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@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ Table of Contents
* [Additional Features](#additional-features)
* [Filer Features](#filer-features)
* [Example: Using Seaweed Object Store](#example-Using-Seaweed-Object-Store)
* [Architecture](#architecture)
* [Architecture](#Object-Store-Architecture)
* [Compared to Other File Systems](#compared-to-other-file-systems)
* [Compared to HDFS](#compared-to-hdfs)
* [Compared to GlusterFS, Ceph](#compared-to-glusterfs-ceph)
@ -127,7 +125,7 @@ Faster and Cheaper than direct cloud storage!
## Additional Features ##
* Can choose no replication or different replication levels, rack and data center aware.
* Automatic master servers failover - no single point of failure (SPOF).
* Automatic Gzip compression depending on file mime type.
* Automatic Gzip compression depending on file MIME type.
* Automatic compaction to reclaim disk space after deletion or update.
* Any server with some disk spaces can add to the total storage space.
@ -206,7 +204,7 @@ SeaweedFS uses HTTP REST operations to read, write, and delete. The responses ar
### Write File ###
To upload a file: first, send a HTTP POST, PUT, or GET request to `/dir/assign` to get an `fid` and a volume server url:
To upload a file: first, send a HTTP POST, PUT, or GET request to `/dir/assign` to get an `fid` and a volume server URL:
> curl http://localhost:9333/dir/assign
@ -255,7 +253,7 @@ First look up the volume server's URLs by the file's volumeId:
Since (usually) there are not too many volume servers, and volumes don't move often, you can cache the results most of the time. Depending on the replication type, one volume can have multiple replica locations. Just randomly pick one location to read.
Now you can take the public url, render the url or directly read from the volume server via url:
Now you can take the public URL, render the URL or directly read from the volume server via URL:
@ -356,9 +354,9 @@ On each write request, the master server also generates a file key, which is a g
### Write and Read files ###
When a client sends a write request, the master server returns (volume id, file key, file cookie, volume node url) for the file. The client then contacts the volume node and POSTs the file content.
When a client sends a write request, the master server returns (volume id, file key, file cookie, volume node URL) for the file. The client then contacts the volume node and POSTs the file content.
When a client needs to read a file based on (volume id, file key, file cookie), it asks the master server by the volume id for the (volume node url, volume node public url), or retrieves this from a cache. Then the client can GET the content, or just render the URL on web pages and let browsers fetch the content.
When a client needs to read a file based on (volume id, file key, file cookie), it asks the master server by the volume id for the (volume node URL, volume node public URL), or retrieves this from a cache. Then the client can GET the content, or just render the URL on web pages and let browsers fetch the content.
Please see the example for details on the write-read process.
@ -412,7 +410,7 @@ The architectures are mostly the same. SeaweedFS aims to store and read files fa
* SeaweedFS optimizes for small files, ensuring O(1) disk seek operation, and can also handle large files.
* SeaweedFS statically assigns a volume id for a file. Locating file content becomes just a lookup of the volume id, which can be easily cached.
* SeaweedFS Filer metadata store can be any well-known and proven data stores, e.g., Redis, Cassandra, HBase, Mongodb, Elastic Search, MySql, Postgres, Sqlite, MemSql, TiDB, CockroachDB, Etcd, YDB etc, and is easy to customized.
* SeaweedFS Filer metadata store can be any well-known and proven data store, e.g., Redis, Cassandra, HBase, Mongodb, Elastic Search, MySql, Postgres, Sqlite, MemSql, TiDB, CockroachDB, Etcd, YDB etc, and is easy to customize.
* SeaweedFS Volume server also communicates directly with clients via HTTP, supporting range queries, direct uploads, etc.
| System | File Metadata | File Content Read| POSIX | REST API | Optimized for large number of small files |
@ -448,9 +446,9 @@ Ceph can be setup similar to SeaweedFS as a key->blob store. It is much more com
SeaweedFS has a centralized master group to look up free volumes, while Ceph uses hashing and metadata servers to locate its objects. Having a centralized master makes it easy to code and manage.
Same as SeaweedFS, Ceph is also based on the object store RADOS. Ceph is rather complicated with mixed reviews.
Ceph, like SeaweedFS, is based on the object store RADOS. Ceph is rather complicated with mixed reviews.
Ceph uses CRUSH hashing to automatically manage the data placement, which is efficient to locate the data. But the data has to be placed according to the CRUSH algorithm. Any wrong configuration would cause data loss. Topology changes, such as adding new servers to increase capacity, will cause data migration with high IO cost to fit the CRUSH algorithm. SeaweedFS places data by assigning them to any writable volumes. If writes to one volume failed, just pick another volume to write. Adding more volumes are also as simple as it can be.
Ceph uses CRUSH hashing to automatically manage data placement, which is efficient to locate the data. But the data has to be placed according to the CRUSH algorithm. Any wrong configuration would cause data loss. Topology changes, such as adding new servers to increase capacity, will cause data migration with high IO cost to fit the CRUSH algorithm. SeaweedFS places data by assigning them to any writable volumes. If writes to one volume failed, just pick another volume to write. Adding more volumes is also as simple as it can be.
SeaweedFS is optimized for small files. Small files are stored as one continuous block of content, with at most 8 unused bytes between files. Small file access is O(1) disk read.
@ -499,7 +497,7 @@ Step 1: install go on your machine and setup the environment by following the in