410 lines
16 KiB

package command
import (
statsCollect "github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/stats"
type SyncOptions struct {
isActivePassive *bool
filerA *string
filerB *string
aPath *string
bPath *string
aReplication *string
bReplication *string
aCollection *string
bCollection *string
aTtlSec *int
bTtlSec *int
aDiskType *string
bDiskType *string
aDebug *bool
bDebug *bool
aFromTsMs *int64
bFromTsMs *int64
aProxyByFiler *bool
bProxyByFiler *bool
metricsHttpPort *int
clientId int32
var (
syncOptions SyncOptions
syncCpuProfile *string
syncMemProfile *string
func init() {
cmdFilerSynchronize.Run = runFilerSynchronize // break init cycle
syncOptions.isActivePassive = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("isActivePassive", false, "one directional follow from A to B if true")
syncOptions.filerA = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("a", "", "filer A in one SeaweedFS cluster")
syncOptions.filerB = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("b", "", "filer B in the other SeaweedFS cluster")
syncOptions.aPath = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("a.path", "/", "directory to sync on filer A")
syncOptions.bPath = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("b.path", "/", "directory to sync on filer B")
syncOptions.aReplication = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("a.replication", "", "replication on filer A")
syncOptions.bReplication = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("b.replication", "", "replication on filer B")
syncOptions.aCollection = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("a.collection", "", "collection on filer A")
syncOptions.bCollection = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("b.collection", "", "collection on filer B")
syncOptions.aTtlSec = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Int("a.ttlSec", 0, "ttl in seconds on filer A")
syncOptions.bTtlSec = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Int("b.ttlSec", 0, "ttl in seconds on filer B")
syncOptions.aDiskType = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("a.disk", "", "[hdd|ssd|<tag>] hard drive or solid state drive or any tag on filer A")
syncOptions.bDiskType = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("b.disk", "", "[hdd|ssd|<tag>] hard drive or solid state drive or any tag on filer B")
syncOptions.aProxyByFiler = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("a.filerProxy", false, "read and write file chunks by filer A instead of volume servers")
syncOptions.bProxyByFiler = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("b.filerProxy", false, "read and write file chunks by filer B instead of volume servers")
syncOptions.aDebug = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("a.debug", false, "debug mode to print out filer A received files")
syncOptions.bDebug = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Bool("b.debug", false, "debug mode to print out filer B received files")
syncOptions.aFromTsMs = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Int64("a.fromTsMs", 0, "synchronization from timestamp on filer A. The unit is millisecond")
syncOptions.bFromTsMs = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Int64("b.fromTsMs", 0, "synchronization from timestamp on filer B. The unit is millisecond")
syncCpuProfile = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "cpu profile output file")
syncMemProfile = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.String("memprofile", "", "memory profile output file")
syncOptions.metricsHttpPort = cmdFilerSynchronize.Flag.Int("metricsPort", 0, "metrics listen port")
syncOptions.clientId = util.RandomInt32()
var cmdFilerSynchronize = &Command{
UsageLine: "filer.sync -a=<oneFilerHost>:<oneFilerPort> -b=<otherFilerHost>:<otherFilerPort>",
Short: "resumable continuous synchronization between two active-active or active-passive SeaweedFS clusters",
Long: `resumable continuous synchronization for file changes between two active-active or active-passive filers
filer.sync listens on filer notifications. If any file is updated, it will fetch the updated content,
and write to the other destination. Different from filer.replicate:
* filer.sync only works between two filers.
* filer.sync does not need any special message queue setup.
* filer.sync supports both active-active and active-passive modes.
If restarted, the synchronization will resume from the previous checkpoints, persisted every minute.
