Browse Source

Merge branch 'master' into fs_meta_snapshot

Eric Yang 2 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
- Using welcoming and inclusive language
- Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
- Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
- Focusing on what is best for the community
- Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
- The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
- Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
- Public or private harassment
- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at <enteremailhere>. All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at [][version]


@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'seaweedfs'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON seaweedfs.* TO 'seaweedfs'@'%'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON seaweedfs.* TO 'seaweedfs'@'%';
USE seaweedfs; USE seaweedfs;
dirhash BIGINT COMMENT 'first 64 bits of MD5 hash value of directory field',
name VARCHAR(1000) COMMENT 'directory or file name',
directory TEXT COMMENT 'full path to parent directory',
PRIMARY KEY (dirhash, name)
`dirhash` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'first 64 bits of MD5 hash value of directory field',
`name` VARCHAR(766) NOT NULL COMMENT 'directory or file name',
`directory` TEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'full path to parent directory',
`meta` LONGBLOB,
PRIMARY KEY (`dirhash`, `name`)
) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;


@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ require ( v0.2.3 v0.2.3 v0.15.0 v0.15.0 v1.37.2 v1.37.2 v1.44.167 v1.44.171 v1.0.1 // indirect v1.0.1 // indirect v0.3.0 v0.3.0 v2.1.2 // indirect v2.1.2 // indirect
@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ require ( v1.0.0 // indirect v1.0.0 // indirect v3.40.0 // indirect v3.40.0 // indirect v3.16.13 // indirect v3.16.13 // indirect v1.21.5 // indirect v1.22.2 // indirect v1.5.0 // indirect v1.5.0 // indirect v1.4.0 // indirect v1.4.0 // indirect v0.1.3 // indirect v0.1.3 // indirect v1.20.0 v1.20.1 v1.1.3 v1.1.3 v1.0.1 // indirect v1.0.1 // indirect
) )
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ require ( v3.12.2 v3.12.2 v2.0.3 v2.0.3 v0.1.2 v0.1.2 v3.41.0 v3.42.1 v0.1.0 v0.1.0 v0.0.0-20220622233350-5cdb09fa29c1 v0.0.0-20220622233350-5cdb09fa29c1
) )


@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ v1.43.11/go.mod h1:y4AeaBuwd2Lk+GepC1E9v0qOiTws0MIWAX4 v1.43.31/go.mod h1:y4AeaBuwd2Lk+GepC1E9v0qOiTws0MIWAX4oIKwKHZo= v1.43.31/go.mod h1:y4AeaBuwd2Lk+GepC1E9v0qOiTws0MIWAX4oIKwKHZo= v1.44.45/go.mod h1:y4AeaBuwd2Lk+GepC1E9v0qOiTws0MIWAX4oIKwKHZo= v1.44.45/go.mod h1:y4AeaBuwd2Lk+GepC1E9v0qOiTws0MIWAX4oIKwKHZo= v1.44.68/go.mod h1:y4AeaBuwd2Lk+GepC1E9v0qOiTws0MIWAX4oIKwKHZo= v1.44.68/go.mod h1:y4AeaBuwd2Lk+GepC1E9v0qOiTws0MIWAX4oIKwKHZo= v1.44.167 h1:kQmBhGdZkQLU7AiHShSkBJ15zr8agy0QeaxXduvyp2E= v1.44.167/go.mod h1:aVsgQcEevwlmQ7qHE9I3h+dtQgpqhFB+i8Phjh7fkwI= v1.44.171 h1:maREiPAmibvuONMOEZIkCH2OTosLRnDelceTtH3SYfo= v1.44.171/go.mod h1:aVsgQcEevwlmQ7qHE9I3h+dtQgpqhFB+i8Phjh7fkwI= v0.18.0/go.mod h1:JWVYvqSMppoMJC0x5wdwiImzgXTI9FuZwxzkQq9wy+g= v0.18.0/go.mod h1:JWVYvqSMppoMJC0x5wdwiImzgXTI9FuZwxzkQq9wy+g= v1.16.8 h1:gOe9UPR98XSf7oEJCcojYg+N2/jCRm4DdeIsP85pIyQ= v1.16.8 h1:gOe9UPR98XSf7oEJCcojYg+N2/jCRm4DdeIsP85pIyQ= v1.16.8/go.mod h1:6CpKuLXg2w7If3ABZCl/qZ6rEgwtjZTn4eAf4RcEyuw= v1.16.8/go.mod h1:6CpKuLXg2w7If3ABZCl/qZ6rEgwtjZTn4eAf4RcEyuw=
@ -1692,8 +1692,8 @@ v0.0.0-20221215182650-986f9d10542f/ v0.1.2 h1:EYSI1kulnHb0H0zt3yOw4cRj4ABMSMGwNe43D+fX7e4= v0.1.2 h1:EYSI1kulnHb0H0zt3yOw4cRj4ABMSMGwNe43D+fX7e4= v0.1.2/go.mod h1:Xfjce+VMU9yJVr1lj60yK2fFPWjB4jr/4cp3K7cjzi4= v0.1.2/go.mod h1:Xfjce+VMU9yJVr1lj60yK2fFPWjB4jr/4cp3K7cjzi4= v3.25.3/go.mod h1:PFizF/vJsdAgEwjK3DVSBD52kdmRkWfSIS2q2pA+e88= v3.25.3/go.mod h1:PFizF/vJsdAgEwjK3DVSBD52kdmRkWfSIS2q2pA+e88= v3.41.0 h1:2Kfj7I9EtQ8/o6gLB0mbShrZ/tC3/GFyjVE9z5CCLA0= v3.41.0/go.mod h1:4bSfSb2PyBtmbFYsaVg96YxK1NjYBA3opn2o6IYvgZ8= v3.42.1 h1:/LMslJT2s3C7wuqUsnqxyS7hB7viVTBZ0MpT6TbTBQs= v3.42.1/go.mod h1:FoaWp3vsFN2e0YBvWoYbNaJJJi9Z+gCdmWiRdry5Zws= v0.8.3 h1:92UUUMsfvtMl6mho8eQ9lbkiPrF3a9CT+RrVRAKNRwo= v0.8.3 h1:92UUUMsfvtMl6mho8eQ9lbkiPrF3a9CT+RrVRAKNRwo= v0.8.3/go.mod h1:zUolAFGzJ5XG8uwiseTLr9Lapm7L7hdVdZgLSuv9FXE= v0.8.3/go.mod h1:zUolAFGzJ5XG8uwiseTLr9Lapm7L7hdVdZgLSuv9FXE= v0.5.2 h1:nMtixUijP0Z7iHJNT9fOL+dbmEzZxqU6Xk87ll7hqXg= v0.5.2 h1:nMtixUijP0Z7iHJNT9fOL+dbmEzZxqU6Xk87ll7hqXg=
@ -2688,8 +2688,8 @@ v3.16.13 h1:Mkgdzl46i5F/CNR/Kj80Ri59hC8TKAhZrYSaqvkwzUw= v3.16.13/go.mod h1:2Quk+5YgpImhPjv2Qsob1DnZ/4som1lJTodubIcoUkY= v3.16.13/go.mod h1:2Quk+5YgpImhPjv2Qsob1DnZ/4som1lJTodubIcoUkY= v1.11.6 h1:J16RXiiqiCgua6+ZvQot4yUuUy8zxgqbqEEUuGPlISk= v1.11.6 h1:J16RXiiqiCgua6+ZvQot4yUuUy8zxgqbqEEUuGPlISk= v1.0.6 h1:AAgIpFZRXuYnkjftxTAZwMIiwEqAfk8aVB2/oA6nAeM= v1.0.6 h1:AAgIpFZRXuYnkjftxTAZwMIiwEqAfk8aVB2/oA6nAeM= v1.21.5 h1:xBkU9fnHV+hvZuPSRszN0AXDG4M7nwPLwTWwkYcvLCI= v1.21.5/go.mod h1:przBsL5RDOZajTVslkugzLBj1evTue36jEomFQOoYuI= v1.22.2 h1:4U7v51GyhlWqQmwCHj28Rdq2Yzwk55ovjFrdPjs8Hb0= v1.22.2/go.mod h1:uvQavJ1pZ0hIoC/jfqNoMLURIMhKzINIWypNM17puug= v1.1.1/go.mod h1:mZW8CKdRPY1v87qxC/wUdX5O1qDzXMP5TH3wjfpga6E= v1.1.1/go.mod h1:mZW8CKdRPY1v87qxC/wUdX5O1qDzXMP5TH3wjfpga6E= v1.5.0 h1:rV0Ko/6SfM+8G+yKiyI830l3Wuz1zRutdslNoQ0kfiQ= v1.5.0 h1:rV0Ko/6SfM+8G+yKiyI830l3Wuz1zRutdslNoQ0kfiQ= v1.5.0/go.mod h1:mZW8CKdRPY1v87qxC/wUdX5O1qDzXMP5TH3wjfpga6E= v1.5.0/go.mod h1:mZW8CKdRPY1v87qxC/wUdX5O1qDzXMP5TH3wjfpga6E=
@ -2697,8 +2697,8 @@ v1.4.0 h1:crykUfNSnMAXaOJnnxcSzbUGMqkLWjklJKkBK2nwZwk= v1.4.0/go.mod h1:PkUhL0Mugw21sHPeskwZW4D6VscE/GQJOnIpCnW6pSU= v1.4.0/go.mod h1:PkUhL0Mugw21sHPeskwZW4D6VscE/GQJOnIpCnW6pSU= v0.1.3 h1:3XOZf2yznlhC+ibLltsDGzABUGVx8J6pnFMS3E4dcq4= v0.1.3 h1:3XOZf2yznlhC+ibLltsDGzABUGVx8J6pnFMS3E4dcq4= v0.1.3/go.mod h1:WdSiB5evDcignE70guQKxYUl14mgWtbClRi5wmkkTX0= v0.1.3/go.mod h1:WdSiB5evDcignE70guQKxYUl14mgWtbClRi5wmkkTX0= v1.20.0 h1:80zmD3BGkm8BZ5fUi/4lwJQHiO3GXgIUvZRXpoIfROY= v1.20.0/go.mod h1:EsYz8rfOvLCiYTy5ZFsOYzoCcRMu98YYkwAcCw5YIYw= v1.20.1 h1:z6qRLw72B0VfRrJjs3l6hWkzYDx1bo0WGVrBGP4ohhM= v1.20.1/go.mod h1:fODt+bFmc/j8LcoCbMSkAuKuGmhxjG45KGc25N2705M= v1.1.0/go.mod h1:lstksw84oURvj9y3tn8lGvRxyRC1S2+g5uuIzNfIOBs= v1.1.0/go.mod h1:lstksw84oURvj9y3tn8lGvRxyRC1S2+g5uuIzNfIOBs= v1.1.3 h1:fNMm+oJklMGYfU9Ylcywl0CO5O6nTfaowNsh2wpPjzY= v1.1.3 h1:fNMm+oJklMGYfU9Ylcywl0CO5O6nTfaowNsh2wpPjzY= v1.1.3/go.mod h1:MEHNA7PdEnEwLvspRMtWTNnp2nnyvMfkimT1NKNAGbw= v1.1.3/go.mod h1:MEHNA7PdEnEwLvspRMtWTNnp2nnyvMfkimT1NKNAGbw=


@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
apiVersion: v1 apiVersion: v1
description: SeaweedFS description: SeaweedFS
name: seaweedfs name: seaweedfs
appVersion: "3.37"
version: "3.37"
appVersion: "latest"
version: "latest"


@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ with ENV.
A running MySQL-compatible database is expected by default, as specified in the `values.yaml` at `filer.extraEnvironmentVars`. A running MySQL-compatible database is expected by default, as specified in the `values.yaml` at `filer.extraEnvironmentVars`.
This database should be pre-configured and initialized by running: This database should be pre-configured and initialized by running:
```sql ```sql
dirhash BIGINT COMMENT 'first 64 bits of MD5 hash value of directory field',
name VARCHAR(1000) BINARY COMMENT 'directory or file name',
directory TEXT BINARY COMMENT 'full path to parent directory',
PRIMARY KEY (dirhash, name)
`dirhash` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'first 64 bits of MD5 hash value of directory field',
`name` VARCHAR(766) NOT NULL COMMENT 'directory or file name',
`directory` TEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'full path to parent directory',
`meta` LONGBLOB,
PRIMARY KEY (`dirhash`, `name`)
) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;
``` ```
Alternative database can also be configured (e.g. leveldb) following the instructions at `filer.extraEnvironmentVars`. Alternative database can also be configured (e.g. leveldb) following the instructions at `filer.extraEnvironmentVars`.


