You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
270 lines
6.6 KiB
270 lines
6.6 KiB
syntax = "proto3";
package messaging_pb;
option go_package = "";
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "MessageQueueProto";
service SeaweedMessaging {
// control plane
rpc FindBrokerLeader (FindBrokerLeaderRequest) returns (FindBrokerLeaderResponse) {
// control plane for balancer
rpc PublisherToPubBalancer (stream PublisherToPubBalancerRequest) returns (stream PublisherToPubBalancerResponse) {
rpc BalanceTopics (BalanceTopicsRequest) returns (BalanceTopicsResponse) {
// control plane for topic partitions
rpc ListTopics (ListTopicsRequest) returns (ListTopicsResponse) {
rpc ConfigureTopic (ConfigureTopicRequest) returns (ConfigureTopicResponse) {
rpc LookupTopicBrokers (LookupTopicBrokersRequest) returns (LookupTopicBrokersResponse) {
// invoked by the balancer, running on each broker
rpc AssignTopicPartitions (AssignTopicPartitionsRequest) returns (AssignTopicPartitionsResponse) {
rpc ClosePublishers(ClosePublishersRequest) returns (ClosePublishersResponse) {
rpc CloseSubscribers(CloseSubscribersRequest) returns (CloseSubscribersResponse) {
// subscriber connects to broker balancer, which coordinates with the subscribers
rpc SubscriberToSubCoordinator (stream SubscriberToSubCoordinatorRequest) returns (stream SubscriberToSubCoordinatorResponse) {
// data plane for each topic partition
rpc PublishMessage (stream PublishMessageRequest) returns (stream PublishMessageResponse) {
rpc SubscribeMessage (SubscribeMessageRequest) returns (stream SubscribeMessageResponse) {
// The lead broker asks a follower broker to follow itself
rpc PublishFollowMe (stream PublishFollowMeRequest) returns (stream PublishFollowMeResponse) {
message FindBrokerLeaderRequest {
string filer_group = 1;
message FindBrokerLeaderResponse {
string broker = 1;
message Topic {
string namespace = 1;
string name = 2;
message Partition {
int32 ring_size = 1;
int32 range_start = 2;
int32 range_stop = 3;
int64 unix_time_ns = 4;
message Offset {
Topic topic = 1;
repeated PartitionOffset partition_offsets = 2;
enum PartitionOffsetStartType {
message PartitionOffset {
Partition partition = 1;
int64 start_ts_ns = 2;
int64 stop_ts_ns = 3;
PartitionOffsetStartType start_type = 4;
message BrokerStats {
int32 cpu_usage_percent = 1;
map<string, TopicPartitionStats> stats = 2;
message TopicPartitionStats {
Topic topic = 1;
Partition partition = 2;
int32 consumer_count = 3;
bool is_leader = 4;
message PublisherToPubBalancerRequest {
message InitMessage {
string broker = 1;
oneof message {
InitMessage init = 1;
BrokerStats stats = 2;
message PublisherToPubBalancerResponse {
message BalanceTopicsRequest {
message BalanceTopicsResponse {
message ConfigureTopicRequest {
Topic topic = 1;
int32 partition_count = 2;
message ConfigureTopicResponse {
repeated BrokerPartitionAssignment broker_partition_assignments = 2;
message ListTopicsRequest {
message ListTopicsResponse {
repeated Topic topics = 1;
message LookupTopicBrokersRequest {
Topic topic = 1;
message LookupTopicBrokersResponse {
Topic topic = 1;
repeated BrokerPartitionAssignment broker_partition_assignments = 2;
message BrokerPartitionAssignment {
Partition partition = 1;
string leader_broker = 2;
repeated string follower_brokers = 3;
message AssignTopicPartitionsRequest {
Topic topic = 1;
repeated BrokerPartitionAssignment broker_partition_assignments = 2;
bool is_leader = 3;
bool is_draining = 4;
message AssignTopicPartitionsResponse {
message SubscriberToSubCoordinatorRequest {
message InitMessage {
string consumer_group = 1;
string consumer_group_instance_id = 2;
Topic topic = 3;
message AckMessage {
Partition partition = 1;
int64 ts_ns = 2;
oneof message {
InitMessage init = 1;
AckMessage ack = 2;
message SubscriberToSubCoordinatorResponse {
message AssignedPartition {
Partition partition = 1;
int64 ts_ns = 2;
string broker = 3;
message Assignment {
int64 generation = 1;
repeated AssignedPartition assigned_partitions = 2;
oneof message {
Assignment assignment = 1;
message DataMessage {
bytes key = 1;
bytes value = 2;
int64 ts_ns = 3;
message PublishMessageRequest {
message InitMessage {
Topic topic = 1;
Partition partition = 2;
int32 ack_interval = 3;
repeated string follower_brokers = 4;
oneof message {
InitMessage init = 1;
DataMessage data = 2;
int64 sequence = 3;
message PublishMessageResponse {
int64 ack_sequence = 1;
string error = 2;
bool should_close = 3;
message PublishFollowMeRequest {
message InitMessage {
Topic topic = 1;
Partition partition = 2;
message FlushMessage {
int64 ts_ns = 1;
message CloseMessage {
oneof message {
InitMessage init = 1;
DataMessage data = 2;
FlushMessage flush = 3;
CloseMessage close = 4;
message PublishFollowMeResponse {
int64 ack_ts_ns = 1;
message SubscribeMessageRequest {
message InitMessage {
string consumer_group = 1;
string consumer_id = 2;
string client_id = 3;
Topic topic = 4;
PartitionOffset partition_offset = 5;
string filter = 6;
message AckMessage {
int64 sequence = 1;
oneof message {
InitMessage init = 1;
AckMessage ack = 2;
message SubscribeMessageResponse {
message CtrlMessage {
string error = 1;
bool is_end_of_stream = 2;
bool is_end_of_topic = 3;
oneof message {
CtrlMessage ctrl = 1;
DataMessage data = 2;
message ClosePublishersRequest {
Topic topic = 1;
int64 unix_time_ns = 2;
message ClosePublishersResponse {
message CloseSubscribersRequest {
Topic topic = 1;
int64 unix_time_ns = 2;
message CloseSubscribersResponse {