A fresh sync will start from the earliest metadata logs.
func runFilerSynchronize(cmd *Command, args []string) bool {
util.LoadConfiguration("security", false)
grpcDialOption := security.LoadClientTLS(util.GetViper(), "grpc.client")
grace.SetupProfiling(*syncCpuProfile, *syncMemProfile)
filerA := pb.ServerAddress(*syncOptions.filerA)
filerB := pb.ServerAddress(*syncOptions.filerB)
// start filer.sync metrics server
go statsCollect.StartMetricsServer(*syncOptions.metricsHttpPort)
// read a filer signature
aFilerSignature, aFilerErr := replication.ReadFilerSignature(grpcDialOption, filerA)
if aFilerErr != nil {
glog.Errorf("get filer 'a' signature %d error from %s to %s: %v", aFilerSignature, *syncOptions.filerA, *syncOptions.filerB, aFilerErr)
return true
// read b filer signature
bFilerSignature, bFilerErr := replication.ReadFilerSignature(grpcDialOption, filerB)
if bFilerErr != nil {
glog.Errorf("get filer 'b' signature %d error from %s to %s: %v", bFilerSignature, *syncOptions.filerA, *syncOptions.filerB, bFilerErr)
return true
go func() {
// a->b
// set synchronization start timestamp to offset
initOffsetError := initOffsetFromTsMs(grpcDialOption, filerB, aFilerSignature, *syncOptions.bFromTsMs)
if initOffsetError != nil {
glog.Errorf("init offset from timestamp %d error from %s to %s: %v", *syncOptions.bFromTsMs, *syncOptions.filerA, *syncOptions.filerB, initOffsetError)
for {
err := doSubscribeFilerMetaChanges(syncOptions.clientId, grpcDialOption, filerA, *syncOptions.aPath, *syncOptions.aProxyByFiler, filerB,
*syncOptions.bPath, *syncOptions.bReplication, *syncOptions.bCollection, *syncOptions.bTtlSec, *syncOptions.bProxyByFiler, *syncOptions.bDiskType,
*syncOptions.bDebug, aFilerSignature, bFilerSignature)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("sync from %s to %s: %v", *syncOptions.filerA, *syncOptions.filerB, err)
time.Sleep(1747 * time.Millisecond)
if !*syncOptions.isActivePassive {
// b->a
// set synchronization start timestamp to offset
initOffsetError := initOffsetFromTsMs(grpcDialOption, filerA, bFilerSignature, *syncOptions.aFromTsMs)
if initOffsetError != nil {
glog.Errorf("init offset from timestamp %d error from %s to %s: %v", *syncOptions.aFromTsMs, *syncOptions.filerB, *syncOptions.filerA, initOffsetError)
go func() {
for {
err := doSubscribeFilerMetaChanges(syncOptions.clientId, grpcDialOption, filerB, *syncOptions.bPath, *syncOptions.bProxyByFiler, filerA,
*syncOptions.aPath, *syncOptions.aReplication, *syncOptions.aCollection, *syncOptions.aTtlSec, *syncOptions.aProxyByFiler, *syncOptions.aDiskType,
*syncOptions.aDebug, bFilerSignature, aFilerSignature)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("sync from %s to %s: %v", *syncOptions.filerB, *syncOptions.filerA, err)
time.Sleep(2147 * time.Millisecond)
select {}
return true
// initOffsetFromTsMs Initialize offset
func initOffsetFromTsMs(grpcDialOption grpc.DialOption, targetFiler pb.ServerAddress, sourceFilerSignature int32, fromTsMs int64) error {
if fromTsMs <= 0 {
return nil
// convert to nanosecond
fromTsNs := fromTsMs * 1000_000
// If not successful, exit the program.
