@ -193,25 +193,27 @@ func TestPickRackToBalanceShardsInto(t *testing.T) {
func TestPickEcNodeToBalanceShardsInto ( t * testing . T ) {
testCases := [ ] struct {
topology * master_pb . TopologyInfo
nodeId string
vid string
wantOneOf [ ] string
wantErr string
topology * master_pb . TopologyInfo
nodeId string
vid string
replicaPlacement string
wantOneOf [ ] string
wantErr string
} {
{ topologyEc , "" , "" , nil , "INTERNAL: missing source nodes" } ,
{ topologyEc , "idontexist" , "12737" , nil , "INTERNAL: missing source nodes" } ,
{ topologyEc , "" , "" , "" , nil , "INTERNAL: missing source nodes" } ,
{ topologyEc , "idontexist" , "12737" , "" , nil , "INTERNAL: missing source nodes" } ,
// Non-EC nodes. We don't care about these, but the function should return all available target nodes as a safeguard.
topologyEc , "" , "6225" , [ ] string {
topologyEc , "" , "6225" , "123" ,
[ ] string {
"" , "" , "" , "" ,
"" , "" , "" , "" ,
"" , "" , "" , "" ,
"" } ,
"" ,
} ,
topologyEc , "" , "6226" , [ ] string {
} , {
topologyEc , "" , "6226" , "123" ,
[ ] string {
"" , "" , "" , "" ,
"" , "" , "" , "" ,
"" , "" , "" , "" ,
@ -219,23 +221,45 @@ func TestPickEcNodeToBalanceShardsInto(t *testing.T) {
"" ,
} ,
// EC volumes.
{ topologyEc , "" , "14322" , [ ] string {
"" , "" , "" } ,
"" } ,
{ topologyEc , "" , "10457" , [ ] string {
"" , "" } ,
"" } ,
{ topologyEc , "" , "12737" , [ ] string {
"" } ,
"" } ,
{ topologyEc , "" , "14322" , [ ] string {
"" , "" , "" } ,
"" } ,
topologyEc , "" , "14322" , "" ,
nil , "Skipped because shards 1 >= replica placement limit for the rack (0)" ,
} , {
topologyEc , "" , "14322" , "210" ,
nil , "Skipped because shards 0 >= replica placement limit for the rack (0)" ,
} , {
topologyEc , "" , "9577" , "110" ,
nil , "Skipped because shards 1 >= replica placement limit for the rack (0)" ,
} , {
topologyEc , "" , "9577" , "111" ,
nil , "Skipped because shards 1 >= replica placement limit for the rack (1)" ,
} , {
topologyEc , "" , "9577" , "113" ,
[ ] string {
"" , "" , "" , "" ,
"" , "" , "" , "" ,
"" , "" , "" , "" ,
"" } ,
"" ,
} , {
topologyEc , "" , "14322" , "222" ,
[ ] string { "" , "" , "" } , "" ,
} , {
topologyEc , "" , "10457" , "222" ,
[ ] string { "" , "" } , "" ,
} , {
topologyEc , "" , "12737" , "222" ,
[ ] string { "" } , "" ,
} , {
topologyEc , "" , "14322" , "222" ,
[ ] string { "" , "" , "" } , "" ,
} ,
for _ , tc := range testCases {
vid , _ := needle . NewVolumeId ( tc . vid )
allEcNodes , _ := collectEcVolumeServersByDc ( tc . topology , "" )
rp , _ := super_block . NewReplicaPlacementFromString ( tc . replicaPlacement )
// Resolve target node by name
var ecNode * EcNode
@ -247,7 +271,7 @@ func TestPickEcNodeToBalanceShardsInto(t *testing.T) {
averageShardsPerEcNode := 5
got , gotErr := pickEcNodeToBalanceShardsInto ( vid , ecNode , allEcNodes , nil , averageShardsPerEcNode )
got , gotErr := pickEcNodeToBalanceShardsInto ( vid , ecNode , allEcNodes , rp , averageShardsPerEcNode )
if err := errorCheck ( gotErr , tc . wantErr ) ; err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "node %q, volume %q: %s" , tc . nodeId , tc . vid , err . Error ( ) )