package shell

import (

func init() {
	commands = append(commands, &commandVolumeFixReplication{})

type commandVolumeFixReplication struct {

func (c *commandVolumeFixReplication) Name() string {
	return "volume.fix.replication"

func (c *commandVolumeFixReplication) Help() string {
	return `add replicas to volumes that are missing replicas

	This command file all under-replicated volumes, and find volume servers with free slots.
	If the free slots satisfy the replication requirement, the volume content is copied over and mounted.

	volume.fix.replication -n # do not take action
	volume.fix.replication    # actually copying the volume files and mount the volume

		* each time this will only add back one replica for one volume id. If there are multiple replicas
		  are missing, e.g. multiple volume servers are new, you may need to run this multiple times.
		* do not run this too quick within seconds, since the new volume replica may take a few seconds 
		  to register itself to the master.


func (c *commandVolumeFixReplication) Do(args []string, commandEnv *commandEnv, writer io.Writer) (err error) {

	takeAction := true
	if len(args) > 0 && args[0] == "-n" {
		takeAction = false

	var resp *master_pb.VolumeListResponse
	ctx := context.Background()
	err = commandEnv.masterClient.WithClient(ctx, func(client master_pb.SeaweedClient) error {
		resp, err = client.VolumeList(ctx, &master_pb.VolumeListRequest{})
		return err
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// find all volumes that needs replication
	// collect all data nodes
	replicatedVolumeLocations := make(map[uint32][]location)
	replicatedVolumeInfo := make(map[uint32]*master_pb.VolumeInformationMessage)
	var allLocations []location
	for _, dc := range resp.TopologyInfo.DataCenterInfos {
		for _, rack := range dc.RackInfos {
			for _, dn := range rack.DataNodeInfos {
				loc := newLocation(dc.Id, rack.Id, dn)
				for _, v := range dn.VolumeInfos {
					if v.ReplicaPlacement > 0 {
						replicatedVolumeLocations[v.Id] = append(replicatedVolumeLocations[v.Id], loc)
						replicatedVolumeInfo[v.Id] = v
				allLocations = append(allLocations, loc)

	// find all under replicated volumes
	underReplicatedVolumeLocations := make(map[uint32][]location)
	for vid, locations := range replicatedVolumeLocations {
		volumeInfo := replicatedVolumeInfo[vid]
		replicaPlacement, _ := storage.NewReplicaPlacementFromByte(byte(volumeInfo.ReplicaPlacement))
		if replicaPlacement.GetCopyCount() > len(locations) {
			underReplicatedVolumeLocations[vid] = locations

	if len(underReplicatedVolumeLocations) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("no under replicated volumes")

	if len(allLocations) == 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("no data nodes at all")

	// find the most under populated data nodes

	for vid, locations := range underReplicatedVolumeLocations {
		volumeInfo := replicatedVolumeInfo[vid]
		replicaPlacement, _ := storage.NewReplicaPlacementFromByte(byte(volumeInfo.ReplicaPlacement))
		foundNewLocation := false
		for _, dst := range allLocations {
			// check whether data nodes satisfy the constraints
			if dst.dataNode.FreeVolumeCount > 0 && satisfyReplicaPlacement(replicaPlacement, locations, dst) {
				// ask the volume server to replicate the volume
				sourceNodes := underReplicatedVolumeLocations[vid]
				sourceNode := sourceNodes[rand.Intn(len(sourceNodes))]
				foundNewLocation = true
				fmt.Fprintf(writer, "replicating volume %d %s from %s to dataNode %s ...\n", volumeInfo.Id, replicaPlacement, sourceNode.dataNode.Id, dst.dataNode.Id)

				if !takeAction {

				err := operation.WithVolumeServerClient(dst.dataNode.Id, commandEnv.option.GrpcDialOption, func(volumeServerClient volume_server_pb.VolumeServerClient) error {
					_, replicateErr := volumeServerClient.VolumeCopy(ctx, &volume_server_pb.VolumeCopyRequest{
						VolumeId:       volumeInfo.Id,
						Collection:     volumeInfo.Collection,
						SourceDataNode: sourceNode.dataNode.Id,
					return replicateErr

				if err != nil {
					return err

				// adjust free volume count
		if !foundNewLocation {
			fmt.Fprintf(writer, "failed to place volume %d replica as %s, existing:%+v\n", volumeInfo.Id, replicaPlacement, locations)


	return nil

func keepDataNodesSorted(dataNodes []location) {
	sort.Slice(dataNodes, func(i, j int) bool {
		return dataNodes[i].dataNode.FreeVolumeCount > dataNodes[j].dataNode.FreeVolumeCount

func satisfyReplicaPlacement(replicaPlacement *storage.ReplicaPlacement, existingLocations []location, possibleLocation location) bool {

	existingDataCenters := make(map[string]bool)
	existingRacks := make(map[string]bool)
	existingDataNodes := make(map[string]bool)
	for _, loc := range existingLocations {
		existingDataCenters[loc.DataCenter()] = true
		existingRacks[loc.Rack()] = true
		existingDataNodes[loc.String()] = true

	if replicaPlacement.DiffDataCenterCount >= len(existingDataCenters) {
		// check dc, good if different from any existing data centers
		_, found := existingDataCenters[possibleLocation.DataCenter()]
		return !found
	} else if replicaPlacement.DiffRackCount >= len(existingRacks) {
		// check rack, good if different from any existing racks
		_, found := existingRacks[possibleLocation.Rack()]
		return !found
	} else if replicaPlacement.SameRackCount >= len(existingDataNodes) {
		// check data node, good if different from any existing data nodes
		_, found := existingDataNodes[possibleLocation.String()]
		return !found

	return false

type location struct {
	dc       string
	rack     string
	dataNode *master_pb.DataNodeInfo

func newLocation(dc, rack string, dataNode *master_pb.DataNodeInfo) location {
	return location{
		dc:       dc,
		rack:     rack,
		dataNode: dataNode,

func (l location) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", l.dc, l.rack, l.dataNode.Id)

func (l location) Rack() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", l.dc, l.rack)

func (l location) DataCenter() string {
	return l.dc