233 lines
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233 lines
8.9 KiB
package command
import (
stats_collect "github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/stats"
var (
m MasterOptions
type MasterOptions struct {
port *int
portGrpc *int
ip *string
ipBind *string
metaFolder *string
peers *string
volumeSizeLimitMB *uint
volumePreallocate *bool
// pulseSeconds *int
defaultReplication *string
garbageThreshold *float64
whiteList *string
disableHttp *bool
metricsAddress *string
metricsIntervalSec *int
raftResumeState *bool
metricsHttpPort *int
heartbeatInterval *time.Duration
electionTimeout *time.Duration
func init() {
cmdMaster.Run = runMaster // break init cycle
m.port = cmdMaster.Flag.Int("port", 9333, "http listen port")
m.portGrpc = cmdMaster.Flag.Int("port.grpc", 0, "grpc listen port")
m.ip = cmdMaster.Flag.String("ip", util.DetectedHostAddress(), "master <ip>|<server> address, also used as identifier")
m.ipBind = cmdMaster.Flag.String("ip.bind", "", "ip address to bind to")
m.metaFolder = cmdMaster.Flag.String("mdir", os.TempDir(), "data directory to store meta data")
m.peers = cmdMaster.Flag.String("peers", "", "all master nodes in comma separated ip:port list, example:,,")
m.volumeSizeLimitMB = cmdMaster.Flag.Uint("volumeSizeLimitMB", 30*1000, "Master stops directing writes to oversized volumes.")
m.volumePreallocate = cmdMaster.Flag.Bool("volumePreallocate", false, "Preallocate disk space for volumes.")
// m.pulseSeconds = cmdMaster.Flag.Int("pulseSeconds", 5, "number of seconds between heartbeats")
m.defaultReplication = cmdMaster.Flag.String("defaultReplication", "", "Default replication type if not specified.")
m.garbageThreshold = cmdMaster.Flag.Float64("garbageThreshold", 0.3, "threshold to vacuum and reclaim spaces")
m.whiteList = cmdMaster.Flag.String("whiteList", "", "comma separated Ip addresses having write permission. No limit if empty.")
m.disableHttp = cmdMaster.Flag.Bool("disableHttp", false, "disable http requests, only gRPC operations are allowed.")
m.metricsAddress = cmdMaster.Flag.String("metrics.address", "", "Prometheus gateway address <host>:<port>")
m.metricsIntervalSec = cmdMaster.Flag.Int("metrics.intervalSeconds", 15, "Prometheus push interval in seconds")
m.metricsHttpPort = cmdMaster.Flag.Int("metricsPort", 0, "Prometheus metrics listen port")
m.raftResumeState = cmdMaster.Flag.Bool("resumeState", false, "resume previous state on start master server")
m.heartbeatInterval = cmdMaster.Flag.Duration("heartbeatInterval", 300*time.Millisecond, "heartbeat interval of master servers, and will be randomly multiplied by [1, 1.25)")
m.electionTimeout = cmdMaster.Flag.Duration("electionTimeout", 10*time.Second, "election timeout of master servers")
var cmdMaster = &Command{
UsageLine: "master -port=9333",
Short: "start a master server",
Long: `start a master server to provide volume=>location mapping service and sequence number of file ids
The configuration file "security.toml" is read from ".", "$HOME/.seaweedfs/", "/usr/local/etc/seaweedfs/", or "/etc/seaweedfs/", in that order.
