@ -4,12 +4,6 @@ import (
func init ( ) {
@ -103,7 +97,6 @@ func (c *commandEcBalance) HasTag(CommandTag) bool {
func ( c * commandEcBalance ) Do ( args [ ] string , commandEnv * CommandEnv , writer io . Writer ) ( err error ) {
balanceCommand := flag . NewFlagSet ( c . Name ( ) , flag . ContinueOnError )
collection := balanceCommand . String ( "collection" , "EACH_COLLECTION" , "collection name, or \"EACH_COLLECTION\" for each collection" )
dc := balanceCommand . String ( "dataCenter" , "" , "only apply the balancing for this dataCenter" )
@ -117,431 +110,16 @@ func (c *commandEcBalance) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv, writer io.W
// collect all ec nodes
allEcNodes , totalFreeEcSlots , err := collectEcNodes ( commandEnv , * dc )
if err != nil {
return err
if totalFreeEcSlots < 1 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "no free ec shard slots. only %d left" , totalFreeEcSlots )
racks := collectRacks ( allEcNodes )
var collections [ ] string
if * collection == "EACH_COLLECTION" {
collections , err : = ListCollectionNames ( commandEnv , false , true )
collections , err = ListCollectionNames ( commandEnv , false , true )
if err != nil {
return err
fmt . Printf ( "balanceEcVolumes collections %+v\n" , len ( collections ) )
for _ , c := range collections {
fmt . Printf ( "balanceEcVolumes collection %+v\n" , c )
if err = balanceEcVolumes ( commandEnv , c , allEcNodes , racks , * applyBalancing ) ; err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err = balanceEcVolumes ( commandEnv , * collection , allEcNodes , racks , * applyBalancing ) ; err != nil {
return err
if err := balanceEcRacks ( commandEnv , racks , * applyBalancing ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "balance ec racks: %v" , err )
return nil
func collectRacks ( allEcNodes [ ] * EcNode ) map [ RackId ] * EcRack {
// collect racks info
racks := make ( map [ RackId ] * EcRack )
for _ , ecNode := range allEcNodes {
if racks [ ecNode . rack ] == nil {
racks [ ecNode . rack ] = & EcRack {
ecNodes : make ( map [ EcNodeId ] * EcNode ) ,
racks [ ecNode . rack ] . ecNodes [ EcNodeId ( ecNode . info . Id ) ] = ecNode
racks [ ecNode . rack ] . freeEcSlot += ecNode . freeEcSlot
return racks
func balanceEcVolumes ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , collection string , allEcNodes [ ] * EcNode , racks map [ RackId ] * EcRack , applyBalancing bool ) error {
fmt . Printf ( "balanceEcVolumes %s\n" , collection )
if err := deleteDuplicatedEcShards ( commandEnv , allEcNodes , collection , applyBalancing ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "delete duplicated collection %s ec shards: %v" , collection , err )
if err := balanceEcShardsAcrossRacks ( commandEnv , allEcNodes , racks , collection , applyBalancing ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "balance across racks collection %s ec shards: %v" , collection , err )
if err := balanceEcShardsWithinRacks ( commandEnv , allEcNodes , racks , collection , applyBalancing ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "balance within racks collection %s ec shards: %v" , collection , err )
return nil
func deleteDuplicatedEcShards ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , allEcNodes [ ] * EcNode , collection string , applyBalancing bool ) error {
// vid => []ecNode
vidLocations := collectVolumeIdToEcNodes ( allEcNodes , collection )
// deduplicate ec shards
for vid , locations := range vidLocations {
if err := doDeduplicateEcShards ( commandEnv , collection , vid , locations , applyBalancing ) ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
func doDeduplicateEcShards ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , collection string , vid needle . VolumeId , locations [ ] * EcNode , applyBalancing bool ) error {
// check whether this volume has ecNodes that are over average
shardToLocations := make ( [ ] [ ] * EcNode , erasure_coding . TotalShardsCount )
for _ , ecNode := range locations {
shardBits := findEcVolumeShards ( ecNode , vid )
for _ , shardId := range shardBits . ShardIds ( ) {