@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ func (worker *FileCopyWorker) uploadFileAsOne(task FileCopyTask, f *os.File) err
if flushErr != nil { if flushErr != nil {
return flushErr return flushErr
} }
chunks = append(chunks, uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(finalFileId, 0))
chunks = append(chunks, uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(finalFileId, 0, time.Now().UnixNano()))
} }
if err := pb.WithGrpcFilerClient(false, worker.filerAddress, worker.options.grpcDialOption, func(client filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient) error { if err := pb.WithGrpcFilerClient(false, worker.filerAddress, worker.options.grpcDialOption, func(client filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient) error {
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ func (worker *FileCopyWorker) uploadFileInChunks(task FileCopyTask, f *os.File,
uploadError = fmt.Errorf("upload %v result: %v\n", fileName, uploadResult.Error) uploadError = fmt.Errorf("upload %v result: %v\n", fileName, uploadResult.Error)
return return
} }
chunksChan <- uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, i*chunkSize)
chunksChan <- uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, i*chunkSize, time.Now().UnixNano())
fmt.Printf("uploaded %s-%d [%d,%d)\n", fileName, i+1, i*chunkSize, i*chunkSize+int64(uploadResult.Size)) fmt.Printf("uploaded %s-%d [%d,%d)\n", fileName, i+1, i*chunkSize, i*chunkSize+int64(uploadResult.Size))
}(i) }(i)
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ func detectMimeType(f *os.File) string {
return mimeType return mimeType
} }
func (worker *FileCopyWorker) saveDataAsChunk(reader io.Reader, name string, offset int64) (chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk, err error) {
func (worker *FileCopyWorker) saveDataAsChunk(reader io.Reader, name string, offset int64, tsNs int64) (chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk, err error) {
finalFileId, uploadResult, flushErr, _ := operation.UploadWithRetry( finalFileId, uploadResult, flushErr, _ := operation.UploadWithRetry(
worker, worker,
@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ func (worker *FileCopyWorker) saveDataAsChunk(reader io.Reader, name string, off
if uploadResult.Error != "" { if uploadResult.Error != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("upload result: %v", uploadResult.Error) return nil, fmt.Errorf("upload result: %v", uploadResult.Error)
} }
return uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(finalFileId, offset), nil
return uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(finalFileId, offset, tsNs), nil
} }
var _ = filer_pb.FilerClient(&FileCopyWorker{}) var _ = filer_pb.FilerClient(&FileCopyWorker{})


@ -256,7 +256,8 @@ func RunMount(option *MountOptions, umask os.FileMode) bool {
seaweedFileSystem.StartBackgroundTasks() seaweedFileSystem.StartBackgroundTasks()
fmt.Printf("This is SeaweedFS version %s %s %s\n", util.Version(), runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
glog.V(0).Infof("mounted %s%s to %v", *option.filer, mountRoot, dir)
glog.V(0).Infof("This is SeaweedFS version %s %s %s", util.Version(), runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
server.Serve() server.Serve()


@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ enabled = false
dbFile = "./filer.db" # sqlite db file dbFile = "./filer.db" # sqlite db file
[mysql] # or memsql, tidb [mysql] # or memsql, tidb
# dirhash BIGINT COMMENT 'first 64 bits of MD5 hash value of directory field',
# name VARCHAR(1000) BINARY COMMENT 'directory or file name',
# directory TEXT BINARY COMMENT 'full path to parent directory',
# meta LONGBLOB,
# PRIMARY KEY (dirhash, name)
# `dirhash` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'first 64 bits of MD5 hash value of directory field',
# `name` VARCHAR(766) NOT NULL COMMENT 'directory or file name',
# `directory` TEXT NOT NULL COMMENT 'full path to parent directory',
# `meta` LONGBLOB,
# PRIMARY KEY (`dirhash`, `name`)
# ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;
enabled = false enabled = false
hostname = "localhost" hostname = "localhost"
@ -61,18 +61,18 @@ connection_max_lifetime_seconds = 0
interpolateParams = false interpolateParams = false
# if insert/upsert failing, you can disable upsert or update query syntax to match your RDBMS syntax: # if insert/upsert failing, you can disable upsert or update query syntax to match your RDBMS syntax:
enableUpsert = true enableUpsert = true
upsertQuery = """INSERT INTO `%s` (dirhash,name,directory,meta) VALUES(?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE meta = VALUES(meta)"""
upsertQuery = """INSERT INTO `%s` (`dirhash`,`name`,`directory`,`meta`) VALUES (?,?,?,?) AS `new` ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `meta` = `new`.`meta`"""
[mysql2] # or memsql, tidb [mysql2] # or memsql, tidb
enabled = false enabled = false
createTable = """ createTable = """
dirhash BIGINT,
name VARCHAR(1000) BINARY,
directory TEXT BINARY,
PRIMARY KEY (dirhash, name)
`dirhash` BIGINT NOT NULL,
`name` VARCHAR(766) NOT NULL,
`directory` TEXT NOT NULL,
`meta` LONGBLOB,
PRIMARY KEY (`dirhash`, `name`)
) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;
""" """
hostname = "localhost" hostname = "localhost"
port = 3306 port = 3306
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ connection_max_lifetime_seconds = 0
interpolateParams = false interpolateParams = false
# if insert/upsert failing, you can disable upsert or update query syntax to match your RDBMS syntax: # if insert/upsert failing, you can disable upsert or update query syntax to match your RDBMS syntax:
enableUpsert = true enableUpsert = true
upsertQuery = """INSERT INTO `%s` (dirhash,name,directory,meta) VALUES(?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE meta = VALUES(meta)"""
upsertQuery = """INSERT INTO `%s` (`dirhash`,`name`,`directory`,`meta`) VALUES (?,?,?,?) AS `new` ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `meta` = `new`.`meta`"""
[postgres] # or cockroachdb, YugabyteDB [postgres] # or cockroachdb, YugabyteDB


@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func (f *Filer) LoadConfiguration(config *util.ViperProxy) (isFresh bool) {
if !hasDefaultStoreConfigured { if !hasDefaultStoreConfigured {
println() println()
println("Supported filer stores are:")
println("Supported filer stores are the following. If not found, check the full version.")
for _, store := range Stores { for _, store := range Stores {
println(" " + store.GetName()) println(" " + store.GetName())
} }


@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
package filer
import (
type ChunkGroup struct {
lookupFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType
chunkCache chunk_cache.ChunkCache
manifestChunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk
sections map[SectionIndex]*FileChunkSection
sectionsLock sync.RWMutex
func NewChunkGroup(lookupFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunkCache chunk_cache.ChunkCache, chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) (*ChunkGroup, error) {
group := &ChunkGroup{
lookupFn: lookupFn,
chunkCache: chunkCache,
sections: make(map[SectionIndex]*FileChunkSection),
err := group.SetChunks(chunks)
return group, err
func (group *ChunkGroup) AddChunk(chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk) error {
defer group.sectionsLock.Unlock()
sectionIndexStart, sectionIndexStop := SectionIndex(chunk.Offset/SectionSize), SectionIndex((chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size))/SectionSize)
for si := sectionIndexStart; si < sectionIndexStop+1; si++ {
section, found := group.sections[si]
if !found {
section = NewFileChunkSection(si)
group.sections[si] = section
return nil
func (group *ChunkGroup) ReadDataAt(fileSize int64, buff []byte, offset int64) (n int, tsNs int64, err error) {
defer group.sectionsLock.RUnlock()
sectionIndexStart, sectionIndexStop := SectionIndex(offset/SectionSize), SectionIndex((offset+int64(len(buff)))/SectionSize)
for si := sectionIndexStart; si < sectionIndexStop+1; si++ {
section, found := group.sections[si]
rangeStart, rangeStop := max(offset, int64(si*SectionSize)), min(offset+int64(len(buff)), int64((si+1)*SectionSize))
if !found {
for i := rangeStart; i < rangeStop; i++ {
buff[i-offset] = 0
xn, xTsNs, xErr := section.readDataAt(group, fileSize, buff[rangeStart-offset:rangeStop-offset], rangeStart)
if xErr != nil {
err = xErr
n += xn
tsNs = max(tsNs, xTsNs)
func (group *ChunkGroup) SetChunks(chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) error {
var dataChunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk
for _, chunk := range chunks {
if !chunk.IsChunkManifest {
dataChunks = append(dataChunks, chunk)
resolvedChunks, err := ResolveOneChunkManifest(group.lookupFn, chunk)
if err != nil {
return err
group.manifestChunks = append(group.manifestChunks, chunk)
dataChunks = append(dataChunks, resolvedChunks...)
for _, chunk := range dataChunks {
sectionIndexStart, sectionIndexStop := SectionIndex(chunk.Offset/SectionSize), SectionIndex((chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size))/SectionSize)
for si := sectionIndexStart; si < sectionIndexStop+1; si++ {
section, found := group.sections[si]
if !found {
section = NewFileChunkSection(si)
group.sections[si] = section
section.chunks = append(section.chunks, chunk)
return nil
const (
// see weedfs_file_lseek.go
SEEK_DATA uint32 = 3 // seek to next data after the offset
// SEEK_HOLE uint32 = 4 // seek to next hole after the offset
// FIXME: needa tests
func (group *ChunkGroup) SearchChunks(offset, fileSize int64, whence uint32) (found bool, out int64) {
defer group.sectionsLock.RUnlock()
return group.doSearchChunks(offset, fileSize, whence)
func (group *ChunkGroup) doSearchChunks(offset, fileSize int64, whence uint32) (found bool, out int64) {
sectionIndex, maxSectionIndex := SectionIndex(offset/SectionSize), SectionIndex(fileSize/SectionSize)
if whence == SEEK_DATA {
for si := sectionIndex; si < maxSectionIndex+1; si++ {
section, foundSection := group.sections[si]
if !foundSection {
sectionStart := section.DataStartOffset(group, offset, fileSize)
if sectionStart == -1 {
return true, sectionStart
return false, 0
} else {
// whence == SEEK_HOLE
for si := sectionIndex; si < maxSectionIndex; si++ {
section, foundSection := group.sections[si]
if !foundSection {
return true, offset
holeStart := section.NextStopOffset(group, offset, fileSize)
if holeStart%SectionSize == 0 {
return true, holeStart
return true, fileSize


@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package filer
import (
func TestChunkGroup_doSearchChunks(t *testing.T) {
type fields struct {
sections map[SectionIndex]*FileChunkSection
type args struct {
offset int64
fileSize int64
whence uint32
tests := []struct {
name string
fields fields
args args
wantFound bool
wantOut int64
// TODO: Add test cases.
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
group := &ChunkGroup{
sections: tt.fields.sections,
gotFound, gotOut := group.doSearchChunks(tt.args.offset, tt.args.fileSize, tt.args.whence)
assert.Equalf(t, tt.wantFound, gotFound, "doSearchChunks(%v, %v, %v)", tt.args.offset, tt.args.fileSize, tt.args.whence)
assert.Equalf(t, tt.wantOut, gotOut, "doSearchChunks(%v, %v, %v)", tt.args.offset, tt.args.fileSize, tt.args.whence)


@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ func mergeIntoManifest(saveFunc SaveDataAsChunkFunctionType, dataChunks []*filer
} }
} }
manifestChunk, err = saveFunc(bytes.NewReader(data), "", 0)
manifestChunk, err = saveFunc(bytes.NewReader(data), "", 0, 0)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
@ -275,4 +275,4 @@ func mergeIntoManifest(saveFunc SaveDataAsChunkFunctionType, dataChunks []*filer
return return
} }
type SaveDataAsChunkFunctionType func(reader io.Reader, name string, offset int64) (chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk, err error)
type SaveDataAsChunkFunctionType func(reader io.Reader, name string, offset int64, tsNs int64) (chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk, err error)


@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
package filer
import (
const SectionSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 128 // 256MiB
type SectionIndex int64
type FileChunkSection struct {
sectionIndex SectionIndex
chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk
visibleIntervals *IntervalList[*VisibleInterval]
chunkViews *IntervalList[*ChunkView]
reader *ChunkReadAt
lock sync.Mutex
func NewFileChunkSection(si SectionIndex) *FileChunkSection {
return &FileChunkSection{
sectionIndex: si,
func (section *FileChunkSection) addChunk(chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk) error {
defer section.lock.Unlock()
start, stop := max(int64(section.sectionIndex)*SectionSize, chunk.Offset), min(((int64(section.sectionIndex)+1)*SectionSize), chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size))
section.chunks = append(section.chunks, chunk)
if section.visibleIntervals != nil {
MergeIntoVisibles(section.visibleIntervals, start, stop, chunk)
garbageFileIds := FindGarbageChunks(section.visibleIntervals, start, stop)
for _, garbageFileId := range garbageFileIds {
length := len(section.chunks)
for i, t := range section.chunks {
if t.FileId == garbageFileId {
section.chunks[i] = section.chunks[length-1]
section.chunks = section.chunks[:length-1]
if section.chunkViews != nil {
MergeIntoChunkViews(section.chunkViews, start, stop, chunk)
return nil
func (section *FileChunkSection) setupForRead(group *ChunkGroup, fileSize int64) {
if section.visibleIntervals == nil {
section.visibleIntervals = readResolvedChunks(section.chunks, int64(section.sectionIndex)*SectionSize, (int64(section.sectionIndex)+1)*SectionSize)
section.chunks, _ = SeparateGarbageChunks(section.visibleIntervals, section.chunks)
if section.reader != nil {
_ = section.reader.Close()
section.reader = nil
if section.chunkViews == nil {
section.chunkViews = ViewFromVisibleIntervals(section.visibleIntervals, int64(section.sectionIndex)*SectionSize, (int64(section.sectionIndex)+1)*SectionSize)
if section.reader == nil {
section.reader = NewChunkReaderAtFromClient(group.lookupFn, section.chunkViews, group.chunkCache, min(int64(section.sectionIndex+1)*SectionSize, fileSize))
section.reader.fileSize = fileSize
func (section *FileChunkSection) readDataAt(group *ChunkGroup, fileSize int64, buff []byte, offset int64) (n int, tsNs int64, err error) {
defer section.lock.Unlock()
section.setupForRead(group, fileSize)
return section.reader.ReadAtWithTime(buff, offset)
func (section *FileChunkSection) DataStartOffset(group *ChunkGroup, offset int64, fileSize int64) int64 {
defer section.lock.Unlock()
section.setupForRead(group, fileSize)
for x := section.visibleIntervals.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
visible := x.Value
if visible.stop <= offset {
if offset < visible.start {
return offset
return offset
return -1
func (section *FileChunkSection) NextStopOffset(group *ChunkGroup, offset int64, fileSize int64) int64 {
defer section.lock.Unlock()
section.setupForRead(group, fileSize)
isAfterOffset := false
for x := section.visibleIntervals.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
visible := x.Value
if !isAfterOffset {
if visible.stop <= offset {
isAfterOffset = true
if offset < visible.start {
return offset
// now visible.start <= offset
if offset < visible.stop {
offset = visible.stop
return offset


