222 lines
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222 lines
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package s3api
import (
var (
client *http.Client
func init() {
client = &http.Client{Transport: &http.Transport{
MaxIdleConnsPerHost: 1024,
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) PutObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/UploadingObjects.html
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
object := getObject(vars)
_, err := validateContentMd5(r.Header)
if err != nil {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrInvalidDigest, r.URL)
rAuthType := getRequestAuthType(r)
dataReader := r.Body
if rAuthType == authTypeStreamingSigned {
dataReader = newSignV4ChunkedReader(r)
uploadUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s%s/%s%s?collection=%s",
s3a.option.Filer, s3a.option.BucketsPath, bucket, object, bucket)
etag, errCode := s3a.putToFiler(r, uploadUrl, dataReader)
if errCode != ErrNone {
writeErrorResponse(w, errCode, r.URL)
setEtag(w, etag)
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) GetObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
if strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/") {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrNotImplemented, r.URL)
destUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s%s/%s%s",
s3a.option.Filer, s3a.option.BucketsPath, bucket, r.RequestURI)
s3a.proxyToFiler(w, r, destUrl, passThroghResponse)
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) HeadObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
destUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s%s/%s%s",
s3a.option.Filer, s3a.option.BucketsPath, bucket, r.RequestURI)
s3a.proxyToFiler(w, r, destUrl, passThroghResponse)
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) DeleteObjectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vars := mux.Vars(r)
bucket := vars["bucket"]
destUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s%s/%s%s",
s3a.option.Filer, s3a.option.BucketsPath, bucket, r.RequestURI)
s3a.proxyToFiler(w, r, destUrl, func(proxyResonse *http.Response, w http.ResponseWriter) {
for k, v := range proxyResonse.Header {
w.Header()[k] = v
// DeleteMultipleObjectsHandler - Delete multiple objects
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) DeleteMultipleObjectsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrNotImplemented, r.URL)
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) proxyToFiler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, destUrl string, responseFn func(proxyResonse *http.Response, w http.ResponseWriter)) {
glog.V(2).Infof("s3 proxying %s to %s", r.Method, destUrl)
proxyReq, err := http.NewRequest(r.Method, destUrl, r.Body)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("NewRequest %s: %v", destUrl, err)
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrInternalError, r.URL)
proxyReq.Header.Set("Host", s3a.option.Filer)
proxyReq.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-For", r.RemoteAddr)
for header, values := range r.Header {
for _, value := range values {
proxyReq.Header.Add(header, value)
resp, postErr := client.Do(proxyReq)
if postErr != nil {
glog.Errorf("post to filer: %v", postErr)
writeErrorResponse(w, ErrInternalError, r.URL)
defer resp.Body.Close()
responseFn(resp, w)
func passThroghResponse(proxyResonse *http.Response, w http.ResponseWriter) {
for k, v := range proxyResonse.Header {
w.Header()[k] = v
io.Copy(w, proxyResonse.Body)
func (s3a *S3ApiServer) putToFiler(r *http.Request, uploadUrl string, dataReader io.ReadCloser) (etag string, code ErrorCode) {
hash := md5.New()
var body io.Reader = io.TeeReader(dataReader, hash)
proxyReq, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", uploadUrl, body)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("NewRequest %s: %v", uploadUrl, err)
return "", ErrInternalError
proxyReq.Header.Set("Host", s3a.option.Filer)
proxyReq.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-For", r.RemoteAddr)
for header, values := range r.Header {
for _, value := range values {
proxyReq.Header.Add(header, value)
resp, postErr := client.Do(proxyReq)
if postErr != nil {
glog.Errorf("post to filer: %v", postErr)
return "", ErrInternalError
defer resp.Body.Close()
etag = fmt.Sprintf("%x", hash.Sum(nil))
resp_body, ra_err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if ra_err != nil {
glog.Errorf("upload to filer response read: %v", ra_err)
return etag, ErrInternalError
var ret weed_server.FilerPostResult
unmarshal_err := json.Unmarshal(resp_body, &ret)
if unmarshal_err != nil {
glog.Errorf("failing to read upload to %s : %v", uploadUrl, string(resp_body))
return "", ErrInternalError
if ret.Error != "" {
glog.Errorf("upload to filer error: %v", ret.Error)
return "", ErrInternalError
return etag, ErrNone
func setEtag(w http.ResponseWriter, etag string) {
if etag != "" {
if strings.HasPrefix(etag, "\"") {
w.Header().Set("ETag", etag)
} else {
w.Header().Set("ETag", "\""+etag+"\"")
func getObject(vars map[string]string) string {
object := vars["object"]
if !strings.HasPrefix(object, "/") {
object = "/" + object
return object