435 lines
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435 lines
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package weed_server
import (
func (ms *MasterServer) RegisterUuids(heartbeat *master_pb.Heartbeat) (duplicated_uuids []string, err error) {
defer ms.Topo.UuidAccessLock.Unlock()
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", heartbeat.Ip, heartbeat.Port)
if ms.Topo.UuidMap == nil {
ms.Topo.UuidMap = make(map[string][]string)
// find whether new uuid exists
for k, v := range ms.Topo.UuidMap {
for _, id := range heartbeat.LocationUuids {
index := sort.SearchStrings(v, id)
if index < len(v) && v[index] == id {
duplicated_uuids = append(duplicated_uuids, id)
glog.Errorf("directory of %s on %s has been loaded", id, k)
if len(duplicated_uuids) > 0 {
return duplicated_uuids, errors.New("volume: Duplicated volume directories were loaded")
ms.Topo.UuidMap[key] = heartbeat.LocationUuids
glog.V(0).Infof("found new uuid:%v %v , %v", key, heartbeat.LocationUuids, ms.Topo.UuidMap)
return nil, nil
func (ms *MasterServer) UnRegisterUuids(ip string, port int) {
defer ms.Topo.UuidAccessLock.Unlock()
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ip, port)
delete(ms.Topo.UuidMap, key)
glog.V(0).Infof("remove volume server %v, online volume server: %v", key, ms.Topo.UuidMap)
func (ms *MasterServer) SendHeartbeat(stream master_pb.Seaweed_SendHeartbeatServer) error {
var dn *topology.DataNode
defer func() {
if dn != nil {
if dn.Counter > 0 {
glog.V(0).Infof("disconnect phantom volume server %s:%d remaining %d", dn.Ip, dn.Port, dn.Counter)
message := &master_pb.VolumeLocation{
DataCenter: dn.GetDataCenterId(),
Url: dn.Url(),
PublicUrl: dn.PublicUrl,
GrpcPort: uint32(dn.GrpcPort),
for _, v := range dn.GetVolumes() {
message.DeletedVids = append(message.DeletedVids, uint32(v.Id))
for _, s := range dn.GetEcShards() {
message.DeletedEcVids = append(message.DeletedEcVids, uint32(s.VolumeId))
// if the volume server disconnects and reconnects quickly
// the unregister and register can race with each other
glog.V(0).Infof("unregister disconnected volume server %s:%d", dn.Ip, dn.Port)
ms.UnRegisterUuids(dn.Ip, dn.Port)
if ms.Topo.IsLeader() && (len(message.DeletedVids) > 0 || len(message.DeletedEcVids) > 0) {
ms.broadcastToClients(&master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse{VolumeLocation: message})
for {
heartbeat, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
if dn != nil {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Recv server %s:%d : %v", dn.Ip, dn.Port, err)
} else {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Recv: %v", err)
return err
if !ms.Topo.IsLeader() {
// tell the volume servers about the leader
newLeader, err := ms.Topo.Leader()
if err != nil {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat find leader: %v", err)
return err
if err := stream.Send(&master_pb.HeartbeatResponse{
Leader: string(newLeader),
}); err != nil {
if dn != nil {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Send response to %s:%d %v", dn.Ip, dn.Port, err)
} else {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Send response %v", err)
return err
if dn == nil {
// Skip delta heartbeat for volume server versions better than 3.28 https://github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/pull/3630
if heartbeat.Ip == "" {
} // ToDo must be removed after update major version
dcName, rackName := ms.Topo.Configuration.Locate(heartbeat.Ip, heartbeat.DataCenter, heartbeat.Rack)
dc := ms.Topo.GetOrCreateDataCenter(dcName)
rack := dc.GetOrCreateRack(rackName)