@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
"bytes" "bytes"
"fmt" "fmt"
"" ""
"math" "math"
"" ""
@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ func ETag(entry *filer_pb.Entry) (etag string) {
} }
func ETagEntry(entry *Entry) (etag string) { func ETagEntry(entry *Entry) (etag string) {
if entry.IsInRemoteOnly() {
if entry.IsInRemoteOnly() {
return entry.Remote.RemoteETag return entry.Remote.RemoteETag
} }
if entry.Attr.Md5 == nil { if entry.Attr.Md5 == nil {
@ -66,8 +65,15 @@ func CompactFileChunks(lookupFileIdFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunks
visibles, _ := NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(lookupFileIdFn, chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64) visibles, _ := NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(lookupFileIdFn, chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64)
compacted, garbage = SeparateGarbageChunks(visibles, chunks)
func SeparateGarbageChunks(visibles *IntervalList[*VisibleInterval], chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) (compacted []*filer_pb.FileChunk, garbage []*filer_pb.FileChunk) {
fileIds := make(map[string]bool) fileIds := make(map[string]bool)
for _, interval := range visibles {
for x := visibles.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
interval := x.Value
fileIds[interval.fileId] = true fileIds[interval.fileId] = true
} }
for _, chunk := range chunks { for _, chunk := range chunks {
@ -77,7 +83,17 @@ func CompactFileChunks(lookupFileIdFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunks
garbage = append(garbage, chunk) garbage = append(garbage, chunk)
} }
} }
return compacted, garbage
func FindGarbageChunks(visibles *IntervalList[*VisibleInterval], start int64, stop int64) (garbageFileId []string) {
for x := visibles.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
interval := x.Value
offset := interval.start - interval.offsetInChunk
if start <= offset && offset+int64(interval.chunkSize) <= stop {
garbageFileId = append(garbageFileId, interval.fileId)
return return
} }
@ -131,20 +147,39 @@ func DoMinusChunksBySourceFileId(as, bs []*filer_pb.FileChunk) (delta []*filer_p
} }
type ChunkView struct { type ChunkView struct {
FileId string
Offset int64
Size uint64
LogicOffset int64 // actual offset in the file, for the data specified via [offset, offset+size) in current chunk
ChunkSize uint64
CipherKey []byte
IsGzipped bool
FileId string
OffsetInChunk int64 // offset within the chunk
ViewSize uint64
ViewOffset int64 // actual offset in the file, for the data specified via [offset, offset+size) in current chunk
ChunkSize uint64
CipherKey []byte
IsGzipped bool
ModifiedTsNs int64
func (cv *ChunkView) SetStartStop(start, stop int64) {
cv.OffsetInChunk += start - cv.ViewOffset
cv.ViewOffset = start
cv.ViewSize = uint64(stop - start)
func (cv *ChunkView) Clone() IntervalValue {
return &ChunkView{
FileId: cv.FileId,
OffsetInChunk: cv.OffsetInChunk,
ViewSize: cv.ViewSize,
ViewOffset: cv.ViewOffset,
ChunkSize: cv.ChunkSize,
CipherKey: cv.CipherKey,
IsGzipped: cv.IsGzipped,
ModifiedTsNs: cv.ModifiedTsNs,
} }
func (cv *ChunkView) IsFullChunk() bool { func (cv *ChunkView) IsFullChunk() bool {
return cv.Size == cv.ChunkSize
return cv.ViewSize == cv.ChunkSize
} }
func ViewFromChunks(lookupFileIdFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk, offset int64, size int64) (views []*ChunkView) {
func ViewFromChunks(lookupFileIdFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk, offset int64, size int64) (chunkViews *IntervalList[*ChunkView]) {
visibles, _ := NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(lookupFileIdFn, chunks, offset, offset+size) visibles, _ := NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(lookupFileIdFn, chunks, offset, offset+size)
@ -152,7 +187,7 @@ func ViewFromChunks(lookupFileIdFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunks []*
} }
func ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles []VisibleInterval, offset int64, size int64) (views []*ChunkView) {
func ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles *IntervalList[*VisibleInterval], offset int64, size int64) (chunkViews *IntervalList[*ChunkView]) {
stop := offset + size stop := offset + size
if size == math.MaxInt64 { if size == math.MaxInt64 {
@ -162,164 +197,112 @@ func ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles []VisibleInterval, offset int64, size int
stop = math.MaxInt64 stop = math.MaxInt64
} }
for _, chunk := range visibles {
chunkViews = NewIntervalList[*ChunkView]()
for x := visibles.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
chunk := x.Value
chunkStart, chunkStop := max(offset, chunk.start), min(stop, chunk.stop) chunkStart, chunkStop := max(offset, chunk.start), min(stop, chunk.stop)
if chunkStart < chunkStop { if chunkStart < chunkStop {
views = append(views, &ChunkView{
FileId: chunk.fileId,
Offset: chunkStart - chunk.start + chunk.chunkOffset,
Size: uint64(chunkStop - chunkStart),
LogicOffset: chunkStart,
ChunkSize: chunk.chunkSize,
CipherKey: chunk.cipherKey,
IsGzipped: chunk.isGzipped,
chunkView := &ChunkView{
FileId: chunk.fileId,
OffsetInChunk: chunkStart - chunk.start + chunk.offsetInChunk,
ViewSize: uint64(chunkStop - chunkStart),
ViewOffset: chunkStart,
ChunkSize: chunk.chunkSize,
CipherKey: chunk.cipherKey,
IsGzipped: chunk.isGzipped,
ModifiedTsNs: chunk.modifiedTsNs,
StartOffset: chunkStart,
StopOffset: chunkStop,
TsNs: chunk.modifiedTsNs,
Value: chunkView,
Prev: nil,
Next: nil,
}) })
} }
} }
return views
func logPrintf(name string, visibles []VisibleInterval) {
return chunkViews
glog.V(0).Infof("%s len %d", name, len(visibles))
for _, v := range visibles {
glog.V(0).Infof("%s: [%d,%d) %s %d", name, v.start, v.stop, v.fileId, v.chunkOffset)
} }
func MergeIntoVisibles(visibles []VisibleInterval, chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk) (newVisibles []VisibleInterval) {
newV := newVisibleInterval(chunk.Offset, chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size), chunk.GetFileIdString(), chunk.ModifiedTsNs, 0, chunk.Size, chunk.CipherKey, chunk.IsCompressed)
length := len(visibles)
if length == 0 {
return append(visibles, newV)
last := visibles[length-1]
if last.stop <= chunk.Offset {
return append(visibles, newV)
logPrintf(" before", visibles)
// glog.V(0).Infof("newVisibles %d adding chunk [%d,%d) %s size:%d", len(newVisibles), chunk.Offset, chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size), chunk.GetFileIdString(), chunk.Size)
chunkStop := chunk.Offset + int64(chunk.Size)
for _, v := range visibles {
if v.start < chunk.Offset && chunk.Offset < v.stop {
t := newVisibleInterval(v.start, chunk.Offset, v.fileId, v.modifiedTsNs, v.chunkOffset, v.chunkSize, v.cipherKey, v.isGzipped)
newVisibles = append(newVisibles, t)
// glog.V(0).Infof("visible %d [%d,%d) =1> [%d,%d)", i, v.start, v.stop, t.start, t.stop)
if v.start < chunkStop && chunkStop < v.stop {
t := newVisibleInterval(chunkStop, v.stop, v.fileId, v.modifiedTsNs, v.chunkOffset+(chunkStop-v.start), v.chunkSize, v.cipherKey, v.isGzipped)
newVisibles = append(newVisibles, t)
// glog.V(0).Infof("visible %d [%d,%d) =2> [%d,%d)", i, v.start, v.stop, t.start, t.stop)
if chunkStop <= v.start || v.stop <= chunk.Offset {
newVisibles = append(newVisibles, v)
// glog.V(0).Infof("visible %d [%d,%d) =3> [%d,%d)", i, v.start, v.stop, v.start, v.stop)
func MergeIntoVisibles(visibles *IntervalList[*VisibleInterval], start int64, stop int64, chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk) {
newV := &VisibleInterval{
start: start,
stop: stop,
fileId: chunk.GetFileIdString(),
modifiedTsNs: chunk.ModifiedTsNs,
offsetInChunk: start - chunk.Offset, // the starting position in the chunk
chunkSize: chunk.Size, // size of the chunk
cipherKey: chunk.CipherKey,
isGzipped: chunk.IsCompressed,
} }
newVisibles = append(newVisibles, newV)
logPrintf(" append", newVisibles)
visibles.InsertInterval(start, stop, chunk.ModifiedTsNs, newV)
for i := len(newVisibles) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if i > 0 && newV.start < newVisibles[i-1].start {
newVisibles[i] = newVisibles[i-1]
} else {
newVisibles[i] = newV
func MergeIntoChunkViews(chunkViews *IntervalList[*ChunkView], start int64, stop int64, chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk) {
chunkView := &ChunkView{
FileId: chunk.GetFileIdString(),
OffsetInChunk: start - chunk.Offset,
ViewSize: uint64(stop - start),
ViewOffset: start,
ChunkSize: chunk.Size,
CipherKey: chunk.CipherKey,
IsGzipped: chunk.IsCompressed,
ModifiedTsNs: chunk.ModifiedTsNs,
} }
logPrintf(" sorted", newVisibles)
return newVisibles
chunkViews.InsertInterval(start, stop, chunk.ModifiedTsNs, chunkView)
} }
// NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals translates the file chunk into VisibleInterval in memory // NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals translates the file chunk into VisibleInterval in memory
// If the file chunk content is a chunk manifest // If the file chunk content is a chunk manifest
func NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(lookupFileIdFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk, startOffset int64, stopOffset int64) (visibles []VisibleInterval, err error) {
func NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(lookupFileIdFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk, startOffset int64, stopOffset int64) (visibles *IntervalList[*VisibleInterval], err error) {
chunks, _, err = ResolveChunkManifest(lookupFileIdFn, chunks, startOffset, stopOffset) chunks, _, err = ResolveChunkManifest(lookupFileIdFn, chunks, startOffset, stopOffset)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return return
} }
visibles2 := readResolvedChunks(chunks)
if true {
return visibles2, err
slices.SortFunc(chunks, func(a, b *filer_pb.FileChunk) bool {
if a.ModifiedTsNs == b.ModifiedTsNs {
if a.Fid == nil || b.Fid == nil {
return true
return a.Fid.FileKey < b.Fid.FileKey
return a.ModifiedTsNs < b.ModifiedTsNs
for _, chunk := range chunks {
// glog.V(0).Infof("merge [%d,%d)", chunk.Offset, chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size))
visibles = MergeIntoVisibles(visibles, chunk)
logPrintf("add", visibles)
if len(visibles) != len(visibles2) {
fmt.Printf("different visibles size %d : %d\n", len(visibles), len(visibles2))
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(visibles); i++ {
checkDifference(visibles[i], visibles2[i])
visibles2 := readResolvedChunks(chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64)
func checkDifference(x, y VisibleInterval) {
if x.start != y.start ||
x.stop != y.stop ||
x.fileId != y.fileId ||
x.modifiedTsNs != y.modifiedTsNs {
fmt.Printf("different visible %+v : %+v\n", x, y)
return visibles2, err
} }
// find non-overlapping visible intervals // find non-overlapping visible intervals
// visible interval map to one file chunk // visible interval map to one file chunk
type VisibleInterval struct { type VisibleInterval struct {
start int64
stop int64
modifiedTsNs int64
fileId string
chunkOffset int64
chunkSize uint64
cipherKey []byte
isGzipped bool
start int64
stop int64
modifiedTsNs int64
fileId string
offsetInChunk int64
chunkSize uint64
cipherKey []byte
isGzipped bool
} }
func newVisibleInterval(start, stop int64, fileId string, modifiedTime int64, chunkOffset int64, chunkSize uint64, cipherKey []byte, isGzipped bool) VisibleInterval {
return VisibleInterval{
start: start,
stop: stop,
fileId: fileId,
modifiedTsNs: modifiedTime,
chunkOffset: chunkOffset, // the starting position in the chunk
chunkSize: chunkSize,
cipherKey: cipherKey,
isGzipped: isGzipped,
func (v *VisibleInterval) SetStartStop(start, stop int64) {
v.offsetInChunk += start - v.start
v.start, v.stop = start, stop
func (v *VisibleInterval) Clone() IntervalValue {
return &VisibleInterval{
start: v.start,
stop: v.stop,
modifiedTsNs: v.modifiedTsNs,
fileId: v.fileId,
offsetInChunk: v.offsetInChunk,
chunkSize: v.chunkSize,
cipherKey: v.cipherKey,
isGzipped: v.isGzipped,
} }
} }


@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
package filer package filer
import ( import (
"" ""
"" ""
) )
func readResolvedChunks(chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) (visibles []VisibleInterval) {
func readResolvedChunks(chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk, startOffset int64, stopOffset int64) (visibles *IntervalList[*VisibleInterval]) {
var points []*Point var points []*Point
for _, chunk := range chunks { for _, chunk := range chunks {
if chunk.IsChunkManifest {
println("This should not happen! A manifest chunk found:", chunk.GetFileIdString())
start, stop := max(chunk.Offset, startOffset), min(chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size), stopOffset)
if start >= stop {
points = append(points, &Point{ points = append(points, &Point{
x: chunk.Offset, x: chunk.Offset,
ts: chunk.ModifiedTsNs, ts: chunk.ModifiedTsNs,
@ -33,40 +41,45 @@ func readResolvedChunks(chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) (visibles []VisibleInterva
}) })
var prevX int64 var prevX int64
var queue []*Point
queue := list.New() // points with higher ts are at the tail
visibles = NewIntervalList[*VisibleInterval]()
var prevPoint *Point
for _, point := range points { for _, point := range points {
if queue.Len() > 0 {
prevPoint = queue.Back().Value.(*Point)
} else {
prevPoint = nil
if point.isStart { if point.isStart {
if len(queue) > 0 {
lastIndex := len(queue) - 1
lastPoint := queue[lastIndex]
if point.x != prevX && lastPoint.ts < point.ts {
visibles = addToVisibles(visibles, prevX, lastPoint, point)
if prevPoint != nil {
if point.x != prevX && prevPoint.ts < point.ts {
addToVisibles(visibles, prevX, prevPoint, point)
prevX = point.x prevX = point.x
} }
} }
// insert into queue // insert into queue
for i := len(queue); i >= 0; i-- {
if i == 0 || queue[i-1].ts <= point.ts {
if i == len(queue) {
prevX = point.x
if prevPoint == nil || prevPoint.ts < point.ts {
prevX = point.x
} else {
for e := queue.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
if e.Value.(*Point).ts > point.ts {
queue.InsertBefore(point, e)
} }
queue = addToQueue(queue, i, point)
} }
} }
} else { } else {
lastIndex := len(queue) - 1
index := lastIndex
var startPoint *Point
for ; index >= 0; index-- {
startPoint = queue[index]
if startPoint.ts == point.ts {
queue = removeFromQueue(queue, index)
isLast := true
for e := queue.Back(); e != nil; e = e.Prev() {
if e.Value.(*Point).ts == point.ts {
break break
} }
isLast = false
} }
if index == lastIndex && startPoint != nil {
visibles = addToVisibles(visibles, prevX, startPoint, point)
if isLast && prevPoint != nil {
addToVisibles(visibles, prevX, prevPoint, point)
prevX = point.x prevX = point.x
} }
} }
@ -75,37 +88,30 @@ func readResolvedChunks(chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) (visibles []VisibleInterva
return return
} }
func removeFromQueue(queue []*Point, index int) []*Point {
for i := index; i < len(queue)-1; i++ {
queue[i] = queue[i+1]
queue = queue[:len(queue)-1]
return queue
func addToQueue(queue []*Point, index int, point *Point) []*Point {
queue = append(queue, point)
for i := len(queue) - 1; i > index; i-- {
queue[i], queue[i-1] = queue[i-1], queue[i]
return queue
func addToVisibles(visibles []VisibleInterval, prevX int64, startPoint *Point, point *Point) []VisibleInterval {
func addToVisibles(visibles *IntervalList[*VisibleInterval], prevX int64, startPoint *Point, point *Point) {
if prevX < point.x { if prevX < point.x {
chunk := startPoint.chunk chunk := startPoint.chunk
visibles = append(visibles, VisibleInterval{
start: prevX,
stop: point.x,
fileId: chunk.GetFileIdString(),
modifiedTsNs: chunk.ModifiedTsNs,
chunkOffset: prevX - chunk.Offset,
chunkSize: chunk.Size,
cipherKey: chunk.CipherKey,
isGzipped: chunk.IsCompressed,
visible := &VisibleInterval{
start: prevX,
stop: point.x,
fileId: chunk.GetFileIdString(),
modifiedTsNs: chunk.ModifiedTsNs,
offsetInChunk: prevX - chunk.Offset,
chunkSize: chunk.Size,
cipherKey: chunk.CipherKey,
isGzipped: chunk.IsCompressed,
appendVisibleInterfal(visibles, visible)
} }
return visibles
func appendVisibleInterfal(visibles *IntervalList[*VisibleInterval], visible *VisibleInterval) {
StartOffset: visible.start,
StopOffset: visible.stop,
TsNs: visible.modifiedTsNs,
Value: visible,
} }
type Point struct { type Point struct {


