@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ func (v *volumesBinaryState) copyState(list *VolumeLocationList) copyState {
// mapping from volume to its locations, inverted from server to volume
type VolumeLayout struct {
growRequestCount int32
growRequestTime time . Time
rp * super_block . ReplicaPlacement
ttl * needle . TTL
diskType types . DiskType
@ -281,28 +280,41 @@ func (vl *VolumeLayout) ListVolumeServers() (nodes []*DataNode) {
func ( vl * VolumeLayout ) PickForWrite ( count uint64 , option * VolumeGrowOption ) ( * needle . VolumeId , uint64 , * VolumeLocationList , error ) {
func ( vl * VolumeLayout ) PickForWrite ( count uint64 , option * VolumeGrowOption ) ( vid needle . VolumeId , counter uint64 , locationList * VolumeLocationList , shouldGrow bool , err error ) {
vl . accessLock . RLock ( )
defer vl . accessLock . RUnlock ( )
lenWriters := len ( vl . writables )
if lenWriters <= 0 {
//glog.V(0).Infoln("No more writable volumes!")
return nil , 0 , nil , errors . New ( "No more writable volumes!" )
shouldGrow = true
return 0 , 0 , nil , shouldGrow , errors . New ( "No more writable volumes!" )
if option . DataCenter == "" && option . Rack == "" && option . DataNode == "" {
vid := vl . writables [ rand . Intn ( lenWriters ) ]
locationList := vl . vid2location [ vid ]
if locationList != nil {
return & vid , count , locationList , nil
locationList = vl . vid2location [ vid ]
if locationList != nil && locationList . Length ( ) > 0 {
// check whether picked file is close to full
dn := locationList . Head ( )
info , _ := dn . GetVolumesById ( vid )
if float64 ( info . Size ) > float64 ( vl . volumeSizeLimit ) * option . Threshold ( ) {
shouldGrow = true
return vid , count , locationList , shouldGrow , nil
return nil , 0 , nil , errors . New ( "Strangely vid " + vid . String ( ) + " is on no machine!" )
return 0 , 0 , nil , shouldGrow , errors . New ( "Strangely vid " + vid . String ( ) + " is on no machine!" )
var vid needle . VolumeId
var locationList * VolumeLocationList
counter := 0
for _ , v := range vl . writables {
volumeLocationList := vl . vid2location [ v ]
// clone vl.writables
writables := make ( [ ] needle . VolumeId , len ( vl . writables ) )
copy ( writables , vl . writables )
// randomize the writables
rand . Shuffle ( len ( writables ) , func ( i , j int ) {
writables [ i ] , writables [ j ] = writables [ j ] , writables [ i ]
} )
for _ , writableVolumeId := range writables {
volumeLocationList := vl . vid2location [ writableVolumeId ]
for _ , dn := range volumeLocationList . list {
if option . DataCenter != "" && dn . GetDataCenter ( ) . Id ( ) != NodeId ( option . DataCenter ) {
@ -313,29 +325,26 @@ func (vl *VolumeLayout) PickForWrite(count uint64, option *VolumeGrowOption) (*n
if option . DataNode != "" && dn . Id ( ) != NodeId ( option . DataNode ) {
counter ++
if rand . Intn ( counter ) < 1 {
vid , locationList = v , volumeLocationList . Copy ( )
vid , locationList = writableVolumeId , volumeLocationList . Copy ( )
// check whether picked file is close to full
info , _ := dn . GetVolumesById ( writableVolumeId )
if float64 ( info . Size ) > float64 ( vl . volumeSizeLimit ) * option . Threshold ( ) {
shouldGrow = true
return & vid , count , locationList , nil
return vid , count , locationList , shouldGrow , fmt . Errorf ( "No writable volumes in DataCenter:%v Rack:%v DataNode:%v" , option . DataCenter , option . Rack , option . DataNode )
func ( vl * VolumeLayout ) HasGrowRequest ( ) bool {
if atomic . LoadInt32 ( & vl . growRequestCount ) > 0 &&
vl . growRequestTime . Add ( time . Minute ) . After ( time . Now ( ) ) {
return true
return false
return atomic . LoadInt32 ( & vl . growRequestCount ) > 0
func ( vl * VolumeLayout ) AddGrowRequest ( ) {
vl . growRequestTime = time . Now ( )
atomic . AddInt32 ( & vl . growRequestCount , 1 )
func ( vl * VolumeLayout ) DoneGrowRequest ( ) {
vl . growRequestTime = time . Unix ( 0 , 0 )
atomic . StoreInt32 ( & vl . growRequestCount , 0 )
atomic . AddInt32 ( & vl . growRequestCount , - 1 )
func ( vl * VolumeLayout ) ShouldGrowVolumes ( option * VolumeGrowOption ) bool {