##arangodb database: https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb go driver: https://github.com/arangodb/go-driver options: ``` [arangodb] enabled=true db_name="seaweedfs" servers=["http://localhost:8529"] user="root" pass="test" # whether to enable fulltext index # this allows for directory prefix query fulltext=true # tls settings insecure_skip_verify=true ``` supports buckets with an extra field in document. omitempty means extra space is not used. i test with `docker run -p 8529:8529 -e ARANGO_ROOT_PASSWORD=test arangodb/arangodb:3.9.0` ## todo implement native TTL ## thoughts should there be one collection per bucket? would make deleting a bucket instant as compared to fast ## comparison arangodb uses rocksdb in the background, so i am assuming things run in log time i am not sure how the prefix query scales compared to the recursive calls that some other stores do for folder deletion might need to change that. ok, so if https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/indexing-index-basics.html#persistent-index is correct it should be log time to the number of files in the directory and constant time if you have full directory + file