@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package filer
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"" ""
"math/rand" "math/rand"
"testing" "testing"
) )
@ -42,9 +43,38 @@ func TestReadResolvedChunks(t *testing.T) {
}, },
} }
visibles := readResolvedChunks(chunks)
visibles := readResolvedChunks(chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64)
for _, visible := range visibles {
fmt.Printf("resolved to %d visible intervales\n", visibles.Len())
for x := visibles.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
visible := x.Value
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %s %d\n", visible.start, visible.stop, visible.fileId, visible.modifiedTsNs)
func TestReadResolvedChunks2(t *testing.T) {
chunks := []*filer_pb.FileChunk{
FileId: "c",
Offset: 200,
Size: 50,
ModifiedTsNs: 3,
FileId: "e",
Offset: 200,
Size: 25,
ModifiedTsNs: 5,
visibles := readResolvedChunks(chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64)
fmt.Printf("resolved to %d visible intervales\n", visibles.Len())
for x := visibles.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
visible := x.Value
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %s %d\n", visible.start, visible.stop, visible.fileId, visible.modifiedTsNs) fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %s %d\n", visible.start, visible.stop, visible.fileId, visible.modifiedTsNs)
} }
@ -72,9 +102,10 @@ func TestRandomizedReadResolvedChunks(t *testing.T) {
chunks = append(chunks, randomWrite(array, start, size, ts)) chunks = append(chunks, randomWrite(array, start, size, ts))
} }
visibles := readResolvedChunks(chunks)
visibles := readResolvedChunks(chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64)
for _, visible := range visibles {
for x := visibles.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
visible := x.Value
for i := visible.start; i < visible.stop; i++ { for i := visible.start; i < visible.stop; i++ {
if array[i] != visible.modifiedTsNs { if array[i] != visible.modifiedTsNs {
t.Errorf("position %d expected ts %d actual ts %d", i, array[i], visible.modifiedTsNs) t.Errorf("position %d expected ts %d actual ts %d", i, array[i], visible.modifiedTsNs)
@ -112,9 +143,9 @@ func TestSequentialReadResolvedChunks(t *testing.T) {
}) })
} }
visibles := readResolvedChunks(chunks)
visibles := readResolvedChunks(chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64)
fmt.Printf("visibles %d", len(visibles))
fmt.Printf("visibles %d", visibles.Len())
} }
@ -201,9 +232,48 @@ func TestActualReadResolvedChunks(t *testing.T) {
}, },
} }
visibles := readResolvedChunks(chunks)
visibles := readResolvedChunks(chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64)
for x := visibles.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
visible := x.Value
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %s %d\n", visible.start, visible.stop, visible.fileId, visible.modifiedTsNs)
func TestActualReadResolvedChunks2(t *testing.T) {
chunks := []*filer_pb.FileChunk{
FileId: "1,e7b96fef48",
Offset: 0,
Size: 184320,
ModifiedTsNs: 1,
FileId: "2,22562640b9",
Offset: 184320,
Size: 4096,
ModifiedTsNs: 2,
FileId: "2,33562640b9",
Offset: 184320,
Size: 4096,
ModifiedTsNs: 4,
FileId: "4,df033e0fe4",
Offset: 188416,
Size: 2097152,
ModifiedTsNs: 3,
visibles := readResolvedChunks(chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64)
for _, visible := range visibles {
for x := visibles.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
visible := x.Value
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %s %d\n", visible.start, visible.stop, visible.fileId, visible.modifiedTsNs) fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %s %d\n", visible.start, visible.stop, visible.fileId, visible.modifiedTsNs)
} }


@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ func TestRandomFileChunksCompact(t *testing.T) {
visibles, _ := NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(nil, chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64) visibles, _ := NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(nil, chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64)
for _, v := range visibles {
for visible := visibles.Front(); visible != nil; visible = visible.Next {
v := visible.Value
for x := v.start; x < v.stop; x++ { for x := v.start; x < v.stop; x++ {
assert.Equal(t, strconv.Itoa(int(data[x])), v.fileId) assert.Equal(t, strconv.Itoa(int(data[x])), v.fileId)
} }
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ func TestIntervalMerging(t *testing.T) {
}, },
Expected: []*VisibleInterval{ Expected: []*VisibleInterval{
{start: 0, stop: 70, fileId: "b"}, {start: 0, stop: 70, fileId: "b"},
{start: 70, stop: 100, fileId: "a", chunkOffset: 70},
{start: 70, stop: 100, fileId: "a", offsetInChunk: 70},
}, },
}, },
// case 3: updates overwrite full chunks // case 3: updates overwrite full chunks
@ -174,15 +175,15 @@ func TestIntervalMerging(t *testing.T) {
}, },
Expected: []*VisibleInterval{ Expected: []*VisibleInterval{
{start: 0, stop: 200, fileId: "d"}, {start: 0, stop: 200, fileId: "d"},
{start: 200, stop: 220, fileId: "c", chunkOffset: 130},
{start: 200, stop: 220, fileId: "c", offsetInChunk: 130},
}, },
}, },
// case 6: same updates // case 6: same updates
{ {
Chunks: []*filer_pb.FileChunk{ Chunks: []*filer_pb.FileChunk{
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "abc", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 1}, ModifiedTsNs: 123}, {Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "abc", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 1}, ModifiedTsNs: 123},
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "axf", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 2}, ModifiedTsNs: 123},
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "xyz", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 3}, ModifiedTsNs: 123},
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "axf", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 2}, ModifiedTsNs: 124},
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "xyz", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 3}, ModifiedTsNs: 125},
}, },
Expected: []*VisibleInterval{ Expected: []*VisibleInterval{
{start: 0, stop: 100, fileId: "xyz"}, {start: 0, stop: 100, fileId: "xyz"},
@ -228,11 +229,17 @@ func TestIntervalMerging(t *testing.T) {
for i, testcase := range testcases { for i, testcase := range testcases {
log.Printf("++++++++++ merged test case %d ++++++++++++++++++++", i) log.Printf("++++++++++ merged test case %d ++++++++++++++++++++", i)
intervals, _ := NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(nil, testcase.Chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64) intervals, _ := NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(nil, testcase.Chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64)
for x, interval := range intervals {
log.Printf("test case %d, interval %d, start=%d, stop=%d, fileId=%s",
i, x, interval.start, interval.stop, interval.fileId)
x := -1
for visible := intervals.Front(); visible != nil; visible = visible.Next {
interval := visible.Value
log.Printf("test case %d, interval start=%d, stop=%d, fileId=%s",
i, interval.start, interval.stop, interval.fileId)
} }
for x, interval := range intervals {
x = -1
for visible := intervals.Front(); visible != nil; visible = visible.Next {
interval := visible.Value
if interval.start != testcase.Expected[x].start { if interval.start != testcase.Expected[x].start {
t.Fatalf("failed on test case %d, interval %d, start %d, expect %d", t.Fatalf("failed on test case %d, interval %d, start %d, expect %d",
i, x, interval.start, testcase.Expected[x].start) i, x, interval.start, testcase.Expected[x].start)
@ -245,13 +252,13 @@ func TestIntervalMerging(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("failed on test case %d, interval %d, chunkId %s, expect %s", t.Fatalf("failed on test case %d, interval %d, chunkId %s, expect %s",
i, x, interval.fileId, testcase.Expected[x].fileId) i, x, interval.fileId, testcase.Expected[x].fileId)
} }
if interval.chunkOffset != testcase.Expected[x].chunkOffset {
t.Fatalf("failed on test case %d, interval %d, chunkOffset %d, expect %d",
i, x, interval.chunkOffset, testcase.Expected[x].chunkOffset)
if interval.offsetInChunk != testcase.Expected[x].offsetInChunk {
t.Fatalf("failed on test case %d, interval %d, offsetInChunk %d, expect %d",
i, x, interval.offsetInChunk, testcase.Expected[x].offsetInChunk)
} }
} }
if len(intervals) != len(testcase.Expected) {
t.Fatalf("failed to compact test case %d, len %d expected %d", i, len(intervals), len(testcase.Expected))
if intervals.Len() != len(testcase.Expected) {
t.Fatalf("failed to compact test case %d, len %d expected %d", i, intervals.Len(), len(testcase.Expected))
} }
} }
@ -276,9 +283,9 @@ func TestChunksReading(t *testing.T) {
Offset: 0, Offset: 0,
Size: 250, Size: 250,
Expected: []*ChunkView{ Expected: []*ChunkView{
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "abc", LogicOffset: 0},
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "asdf", LogicOffset: 100},
{Offset: 0, Size: 50, FileId: "fsad", LogicOffset: 200},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 100, FileId: "abc", ViewOffset: 0},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 100, FileId: "asdf", ViewOffset: 100},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 50, FileId: "fsad", ViewOffset: 200},
}, },
}, },
// case 1: updates overwrite full chunks // case 1: updates overwrite full chunks
@ -290,7 +297,7 @@ func TestChunksReading(t *testing.T) {
Offset: 50, Offset: 50,
Size: 100, Size: 100,
Expected: []*ChunkView{ Expected: []*ChunkView{
{Offset: 50, Size: 100, FileId: "asdf", LogicOffset: 50},
{OffsetInChunk: 50, ViewSize: 100, FileId: "asdf", ViewOffset: 50},
}, },
}, },
// case 2: updates overwrite part of previous chunks // case 2: updates overwrite part of previous chunks
@ -302,8 +309,8 @@ func TestChunksReading(t *testing.T) {
Offset: 30, Offset: 30,
Size: 40, Size: 40,
Expected: []*ChunkView{ Expected: []*ChunkView{
{Offset: 20, Size: 30, FileId: "b", LogicOffset: 30},
{Offset: 57, Size: 10, FileId: "a", LogicOffset: 60},
{OffsetInChunk: 20, ViewSize: 30, FileId: "b", ViewOffset: 30},
{OffsetInChunk: 57, ViewSize: 10, FileId: "a", ViewOffset: 60},
}, },
}, },
// case 3: updates overwrite full chunks // case 3: updates overwrite full chunks
@ -316,8 +323,8 @@ func TestChunksReading(t *testing.T) {
Offset: 0, Offset: 0,
Size: 200, Size: 200,
Expected: []*ChunkView{ Expected: []*ChunkView{
{Offset: 0, Size: 50, FileId: "asdf", LogicOffset: 0},
{Offset: 0, Size: 150, FileId: "xxxx", LogicOffset: 50},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 50, FileId: "asdf", ViewOffset: 0},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 150, FileId: "xxxx", ViewOffset: 50},
}, },
}, },
// case 4: updates far away from prev chunks // case 4: updates far away from prev chunks
@ -330,8 +337,8 @@ func TestChunksReading(t *testing.T) {
Offset: 0, Offset: 0,
Size: 400, Size: 400,
Expected: []*ChunkView{ Expected: []*ChunkView{
{Offset: 0, Size: 200, FileId: "asdf", LogicOffset: 0},
{Offset: 0, Size: 150, FileId: "xxxx", LogicOffset: 250},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 200, FileId: "asdf", ViewOffset: 0},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 150, FileId: "xxxx", ViewOffset: 250},
}, },
}, },
// case 5: updates overwrite full chunks // case 5: updates overwrite full chunks
@ -345,21 +352,21 @@ func TestChunksReading(t *testing.T) {
Offset: 0, Offset: 0,
Size: 220, Size: 220,
Expected: []*ChunkView{ Expected: []*ChunkView{
{Offset: 0, Size: 200, FileId: "c", LogicOffset: 0},
{Offset: 130, Size: 20, FileId: "b", LogicOffset: 200},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 200, FileId: "c", ViewOffset: 0},
{OffsetInChunk: 130, ViewSize: 20, FileId: "b", ViewOffset: 200},
}, },
}, },
// case 6: same updates // case 6: same updates
{ {
Chunks: []*filer_pb.FileChunk{ Chunks: []*filer_pb.FileChunk{
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "abc", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 1}, ModifiedTsNs: 123}, {Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "abc", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 1}, ModifiedTsNs: 123},
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "def", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 2}, ModifiedTsNs: 123},
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "xyz", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 3}, ModifiedTsNs: 123},
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "def", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 2}, ModifiedTsNs: 124},
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "xyz", Fid: &filer_pb.FileId{FileKey: 3}, ModifiedTsNs: 125},
}, },
Offset: 0, Offset: 0,
Size: 100, Size: 100,
Expected: []*ChunkView{ Expected: []*ChunkView{
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "xyz", LogicOffset: 0},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 100, FileId: "xyz", ViewOffset: 0},
}, },
}, },
// case 7: edge cases // case 7: edge cases
@ -372,8 +379,8 @@ func TestChunksReading(t *testing.T) {
Offset: 0, Offset: 0,
Size: 200, Size: 200,
Expected: []*ChunkView{ Expected: []*ChunkView{
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "abc", LogicOffset: 0},
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "asdf", LogicOffset: 100},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 100, FileId: "abc", ViewOffset: 0},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 100, FileId: "asdf", ViewOffset: 100},
}, },
}, },
// case 8: edge cases // case 8: edge cases
@ -386,9 +393,9 @@ func TestChunksReading(t *testing.T) {
Offset: 0, Offset: 0,
Size: 300, Size: 300,
Expected: []*ChunkView{ Expected: []*ChunkView{
{Offset: 0, Size: 90, FileId: "abc", LogicOffset: 0},
{Offset: 0, Size: 100, FileId: "asdf", LogicOffset: 90},
{Offset: 0, Size: 110, FileId: "fsad", LogicOffset: 190},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 90, FileId: "abc", ViewOffset: 0},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 100, FileId: "asdf", ViewOffset: 90},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 110, FileId: "fsad", ViewOffset: 190},
}, },
}, },
// case 9: edge cases // case 9: edge cases
@ -404,12 +411,12 @@ func TestChunksReading(t *testing.T) {
Offset: 0, Offset: 0,
Size: 153578836, Size: 153578836,
Expected: []*ChunkView{ Expected: []*ChunkView{
{Offset: 0, Size: 43175936, FileId: "2,111fc2cbfac1", LogicOffset: 0},
{Offset: 0, Size: 52981760 - 43175936, FileId: "2,112a36ea7f85", LogicOffset: 43175936},
{Offset: 0, Size: 72564736 - 52981760, FileId: "4,112d5f31c5e7", LogicOffset: 52981760},
{Offset: 0, Size: 133255168 - 72564736, FileId: "1,113245f0cdb6", LogicOffset: 72564736},
{Offset: 0, Size: 137269248 - 133255168, FileId: "3,1141a70733b5", LogicOffset: 133255168},
{Offset: 0, Size: 153578836 - 137269248, FileId: "1,114201d5bbdb", LogicOffset: 137269248},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 43175936, FileId: "2,111fc2cbfac1", ViewOffset: 0},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 52981760 - 43175936, FileId: "2,112a36ea7f85", ViewOffset: 43175936},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 72564736 - 52981760, FileId: "4,112d5f31c5e7", ViewOffset: 52981760},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 133255168 - 72564736, FileId: "1,113245f0cdb6", ViewOffset: 72564736},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 137269248 - 133255168, FileId: "3,1141a70733b5", ViewOffset: 133255168},
{OffsetInChunk: 0, ViewSize: 153578836 - 137269248, FileId: "1,114201d5bbdb", ViewOffset: 137269248},
}, },
}, },
} }
@ -420,28 +427,31 @@ func TestChunksReading(t *testing.T) {
} }
log.Printf("++++++++++ read test case %d ++++++++++++++++++++", i) log.Printf("++++++++++ read test case %d ++++++++++++++++++++", i)
chunks := ViewFromChunks(nil, testcase.Chunks, testcase.Offset, testcase.Size) chunks := ViewFromChunks(nil, testcase.Chunks, testcase.Offset, testcase.Size)
for x, chunk := range chunks {
x := -1
for c := chunks.Front(); c != nil; c = c.Next {
chunk := c.Value
log.Printf("read case %d, chunk %d, offset=%d, size=%d, fileId=%s", log.Printf("read case %d, chunk %d, offset=%d, size=%d, fileId=%s",
i, x, chunk.Offset, chunk.Size, chunk.FileId)
if chunk.Offset != testcase.Expected[x].Offset {
i, x, chunk.OffsetInChunk, chunk.ViewSize, chunk.FileId)
if chunk.OffsetInChunk != testcase.Expected[x].OffsetInChunk {
t.Fatalf("failed on read case %d, chunk %s, Offset %d, expect %d", t.Fatalf("failed on read case %d, chunk %s, Offset %d, expect %d",
i, chunk.FileId, chunk.Offset, testcase.Expected[x].Offset)
i, chunk.FileId, chunk.OffsetInChunk, testcase.Expected[x].OffsetInChunk)
} }
if chunk.Size != testcase.Expected[x].Size {
t.Fatalf("failed on read case %d, chunk %s, Size %d, expect %d",
i, chunk.FileId, chunk.Size, testcase.Expected[x].Size)
if chunk.ViewSize != testcase.Expected[x].ViewSize {
t.Fatalf("failed on read case %d, chunk %s, ViewSize %d, expect %d",
i, chunk.FileId, chunk.ViewSize, testcase.Expected[x].ViewSize)
} }
if chunk.FileId != testcase.Expected[x].FileId { if chunk.FileId != testcase.Expected[x].FileId {
t.Fatalf("failed on read case %d, chunk %d, FileId %s, expect %s", t.Fatalf("failed on read case %d, chunk %d, FileId %s, expect %s",
i, x, chunk.FileId, testcase.Expected[x].FileId) i, x, chunk.FileId, testcase.Expected[x].FileId)
} }
if chunk.LogicOffset != testcase.Expected[x].LogicOffset {
t.Fatalf("failed on read case %d, chunk %d, LogicOffset %d, expect %d",
i, x, chunk.LogicOffset, testcase.Expected[x].LogicOffset)
if chunk.ViewOffset != testcase.Expected[x].ViewOffset {
t.Fatalf("failed on read case %d, chunk %d, ViewOffset %d, expect %d",
i, x, chunk.ViewOffset, testcase.Expected[x].ViewOffset)
} }
} }
if len(chunks) != len(testcase.Expected) {
t.Fatalf("failed to read test case %d, len %d expected %d", i, len(chunks), len(testcase.Expected))
if chunks.Len() != len(testcase.Expected) {
t.Fatalf("failed to read test case %d, len %d expected %d", i, chunks.Len(), len(testcase.Expected))
} }
} }
@ -467,73 +477,79 @@ func BenchmarkCompactFileChunks(b *testing.B) {
} }
} }
func addVisibleInterval(visibles *IntervalList[*VisibleInterval], x *VisibleInterval) {
StartOffset: x.start,
StopOffset: x.stop,
TsNs: x.modifiedTsNs,
Value: x,
func TestViewFromVisibleIntervals(t *testing.T) { func TestViewFromVisibleIntervals(t *testing.T) {
visibles := []VisibleInterval{
start: 0,
stop: 25,
fileId: "fid1",
start: 4096,
stop: 8192,
fileId: "fid2",
start: 16384,
stop: 18551,
fileId: "fid3",
visibles := NewIntervalList[*VisibleInterval]()
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 0,
stop: 25,
fileId: "fid1",
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 4096,
stop: 8192,
fileId: "fid2",
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 16384,
stop: 18551,
fileId: "fid3",
views := ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt32) views := ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt32)
if len(views) != len(visibles) {
assert.Equal(t, len(visibles), len(views), "ViewFromVisibleIntervals error")
if views.Len() != visibles.Len() {
assert.Equal(t, visibles.Len(), views.Len(), "ViewFromVisibleIntervals error")
} }
} }
func TestViewFromVisibleIntervals2(t *testing.T) { func TestViewFromVisibleIntervals2(t *testing.T) {
visibles := []VisibleInterval{
start: 344064,
stop: 348160,
fileId: "fid1",
start: 348160,
stop: 356352,
fileId: "fid2",
visibles := NewIntervalList[*VisibleInterval]()
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 344064,
stop: 348160,
fileId: "fid1",
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 348160,
stop: 356352,
fileId: "fid2",
views := ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt32) views := ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt32)
if len(views) != len(visibles) {
assert.Equal(t, len(visibles), len(views), "ViewFromVisibleIntervals error")
if views.Len() != visibles.Len() {
assert.Equal(t, visibles.Len(), views.Len(), "ViewFromVisibleIntervals error")
} }
} }
func TestViewFromVisibleIntervals3(t *testing.T) { func TestViewFromVisibleIntervals3(t *testing.T) {
visibles := []VisibleInterval{
start: 1000,
stop: 2000,
fileId: "fid1",
start: 3000,
stop: 4000,
fileId: "fid2",
visibles := NewIntervalList[*VisibleInterval]()
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 1000,
stop: 2000,
fileId: "fid1",
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 3000,
stop: 4000,
fileId: "fid2",
views := ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 1700, 1500) views := ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 1700, 1500)
if len(views) != len(visibles) {
assert.Equal(t, len(visibles), len(views), "ViewFromVisibleIntervals error")
if views.Len() != visibles.Len() {
assert.Equal(t, visibles.Len(), views.Len(), "ViewFromVisibleIntervals error")
} }
} }