setOffsetErr := setOffset(grpcDialOption, targetFiler, SyncKeyPrefix, sourceFilerSignature, fromTsNs)
if setOffsetErr != nil {
return setOffsetErr
glog.Infof("setOffset from timestamp ms success! start offset: %d from %s to %s", fromTsNs, *syncOptions.filerA, *syncOptions.filerB)
return nil
func doSubscribeFilerMetaChanges(clientId int32, grpcDialOption grpc.DialOption, sourceFiler pb.ServerAddress, sourcePath string, sourceReadChunkFromFiler bool, targetFiler pb.ServerAddress, targetPath string,
replicationStr, collection string, ttlSec int, sinkWriteChunkByFiler bool, diskType string, debug bool, sourceFilerSignature int32, targetFilerSignature int32) error {
// if first time, start from now
// if has previously synced, resume from that point of time
sourceFilerOffsetTsNs, err := getOffset(grpcDialOption, targetFiler, getSignaturePrefixByPath(sourcePath), sourceFilerSignature)
if err != nil {
return err
glog.V(0).Infof("start sync %s(%d) => %s(%d) from %v(%d)", sourceFiler, sourceFilerSignature, targetFiler, targetFilerSignature, time.Unix(0, sourceFilerOffsetTsNs), sourceFilerOffsetTsNs)
// create filer sink
filerSource := &source.FilerSource{}
filerSource.DoInitialize(sourceFiler.ToHttpAddress(), sourceFiler.ToGrpcAddress(), sourcePath, sourceReadChunkFromFiler)
filerSink := &filersink.FilerSink{}
filerSink.DoInitialize(targetFiler.ToHttpAddress(), targetFiler.ToGrpcAddress(), targetPath, replicationStr, collection, ttlSec, diskType, grpcDialOption, sinkWriteChunkByFiler)
persistEventFn := genProcessFunction(sourcePath, targetPath, filerSink, debug)
processEventFn := func(resp *filer_pb.SubscribeMetadataResponse) error {
message := resp.EventNotification
for _, sig := range message.Signatures {
if sig == targetFilerSignature && targetFilerSignature != 0 {
fmt.Printf("%s skipping %s change to %v\n", targetFiler, sourceFiler, message)
return nil
return persistEventFn(resp)
var lastLogTsNs = time.Now().UnixNano()
var clientName = fmt.Sprintf("syncFrom_%s_To_%s", string(sourceFiler), string(targetFiler))
processEventFnWithOffset := pb.AddOffsetFunc(processEventFn, 3*time.Second, func(counter int64, lastTsNs int64) error {
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
glog.V(0).Infof("sync %s to %s progressed to %v %0.2f/sec", sourceFiler, targetFiler, time.Unix(0, lastTsNs), float64(counter)/(float64(now-lastLogTsNs)/1e9))
lastLogTsNs = now
// collect synchronous offset
statsCollect.FilerSyncOffsetGauge.WithLabelValues(sourceFiler.String(), targetFiler.String(), clientName, sourcePath).Set(float64(lastTsNs))
return setOffset(grpcDialOption, targetFiler, getSignaturePrefixByPath(sourcePath), sourceFilerSignature, lastTsNs)
return pb.FollowMetadata(sourceFiler, grpcDialOption, clientName, clientId,
sourcePath, nil, sourceFilerOffsetTsNs, 0, targetFilerSignature, processEventFnWithOffset, pb.RetryForeverOnError)
const (
SyncKeyPrefix = "sync."
// When each business is distinguished according to path, and offsets need to be maintained separately.
func getSignaturePrefixByPath(path string) string {
// compatible historical version
if path == "/" {
return SyncKeyPrefix
} else {
return SyncKeyPrefix + path
func getOffset(grpcDialOption grpc.DialOption, filer pb.ServerAddress, signaturePrefix string, signature int32) (lastOffsetTsNs int64, readErr error) {
readErr = pb.WithFilerClient(false, filer, grpcDialOption, func(client filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient) error {
syncKey := []byte(signaturePrefix + "____")
util.Uint32toBytes(syncKey[len(signaturePrefix):len(signaturePrefix)+4], uint32(signature))
resp, err := client.KvGet(context.Background(), &filer_pb.KvGetRequest{Key: syncKey})
if err != nil {
return err
if len(resp.Error) != 0 {
return errors.New(resp.Error)
if len(resp.Value) < 8 {
return nil
lastOffsetTsNs = int64(util.BytesToUint64(resp.Value))
return nil
func setOffset(grpcDialOption grpc.DialOption, filer pb.ServerAddress, signaturePrefix string, signature int32, offsetTsNs int64) error {
return pb.WithFilerClient(false, filer, grpcDialOption, func(client filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient) error {
