524 lines
20 KiB

package command
import (
statsCollect "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/stats"
type SyncOptions struct {
isActivePassive *bool
filerA *string
filerB *string
aPath *string
aExcludePaths *string
bPath *string
bExcludePaths *string
aReplication *string
bReplication *string
aCollection *string
bCollection *string
aTtlSec *int
bTtlSec *int
aDiskType *string
bDiskType *string
aDebug *bool
bDebug *bool
aFromTsMs *int64
bFromTsMs *int64
aProxyByFiler *bool
bProxyByFiler *bool
metricsHttpIp *string
metricsHttpPort *int
concurrency *int
aDoDeleteFiles *bool
bDoDeleteFiles *bool
clientId int32
clientEpoch atomic.Int32
const (
SyncKeyPrefix = "sync."
DefaultConcurrencyLimit = 32
var (
syncOptions SyncOptions
syncCpuProfile *string
syncMemProfile *string
func init() {
cmdFilerSynchronize.Run = runFilerSynchronize // break init cycle
syncOptions.isActivePassive = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("isActivePassive", false, "one directional follow from A to B if true")
syncOptions.filerA = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("a", "", "filer A in one SeaweedFS cluster")
syncOptions.filerB = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("b", "", "filer B in the other SeaweedFS cluster")
syncOptions.aPath = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("a.path", "/", "directory to sync on filer A")
syncOptions.aExcludePaths = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("a.excludePaths", "", "exclude directories to sync on filer A")
syncOptions.bPath = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("b.path", "/", "directory to sync on filer B")
syncOptions.bExcludePaths = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("b.excludePaths", "", "exclude directories to sync on filer B")
syncOptions.aReplication = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("a.replication", "", "replication on filer A")
syncOptions.bReplication = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("b.replication", "", "replication on filer B")
syncOptions.aCollection = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("a.collection", "", "collection on filer A")
syncOptions.bCollection = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("b.collection", "", "collection on filer B")
syncOptions.aTtlSec = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Int("a.ttlSec", 0, "ttl in seconds on filer A")
syncOptions.bTtlSec = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Int("b.ttlSec", 0, "ttl in seconds on filer B")
syncOptions.aDiskType = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("a.disk", "", "[hdd|ssd|<tag>] hard drive or solid state drive or any tag on filer A")
syncOptions.bDiskType = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("b.disk", "", "[hdd|ssd|<tag>] hard drive or solid state drive or any tag on filer B")
syncOptions.aProxyByFiler = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("a.filerProxy", false, "read and write file chunks by filer A instead of volume servers")
syncOptions.bProxyByFiler = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("b.filerProxy", false, "read and write file chunks by filer B instead of volume servers")
syncOptions.aDebug = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("a.debug", false, "debug mode to print out filer A received files")
syncOptions.bDebug = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("b.debug", false, "debug mode to print out filer B received files")
syncOptions.aFromTsMs = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Int64("a.fromTsMs", 0, "synchronization from timestamp on filer A. The unit is millisecond")
syncOptions.bFromTsMs = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Int64("b.fromTsMs", 0, "synchronization from timestamp on filer B. The unit is millisecond")
syncOptions.concurrency = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Int("concurrency", DefaultConcurrencyLimit, "The maximum number of files that will be synced concurrently.")
syncCpuProfile = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "cpu profile output file")
syncMemProfile = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("memprofile", "", "memory profile output file")
syncOptions.metricsHttpIp = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("metricsIp", "", "metrics listen ip")
syncOptions.metricsHttpPort = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Int("metricsPort", 0, "metrics listen port")
syncOptions.aDoDeleteFiles = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("a.doDeleteFiles", true, "delete and update files when synchronizing on filer A")
syncOptions.bDoDeleteFiles = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("b.doDeleteFiles", true, "delete and update files when synchronizing on filer B")
syncOptions.clientId = util.RandomInt32()
var cmdFilerSynchronize = &Command{
UsageLine: "filer.sync -a=<oneFilerHost>:<oneFilerPort> -b=<otherFilerHost>:<otherFilerPort>",
Short: "resumable continuous synchronization between two active-active or active-passive SeaweedFS clusters",
Long: `resumable continuous synchronization for file changes between two active-active or active-passive filers
filer.sync listens on filer notifications. If any file is updated, it will fetch the updated content,
and write to the other destination. Different from filer.replicate:
* filer.sync only works between two filers.
* filer.sync does not need any special message queue setup.
* filer.sync supports both active-active and active-passive modes.
If restarted, the synchronization will resume from the previous checkpoints, persisted every minute.