@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ func (f *Filer) appendToFile(targetFile string, data []byte) error {
} }
// append to existing chunks // append to existing chunks
entry.Chunks = append(entry.GetChunks(), uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(assignResult.Fid, offset))
entry.Chunks = append(entry.GetChunks(), uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(assignResult.Fid, offset, time.Now().UnixNano()))
// update the entry // update the entry
err = f.CreateEntry(context.Background(), entry, false, false, nil, false) err = f.CreateEntry(context.Background(), entry, false, false, nil, false)


@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
package filer
import (
type IntervalValue interface {
SetStartStop(start, stop int64)
Clone() IntervalValue
type Interval[T IntervalValue] struct {
StartOffset int64
StopOffset int64
TsNs int64
Value T
Prev *Interval[T]
Next *Interval[T]
func (interval *Interval[T]) Size() int64 {
return interval.StopOffset - interval.StartOffset
// IntervalList mark written intervals within one page chunk
type IntervalList[T IntervalValue] struct {
head *Interval[T]
tail *Interval[T]
Lock sync.Mutex
func NewIntervalList[T IntervalValue]() *IntervalList[T] {
list := &IntervalList[T]{
head: &Interval[T]{
StartOffset: -1,
StopOffset: -1,
tail: &Interval[T]{
StartOffset: math.MaxInt64,
StopOffset: math.MaxInt64,
return list
func (list *IntervalList[T]) Front() (interval *Interval[T]) {
return list.head.Next
func (list *IntervalList[T]) AppendInterval(interval *Interval[T]) {
defer list.Lock.Unlock()
if list.head.Next == nil {
list.head.Next = interval
interval.Prev = list.tail.Prev
if list.tail.Prev != nil {
list.tail.Prev.Next = interval
list.tail.Prev = interval
func (list *IntervalList[T]) Overlay(startOffset, stopOffset, tsNs int64, value T) {
if startOffset >= stopOffset {
interval := &Interval[T]{
StartOffset: startOffset,
StopOffset: stopOffset,
TsNs: tsNs,
Value: value,
defer list.Lock.Unlock()
func (list *IntervalList[T]) InsertInterval(startOffset, stopOffset, tsNs int64, value T) {
interval := &Interval[T]{
StartOffset: startOffset,
StopOffset: stopOffset,
TsNs: tsNs,
Value: value,
defer list.Lock.Unlock()
value.SetStartStop(startOffset, stopOffset)
func (list *IntervalList[T]) insertInterval(interval *Interval[T]) {
prev := list.head
next := prev.Next
for interval.StartOffset < interval.StopOffset {
if next == nil {
// add to the end
list.insertBetween(prev, interval, list.tail)
// interval is ahead of the next
if interval.StopOffset <= next.StartOffset {
list.insertBetween(prev, interval, next)
// interval is after the next
if next.StopOffset <= interval.StartOffset {
prev = next
next = next.Next
// intersecting next and interval
if interval.TsNs >= next.TsNs {
// interval is newer
if next.StartOffset < interval.StartOffset {
// left side of next is ahead of interval
t := &Interval[T]{
StartOffset: next.StartOffset,
StopOffset: interval.StartOffset,
TsNs: next.TsNs,
Value: next.Value.Clone().(T),
t.Value.SetStartStop(t.StartOffset, t.StopOffset)
list.insertBetween(prev, t, interval)
next.StartOffset = interval.StartOffset
next.Value.SetStartStop(next.StartOffset, next.StopOffset)
prev = t
if interval.StopOffset < next.StopOffset {
// right side of next is after interval
next.StartOffset = interval.StopOffset
next.Value.SetStartStop(next.StartOffset, next.StopOffset)
list.insertBetween(prev, interval, next)
} else {
// next is covered
prev.Next = interval
next = next.Next
} else {
// next is newer
if interval.StartOffset < next.StartOffset {
// left side of interval is ahead of next
t := &Interval[T]{
StartOffset: interval.StartOffset,
StopOffset: next.StartOffset,
TsNs: interval.TsNs,
Value: interval.Value.Clone().(T),
t.Value.SetStartStop(t.StartOffset, t.StopOffset)
list.insertBetween(prev, t, next)
interval.StartOffset = next.StartOffset
interval.Value.SetStartStop(interval.StartOffset, interval.StopOffset)
if next.StopOffset < interval.StopOffset {
// right side of interval is after next
interval.StartOffset = next.StopOffset
interval.Value.SetStartStop(interval.StartOffset, interval.StopOffset)
} else {
// interval is covered
func (list *IntervalList[T]) insertBetween(a, interval, b *Interval[T]) {
a.Next = interval
b.Prev = interval
if a != list.head {
interval.Prev = a
if b != list.tail {
interval.Next = b
func (list *IntervalList[T]) overlayInterval(interval *Interval[T]) {
//t := list.head
//for ; t.Next != nil; t = t.Next {
// if t.TsNs > interval.TsNs {
// println("writes is out of order", t.TsNs-interval.TsNs, "ns")
// }
p := list.head
for ; p.Next != nil && p.Next.StopOffset <= interval.StartOffset; p = p.Next {
q := list.tail
for ; q.Prev != nil && q.Prev.StartOffset >= interval.StopOffset; q = q.Prev {
// left side
// interval after p.Next start
if p.Next != nil && p.Next.StartOffset < interval.StartOffset {
t := &Interval[T]{
StartOffset: p.Next.StartOffset,
StopOffset: interval.StartOffset,
TsNs: p.Next.TsNs,
Value: p.Next.Value,
p.Next = t
if p != list.head {
t.Prev = p
t.Next = interval
interval.Prev = t
} else {
p.Next = interval
if p != list.head {
interval.Prev = p
// right side
// interval ends before p.Prev
if q.Prev != nil && interval.StopOffset < q.Prev.StopOffset {
t := &Interval[T]{
StartOffset: interval.StopOffset,
StopOffset: q.Prev.StopOffset,
TsNs: q.Prev.TsNs,
Value: q.Prev.Value,
q.Prev = t
if q != list.tail {
t.Next = q
interval.Next = t
t.Prev = interval
} else {
q.Prev = interval
if q != list.tail {
interval.Next = q
func (list *IntervalList[T]) Len() int {
defer list.Lock.Unlock()
var count int
for t := list.head; t != nil; t = t.Next {
return count - 1