The example security.toml configuration file can be generated by "weed scaffold -config=security"
var (
masterCpuProfile = cmdMaster.Flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "cpu profile output file")
masterMemProfile = cmdMaster.Flag.String("memprofile", "", "memory profile output file")
func runMaster(cmd *Command, args []string) bool {
util.LoadConfiguration("security", false)
util.LoadConfiguration("master", false)
grace.SetupProfiling(*masterCpuProfile, *masterMemProfile)
parent, _ := util.FullPath(*m.metaFolder).DirAndName()
if util.FileExists(string(parent)) && !util.FileExists(*m.metaFolder) {
os.MkdirAll(*m.metaFolder, 0755)
if err := util.TestFolderWritable(util.ResolvePath(*m.metaFolder)); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Check Meta Folder (-mdir) Writable %s : %s", *m.metaFolder, err)
var masterWhiteList []string
if *m.whiteList != "" {
masterWhiteList = strings.Split(*m.whiteList, ",")
if *m.volumeSizeLimitMB > util.VolumeSizeLimitGB*1000 {
glog.Fatalf("volumeSizeLimitMB should be smaller than 30000")
go stats_collect.StartMetricsServer(*m.metricsHttpPort)
startMaster(m, masterWhiteList)
return true
func startMaster(masterOption MasterOptions, masterWhiteList []string) {
if *masterOption.portGrpc == 0 {
*masterOption.portGrpc = 10000 + *masterOption.port
myMasterAddress, peers := checkPeers(*masterOption.ip, *masterOption.port, *masterOption.portGrpc, *masterOption.peers)
r := mux.NewRouter()
ms := weed_server.NewMasterServer(r, masterOption.toMasterOption(masterWhiteList), peers)
listeningAddress := util.JoinHostPort(*masterOption.ipBind, *masterOption.port)
glog.V(0).Infof("Start Seaweed Master %s at %s", util.Version(), listeningAddress)
masterListener, e := util.NewListener(listeningAddress, 0)
if e != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Master startup error: %v", e)
// start raftServer
raftServerOption := &weed_server.RaftServerOption{
GrpcDialOption: security.LoadClientTLS(util.GetViper(), "grpc.master"),
Peers: peers,
ServerAddr: myMasterAddress,
DataDir: util.ResolvePath(*masterOption.metaFolder),
Topo: ms.Topo,
RaftResumeState: *masterOption.raftResumeState,
HeartbeatInterval: *masterOption.heartbeatInterval,
ElectionTimeout: *masterOption.electionTimeout,
raftServer, err := weed_server.NewRaftServer(raftServerOption)
if raftServer == nil {
glog.Fatalf("please verify %s is writable, see https://github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/issues/717: %s", *masterOption.metaFolder, err)
r.HandleFunc("/cluster/status", raftServer.StatusHandler).Methods("GET")
// starting grpc server
grpcPort := *masterOption.portGrpc
grpcL, err := util.NewListener(util.JoinHostPort(*masterOption.ipBind, grpcPort), 0)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("master failed to listen on grpc port %d: %v", grpcPort, err)
grpcS := pb.NewGrpcServer(security.LoadServerTLS(util.GetViper(), "grpc.master"))
master_pb.RegisterSeaweedServer(grpcS, ms)
protobuf.RegisterRaftServer(grpcS, raftServer)
glog.V(0).Infof("Start Seaweed Master %s grpc server at %s:%d", util.Version(), *masterOption.ipBind, grpcPort)
go grpcS.Serve(grpcL)
go func() {
time.Sleep(1500 * time.Millisecond)
if ms.Topo.RaftServer.Leader() == "" && ms.Topo.RaftServer.IsLogEmpty() && isTheFirstOne(myMasterAddress, peers) {
if ms.MasterClient.FindLeaderFromOtherPeers(myMasterAddress) == "" {
go ms.MasterClient.KeepConnectedToMaster()
// start http server
httpS := &http.Server{Handler: r}
go httpS.Serve(masterListener)
select {}
func checkPeers(masterIp string, masterPort int, masterGrpcPort int, peers string) (masterAddress pb.ServerAddress, cleanedPeers []pb.ServerAddress) {
glog.V(0).Infof("current: %s:%d peers:%s", masterIp, masterPort, peers)
masterAddress = pb.NewServerAddress(masterIp, masterPort, masterGrpcPort)
cleanedPeers = pb.ServerAddresses(peers).ToAddresses()
hasSelf := false
for _, peer := range cleanedPeers {
if peer.ToHttpAddress() == masterAddress.ToHttpAddress() {
hasSelf = true
if !hasSelf {
cleanedPeers = append(cleanedPeers, masterAddress)
if len(cleanedPeers)%2 == 0 {
glog.Fatalf("Only odd number of masters are supported: %+v", cleanedPeers)
func isTheFirstOne(self pb.ServerAddress, peers []pb.ServerAddress) bool {
sort.Slice(peers, func(i, j int) bool {
return strings.Compare(string(peers[i]), string(peers[j])) < 0
if len(peers) <= 0 {
return true
return self == peers[0]
func (m *MasterOptions) toMasterOption(whiteList []string) *weed_server.MasterOption {
masterAddress := pb.NewServerAddress(*m.ip, *m.port, *m.portGrpc)
return &weed_server.MasterOption{
Master: masterAddress,
MetaFolder: *m.metaFolder,
VolumeSizeLimitMB: uint32(*m.volumeSizeLimitMB),
VolumePreallocate: *m.volumePreallocate,
// PulseSeconds: *m.pulseSeconds,
DefaultReplicaPlacement: *m.defaultReplication,
GarbageThreshold: *m.garbageThreshold,
WhiteList: whiteList,
DisableHttp: *m.disableHttp,
MetricsAddress: *m.metricsAddress,
MetricsIntervalSec: *m.metricsIntervalSec,