dn = rack.GetOrCreateDataNode(heartbeat.Ip, int(heartbeat.Port), int(heartbeat.GrpcPort), heartbeat.PublicUrl, heartbeat.MaxVolumeCounts)
glog.V(0).Infof("added volume server %d: %v:%d %v", dn.Counter, heartbeat.GetIp(), heartbeat.GetPort(), heartbeat.LocationUuids)
uuidlist, err := ms.RegisterUuids(heartbeat)
if err != nil {
if stream_err := stream.Send(&master_pb.HeartbeatResponse{
DuplicatedUuids: uuidlist,
}); stream_err != nil {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Send DuplicatedDirectory response to %s:%d %v", dn.Ip, dn.Port, stream_err)
return stream_err
return err
if err := stream.Send(&master_pb.HeartbeatResponse{
VolumeSizeLimit: uint64(ms.option.VolumeSizeLimitMB) * 1024 * 1024,
Preallocate: ms.preallocateSize > 0,
}); err != nil {
glog.Warningf("SendHeartbeat.Send volume size to %s:%d %v", dn.Ip, dn.Port, err)
return err
glog.V(4).Infof("master received heartbeat %s", heartbeat.String())
message := &master_pb.VolumeLocation{
Url: dn.Url(),
PublicUrl: dn.PublicUrl,
DataCenter: dn.GetDataCenterId(),
GrpcPort: uint32(dn.GrpcPort),
if len(heartbeat.NewVolumes) > 0 {
if len(heartbeat.DeletedVolumes) > 0 {
if len(heartbeat.NewVolumes) > 0 || len(heartbeat.DeletedVolumes) > 0 {
// process delta volume ids if exists for fast volume id updates
for _, volInfo := range heartbeat.NewVolumes {
message.NewVids = append(message.NewVids, volInfo.Id)
for _, volInfo := range heartbeat.DeletedVolumes {
message.DeletedVids = append(message.DeletedVids, volInfo.Id)
// update master internal volume layouts
ms.Topo.IncrementalSyncDataNodeRegistration(heartbeat.NewVolumes, heartbeat.DeletedVolumes, dn)
if len(heartbeat.Volumes) > 0 || heartbeat.HasNoVolumes {
if heartbeat.Ip != "" {
dcName, rackName := ms.Topo.Configuration.Locate(heartbeat.Ip, heartbeat.DataCenter, heartbeat.Rack)
ms.Topo.DataNodeRegistration(dcName, rackName, dn)
// process heartbeat.Volumes
newVolumes, deletedVolumes := ms.Topo.SyncDataNodeRegistration(heartbeat.Volumes, dn)
for _, v := range newVolumes {
glog.V(0).Infof("master see new volume %d from %s", uint32(v.Id), dn.Url())
message.NewVids = append(message.NewVids, uint32(v.Id))
for _, v := range deletedVolumes {
glog.V(0).Infof("master see deleted volume %d from %s", uint32(v.Id), dn.Url())
message.DeletedVids = append(message.DeletedVids, uint32(v.Id))
if len(heartbeat.NewEcShards) > 0 || len(heartbeat.DeletedEcShards) > 0 {
// update master internal volume layouts
ms.Topo.IncrementalSyncDataNodeEcShards(heartbeat.NewEcShards, heartbeat.DeletedEcShards, dn)
for _, s := range heartbeat.NewEcShards {
message.NewEcVids = append(message.NewEcVids, s.Id)
for _, s := range heartbeat.DeletedEcShards {
if dn.HasEcShards(needle.VolumeId(s.Id)) {
message.DeletedEcVids = append(message.DeletedEcVids, s.Id)
if len(heartbeat.EcShards) > 0 || heartbeat.HasNoEcShards {
glog.V(4).Infof("master received ec shards from %s: %+v", dn.Url(), heartbeat.EcShards)
newShards, deletedShards := ms.Topo.SyncDataNodeEcShards(heartbeat.EcShards, dn)
// broadcast the ec vid changes to master clients
for _, s := range newShards {
message.NewEcVids = append(message.NewEcVids, uint32(s.VolumeId))
for _, s := range deletedShards {
if dn.HasVolumesById(s.VolumeId) {
message.DeletedEcVids = append(message.DeletedEcVids, uint32(s.VolumeId))
if len(message.NewVids) > 0 || len(message.DeletedVids) > 0 || len(message.NewEcVids) > 0 || len(message.DeletedEcVids) > 0 {
ms.broadcastToClients(&master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse{VolumeLocation: message})
// KeepConnected keep a stream gRPC call to the master. Used by clients to know the master is up.