@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
package filer
import (
type IntervalInt int
func (i IntervalInt) SetStartStop(start, stop int64) {
func (i IntervalInt) Clone() IntervalValue {
return i
func TestIntervalList_Overlay(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.Overlay(0, 100, 1, 1)
list.Overlay(50, 150, 2, 2)
list.Overlay(200, 250, 3, 3)
list.Overlay(225, 250, 4, 4)
list.Overlay(175, 210, 5, 5)
list.Overlay(0, 25, 6, 6)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 6, list.Len())
list.Overlay(50, 150, 7, 7)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 6, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_Overlay2(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1)
list.Overlay(0, 50, 2, 2)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
func TestIntervalList_Overlay3(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1)
assert.Equal(t, 1, list.Len())
list.Overlay(0, 60, 2, 2)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_Overlay4(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1)
list.Overlay(0, 100, 2, 2)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 1, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_Overlay5(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1)
list.Overlay(0, 110, 2, 2)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 1, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_Overlay6(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1)
list.Overlay(50, 110, 2, 2)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 1, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_Overlay7(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1)
list.Overlay(50, 90, 2, 2)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_Overlay8(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1)
list.Overlay(60, 90, 2, 2)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_Overlay9(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1)
list.Overlay(60, 100, 2, 2)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_Overlay10(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1)
list.Overlay(60, 110, 2, 2)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_Overlay11(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.Overlay(0, 100, 1, 1)
list.Overlay(100, 110, 2, 2)
list.Overlay(0, 90, 3, 3)
list.Overlay(0, 80, 4, 4)
list.Overlay(0, 90, 5, 5)
list.Overlay(90, 90, 6, 6)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval1(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2)
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 3, 3)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval2(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2)
list.InsertInterval(0, 25, 3, 3)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval3(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2)
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4)
list.InsertInterval(0, 75, 3, 3)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval4(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4)
list.InsertInterval(0, 225, 3, 3)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval5(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4)
list.InsertInterval(0, 225, 5, 5)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval6(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2)
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4)
list.InsertInterval(0, 275, 1, 1)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 5, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval7(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2)
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4)
list.InsertInterval(75, 275, 1, 1)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 4, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval8(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2)
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4)
list.InsertInterval(75, 275, 3, 3)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 4, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval9(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2)
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4)
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 3, 3)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval10(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.InsertInterval(50, 100, 2, 2)
list.InsertInterval(200, 300, 4, 4)
list.InsertInterval(100, 200, 5, 5)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.Len())
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval11(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]()
list.InsertInterval(0, 64, 1, 1)
list.InsertInterval(72, 136, 3, 3)
list.InsertInterval(64, 128, 2, 2)
list.InsertInterval(68, 72, 4, 4)
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 4, list.Len())
type IntervalStruct struct {
x int
start int64
stop int64
func newIntervalStruct(i int) IntervalStruct {
return IntervalStruct{
x: i,
func (i IntervalStruct) SetStartStop(start, stop int64) {
i.start, i.stop = start, stop
func (i IntervalStruct) Clone() IntervalValue {
return &IntervalStruct{
x: i.x,
start: i.start,
stop: i.stop,
func TestIntervalList_insertIntervalStruct(t *testing.T) {
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalStruct]()
list.InsertInterval(0, 64, 1, newIntervalStruct(1))
list.InsertInterval(64, 72, 2, newIntervalStruct(2))
list.InsertInterval(72, 136, 3, newIntervalStruct(3))
list.InsertInterval(64, 68, 4, newIntervalStruct(4))
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next {
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value)
assert.Equal(t, 4, list.Len())


@ -21,32 +21,32 @@ func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlInsert(tableName string) string {
if gen.UpsertQueryTemplate != "" { if gen.UpsertQueryTemplate != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf(gen.UpsertQueryTemplate, tableName) return fmt.Sprintf(gen.UpsertQueryTemplate, tableName)
} else { } else {
return fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO `%s` (dirhash,name,directory,meta) VALUES(?,?,?,?)", tableName)
return fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO `%s` (`dirhash`,`name`,`directory`,`meta`) VALUES(?,?,?,?)", tableName)
} }
} }
func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlUpdate(tableName string) string { func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlUpdate(tableName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE `%s` SET meta=? WHERE dirhash=? AND name=? AND directory=?", tableName)
return fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE `%s` SET `meta` = ? WHERE `dirhash` = ? AND `name` = ? AND `directory` = ?", tableName)
} }
func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlFind(tableName string) string { func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlFind(tableName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("SELECT meta FROM `%s` WHERE dirhash=? AND name=? AND directory=?", tableName)
return fmt.Sprintf("SELECT `meta` FROM `%s` WHERE `dirhash` = ? AND `name = ? AND `directory` = ?", tableName)
} }
func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlDelete(tableName string) string { func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlDelete(tableName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE dirhash=? AND name=? AND directory=?", tableName)
return fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `dirhash` = ? AND `name` = ? AND `directory` = ?", tableName)
} }
func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlDeleteFolderChildren(tableName string) string { func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlDeleteFolderChildren(tableName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE dirhash=? AND directory=?", tableName)
return fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `dirhash` = ? AND `directory` = ?", tableName)
} }
func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlListExclusive(tableName string) string { func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlListExclusive(tableName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("SELECT NAME, meta FROM `%s` WHERE dirhash=? AND name>? AND directory=? AND name like ? ORDER BY NAME ASC LIMIT ?", tableName)
return fmt.Sprintf("SELECT `name`, `meta` FROM `%s` WHERE `dirhash` = ? AND `name` > ? AND `directory` = ? AND `name` LIKE ? ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT ?", tableName)
} }
func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlListInclusive(tableName string) string { func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlListInclusive(tableName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("SELECT NAME, meta FROM `%s` WHERE dirhash=? AND name>=? AND directory=? AND name like ? ORDER BY NAME ASC LIMIT ?", tableName)
return fmt.Sprintf("SELECT `name`, `meta` FROM `%s` WHERE `dirhash` = ? AND `name` >= ? AND `directory` = ? AND `name` LIKE ? ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT ?", tableName)
} }
func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlCreateTable(tableName string) string { func (gen *SqlGenMysql) GetSqlCreateTable(tableName string) string {


@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
) )
const ( const (
CONNECTION_URL_PATTERN = "%s:%s@tcp(%s:%d)/%s?charset=utf8"
CONNECTION_URL_PATTERN = "%s:%s@tcp(%s:%d)/%s?collation=utf8mb4_bin"
) )
func init() { func init() {
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ func (store *MysqlStore) initialize(upsertQuery string, enableUpsert bool, user,
} }
store.SqlGenerator = &SqlGenMysql{ store.SqlGenerator = &SqlGenMysql{
CreateTableSqlTemplate: "", CreateTableSqlTemplate: "",
DropTableSqlTemplate: "drop table `%s`",
DropTableSqlTemplate: "DROP TABLE `%s`",
UpsertQueryTemplate: upsertQuery, UpsertQueryTemplate: upsertQuery,
} }


@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import (
) )
const ( const (
CONNECTION_URL_PATTERN = "%s:%s@tcp(%s:%d)/%s?charset=utf8"
CONNECTION_URL_PATTERN = "%s:%s@tcp(%s:%d)/%s?collation=utf8mb4_bin"
) )
var _ filer.BucketAware = (*MysqlStore2)(nil) var _ filer.BucketAware = (*MysqlStore2)(nil)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ func (store *MysqlStore2) initialize(createTable, upsertQuery string, enableUpse
} }
store.SqlGenerator = &mysql.SqlGenMysql{ store.SqlGenerator = &mysql.SqlGenMysql{
CreateTableSqlTemplate: createTable, CreateTableSqlTemplate: createTable,
DropTableSqlTemplate: "drop table `%s`",
DropTableSqlTemplate: "DROP TABLE `%s`",
UpsertQueryTemplate: upsertQuery, UpsertQueryTemplate: upsertQuery,
} }


@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ import (
type ChunkReadAt struct { type ChunkReadAt struct {
masterClient *wdclient.MasterClient masterClient *wdclient.MasterClient
chunkViews []*ChunkView
readerLock sync.Mutex
chunkViews *IntervalList[*ChunkView]
fileSize int64 fileSize int64
readerCache *ReaderCache readerCache *ReaderCache
readerPattern *ReaderPattern readerPattern *ReaderPattern
@ -89,7 +88,7 @@ func LookupFn(filerClient filer_pb.FilerClient) wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionTyp
} }
} }
func NewChunkReaderAtFromClient(lookupFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunkViews []*ChunkView, chunkCache chunk_cache.ChunkCache, fileSize int64) *ChunkReadAt {
func NewChunkReaderAtFromClient(lookupFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunkViews *IntervalList[*ChunkView], chunkCache chunk_cache.ChunkCache, fileSize int64) *ChunkReadAt {
return &ChunkReadAt{ return &ChunkReadAt{
chunkViews: chunkViews, chunkViews: chunkViews,
@ -108,44 +107,58 @@ func (c *ChunkReadAt) ReadAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) {
c.readerPattern.MonitorReadAt(offset, len(p)) c.readerPattern.MonitorReadAt(offset, len(p))
defer c.readerLock.Unlock()
defer c.chunkViews.Lock.Unlock()
// glog.V(4).Infof("ReadAt [%d,%d) of total file size %d bytes %d chunk views", offset, offset+int64(len(p)), c.fileSize, len(c.chunkViews))
n, _, err = c.doReadAt(p, offset)
func (c *ChunkReadAt) ReadAtWithTime(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, ts int64, err error) {
c.readerPattern.MonitorReadAt(offset, len(p))
defer c.chunkViews.Lock.Unlock()
// glog.V(4).Infof("ReadAt [%d,%d) of total file size %d bytes %d chunk views", offset, offset+int64(len(p)), c.fileSize, len(c.chunkViews)) // glog.V(4).Infof("ReadAt [%d,%d) of total file size %d bytes %d chunk views", offset, offset+int64(len(p)), c.fileSize, len(c.chunkViews))
return c.doReadAt(p, offset) return c.doReadAt(p, offset)
} }
func (c *ChunkReadAt) doReadAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) {
func (c *ChunkReadAt) doReadAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, ts int64, err error) {
startOffset, remaining := offset, int64(len(p)) startOffset, remaining := offset, int64(len(p))
var nextChunks []*ChunkView
for i, chunk := range c.chunkViews {
var nextChunks *Interval[*ChunkView]
for x := c.chunkViews.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
chunk := x.Value
if remaining <= 0 { if remaining <= 0 {
break break
} }
if i+1 < len(c.chunkViews) {
nextChunks = c.chunkViews[i+1:]
if x.Next != nil {
nextChunks = x.Next
} }
if startOffset < chunk.LogicOffset {
gap := chunk.LogicOffset - startOffset
glog.V(4).Infof("zero [%d,%d)", startOffset, chunk.LogicOffset)
if startOffset < chunk.ViewOffset {
gap := chunk.ViewOffset - startOffset
glog.V(4).Infof("zero [%d,%d)", startOffset, chunk.ViewOffset)
n += zero(p, startOffset-offset, gap) n += zero(p, startOffset-offset, gap)
startOffset, remaining = chunk.LogicOffset, remaining-gap
startOffset, remaining = chunk.ViewOffset, remaining-gap
if remaining <= 0 { if remaining <= 0 {
break break
} }
} }
// fmt.Printf(">>> doReadAt [%d,%d), chunk[%d,%d)\n", offset, offset+int64(len(p)), chunk.LogicOffset, chunk.LogicOffset+int64(chunk.Size))
chunkStart, chunkStop := max(chunk.LogicOffset, startOffset), min(chunk.LogicOffset+int64(chunk.Size), startOffset+remaining)
// fmt.Printf(">>> doReadAt [%d,%d), chunk[%d,%d)\n", offset, offset+int64(len(p)), chunk.ViewOffset, chunk.ViewOffset+int64(chunk.ViewSize))
chunkStart, chunkStop := max(chunk.ViewOffset, startOffset), min(chunk.ViewOffset+int64(chunk.ViewSize), startOffset+remaining)
if chunkStart >= chunkStop { if chunkStart >= chunkStop {
continue continue
} }
// glog.V(4).Infof("read [%d,%d), %d/%d chunk %s [%d,%d)", chunkStart, chunkStop, i, len(c.chunkViews), chunk.FileId, chunk.LogicOffset-chunk.Offset, chunk.LogicOffset-chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size))
bufferOffset := chunkStart - chunk.LogicOffset + chunk.Offset
// glog.V(4).Infof("read [%d,%d), %d/%d chunk %s [%d,%d)", chunkStart, chunkStop, i, len(c.chunkViews), chunk.FileId, chunk.ViewOffset-chunk.Offset, chunk.ViewOffset-chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.ViewSize))
bufferOffset := chunkStart - chunk.ViewOffset + chunk.OffsetInChunk
ts = chunk.ModifiedTsNs
copied, err := c.readChunkSliceAt(p[startOffset-offset:chunkStop-chunkStart+startOffset-offset], chunk, nextChunks, uint64(bufferOffset)) copied, err := c.readChunkSliceAt(p[startOffset-offset:chunkStop-chunkStart+startOffset-offset], chunk, nextChunks, uint64(bufferOffset))
if err != nil { if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("fetching chunk %+v: %v\n", chunk, err) glog.Errorf("fetching chunk %+v: %v\n", chunk, err)
return copied, err
return copied, ts, err
} }
n += copied n += copied
@ -177,7 +190,7 @@ func (c *ChunkReadAt) doReadAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) {
} }
func (c *ChunkReadAt) readChunkSliceAt(buffer []byte, chunkView *ChunkView, nextChunkViews []*ChunkView, offset uint64) (n int, err error) {
func (c *ChunkReadAt) readChunkSliceAt(buffer []byte, chunkView *ChunkView, nextChunkViews *Interval[*ChunkView], offset uint64) (n int, err error) {
if c.readerPattern.IsRandomMode() { if c.readerPattern.IsRandomMode() {
n, err := c.readerCache.chunkCache.ReadChunkAt(buffer, chunkView.FileId, offset) n, err := c.readerCache.chunkCache.ReadChunkAt(buffer, chunkView.FileId, offset)
@ -187,16 +200,14 @@ func (c *ChunkReadAt) readChunkSliceAt(buffer []byte, chunkView *ChunkView, next
return fetchChunkRange(buffer, c.readerCache.lookupFileIdFn, chunkView.FileId, chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, int64(offset)) return fetchChunkRange(buffer, c.readerCache.lookupFileIdFn, chunkView.FileId, chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, int64(offset))
} }
n, err = c.readerCache.ReadChunkAt(buffer, chunkView.FileId, chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, int64(offset), int(chunkView.ChunkSize), chunkView.LogicOffset == 0)
n, err = c.readerCache.ReadChunkAt(buffer, chunkView.FileId, chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, int64(offset), int(chunkView.ChunkSize), chunkView.ViewOffset == 0)
if c.lastChunkFid != chunkView.FileId { if c.lastChunkFid != chunkView.FileId {
if chunkView.Offset == 0 { // start of a new chunk
if chunkView.OffsetInChunk == 0 { // start of a new chunk
if c.lastChunkFid != "" { if c.lastChunkFid != "" {
c.readerCache.UnCache(c.lastChunkFid) c.readerCache.UnCache(c.lastChunkFid)
} else {
if len(nextChunkViews) >= 1 {
c.readerCache.MaybeCache(nextChunkViews[:1]) // just read the next chunk if at the very beginning
if nextChunkViews != nil {
c.readerCache.MaybeCache(nextChunkViews) // just read the next chunk if at the very beginning
} }
} }
} }


