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package shell
import (
func init() {
Commands = append(Commands, &commandVolumeMount{})
type commandVolumeMount struct {
func (c *commandVolumeMount) Name() string {
return "volume.mount"
func (c *commandVolumeMount) Help() string {
return `mount a volume from one volume server
volume.mount -node <volume server host:port> -volumeId <volume id>
This command mounts a volume from one volume server.
func (c *commandVolumeMount) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv, writer io.Writer) (err error) {
volMountCommand := flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError)
volumeIdInt := volMountCommand.Int("volumeId", 0, "the volume id")
nodeStr := volMountCommand.String("node", "", "the volume server <host>:<port>")
if err = volMountCommand.Parse(args); err != nil {
return nil
if err = commandEnv.confirmIsLocked(); err != nil {
sourceVolumeServer := pb.ServerAddress(*nodeStr)
volumeId := needle.VolumeId(*volumeIdInt)
return mountVolume(commandEnv.option.GrpcDialOption, volumeId, sourceVolumeServer)
func mountVolume(grpcDialOption grpc.DialOption, volumeId needle.VolumeId, sourceVolumeServer pb.ServerAddress) (err error) {
return operation.WithVolumeServerClient(sourceVolumeServer, grpcDialOption, func(volumeServerClient volume_server_pb.VolumeServerClient) error {
_, mountErr := volumeServerClient.VolumeMount(context.Background(), &volume_server_pb.VolumeMountRequest{
VolumeId: uint32(volumeId),
return mountErr