for {
resp, recvErr := stream.Recv()
if recvErr != nil {
if recvErr == io.EOF {
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("iterating entires %+v: %v", request, recvErr)
if cursor.maxKeys <= 0 {
cursor.isTruncated = true
entry := resp.Entry
nextMarker = entry.Name
if cursor.prefixEndsOnDelimiter {
if entry.Name == prefix && entry.IsDirectory {
if delimiter != "/" {
cursor.prefixEndsOnDelimiter = false
} else {
if entry.IsDirectory {
// glog.V(4).Infof("List Dir Entries %s, file: %s, maxKeys %d", dir, entry.Name, cursor.maxKeys)
if entry.Name == s3_constants.MultipartUploadsFolder { // FIXME no need to apply to all directories. this extra also affects maxKeys
if delimiter != "/" || cursor.prefixEndsOnDelimiter {
if cursor.prefixEndsOnDelimiter {
cursor.prefixEndsOnDelimiter = false
if entry.IsDirectoryKeyObject() {
eachEntryFn(dir, entry)
} else {
eachEntryFn(dir, entry)
subNextMarker, subErr := s3a.doListFilerEntries(client, dir+"/"+entry.Name, "", cursor, "", delimiter, false, eachEntryFn)
if subErr != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("doListFilerEntries2: %v", subErr)
// println("doListFilerEntries2 dir", dir+"/"+entry.Name, "subNextMarker", subNextMarker)
nextMarker = entry.Name + "/" + subNextMarker
if cursor.isTruncated {
// println("doListFilerEntries2 nextMarker", nextMarker)
} else {
var isEmpty bool
if !s3a.option.AllowEmptyFolder && entry.IsOlderDir() {
//if isEmpty, err = s3a.ensureDirectoryAllEmpty(client, dir, entry.Name); err != nil {
// glog.Errorf("check empty folder %s: %v", dir, err)
if !isEmpty {
eachEntryFn(dir, entry)
} else {
eachEntryFn(dir, entry)
// glog.V(4).Infof("List File Entries %s, file: %s, maxKeys %d", dir, entry.Name, cursor.maxKeys)
if cursor.prefixEndsOnDelimiter {
cursor.prefixEndsOnDelimiter = false
func getListObjectsV2Args(values url.Values) (prefix, startAfter, delimiter string, token OptionalString, encodingTypeUrl bool, fetchOwner bool, maxkeys uint16) {
prefix = values.Get("prefix")
token = OptionalString{set: values.Has("continuation-token"), string: values.Get("continuation-token")}
startAfter = values.Get("start-after")
delimiter = values.Get("delimiter")
encodingTypeUrl = values.Get("encoding-type") == s3.EncodingTypeUrl
if values.Get("max-keys") != "" {
if maxKeys, err := strconv.ParseUint(values.Get("max-keys"), 10, 16); err == nil {
maxkeys = uint16(maxKeys)
} else {
maxkeys = maxObjectListSizeLimit
fetchOwner = values.Get("fetch-owner") == "true"
func getListObjectsV1Args(values url.Values) (prefix, marker, delimiter string, encodingTypeUrl bool, maxkeys int16) {
prefix = values.Get("prefix")
marker = values.Get("marker")
delimiter = values.Get("delimiter")
encodingTypeUrl = values.Get("encoding-type") == "url"
if values.Get("max-keys") != "" {
if maxKeys, err := strconv.ParseInt(values.Get("max-keys"), 10, 16); err == nil {
maxkeys = int16(maxKeys)
} else {
maxkeys = maxObjectListSizeLimit
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) ensureDirectoryAllEmpty(filerClient filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient, parentDir, name string) (isEmpty bool, err error) {
// println("+ ensureDirectoryAllEmpty", dir, name)
glog.V(4).Infof("+ isEmpty %s/%s", parentDir, name)
defer glog.V(4).Infof("- isEmpty %s/%s %v", parentDir, name, isEmpty)
var fileCounter int
var subDirs []string
currentDir := parentDir + "/" + name
var startFrom string
var isExhausted bool
var foundEntry bool
for fileCounter == 0 && !isExhausted && err == nil {
err = filer_pb.SeaweedList(filerClient, currentDir, "", func(entry *filer_pb.Entry, isLast bool) error {
foundEntry = true
if entry.IsOlderDir() {
subDirs = append(subDirs, entry.Name)
} else {
startFrom = entry.Name
isExhausted = isExhausted || isLast
glog.V(4).Infof(" * %s/%s isLast: %t", currentDir, startFrom, isLast)
return nil
}, startFrom, false, 8)
if !foundEntry {
if err != nil {
return false, err
if fileCounter > 0 {
return false, nil
for _, subDir := range subDirs {
isSubEmpty, subErr := s3a.ensureDirectoryAllEmpty(filerClient, currentDir, subDir)
if subErr != nil {
return false, subErr
if !isSubEmpty {
return false, nil
glog.V(1).Infof("deleting empty folder %s", currentDir)
if err = doDeleteEntry(filerClient, parentDir, name, true, false); err != nil {
return true, nil