@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import (
"io" "io"
"math" "math"
"strconv" "strconv"
"testing" "testing"
) )
@ -34,42 +33,40 @@ func (m *mockChunkCache) SetChunk(fileId string, data []byte) {
func TestReaderAt(t *testing.T) { func TestReaderAt(t *testing.T) {
visibles := []VisibleInterval{
start: 1,
stop: 2,
fileId: "1",
chunkSize: 9,
start: 3,
stop: 4,
fileId: "3",
chunkSize: 1,
start: 5,
stop: 6,
fileId: "5",
chunkSize: 2,
start: 7,
stop: 9,
fileId: "7",
chunkSize: 2,
start: 9,
stop: 10,
fileId: "9",
chunkSize: 2,
visibles := NewIntervalList[*VisibleInterval]()
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 1,
stop: 2,
fileId: "1",
chunkSize: 9,
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 3,
stop: 4,
fileId: "3",
chunkSize: 1,
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 5,
stop: 6,
fileId: "5",
chunkSize: 2,
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 7,
stop: 9,
fileId: "7",
chunkSize: 2,
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 9,
stop: 10,
fileId: "9",
chunkSize: 2,
readerAt := &ChunkReadAt{ readerAt := &ChunkReadAt{
chunkViews: ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt64), chunkViews: ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt64),
readerLock: sync.Mutex{},
fileSize: 10, fileSize: 10,
readerCache: newReaderCache(3, &mockChunkCache{}, nil), readerCache: newReaderCache(3, &mockChunkCache{}, nil),
readerPattern: NewReaderPattern(), readerPattern: NewReaderPattern(),
@ -86,7 +83,7 @@ func testReadAt(t *testing.T, readerAt *ChunkReadAt, offset int64, size int, exp
if data == nil { if data == nil {
data = make([]byte, size) data = make([]byte, size)
} }
n, err := readerAt.doReadAt(data, offset)
n, _, err := readerAt.doReadAt(data, offset)
if expectedN != n { if expectedN != n {
t.Errorf("unexpected read size: %d, expect: %d", n, expectedN) t.Errorf("unexpected read size: %d, expect: %d", n, expectedN)
@ -101,24 +98,22 @@ func testReadAt(t *testing.T, readerAt *ChunkReadAt, offset int64, size int, exp
func TestReaderAt0(t *testing.T) { func TestReaderAt0(t *testing.T) {
visibles := []VisibleInterval{
start: 2,
stop: 5,
fileId: "1",
chunkSize: 9,
start: 7,
stop: 9,
fileId: "2",
chunkSize: 9,
visibles := NewIntervalList[*VisibleInterval]()
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 2,
stop: 5,
fileId: "1",
chunkSize: 9,
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 7,
stop: 9,
fileId: "2",
chunkSize: 9,
readerAt := &ChunkReadAt{ readerAt := &ChunkReadAt{
chunkViews: ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt64), chunkViews: ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt64),
readerLock: sync.Mutex{},
fileSize: 10, fileSize: 10,
readerCache: newReaderCache(3, &mockChunkCache{}, nil), readerCache: newReaderCache(3, &mockChunkCache{}, nil),
readerPattern: NewReaderPattern(), readerPattern: NewReaderPattern(),
@ -135,18 +130,16 @@ func TestReaderAt0(t *testing.T) {
func TestReaderAt1(t *testing.T) { func TestReaderAt1(t *testing.T) {
visibles := []VisibleInterval{
start: 2,
stop: 5,
fileId: "1",
chunkSize: 9,
visibles := NewIntervalList[*VisibleInterval]()
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 2,
stop: 5,
fileId: "1",
chunkSize: 9,
readerAt := &ChunkReadAt{ readerAt := &ChunkReadAt{
chunkViews: ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt64), chunkViews: ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt64),
readerLock: sync.Mutex{},
fileSize: 20, fileSize: 20,
readerCache: newReaderCache(3, &mockChunkCache{}, nil), readerCache: newReaderCache(3, &mockChunkCache{}, nil),
readerPattern: NewReaderPattern(), readerPattern: NewReaderPattern(),
@ -164,24 +157,22 @@ func TestReaderAt1(t *testing.T) {
} }
func TestReaderAtGappedChunksDoNotLeak(t *testing.T) { func TestReaderAtGappedChunksDoNotLeak(t *testing.T) {
visibles := []VisibleInterval{
start: 2,
stop: 3,
fileId: "1",
chunkSize: 5,
start: 7,
stop: 9,
fileId: "1",
chunkSize: 4,
visibles := NewIntervalList[*VisibleInterval]()
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 2,
stop: 3,
fileId: "1",
chunkSize: 5,
addVisibleInterval(visibles, &VisibleInterval{
start: 7,
stop: 9,
fileId: "1",
chunkSize: 4,
readerAt := &ChunkReadAt{ readerAt := &ChunkReadAt{
chunkViews: ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt64), chunkViews: ViewFromVisibleIntervals(visibles, 0, math.MaxInt64),
readerLock: sync.Mutex{},
fileSize: 9, fileSize: 9,
readerCache: newReaderCache(3, &mockChunkCache{}, nil), readerCache: newReaderCache(3, &mockChunkCache{}, nil),
readerPattern: NewReaderPattern(), readerPattern: NewReaderPattern(),
@ -193,8 +184,7 @@ func TestReaderAtGappedChunksDoNotLeak(t *testing.T) {
func TestReaderAtSparseFileDoesNotLeak(t *testing.T) { func TestReaderAtSparseFileDoesNotLeak(t *testing.T) {
readerAt := &ChunkReadAt{ readerAt := &ChunkReadAt{
chunkViews: ViewFromVisibleIntervals([]VisibleInterval{}, 0, math.MaxInt64),
readerLock: sync.Mutex{},
chunkViews: ViewFromVisibleIntervals(NewIntervalList[*VisibleInterval](), 0, math.MaxInt64),
fileSize: 3, fileSize: 3,
readerCache: newReaderCache(3, &mockChunkCache{}, nil), readerCache: newReaderCache(3, &mockChunkCache{}, nil),
readerPattern: NewReaderPattern(), readerPattern: NewReaderPattern(),


@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ func newReaderCache(limit int, chunkCache chunk_cache.ChunkCache, lookupFileIdFn
} }
} }
func (rc *ReaderCache) MaybeCache(chunkViews []*ChunkView) {
func (rc *ReaderCache) MaybeCache(chunkViews *Interval[*ChunkView]) {
if rc.lookupFileIdFn == nil { if rc.lookupFileIdFn == nil {
return return
} }
@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ func (rc *ReaderCache) MaybeCache(chunkViews []*ChunkView) {
return return
} }
for _, chunkView := range chunkViews {
for x := chunkViews; x != nil; x = x.Next {
chunkView := x.Value
if _, found := rc.downloaders[chunkView.FileId]; found { if _, found := rc.downloaders[chunkView.FileId]; found {
continue continue
} }
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ func (rc *ReaderCache) MaybeCache(chunkViews []*ChunkView) {
return return
} }
// glog.V(4).Infof("prefetch %s offset %d", chunkView.FileId, chunkView.LogicOffset)
// glog.V(4).Infof("prefetch %s offset %d", chunkView.FileId, chunkView.ViewOffset)
// cache this chunk if not yet // cache this chunk if not yet
cacher := newSingleChunkCacher(rc, chunkView.FileId, chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, int(chunkView.ChunkSize), false) cacher := newSingleChunkCacher(rc, chunkView.FileId, chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, int(chunkView.ChunkSize), false)
go cacher.startCaching() go cacher.startCaching()


@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import (
"" ""
"io" "io"
"math" "math"
"strings" "strings"
"sync" "sync"
"time" "time"
@ -78,7 +77,8 @@ func StreamContentWithThrottler(masterClient wdclient.HasLookupFileIdFunction, w
fileId2Url := make(map[string][]string) fileId2Url := make(map[string][]string)
for _, chunkView := range chunkViews {
for x := chunkViews.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
chunkView := x.Value
var urlStrings []string var urlStrings []string
var err error var err error
for _, backoff := range getLookupFileIdBackoffSchedule { for _, backoff := range getLookupFileIdBackoffSchedule {
@ -102,29 +102,30 @@ func StreamContentWithThrottler(masterClient wdclient.HasLookupFileIdFunction, w
downloadThrottler := util.NewWriteThrottler(downloadMaxBytesPs) downloadThrottler := util.NewWriteThrottler(downloadMaxBytesPs)
remaining := size remaining := size
for _, chunkView := range chunkViews {
if offset < chunkView.LogicOffset {
gap := chunkView.LogicOffset - offset
for x := chunkViews.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
chunkView := x.Value
if offset < chunkView.ViewOffset {
gap := chunkView.ViewOffset - offset
remaining -= gap remaining -= gap
glog.V(4).Infof("zero [%d,%d)", offset, chunkView.LogicOffset)
glog.V(4).Infof("zero [%d,%d)", offset, chunkView.ViewOffset)
err := writeZero(writer, gap) err := writeZero(writer, gap)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("write zero [%d,%d)", offset, chunkView.LogicOffset)
return fmt.Errorf("write zero [%d,%d)", offset, chunkView.ViewOffset)
} }
offset = chunkView.LogicOffset
offset = chunkView.ViewOffset
} }
urlStrings := fileId2Url[chunkView.FileId] urlStrings := fileId2Url[chunkView.FileId]
start := time.Now() start := time.Now()
err := retriedStreamFetchChunkData(writer, urlStrings, chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, chunkView.IsFullChunk(), chunkView.Offset, int(chunkView.Size))
offset += int64(chunkView.Size)
remaining -= int64(chunkView.Size)
err := retriedStreamFetchChunkData(writer, urlStrings, chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, chunkView.IsFullChunk(), chunkView.OffsetInChunk, int(chunkView.ViewSize))
offset += int64(chunkView.ViewSize)
remaining -= int64(chunkView.ViewSize)
stats.FilerRequestHistogram.WithLabelValues("chunkDownload").Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds()) stats.FilerRequestHistogram.WithLabelValues("chunkDownload").Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
if err != nil { if err != nil {
stats.FilerRequestCounter.WithLabelValues("chunkDownloadError").Inc() stats.FilerRequestCounter.WithLabelValues("chunkDownloadError").Inc()
return fmt.Errorf("read chunk: %v", err) return fmt.Errorf("read chunk: %v", err)
} }
stats.FilerRequestCounter.WithLabelValues("chunkDownload").Inc() stats.FilerRequestCounter.WithLabelValues("chunkDownload").Inc()
} }
if remaining > 0 { if remaining > 0 {
glog.V(4).Infof("zero [%d,%d)", offset, offset+remaining) glog.V(4).Infof("zero [%d,%d)", offset, offset+remaining)
@ -167,14 +168,15 @@ func ReadAll(buffer []byte, masterClient *wdclient.MasterClient, chunks []*filer
idx := 0 idx := 0
for _, chunkView := range chunkViews {
for x := chunkViews.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
chunkView := x.Value
urlStrings, err := lookupFileIdFn(chunkView.FileId) urlStrings, err := lookupFileIdFn(chunkView.FileId)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
glog.V(1).Infof("operation LookupFileId %s failed, err: %v", chunkView.FileId, err) glog.V(1).Infof("operation LookupFileId %s failed, err: %v", chunkView.FileId, err)
return err return err
} }
n, err := retriedFetchChunkData(buffer[idx:idx+int(chunkView.Size)], urlStrings, chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, chunkView.IsFullChunk(), chunkView.Offset)
n, err := retriedFetchChunkData(buffer[idx:idx+int(chunkView.ViewSize)], urlStrings, chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, chunkView.IsFullChunk(), chunkView.OffsetInChunk)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
return err return err
} }
@ -185,7 +187,8 @@ func ReadAll(buffer []byte, masterClient *wdclient.MasterClient, chunks []*filer
// ---------------- ChunkStreamReader ---------------------------------- // ---------------- ChunkStreamReader ----------------------------------
type ChunkStreamReader struct { type ChunkStreamReader struct {
chunkViews []*ChunkView
head *Interval[*ChunkView]
chunkView *Interval[*ChunkView]
totalSize int64 totalSize int64
logicOffset int64 logicOffset int64
buffer []byte buffer []byte
@ -201,17 +204,16 @@ var _ = io.ReaderAt(&ChunkStreamReader{})
func doNewChunkStreamReader(lookupFileIdFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) *ChunkStreamReader { func doNewChunkStreamReader(lookupFileIdFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) *ChunkStreamReader {
chunkViews := ViewFromChunks(lookupFileIdFn, chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64) chunkViews := ViewFromChunks(lookupFileIdFn, chunks, 0, math.MaxInt64)
slices.SortFunc(chunkViews, func(a, b *ChunkView) bool {
return a.LogicOffset < b.LogicOffset
var totalSize int64 var totalSize int64
for _, chunk := range chunkViews {
totalSize += int64(chunk.Size)
for x := chunkViews.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
chunk := x.Value
totalSize += int64(chunk.ViewSize)
} }
return &ChunkStreamReader{ return &ChunkStreamReader{
chunkViews: chunkViews,
head: chunkViews.Front(),
chunkView: chunkViews.Front(),
lookupFileId: lookupFileIdFn, lookupFileId: lookupFileIdFn,
totalSize: totalSize, totalSize: totalSize,
} }
@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ func (c *ChunkStreamReader) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
} }
func insideChunk(offset int64, chunk *ChunkView) bool { func insideChunk(offset int64, chunk *ChunkView) bool {
return chunk.LogicOffset <= offset && offset < chunk.LogicOffset+int64(chunk.Size)
return chunk.ViewOffset <= offset && offset < chunk.ViewOffset+int64(chunk.ViewSize)
} }
func (c *ChunkStreamReader) prepareBufferFor(offset int64) (err error) { func (c *ChunkStreamReader) prepareBufferFor(offset int64) (err error) {
@ -300,50 +302,29 @@ func (c *ChunkStreamReader) prepareBufferFor(offset int64) (err error) {
} }
// fmt.Printf("fetch for offset %d\n", offset) // fmt.Printf("fetch for offset %d\n", offset)
// need to seek to a different chunk
currentChunkIndex := sort.Search(len(c.chunkViews), func(i int) bool {
return offset < c.chunkViews[i].LogicOffset
if currentChunkIndex == len(c.chunkViews) {
// not found
if insideChunk(offset, c.chunkViews[0]) {
// fmt.Printf("select0 chunk %d %s\n", currentChunkIndex, c.chunkViews[currentChunkIndex].FileId)
currentChunkIndex = 0
} else if insideChunk(offset, c.chunkViews[len(c.chunkViews)-1]) {
currentChunkIndex = len(c.chunkViews) - 1
// fmt.Printf("select last chunk %d %s\n", currentChunkIndex, c.chunkViews[currentChunkIndex].FileId)
} else {
return io.EOF
} else if currentChunkIndex > 0 {
if insideChunk(offset, c.chunkViews[currentChunkIndex]) {
// good hit
} else if insideChunk(offset, c.chunkViews[currentChunkIndex-1]) {
currentChunkIndex -= 1
// fmt.Printf("select -1 chunk %d %s\n", currentChunkIndex, c.chunkViews[currentChunkIndex].FileId)
} else {
// glog.Fatalf("unexpected1 offset %d", offset)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected1 offset %d", offset)
} else {
// glog.Fatalf("unexpected2 offset %d", offset)
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected2 offset %d", offset)
c.chunkView = c.chunkView.Next
if c.chunkView == nil {
return io.EOF
} }
// positioning within the new chunk // positioning within the new chunk
chunk := c.chunkViews[currentChunkIndex]
chunk := c.chunkView.Value
if insideChunk(offset, chunk) { if insideChunk(offset, chunk) {
if c.isBufferEmpty() || c.bufferOffset != chunk.LogicOffset {
if err = c.fetchChunkToBuffer(chunk); err != nil {
if c.isBufferEmpty() || c.bufferOffset != chunk.ViewOffset {
return c.fetchChunkToBuffer(chunk)
} }
} else { } else {
// glog.Fatalf("unexpected3 offset %d in %s [%d,%d)", offset, chunk.FileId, chunk.LogicOffset, chunk.LogicOffset+int64(chunk.Size))
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected3 offset %d in %s [%d,%d)", offset, chunk.FileId, chunk.LogicOffset, chunk.LogicOffset+int64(chunk.Size))
for p := c.head; p != nil; p = p.Next {
chunk = p.Value
if insideChunk(offset, chunk) {
if c.isBufferEmpty() || c.bufferOffset != chunk.ViewOffset {
return c.fetchChunkToBuffer(chunk)
} }
return io.EOF
} }
func (c *ChunkStreamReader) fetchChunkToBuffer(chunkView *ChunkView) error { func (c *ChunkStreamReader) fetchChunkToBuffer(chunkView *ChunkView) error {
@ -355,7 +336,7 @@ func (c *ChunkStreamReader) fetchChunkToBuffer(chunkView *ChunkView) error {
var buffer bytes.Buffer var buffer bytes.Buffer
var shouldRetry bool var shouldRetry bool
for _, urlString := range urlStrings { for _, urlString := range urlStrings {
shouldRetry, err = util.ReadUrlAsStream(urlString+"?readDeleted=true", chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, chunkView.IsFullChunk(), chunkView.Offset, int(chunkView.Size), func(data []byte) {
shouldRetry, err = util.ReadUrlAsStream(urlString+"?readDeleted=true", chunkView.CipherKey, chunkView.IsGzipped, chunkView.IsFullChunk(), chunkView.OffsetInChunk, int(chunkView.ViewSize), func(data []byte) {
buffer.Write(data) buffer.Write(data)
}) })
if !shouldRetry { if !shouldRetry {
@ -372,10 +353,10 @@ func (c *ChunkStreamReader) fetchChunkToBuffer(chunkView *ChunkView) error {
return err return err
} }
c.buffer = buffer.Bytes() c.buffer = buffer.Bytes()
c.bufferOffset = chunkView.LogicOffset
c.bufferOffset = chunkView.ViewOffset
c.chunk = chunkView.FileId c.chunk = chunkView.FileId
// glog.V(0).Infof("fetched %s [%d,%d)", chunkView.FileId, chunkView.LogicOffset, chunkView.LogicOffset+int64(chunkView.Size))
// glog.V(0).Infof("fetched %s [%d,%d)", chunkView.FileId, chunkView.ViewOffset, chunkView.ViewOffset+int64(chunkView.ViewSize))
return nil return nil
} }