A fresh sync will start from the earliest metadata logs.
func runFilerSynchronize(cmd *Command, args []string) bool {
grpcDialOption := security.LoadClientTLS(util.GetViper(), "grpc.client")
grace.SetupProfiling(*syncCpuProfile, *syncMemProfile)
filerA := pb.ServerAddress(*syncOptions.filerA)
filerB := pb.ServerAddress(*syncOptions.filerB)
// start filer.sync metrics server
go statsCollect.StartMetricsServer(*syncOptions.metricsHttpIp, *syncOptions.metricsHttpPort)
// read a filer signature
aFilerSignature, aFilerErr := replication.ReadFilerSignature(grpcDialOption, filerA)
if aFilerErr != nil {
glog.Errorf("get filer 'a' signature %d error from %s to %s: %v", aFilerSignature, *syncOptions.filerA, *syncOptions.filerB, aFilerErr)
return true
// read b filer signature
bFilerSignature, bFilerErr := replication.ReadFilerSignature(grpcDialOption, filerB)
if bFilerErr != nil {
glog.Errorf("get filer 'b' signature %d error from %s to %s: %v", bFilerSignature, *syncOptions.filerA, *syncOptions.filerB, bFilerErr)
return true
go func() {
// a->b
// set synchronization start timestamp to offset
initOffsetError := initOffsetFromTsMs(grpcDialOption, filerB, aFilerSignature, *syncOptions.bFromTsMs, getSignaturePrefixByPath(*syncOptions.aPath))
if initOffsetError != nil {
glog.Errorf("init offset from timestamp %d error from %s to %s: %v", *syncOptions.bFromTsMs, *syncOptions.filerA, *syncOptions.filerB, initOffsetError)
for {
err := doSubscribeFilerMetaChanges(
util.StringSplit(*syncOptions.aExcludePaths, ","),
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("sync from %s to %s: %v", *syncOptions.filerA, *syncOptions.filerB, err)
time.Sleep(1747 * time.Millisecond)
if !*syncOptions.isActivePassive {
// b->a
// set synchronization start timestamp to offset
initOffsetError := initOffsetFromTsMs(grpcDialOption, filerA, bFilerSignature, *syncOptions.aFromTsMs, getSignaturePrefixByPath(*syncOptions.bPath))
if initOffsetError != nil {
glog.Errorf("init offset from timestamp %d error from %s to %s: %v", *syncOptions.aFromTsMs, *syncOptions.filerB, *syncOptions.filerA, initOffsetError)
go func() {
for {
err := doSubscribeFilerMetaChanges(
util.StringSplit(*syncOptions.bExcludePaths, ","),
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("sync from %s to %s: %v", *syncOptions.filerB, *syncOptions.filerA, err)
time.Sleep(2147 * time.Millisecond)
select {}
return true
// initOffsetFromTsMs Initialize offset
func initOffsetFromTsMs(grpcDialOption grpc.DialOption, targetFiler pb.ServerAddress, sourceFilerSignature int32, fromTsMs int64, signaturePrefix string) error {
if fromTsMs <= 0 {
return nil
// convert to nanosecond
fromTsNs := fromTsMs * 1000_000
// If not successful, exit the program.
setOffsetErr := setOffset(grpcDialOption, targetFiler, signaturePrefix, sourceFilerSignature, fromTsNs)
if setOffsetErr != nil {
return setOffsetErr
glog.Infof("setOffset from timestamp ms success! start offset: %d from %s to %s", fromTsNs, *syncOptions.filerA, *syncOptions.filerB)
return nil
func doSubscribeFilerMetaChanges(clientId int32, clientEpoch int32, grpcDialOption grpc.DialOption, sourceFiler pb.ServerAddress, sourcePath string, sourceExcludePaths []string, sourceReadChunkFromFiler bool, targetFiler pb.ServerAddress, targetPath string,
replicationStr, collection string, ttlSec int, sinkWriteChunkByFiler bool, diskType string, debug bool, concurrency int, doDeleteFiles bool, sourceFilerSignature int32, targetFilerSignature int32) error {
// if first time, start from now
// if has previously synced, resume from that point of time
sourceFilerOffsetTsNs, err := getOffset(grpcDialOption, targetFiler, getSignaturePrefixByPath(sourcePath), sourceFilerSignature)
if err != nil {
return err
glog.V(0).Infof("start sync %s(%d) => %s(%d) from %v(%d)", sourceFiler, sourceFilerSignature, targetFiler, targetFilerSignature, time.Unix(0, sourceFilerOffsetTsNs), sourceFilerOffsetTsNs)
// create filer sink
filerSource := &source.FilerSource{}
filerSource.DoInitialize(sourceFiler.ToHttpAddress(), sourceFiler.ToGrpcAddress(), sourcePath, sourceReadChunkFromFiler)
filerSink := &filersink.FilerSink{}
