package shell import ( "context" "flag" "fmt" "" "" "io" "time" "" ) func init() { Commands = append(Commands, &commandVolumeTierMove{}) } type commandVolumeTierMove struct { } func (c *commandVolumeTierMove) Name() string { return "volume.tier.upload" } func (c *commandVolumeTierMove) Help() string { return `change a volume from one disk type to another volume.tier.move -source=hdd -target=ssd [-collection=""] [-fullPercent=95] [-quietFor=1h] volume.tier.move -target=hdd [-collection=""] -volumeId= ` } func (c *commandVolumeTierMove) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv, writer io.Writer) (err error) { if err = commandEnv.confirmIsLocked(); err != nil { return } tierCommand := flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError) volumeId := tierCommand.Int("volumeId", 0, "the volume id") collection := tierCommand.String("collection", "", "the collection name") fullPercentage := tierCommand.Float64("fullPercent", 95, "the volume reaches the percentage of max volume size") quietPeriod := tierCommand.Duration("quietFor", 24*time.Hour, "select volumes without no writes for this period") source := tierCommand.String("fromDiskType", "", "the source disk type") target := tierCommand.String("toDiskType", "", "the target disk type") if err = tierCommand.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } if *source == *target { return fmt.Errorf("source tier %s is the same as target tier %s", *source, *target) } vid := needle.VolumeId(*volumeId) // volumeId is provided if vid != 0 { // return doVolumeTierMove(commandEnv, writer, *collection, vid, *dest, *keepLocalDatFile) } // apply to all volumes in the collection // reusing collectVolumeIdsForEcEncode for now volumeIds, err := collectVolumeIdsForTierChange(commandEnv, *source, *collection, *fullPercentage, *quietPeriod) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Printf("tier move volumes: %v\n", volumeIds) return nil } func collectVolumeIdsForTierChange(commandEnv *CommandEnv, sourceTier string, selectedCollection string, fullPercentage float64, quietPeriod time.Duration) (vids []needle.VolumeId, err error) { var resp *master_pb.VolumeListResponse err = commandEnv.MasterClient.WithClient(func(client master_pb.SeaweedClient) error { resp, err = client.VolumeList(context.Background(), &master_pb.VolumeListRequest{}) return err }) if err != nil { return } quietSeconds := int64(quietPeriod / time.Second) nowUnixSeconds := time.Now().Unix() fmt.Printf("collect %s volumes quiet for: %d seconds\n", sourceTier, quietSeconds) vidMap := make(map[uint32]bool) eachDataNode(resp.TopologyInfo, func(dc string, rack RackId, dn *master_pb.DataNodeInfo) { for _, diskInfo := range dn.DiskInfos { for _, v := range diskInfo.VolumeInfos { if v.Collection == selectedCollection && v.ModifiedAtSecond+quietSeconds < nowUnixSeconds && types.DiskType(v.DiskType) == types.ToDiskType(sourceTier) { if float64(v.Size) > fullPercentage/100*float64(resp.VolumeSizeLimitMb)*1024*1024 { vidMap[v.Id] = true } } } } }) for vid := range vidMap { vids = append(vids, needle.VolumeId(vid)) } return }