# A sample TOML config file for replicating SeaweedFS filer
# Used with "weed filer.backup"
# Using with "weed filer.replicate" is deprecated.
# Put this file to one of the location, with descending priority
#    ./replication.toml
#    $HOME/.seaweedfs/replication.toml
#    /etc/seaweedfs/replication.toml

[source.filer]  # deprecated. Only useful with "weed filer.replicate"
enabled = true
grpcAddress = "localhost:18888"
# all files under this directory tree are replicated.
# this is not a directory on your hard drive, but on your filer.
# i.e., all files with this "prefix" are sent to notification message queue.
directory = "/buckets"
# files from the directory separated by space are excluded from sending notifications
excludeDirectories = "/buckets/tmp"

enabled = false
directory = "/data"
# all replicated files are under modified time as yyyy-mm-dd directories
# so each date directory contains all new and updated files.
is_incremental = false

enabled = false
grpcAddress = "localhost:18888"
# all replicated files are under this directory tree
# this is not a directory on your hard drive, but on your filer.
# i.e., all received files will be "prefixed" to this directory.
directory = "/backup"
replication = ""
collection = ""
ttlSec = 0
is_incremental = false

# read credentials doc at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/v1/developer-guide/sessions.html
# default loads credentials from the shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials).
enabled = false
aws_access_key_id = ""         # if empty, loads from the shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials).
aws_secret_access_key = ""     # if empty, loads from the shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials).
region = "us-east-2"
bucket = "your_bucket_name"    # an existing bucket
directory = "/"                # destination directory
endpoint = ""
is_incremental = false

# read credentials doc at https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started
enabled = false
google_application_credentials = "/path/to/x.json" # path to json credential file
bucket = "your_bucket_seaweedfs"    # an existing bucket
directory = "/"                     # destination directory
is_incremental = false

# experimental, let me know if it works
enabled = false
account_name = ""
account_key = ""
container = "mycontainer"      # an existing container
directory = "/"                # destination directory
is_incremental = false

enabled = false
b2_account_id = ""
b2_master_application_key = ""
bucket = "mybucket"            # an existing bucket
directory = "/"                # destination directory
is_incremental = false