filerSink.DoInitialize(targetFiler.ToHttpAddress(), targetFiler.ToGrpcAddress(), targetPath, replicationStr, collection, ttlSec, diskType, grpcDialOption, sinkWriteChunkByFiler)
persistEventFn := genProcessFunction(sourcePath, targetPath, sourceExcludePaths, nil, filerSink, doDeleteFiles, debug)
processEventFn := func(resp *filer_pb.SubscribeMetadataResponse) error {
message := resp.EventNotification
for _, sig := range message.Signatures {
if sig == targetFilerSignature && targetFilerSignature != 0 {
fmt.Printf("%s skipping %s change to %v\n", targetFiler, sourceFiler, message)
return nil
return persistEventFn(resp)
if concurrency < 0 || concurrency > 1024 {
glog.Warningf("invalid concurrency value, using default: %d", DefaultConcurrencyLimit)
concurrency = DefaultConcurrencyLimit
processor := NewMetadataProcessor(processEventFn, concurrency, sourceFilerOffsetTsNs)
var lastLogTsNs = time.Now().UnixNano()
var clientName = fmt.Sprintf("syncFrom_%s_To_%s", string(sourceFiler), string(targetFiler))
processEventFnWithOffset := pb.AddOffsetFunc(func(resp *filer_pb.SubscribeMetadataResponse) error {
return nil
}, 3*time.Second, func(counter int64, lastTsNs int64) error {
offsetTsNs := processor.processedTsWatermark.Load()
if offsetTsNs == 0 {
return nil
// use processor.processedTsWatermark instead of the lastTsNs from the most recent job
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
glog.V(0).Infof("sync %s to %s progressed to %v %0.2f/sec", sourceFiler, targetFiler, time.Unix(0, offsetTsNs), float64(counter)/(float64(now-lastLogTsNs)/1e9))
lastLogTsNs = now
// collect synchronous offset
statsCollect.FilerSyncOffsetGauge.WithLabelValues(sourceFiler.String(), targetFiler.String(), clientName, sourcePath).Set(float64(offsetTsNs))
return setOffset(grpcDialOption, targetFiler, getSignaturePrefixByPath(sourcePath), sourceFilerSignature, offsetTsNs)
prefix := sourcePath
if !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, "/") {
prefix = prefix + "/"
metadataFollowOption := &pb.MetadataFollowOption{
ClientName: clientName,
ClientId: clientId,
ClientEpoch: clientEpoch,
SelfSignature: targetFilerSignature,
PathPrefix: prefix,
AdditionalPathPrefixes: nil,
DirectoriesToWatch: nil,
StartTsNs: sourceFilerOffsetTsNs,
StopTsNs: 0,
EventErrorType: pb.RetryForeverOnError,
return pb.FollowMetadata(sourceFiler, grpcDialOption, metadataFollowOption, processEventFnWithOffset)
// When each business is distinguished according to path, and offsets need to be maintained separately.
func getSignaturePrefixByPath(path string) string {
// compatible historical version
if path == "/" {
return SyncKeyPrefix
} else {
return SyncKeyPrefix + path
func getOffset(grpcDialOption grpc.DialOption, filer pb.ServerAddress, signaturePrefix string, signature int32) (lastOffsetTsNs int64, readErr error) {
readErr = pb.WithFilerClient(false, signature, filer, grpcDialOption, func(client filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient) error {
syncKey := []byte(signaturePrefix + "____")
util.Uint32toBytes(syncKey[len(signaturePrefix):len(signaturePrefix)+4], uint32(signature))
resp, err := client.KvGet(context.Background(), &filer_pb.KvGetRequest{Key: syncKey})
if err != nil {
return err
if len(resp.Error) != 0 {
return errors.New(resp.Error)
if len(resp.Value) < 8 {
return nil
lastOffsetTsNs = int64(util.BytesToUint64(resp.Value))
return nil
func setOffset(grpcDialOption grpc.DialOption, filer pb.ServerAddress, signaturePrefix string, signature int32, offsetTsNs int64) error {
return pb.WithFilerClient(false, signature, filer, grpcDialOption, func(client filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient) error {
syncKey := []byte(signaturePrefix + "____")
util.Uint32toBytes(syncKey[len(signaturePrefix):len(signaturePrefix)+4], uint32(signature))
valueBuf := make([]byte, 8)
util.Uint64toBytes(valueBuf, uint64(offsetTsNs))
resp, err := client.KvPut(context.Background(), &filer_pb.KvPutRequest{
Key: syncKey,
Value: valueBuf,
if err != nil {
return err
if len(resp.Error) != 0 {
return errors.New(resp.Error)
return nil
func genProcessFunction(sourcePath string, targetPath string, excludePaths []string, reExcludeFileName *regexp.Regexp, dataSink sink.ReplicationSink, doDeleteFiles bool, debug bool) func(resp *filer_pb.SubscribeMetadataResponse) error {