shardToLocations [ shardId ] = append ( shardToLocations [ shardId ] , ecNode )
for shardId , ecNodes := range shardToLocations {
if len ( ecNodes ) <= 1 {
sortEcNodesByFreeslotsAscending ( ecNodes )
fmt . Printf ( "ec shard %d.%d has %d copies, keeping %v\n" , vid , shardId , len ( ecNodes ) , ecNodes [ 0 ] . info . Id )
if ! applyBalancing {
duplicatedShardIds := [ ] uint32 { uint32 ( shardId ) }
for _ , ecNode := range ecNodes [ 1 : ] {
if err := unmountEcShards ( commandEnv . option . GrpcDialOption , vid , pb . NewServerAddressFromDataNode ( ecNode . info ) , duplicatedShardIds ) ; err != nil {
return err
if err := sourceServerDeleteEcShards ( commandEnv . option . GrpcDialOption , collection , vid , pb . NewServerAddressFromDataNode ( ecNode . info ) , duplicatedShardIds ) ; err != nil {
return err
ecNode . deleteEcVolumeShards ( vid , duplicatedShardIds )
collections = append ( collections , * collection )
return nil
func balanceEcShardsAcrossRacks ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , allEcNodes [ ] * EcNode , racks map [ RackId ] * EcRack , collection string , applyBalancing bool ) error {
// collect vid => []ecNode, since previous steps can change the locations
vidLocations := collectVolumeIdToEcNodes ( allEcNodes , collection )
// spread the ec shards evenly
for vid , locations := range vidLocations {
if err := doBalanceEcShardsAcrossRacks ( commandEnv , collection , vid , locations , racks , applyBalancing ) ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
func doBalanceEcShardsAcrossRacks ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , collection string , vid needle . VolumeId , locations [ ] * EcNode , racks map [ RackId ] * EcRack , applyBalancing bool ) error {
fmt . Printf ( "balanceEcVolumes collections %+v\n" , len ( collections ) )
// calculate average number of shards an ec rack should have for one volume
averageShardsPerEcRack := ceilDivide ( erasure_coding . TotalShardsCount , len ( racks ) )
// see the volume's shards are in how many racks, and how many in each rack
rackToShardCount := groupByCount ( locations , func ( ecNode * EcNode ) ( id string , count int ) {
shardBits := findEcVolumeShards ( ecNode , vid )
return string ( ecNode . rack ) , shardBits . ShardIdCount ( )
} )
rackEcNodesWithVid := groupBy ( locations , func ( ecNode * EcNode ) string {
return string ( ecNode . rack )
} )
// ecShardsToMove = select overflown ec shards from racks with ec shard counts > averageShardsPerEcRack
ecShardsToMove := make ( map [ erasure_coding . ShardId ] * EcNode )
for rackId , count := range rackToShardCount {
if count > averageShardsPerEcRack {
possibleEcNodes := rackEcNodesWithVid [ rackId ]
for shardId , ecNode := range pickNEcShardsToMoveFrom ( possibleEcNodes , vid , count - averageShardsPerEcRack ) {
ecShardsToMove [ shardId ] = ecNode
for shardId , ecNode := range ecShardsToMove {
rackId := pickOneRack ( racks , rackToShardCount , averageShardsPerEcRack )
if rackId == "" {
fmt . Printf ( "ec shard %d.%d at %s can not find a destination rack\n" , vid , shardId , ecNode . info . Id )
var possibleDestinationEcNodes [ ] * EcNode
for _ , n := range racks [ rackId ] . ecNodes {
possibleDestinationEcNodes = append ( possibleDestinationEcNodes , n )
err := pickOneEcNodeAndMoveOneShard ( commandEnv , averageShardsPerEcRack , ecNode , collection , vid , shardId , possibleDestinationEcNodes , applyBalancing )
if err != nil {
return err
rackToShardCount [ string ( rackId ) ] += 1
rackToShardCount [ string ( ecNode . rack ) ] -= 1
racks [ rackId ] . freeEcSlot -= 1
racks [ ecNode . rack ] . freeEcSlot += 1
return nil
func pickOneRack ( rackToEcNodes map [ RackId ] * EcRack , rackToShardCount map [ string ] int , averageShardsPerEcRack int ) RackId {
// TODO later may need to add some randomness
for rackId , rack := range rackToEcNodes {
if rackToShardCount [ string ( rackId ) ] >= averageShardsPerEcRack {
if rack . freeEcSlot <= 0 {
return rackId
return ""
