package weed_server

import (


var fileNameEscaper = strings.NewReplacer("\\", "\\\\", "\"", "\\\"")

func (vs *VolumeServer) GetOrHeadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	n := new(storage.Needle)
	vid, fid, filename, ext, _ := parseURLPath(r.URL.Path)
	volumeId, err := storage.NewVolumeId(vid)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infoln("parsing error:", err, r.URL.Path)
	err = n.ParsePath(fid)
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infoln("parsing fid error:", err, r.URL.Path)

	glog.V(4).Infoln("volume", volumeId, "reading", n)
	if ! {
		if !vs.ReadRedirect {
			glog.V(2).Infoln("volume is not local:", err, r.URL.Path)
		lookupResult, err := operation.Lookup(vs.GetMasterNode(), volumeId.String())
		glog.V(2).Infoln("volume", volumeId, "found on", lookupResult, "error", err)
		if err == nil && len(lookupResult.Locations) > 0 {
			u, _ := url.Parse(util.NormalizeUrl(lookupResult.Locations[0].PublicUrl))
			u.Path = r.URL.Path
			arg := url.Values{}
			if c := r.FormValue("collection"); c != "" {
				arg.Set("collection", c)
			u.RawQuery = arg.Encode()
			http.Redirect(w, r, u.String(), http.StatusMovedPermanently)

		} else {
			glog.V(2).Infoln("lookup error:", err, r.URL.Path)
	cookie := n.Cookie
	count, e :=, n)
	glog.V(4).Infoln("read bytes", count, "error", e)
	if e != nil || count <= 0 {
		glog.V(0).Infoln("read error:", e, r.URL.Path)
	defer n.ReleaseMemory()
	if n.Cookie != cookie {
		glog.V(0).Infoln("request", r.URL.Path, "with unmaching cookie seen:", cookie, "expected:", n.Cookie, "from", r.RemoteAddr, "agent", r.UserAgent())
	if n.LastModified != 0 {
		w.Header().Set("Last-Modified", time.Unix(int64(n.LastModified), 0).UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat))
		if r.Header.Get("If-Modified-Since") != "" {
			if t, parseError := time.Parse(http.TimeFormat, r.Header.Get("If-Modified-Since")); parseError == nil {
				if t.Unix() >= int64(n.LastModified) {
	etag := n.Etag()
	if inm := r.Header.Get("If-None-Match"); inm == etag {
	w.Header().Set("Etag", etag)

	if vs.tryHandleChunkedFile(n, filename, w, r) {

	if n.NameSize > 0 && filename == "" {
		filename = string(n.Name)
		if ext == "" {
			ext = path.Ext(filename)
	mtype := ""
	if n.MimeSize > 0 {
		mt := string(n.Mime)
		if !strings.HasPrefix(mt, "application/octet-stream") {
			mtype = mt

	if ext != ".gz" {
		if n.IsGzipped() {
			if strings.Contains(r.Header.Get("Accept-Encoding"), "gzip") {
				w.Header().Set("Content-Encoding", "gzip")
			} else {
				if n.Data, err = operation.UnGzipData(n.Data); err != nil {
					glog.V(0).Infoln("ungzip error:", err, r.URL.Path)
	if ext == ".png" || ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".gif" {
		width, height := 0, 0
		if r.FormValue("width") != "" {
			width, _ = strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("width"))
		if r.FormValue("height") != "" {
			height, _ = strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("height"))
		n.Data, _, _ = images.Resized(ext, n.Data, width, height)

	if e := writeResponseContent(filename, mtype, bytes.NewReader(n.Data), w, r); e != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infoln("response write error:", e)

func (vs *VolumeServer) FaviconHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	data, err := images.Asset("favicon/favicon.ico")
	if err != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infoln("favicon read error:", err)

	if e := writeResponseContent("favicon.ico", "image/x-icon", bytes.NewReader(data), w, r); e != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infoln("response write error:", e)

func (vs *VolumeServer) tryHandleChunkedFile(n *storage.Needle, fileName string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (processed bool) {
	if !n.IsChunkedManifest() {
		return false

