/** * Seaweedfs Master Server API * The Seaweedfs Master Server API allows you to store blobs * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 3.43.0 * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI-Generator 6.4.0. * https://openapi-generator.tech * Do not edit the class manually. */ /* * JsonBody.h * * This is a JSON http body which can be submitted via http */ #ifndef ORG_OPENAPITOOLS_CLIENT_MODEL_JsonBody_H_ #define ORG_OPENAPITOOLS_CLIENT_MODEL_JsonBody_H_ #include "CppRestOpenAPIClient/IHttpBody.h" #include namespace org { namespace openapitools { namespace client { namespace model { class JsonBody : public IHttpBody { public: JsonBody( const web::json::value& value ); virtual ~JsonBody(); void writeTo( std::ostream& target ) override; protected: web::json::value m_Json; }; } } } } #endif /* ORG_OPENAPITOOLS_CLIENT_MODEL_JsonBody_H_ */