// process function
processEventFn := func(resp *filer_pb.SubscribeMetadataResponse) error {
message := resp.EventNotification
var sourceOldKey, sourceNewKey util.FullPath
if message.OldEntry != nil {
sourceOldKey = util.FullPath(resp.Directory).Child(message.OldEntry.Name)
if message.NewEntry != nil {
sourceNewKey = util.FullPath(message.NewParentPath).Child(message.NewEntry.Name)
if debug {
glog.V(0).Infof("received %v", resp)
if isMultipartUploadDir(resp.Directory + "/") {
return nil
if !strings.HasPrefix(resp.Directory+"/", sourcePath) {
return nil
for _, excludePath := range excludePaths {
if strings.HasPrefix(resp.Directory+"/", excludePath) {
return nil
if reExcludeFileName != nil && reExcludeFileName.MatchString(message.NewEntry.Name) {
return nil
if dataSink.IsIncremental() {
doDeleteFiles = false
// handle deletions
if filer_pb.IsDelete(resp) {
if !doDeleteFiles {
return nil
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(sourceOldKey), sourcePath) {
return nil
key := buildKey(dataSink, message, targetPath, sourceOldKey, sourcePath)
return dataSink.DeleteEntry(key, message.OldEntry.IsDirectory, message.DeleteChunks, message.Signatures)
// handle new entries
if filer_pb.IsCreate(resp) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(sourceNewKey), sourcePath) {
return nil
key := buildKey(dataSink, message, targetPath, sourceNewKey, sourcePath)
if err := dataSink.CreateEntry(key, message.NewEntry, message.Signatures); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create entry1 : %w", err)
} else {
return nil
// this is something special?
if filer_pb.IsEmpty(resp) {
return nil
// handle updates
if strings.HasPrefix(string(sourceOldKey), sourcePath) {
// old key is in the watched directory
if strings.HasPrefix(string(sourceNewKey), sourcePath) {
// new key is also in the watched directory
if doDeleteFiles {
oldKey := util.Join(targetPath, string(sourceOldKey)[len(sourcePath):])
if strings.HasSuffix(sourcePath, "/") {
message.NewParentPath = util.Join(targetPath, message.NewParentPath[len(sourcePath)-1:])
} else {
message.NewParentPath = util.Join(targetPath, message.NewParentPath[len(sourcePath):])
foundExisting, err := dataSink.UpdateEntry(string(oldKey), message.OldEntry, message.NewParentPath, message.NewEntry, message.DeleteChunks, message.Signatures)
if foundExisting {
return err
// not able to find old entry
if err = dataSink.DeleteEntry(string(oldKey), message.OldEntry.IsDirectory, false, message.Signatures); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("delete old entry %v: %w", oldKey, err)
// create the new entry
newKey := buildKey(dataSink, message, targetPath, sourceNewKey, sourcePath)
if err := dataSink.CreateEntry(newKey, message.NewEntry, message.Signatures); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create entry2 : %w", err)
} else {
return nil
} else {
// new key is outside the watched directory
if doDeleteFiles {
key := buildKey(dataSink, message, targetPath, sourceOldKey, sourcePath)
return dataSink.DeleteEntry(key, message.OldEntry.IsDirectory, message.DeleteChunks, message.Signatures)
} else {
// old key is outside the watched directory
if strings.HasPrefix(string(sourceNewKey), sourcePath) {
// new key is in the watched directory
key := buildKey(dataSink, message, targetPath, sourceNewKey, sourcePath)
if err := dataSink.CreateEntry(key, message.NewEntry, message.Signatures); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create entry3 : %w", err)
} else {
return nil
} else {
// new key is also outside the watched directory
// skip
return nil
return processEventFn
func buildKey(dataSink sink.ReplicationSink, message *filer_pb.EventNotification, targetPath string, sourceKey util.FullPath, sourcePath string) (key string) {
if !dataSink.IsIncremental() {
key = util.Join(targetPath, string(sourceKey)[len(sourcePath):])
} else {
var mTime int64
if message.NewEntry != nil {
mTime = message.NewEntry.Attributes.Mtime
} else if message.OldEntry != nil {
mTime = message.OldEntry.Attributes.Mtime
dateKey := time.Unix(mTime, 0).Format("2006-01-02")
key = util.Join(targetPath, dateKey, string(sourceKey)[len(sourcePath):])
return escapeKey(key)