// And clients gets the up-to-date list of volume locations
func (ms *MasterServer) KeepConnected(stream master_pb.Seaweed_KeepConnectedServer) error {
req, recvErr := stream.Recv()
if recvErr != nil {
return recvErr
if !ms.Topo.IsLeader() {
return ms.informNewLeader(stream)
clientAddress := req.ClientAddress
// Ensure that the clientAddress is unique.
if clientAddress == "" {
clientAddress = uuid.New().String()
peerAddress := pb.ServerAddress(clientAddress)
// buffer by 1 so we don't end up getting stuck writing to stopChan forever
stopChan := make(chan bool, 1)
clientName, messageChan := ms.addClient(req.FilerGroup, req.ClientType, peerAddress)
for _, update := range ms.Cluster.AddClusterNode(req.FilerGroup, req.ClientType, cluster.DataCenter(req.DataCenter), cluster.Rack(req.Rack), peerAddress, req.Version) {
defer func() {
for _, update := range ms.Cluster.RemoveClusterNode(req.FilerGroup, req.ClientType, peerAddress) {
for i, message := range ms.Topo.ToVolumeLocations() {
if i == 0 {
if leader, err := ms.Topo.Leader(); err == nil {
message.Leader = string(leader)
if sendErr := stream.Send(&master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse{VolumeLocation: message}); sendErr != nil {
return sendErr
go func() {
for {
_, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
glog.V(2).Infof("- client %v: %v", clientName, err)
go func() {
// consume message chan to avoid deadlock, go routine exit when message chan is closed
for range messageChan {
// no op
ticker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case message := <-messageChan:
if err := stream.Send(message); err != nil {
glog.V(0).Infof("=> client %v: %+v", clientName, message)
return err
case <-ticker.C:
if !ms.Topo.IsLeader() {
return ms.informNewLeader(stream)
} else {
case <-stopChan:
return nil
func (ms *MasterServer) broadcastToClients(message *master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse) {
for client, ch := range ms.clientChans {
select {
case ch <- message:
glog.V(4).Infof("send message to %s", client)
glog.Errorf("broadcastToClients %s message full", client)
func (ms *MasterServer) informNewLeader(stream master_pb.Seaweed_KeepConnectedServer) error {
leader, err := ms.Topo.Leader()
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("topo leader: %v", err)
return raft.NotLeaderError
if err := stream.Send(&master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse{
VolumeLocation: &master_pb.VolumeLocation{
Leader: string(leader),
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (ms *MasterServer) addClient(filerGroup, clientType string, clientAddress pb.ServerAddress) (clientName string, messageChan chan *master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse) {
clientName = filerGroup + "." + clientType + "@" + string(clientAddress)
glog.V(0).Infof("+ client %v", clientName)
// we buffer this because otherwise we end up in a potential deadlock where
// the KeepConnected loop is no longer listening on this channel but we're
// trying to send to it in SendHeartbeat and so we can't lock the
// clientChansLock to remove the channel and we're stuck writing to it
messageChan = make(chan *master_pb.KeepConnectedResponse, 10000)
ms.clientChans[clientName] = messageChan
func (ms *MasterServer) deleteClient(clientName string) {
glog.V(0).Infof("- client %v", clientName)
// close message chan, so that the KeepConnected go routine can exit
if clientChan, ok := ms.clientChans[clientName]; ok {
delete(ms.clientChans, clientName)
func findClientAddress(ctx context.Context, grpcPort uint32) string {
// fmt.Printf("FromContext %+v\n", ctx)
pr, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
glog.Error("failed to get peer from ctx")
return ""
if pr.Addr == net.Addr(nil) {
glog.Error("failed to get peer address")
return ""
if grpcPort == 0 {
return pr.Addr.String()
if tcpAddr, ok := pr.Addr.(*net.TCPAddr); ok {
externalIP := tcpAddr.IP
return util.JoinHostPort(externalIP.String(), int(grpcPort))
return pr.Addr.String()
func (ms *MasterServer) GetMasterConfiguration(ctx context.Context, req *master_pb.GetMasterConfigurationRequest) (*master_pb.GetMasterConfigurationResponse, error) {
// tell the volume servers about the leader
leader, _ := ms.Topo.Leader()
resp := &master_pb.GetMasterConfigurationResponse{
MetricsAddress: ms.option.MetricsAddress,
MetricsIntervalSeconds: uint32(ms.option.MetricsIntervalSec),
StorageBackends: backend.ToPbStorageBackends(),
DefaultReplication: ms.option.DefaultReplicaPlacement,
VolumeSizeLimitMB: uint32(ms.option.VolumeSizeLimitMB),
VolumePreallocate: ms.option.VolumePreallocate,
Leader: string(leader),
return resp, nil