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package shell
import (
func computeRequirementsFromDirectory(previousSnapshots []string, homeDirectory string, snapshotPath string, count int, durationDays int, targetDate time.Time) (snapshotsToRemove []string, snapshotsToGenerate []time.Time, levelDbBootstrapPath string, err error) {
levelDbBootstrapPath = previousSnapshots[len(previousSnapshots)-1]
lastSnapshotDate, err := time.Parse(DateFormat, levelDbBootstrapPath[:len(DateFormat)])
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
// the snapshots cover the last nanosecond of the current date
lastSnapshotDate = lastSnapshotDate.AddDate(0, 0, 1).Add(-1 * time.Nanosecond)
gapDuration := targetDate.Sub(lastSnapshotDate)
oneSnapshotInterval := 24 * time.Hour * time.Duration(durationDays)
totalSnapshotsInterval := 24 * time.Hour * time.Duration(durationDays*count)
// gap too small no snapshot will be generated
if gapDuration < oneSnapshotInterval {
return snapshotsToRemove, snapshotsToGenerate, levelDbBootstrapPath, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("last snapshot was generated at %v no need to generate new snapshots", lastSnapshotDate.Format(DateFormat)))
} else if gapDuration > totalSnapshotsInterval {
// gap too large generate from targetDate
// and remove all previous snapshots
_, snapshotsToGenerate, _, err = computeRequirementsFromEmpty(count, durationDays, targetDate)
for _, file := range previousSnapshots {
snapshotsToRemove = append(snapshotsToRemove, filepath.Join(homeDirectory, snapshotPath, file))
snapshotDate := lastSnapshotDate.AddDate(0, 0, durationDays)
for snapshotDate.Before(targetDate) || snapshotDate.Equal(targetDate) {
snapshotsToGenerate = append(snapshotsToGenerate, snapshotDate)
snapshotDate = snapshotDate.AddDate(0, 0, durationDays)
totalCount := len(previousSnapshots) + len(snapshotsToGenerate)
toRemoveIdx := 0
for toRemoveIdx < len(previousSnapshots) && totalCount-toRemoveIdx > count {
snapshotsToRemove = append(snapshotsToRemove, filepath.Join(homeDirectory, snapshotPath, previousSnapshots[toRemoveIdx]))
toRemoveIdx += 1
func computeRequirementsFromEmpty(count int, durationDays int, targetDate time.Time) (snapshotsToRemove []string, snapshotsToGenerate []time.Time, levelDbBootstrapPath string, err error) {
snapshotDate := targetDate
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
snapshotsToGenerate = append(snapshotsToGenerate, snapshotDate)
snapshotDate = snapshotDate.AddDate(0, 0, -1*durationDays)
return snapshotsToRemove, snapshotsToGenerate, "", nil
// compute number of snapshot need to be generated and number of snapshots to remove from give directory.
func computeRequirements(homeDirectory string, snapshotPath string, count int, durationDays int) (snapshotsToRemove []string, snapshotsToGenerate []time.Time, levelDbBootstrapPath string, err error) {
snapshotDirectory := filepath.Join(homeDirectory, snapshotPath)
files, _ := os.ReadDir(snapshotDirectory)
// sort files by name
sort.Slice(files, func(i, j int) bool {
return files[i].Name() < files[j].Name()
// filter for snapshots file name only
var prevSnapshotFiles []string
for _, file := range files {
if strings.HasSuffix(file.Name(), SnapshotDirPostFix) {
prevSnapshotFiles = append(prevSnapshotFiles, file.Name())
curDate := time.Now()
curDateStr := curDate.Format(DateFormat)
// ensure snapshot start at today 00:00 - 1ns
today, err := time.Parse(DateFormat, curDateStr)
targetDate := today.Add(-1 * time.Nanosecond)
if len(prevSnapshotFiles) == 0 {
return computeRequirementsFromEmpty(count, durationDays, targetDate)
return computeRequirementsFromDirectory(prevSnapshotFiles, homeDirectory, snapshotPath, count, durationDays, targetDate)