syncKey := []byte(signaturePrefix + "____")
util.Uint32toBytes(syncKey[len(signaturePrefix):len(signaturePrefix)+4], uint32(signature))
valueBuf := make([]byte, 8)
util.Uint64toBytes(valueBuf, uint64(offsetTsNs))
resp, err := client.KvPut(context.Background(), &filer_pb.KvPutRequest{
Key: syncKey,
Value: valueBuf,
if err != nil {
return err
if len(resp.Error) != 0 {
return errors.New(resp.Error)
return nil
func genProcessFunction(sourcePath string, targetPath string, dataSink sink.ReplicationSink, debug bool) func(resp *filer_pb.SubscribeMetadataResponse) error {
// process function
processEventFn := func(resp *filer_pb.SubscribeMetadataResponse) error {
message := resp.EventNotification
var sourceOldKey, sourceNewKey util.FullPath
if message.OldEntry != nil {
sourceOldKey = util.FullPath(resp.Directory).Child(message.OldEntry.Name)
if message.NewEntry != nil {
sourceNewKey = util.FullPath(message.NewParentPath).Child(message.NewEntry.Name)
if debug {
glog.V(0).Infof("received %v", resp)
if !strings.HasPrefix(resp.Directory, sourcePath) {
return nil
// handle deletions
if filer_pb.IsDelete(resp) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(sourceOldKey), sourcePath) {
return nil
key := buildKey(dataSink, message, targetPath, sourceOldKey, sourcePath)
if !dataSink.IsIncremental() {
return dataSink.DeleteEntry(key, message.OldEntry.IsDirectory, message.DeleteChunks, message.Signatures)
return nil
// handle new entries
if filer_pb.IsCreate(resp) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(sourceNewKey), sourcePath) {
return nil
key := buildKey(dataSink, message, targetPath, sourceNewKey, sourcePath)
return dataSink.CreateEntry(key, message.NewEntry, message.Signatures)
// this is something special?
if filer_pb.IsEmpty(resp) {
return nil
// handle updates
if strings.HasPrefix(string(sourceOldKey), sourcePath) {
// old key is in the watched directory
if strings.HasPrefix(string(sourceNewKey), sourcePath) {
// new key is also in the watched directory
if !dataSink.IsIncremental() {
oldKey := util.Join(targetPath, string(sourceOldKey)[len(sourcePath):])
message.NewParentPath = util.Join(targetPath, message.NewParentPath[len(sourcePath):])
foundExisting, err := dataSink.UpdateEntry(string(oldKey), message.OldEntry, message.NewParentPath, message.NewEntry, message.DeleteChunks, message.Signatures)
if foundExisting {
return err
// not able to find old entry
if err = dataSink.DeleteEntry(string(oldKey), message.OldEntry.IsDirectory, false, message.Signatures); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("delete old entry %v: %v", oldKey, err)
// create the new entry
newKey := buildKey(dataSink, message, targetPath, sourceNewKey, sourcePath)
return dataSink.CreateEntry(newKey, message.NewEntry, message.Signatures)
} else {
// new key is outside of the watched directory
if !dataSink.IsIncremental() {
key := buildKey(dataSink, message, targetPath, sourceOldKey, sourcePath)
return dataSink.DeleteEntry(key, message.OldEntry.IsDirectory, message.DeleteChunks, message.Signatures)
} else {
// old key is outside of the watched directory
if strings.HasPrefix(string(sourceNewKey), sourcePath) {
// new key is in the watched directory
key := buildKey(dataSink, message, targetPath, sourceNewKey, sourcePath)
return dataSink.CreateEntry(key, message.NewEntry, message.Signatures)
} else {
// new key is also outside of the watched directory
// skip
return nil
return processEventFn
func buildKey(dataSink sink.ReplicationSink, message *filer_pb.EventNotification, targetPath string, sourceKey util.FullPath, sourcePath string) (key string) {
if !dataSink.IsIncremental() {
key = util.Join(targetPath, string(sourceKey)[len(sourcePath):])
} else {
var mTime int64
if message.NewEntry != nil {
mTime = message.NewEntry.Attributes.Mtime
} else if message.OldEntry != nil {
mTime = message.OldEntry.Attributes.Mtime
dateKey := time.Unix(mTime, 0).Format("2006-01-02")
key = util.Join(targetPath, dateKey, string(sourceKey)[len(sourcePath):])
return escapeKey(key)