	chunkManifest, e := operation.LoadChunkManifest(n.Data, n.IsGzipped())
	if e != nil {
		glog.V(0).Infof("load chunked manifest (%s) error: %v", r.URL.Path, e)
		return false
	if fileName == "" && chunkManifest.Name != "" {
		fileName = chunkManifest.Name
	mType := ""
	if chunkManifest.Mime != "" {
		mt := chunkManifest.Mime
		if !strings.HasPrefix(mt, "application/octet-stream") {
			mType = mt

	w.Header().Set("X-File-Store", "chunked")

	chunkedFileReader := &operation.ChunkedFileReader{
		Manifest: chunkManifest,
		Master:   vs.GetMasterNode(),
	defer chunkedFileReader.Close()
	if e := writeResponseContent(fileName, mType, chunkedFileReader, w, r); e != nil {
		glog.V(2).Infoln("response write error:", e)
	return true

func writeResponseContent(filename, mimeType string, rs io.ReadSeeker, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
	totalSize, e := rs.Seek(0, 2)
	if mimeType == "" {
		if ext := path.Ext(filename); ext != "" {
			mimeType = mime.TypeByExtension(ext)
	if mimeType != "" {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", mimeType)
	if filename != "" {
		contentDisposition := "inline"
		if r.FormValue("dl") != "" {
			if dl, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("dl")); dl {
				contentDisposition = "attachment"
		w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", contentDisposition+`; filename="`+fileNameEscaper.Replace(filename)+`"`)
	w.Header().Set("Accept-Ranges", "bytes")
	if r.Method == "HEAD" {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(totalSize, 10))
		return nil
	rangeReq := r.Header.Get("Range")
	if rangeReq == "" {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(totalSize, 10))
		if _, e = rs.Seek(0, 0); e != nil {
			return e
		_, e = io.Copy(w, rs)
		return e

	//the rest is dealing with partial content request
	//mostly copy from src/pkg/net/http/fs.go
	ranges, err := parseRange(rangeReq, totalSize)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable)
		return nil
	if sumRangesSize(ranges) > totalSize {
		// The total number of bytes in all the ranges
		// is larger than the size of the file by
		// itself, so this is probably an attack, or a
		// dumb client.  Ignore the range request.
		return nil
	if len(ranges) == 0 {
		return nil
	if len(ranges) == 1 {
		// RFC 2616, Section 14.16:
		// "When an HTTP message includes the content of a single
		// range (for example, a response to a request for a
		// single range, or to a request for a set of ranges
		// that overlap without any holes), this content is
		// transmitted with a Content-Range header, and a
		// Content-Length header showing the number of bytes
		// actually transferred.
		// ...
		// A response to a request for a single range MUST NOT
		// be sent using the multipart/byteranges media type."
		ra := ranges[0]
		w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(ra.length, 10))
		w.Header().Set("Content-Range", ra.contentRange(totalSize))
		if _, e = rs.Seek(ra.start, 0); e != nil {
			return e

		_, e = io.CopyN(w, rs, ra.length)
		return e
	// process multiple ranges
	for _, ra := range ranges {
		if ra.start > totalSize {
			http.Error(w, "Out of Range", http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable)
			return nil
	sendSize := rangesMIMESize(ranges, mimeType, totalSize)
	pr, pw := io.Pipe()
	mw := multipart.NewWriter(pw)
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "multipart/byteranges; boundary="+mw.Boundary())
	sendContent := pr
	defer pr.Close() // cause writing goroutine to fail and exit if CopyN doesn't finish.
	go func() {
		for _, ra := range ranges {
			part, e := mw.CreatePart(ra.mimeHeader(mimeType, totalSize))
			if e != nil {
			if _, e = rs.Seek(ra.start, 0); e != nil {
			if _, e = io.CopyN(part, rs, ra.length); e != nil {
	if w.Header().Get("Content-Encoding") == "" {
		w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(sendSize, 10))
	_, e = io.CopyN(w, sendContent, sendSize)
	return e