func balanceEcShardsWithinRacks ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , allEcNodes [ ] * EcNode , racks map [ RackId ] * EcRack , collection string , applyBalancing bool ) error {
// collect vid => []ecNode, since previous steps can change the locations
vidLocations := collectVolumeIdToEcNodes ( allEcNodes , collection )
// spread the ec shards evenly
for vid , locations := range vidLocations {
// see the volume's shards are in how many racks, and how many in each rack
rackToShardCount := groupByCount ( locations , func ( ecNode * EcNode ) ( id string , count int ) {
shardBits := findEcVolumeShards ( ecNode , vid )
return string ( ecNode . rack ) , shardBits . ShardIdCount ( )
} )
rackEcNodesWithVid := groupBy ( locations , func ( ecNode * EcNode ) string {
return string ( ecNode . rack )
} )
for rackId , _ := range rackToShardCount {
var possibleDestinationEcNodes [ ] * EcNode
for _ , n := range racks [ RackId ( rackId ) ] . ecNodes {
if _ , found := n . info . DiskInfos [ string ( types . HardDriveType ) ] ; found {
possibleDestinationEcNodes = append ( possibleDestinationEcNodes , n )
sourceEcNodes := rackEcNodesWithVid [ rackId ]
averageShardsPerEcNode := ceilDivide ( rackToShardCount [ rackId ] , len ( possibleDestinationEcNodes ) )
if err := doBalanceEcShardsWithinOneRack ( commandEnv , averageShardsPerEcNode , collection , vid , sourceEcNodes , possibleDestinationEcNodes , applyBalancing ) ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
func doBalanceEcShardsWithinOneRack ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , averageShardsPerEcNode int , collection string , vid needle . VolumeId , existingLocations , possibleDestinationEcNodes [ ] * EcNode , applyBalancing bool ) error {
for _ , ecNode := range existingLocations {
shardBits := findEcVolumeShards ( ecNode , vid )
overLimitCount := shardBits . ShardIdCount ( ) - averageShardsPerEcNode
for _ , shardId := range shardBits . ShardIds ( ) {
if overLimitCount <= 0 {
fmt . Printf ( "%s has %d overlimit, moving ec shard %d.%d\n" , ecNode . info . Id , overLimitCount , vid , shardId )
err := pickOneEcNodeAndMoveOneShard ( commandEnv , averageShardsPerEcNode , ecNode , collection , vid , shardId , possibleDestinationEcNodes , applyBalancing )
if err != nil {
return err
overLimitCount --
return nil
func balanceEcRacks ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , racks map [ RackId ] * EcRack , applyBalancing bool ) error {
// balance one rack for all ec shards
for _ , ecRack := range racks {
if err := doBalanceEcRack ( commandEnv , ecRack , applyBalancing ) ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
func doBalanceEcRack ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , ecRack * EcRack , applyBalancing bool ) error {
if len ( ecRack . ecNodes ) <= 1 {
return nil
var rackEcNodes [ ] * EcNode
for _ , node := range ecRack . ecNodes {
rackEcNodes = append ( rackEcNodes , node )
ecNodeIdToShardCount := groupByCount ( rackEcNodes , func ( ecNode * EcNode ) ( id string , count int ) {
diskInfo , found := ecNode . info . DiskInfos [ string ( types . HardDriveType ) ]
if ! found {
for _ , ecShardInfo := range diskInfo . EcShardInfos {
count += erasure_coding . ShardBits ( ecShardInfo . EcIndexBits ) . ShardIdCount ( )
return ecNode . info . Id , count
} )
var totalShardCount int
for _ , count := range ecNodeIdToShardCount {
totalShardCount += count
averageShardCount := ceilDivide ( totalShardCount , len ( rackEcNodes ) )
hasMove := true
for hasMove {
hasMove = false
slices . SortFunc ( rackEcNodes , func ( a , b * EcNode ) int {
return b . freeEcSlot - a . freeEcSlot
} )
emptyNode , fullNode := rackEcNodes [ 0 ] , rackEcNodes [ len ( rackEcNodes ) - 1 ]
emptyNodeShardCount , fullNodeShardCount := ecNodeIdToShardCount [ emptyNode . info . Id ] , ecNodeIdToShardCount [ fullNode . info . Id ]
if fullNodeShardCount > averageShardCount && emptyNodeShardCount + 1 <= averageShardCount {
emptyNodeIds := make ( map [ uint32 ] bool )
if emptyDiskInfo , found := emptyNode . info . DiskInfos [ string ( types . HardDriveType ) ] ; found {
for _ , shards := range emptyDiskInfo . EcShardInfos {
emptyNodeIds [ shards . Id ] = true
if fullDiskInfo , found := fullNode . info . DiskInfos [ string ( types . HardDriveType ) ] ; found {
for _ , shards := range fullDiskInfo . EcShardInfos {
if _ , found := emptyNodeIds [ shards . Id ] ; ! found {
for _ , shardId := range erasure_coding . ShardBits ( shards . EcIndexBits ) . ShardIds ( ) {
fmt . Printf ( "%s moves ec shards %d.%d to %s\n" , fullNode . info . Id , shards . Id , shardId , emptyNode . info . Id )
err := moveMountedShardToEcNode ( commandEnv , fullNode , shards . Collection , needle . VolumeId ( shards . Id ) , shardId , emptyNode , applyBalancing )
if err != nil {
return err
ecNodeIdToShardCount [ emptyNode . info . Id ] ++
ecNodeIdToShardCount [ fullNode . info . Id ] --
hasMove = true
return nil
func pickOneEcNodeAndMoveOneShard ( commandEnv * CommandEnv , averageShardsPerEcNode int , existingLocation * EcNode , collection string , vid needle . VolumeId , shardId erasure_coding . ShardId , possibleDestinationEcNodes [ ] * EcNode , applyBalancing bool ) error {
sortEcNodesByFreeslotsDescending ( possibleDestinationEcNodes )
skipReason := ""
for _ , destEcNode := range possibleDestinationEcNodes {
if destEcNode . info . Id == existingLocation . info . Id {
if destEcNode . freeEcSlot <= 0 {
skipReason += fmt . Sprintf ( " Skipping %s because it has no free slots\n" , destEcNode . info . Id )
if findEcVolumeShards ( destEcNode , vid ) . ShardIdCount ( ) >= averageShardsPerEcNode {
skipReason += fmt . Sprintf ( " Skipping %s because it %d >= avernageShards (%d)\n" ,
destEcNode . info . Id , findEcVolumeShards ( destEcNode , vid ) . ShardIdCount ( ) , averageShardsPerEcNode )
fmt . Printf ( "%s moves ec shard %d.%d to %s\n" , existingLocation . info . Id , vid , shardId , destEcNode . info . Id )
err := moveMountedShardToEcNode ( commandEnv , existingLocation , collection , vid , shardId , destEcNode , applyBalancing )
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
fmt . Printf ( "WARNING: Could not find suitable taget node for %d.%d:\n%s" , vid , shardId , skipReason )
return nil
func pickNEcShardsToMoveFrom ( ecNodes [ ] * EcNode , vid needle . VolumeId , n int ) map [ erasure_coding . ShardId ] * EcNode {
picked := make ( map [ erasure_coding . ShardId ] * EcNode )
var candidateEcNodes [ ] * CandidateEcNode
for _ , ecNode := range ecNodes {
shardBits := findEcVolumeShards ( ecNode , vid )
if shardBits . ShardIdCount ( ) > 0 {
candidateEcNodes = append ( candidateEcNodes , & CandidateEcNode {
ecNode : ecNode ,
shardCount : shardBits . ShardIdCount ( ) ,
} )
slices . SortFunc ( candidateEcNodes , func ( a , b * CandidateEcNode ) int {
return b . shardCount - a . shardCount
} )
for i := 0 ; i < n ; i ++ {
selectedEcNodeIndex := - 1
for i , candidateEcNode := range candidateEcNodes {
shardBits := findEcVolumeShards ( candidateEcNode . ecNode , vid )
if shardBits > 0 {
selectedEcNodeIndex = i
for _ , shardId := range shardBits . ShardIds ( ) {
candidateEcNode . shardCount --
picked [ shardId ] = candidateEcNode . ecNode
candidateEcNode . ecNode . deleteEcVolumeShards ( vid , [ ] uint32 { uint32 ( shardId ) } )
if selectedEcNodeIndex >= 0 {
ensureSortedEcNodes ( candidateEcNodes , selectedEcNodeIndex , func ( i , j int ) bool {
return candidateEcNodes [ i ] . shardCount > candidateEcNodes [ j ] . shardCount
} )
return picked
func collectVolumeIdToEcNodes ( allEcNodes [ ] * EcNode , collection string ) map [ needle . VolumeId ] [ ] * EcNode {
vidLocations := make ( map [ needle . VolumeId ] [ ] * EcNode )
for _ , ecNode := range allEcNodes {
diskInfo , found := ecNode . info . DiskInfos [ string ( types . HardDriveType ) ]
if ! found {
for _ , shardInfo := range diskInfo . EcShardInfos {
// ignore if not in current collection
if shardInfo . Collection == collection {
vidLocations [ needle . VolumeId ( shardInfo . Id ) ] = append ( vidLocations [ needle . VolumeId ( shardInfo . Id ) ] , ecNode )
return vidLocations
return EcBalance ( commandEnv , collections , * dc , * applyBalancing )