@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package images
import (
func Cropped(ext string, read io.ReadSeeker, x1, y1, x2, y2 int) (cropped io.ReadSeeker, err error) {
srcImage, _, err := image.Decode(read)
if err != nil {
return read, err
bounds := srcImage.Bounds()
if x2 > bounds.Dx() || y2 > bounds.Dy() {
read.Seek(0, 0)
return read, nil
rectangle := image.Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2)
dstImage := imaging.Crop(srcImage, rectangle)
var buf bytes.Buffer
switch ext {
case ".jpg", ".jpeg":
if err = jpeg.Encode(&buf, dstImage, nil); err != nil {
case ".png":
if err = png.Encode(&buf, dstImage); err != nil {
case ".gif":
if err = gif.Encode(&buf, dstImage, nil); err != nil {
return bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()), err


@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package images
import (
func TestCropping(t *testing.T) {
fname := "sample1.jpg"
dat, _ := os.ReadFile(fname)
cropped, _ := Cropped(".jpg", bytes.NewReader(dat), 1072, 932, 1751, 1062)
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
util.WriteFile("cropped1.jpg", buf.Bytes(), 0644)


@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
"" ""
"io" "io"
"sync" "sync"
) )
type ChunkedDirtyPages struct { type ChunkedDirtyPages struct {
@ -38,11 +37,11 @@ func newMemoryChunkPages(fh *FileHandle, chunkSize int64) *ChunkedDirtyPages {
return dirtyPages return dirtyPages
} }
func (pages *ChunkedDirtyPages) AddPage(offset int64, data []byte, isSequential bool) {
func (pages *ChunkedDirtyPages) AddPage(offset int64, data []byte, isSequential bool, tsNs int64) {
pages.hasWrites = true pages.hasWrites = true
glog.V(4).Infof("%v memory AddPage [%d, %d)", pages.fh.fh, offset, offset+int64(len(data))) glog.V(4).Infof("%v memory AddPage [%d, %d)", pages.fh.fh, offset, offset+int64(len(data)))
pages.uploadPipeline.SaveDataAt(data, offset, isSequential)
pages.uploadPipeline.SaveDataAt(data, offset, isSequential, tsNs)
return return
} }
@ -58,28 +57,27 @@ func (pages *ChunkedDirtyPages) FlushData() error {
return nil return nil
} }
func (pages *ChunkedDirtyPages) ReadDirtyDataAt(data []byte, startOffset int64) (maxStop int64) {
func (pages *ChunkedDirtyPages) ReadDirtyDataAt(data []byte, startOffset int64, tsNs int64) (maxStop int64) {
if !pages.hasWrites { if !pages.hasWrites {
return return
} }
return pages.uploadPipeline.MaybeReadDataAt(data, startOffset)
return pages.uploadPipeline.MaybeReadDataAt(data, startOffset, tsNs)
} }
func (pages *ChunkedDirtyPages) saveChunkedFileIntervalToStorage(reader io.Reader, offset int64, size int64, cleanupFn func()) {
func (pages *ChunkedDirtyPages) saveChunkedFileIntervalToStorage(reader io.Reader, offset int64, size int64, modifiedTsNs int64, cleanupFn func()) {
mtime := time.Now().UnixNano()
defer cleanupFn() defer cleanupFn()
fileFullPath := pages.fh.FullPath() fileFullPath := pages.fh.FullPath()
fileName := fileFullPath.Name() fileName := fileFullPath.Name()
chunk, err := pages.fh.wfs.saveDataAsChunk(fileFullPath)(reader, fileName, offset)
chunk, err := pages.fh.wfs.saveDataAsChunk(fileFullPath)(reader, fileName, offset, modifiedTsNs)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
glog.V(0).Infof("%v saveToStorage [%d,%d): %v", fileFullPath, offset, offset+size, err) glog.V(0).Infof("%v saveToStorage [%d,%d): %v", fileFullPath, offset, offset+size, err)
pages.lastErr = err pages.lastErr = err
return return
} }
chunk.ModifiedTsNs = mtime
pages.fh.AddChunks([]*filer_pb.FileChunk{chunk}) pages.fh.AddChunks([]*filer_pb.FileChunk{chunk})
glog.V(3).Infof("%v saveToStorage %s [%d,%d)", fileFullPath, chunk.FileId, offset, offset+size) glog.V(3).Infof("%v saveToStorage %s [%d,%d)", fileFullPath, chunk.FileId, offset, offset+size)
} }


@ -5,50 +5,60 @@ import (
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"sync" "sync"
) )
type FileHandleId uint64 type FileHandleId uint64
var IsDebugFileReadWrite = false
type FileHandle struct { type FileHandle struct {
fh FileHandleId
counter int64
entry *LockedEntry
entryLock sync.Mutex
inode uint64
wfs *WFS
fh FileHandleId
counter int64
entry *LockedEntry
entryLock sync.Mutex
entryChunkGroup *filer.ChunkGroup
inode uint64
wfs *WFS
// cache file has been written to // cache file has been written to
dirtyMetadata bool
dirtyPages *PageWriter
entryViewCache []filer.VisibleInterval
reader *filer.ChunkReadAt
contentType string
handle uint64
orderedMutex *semaphore.Weighted
dirtyMetadata bool
dirtyPages *PageWriter
reader *filer.ChunkReadAt
contentType string
handle uint64
isDeleted bool isDeleted bool
// for debugging
mirrorFile *os.File
} }
func newFileHandle(wfs *WFS, handleId FileHandleId, inode uint64, entry *filer_pb.Entry) *FileHandle { func newFileHandle(wfs *WFS, handleId FileHandleId, inode uint64, entry *filer_pb.Entry) *FileHandle {
fh := &FileHandle{ fh := &FileHandle{
fh: handleId,
counter: 1,
inode: inode,
wfs: wfs,
orderedMutex: semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(math.MaxInt64)),
fh: handleId,
counter: 1,
inode: inode,
wfs: wfs,
} }
// dirtyPages: newContinuousDirtyPages(file, writeOnly), // dirtyPages: newContinuousDirtyPages(file, writeOnly),
fh.dirtyPages = newPageWriter(fh, wfs.option.ChunkSizeLimit) fh.dirtyPages = newPageWriter(fh, wfs.option.ChunkSizeLimit)
if entry != nil {
entry.Attributes.FileSize = filer.FileSize(entry)
fh.entry = &LockedEntry{ fh.entry = &LockedEntry{
Entry: entry, Entry: entry,
} }
if entry != nil {
if IsDebugFileReadWrite {
var err error
fh.mirrorFile, err = os.OpenFile("/tmp/sw/"+entry.Name, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0600)
if err != nil {
println("failed to create mirror:", err.Error())
return fh return fh
} }
@ -63,6 +73,17 @@ func (fh *FileHandle) GetEntry() *filer_pb.Entry {
} }
func (fh *FileHandle) SetEntry(entry *filer_pb.Entry) { func (fh *FileHandle) SetEntry(entry *filer_pb.Entry) {
if entry != nil {
fileSize := filer.FileSize(entry)
entry.Attributes.FileSize = fileSize
var resolveManifestErr error
fh.entryChunkGroup, resolveManifestErr = filer.NewChunkGroup(fh.wfs.LookupFn(), fh.wfs.chunkCache, entry.Chunks)
if resolveManifestErr != nil {
glog.Warningf("failed to resolve manifest chunks in %+v", entry)
} else {
glog.Fatalf("setting file handle entry to nil")
fh.entry.SetEntry(entry) fh.entry.SetEntry(entry)
} }
@ -78,43 +99,17 @@ func (fh *FileHandle) AddChunks(chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) {
return return
} }
// find the earliest incoming chunk
newChunks := chunks
earliestChunk := newChunks[0]
for i := 1; i < len(newChunks); i++ {
if lessThan(earliestChunk, newChunks[i]) {
earliestChunk = newChunks[i]
// pick out-of-order chunks from existing chunks
for _, chunk := range fh.entry.GetChunks() {
if lessThan(earliestChunk, chunk) {
chunks = append(chunks, chunk)
// sort incoming chunks
slices.SortFunc(chunks, func(a, b *filer_pb.FileChunk) bool {
return lessThan(a, b)
glog.V(4).Infof("%s existing %d chunks adds %d more", fh.FullPath(), len(fh.entry.GetChunks()), len(chunks))
fh.entryViewCache = nil
} }
func (fh *FileHandle) CloseReader() {
if fh.reader != nil {
_ = fh.reader.Close()
fh.reader = nil
func (fh *FileHandle) ReleaseHandle() {
defer fh.entryLock.Unlock()
func (fh *FileHandle) Release() {
fh.dirtyPages.Destroy() fh.dirtyPages.Destroy()
if IsDebugFileReadWrite {
} }
func lessThan(a, b *filer_pb.FileChunk) bool { func lessThan(a, b *filer_pb.FileChunk) bool {


@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ func (i *FileHandleToInode) ReleaseByInode(inode uint64) {
if fh.counter <= 0 { if fh.counter <= 0 {
delete(i.inode2fh, inode) delete(i.inode2fh, inode)
delete(i.fh2inode, fh.fh) delete(i.fh2inode, fh.fh)
} }
} }
} }
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ func (i *FileHandleToInode) ReleaseByHandle(fh FileHandleId) {
if fhHandle.counter <= 0 { if fhHandle.counter <= 0 {
delete(i.inode2fh, inode) delete(i.inode2fh, inode)
delete(i.fh2inode, fhHandle.fh) delete(i.fh2inode, fhHandle.fh)
} }
} }


@ -17,18 +17,20 @@ func (fh *FileHandle) unlockForRead(startOffset int64, size int) {
fh.dirtyPages.UnlockForRead(startOffset, startOffset+int64(size)) fh.dirtyPages.UnlockForRead(startOffset, startOffset+int64(size))
} }
func (fh *FileHandle) readFromDirtyPages(buff []byte, startOffset int64) (maxStop int64) {
maxStop = fh.dirtyPages.ReadDirtyDataAt(buff, startOffset)
func (fh *FileHandle) readFromDirtyPages(buff []byte, startOffset int64, tsNs int64) (maxStop int64) {
maxStop = fh.dirtyPages.ReadDirtyDataAt(buff, startOffset, tsNs)
return return
} }
func (fh *FileHandle) readFromChunks(buff []byte, offset int64) (int64, error) {
func (fh *FileHandle) readFromChunks(buff []byte, offset int64) (int64, int64, error) {
defer fh.entryLock.Unlock()
fileFullPath := fh.FullPath() fileFullPath := fh.FullPath()
entry := fh.GetEntry() entry := fh.GetEntry()
if entry == nil { if entry == nil {
return 0, io.EOF
return 0, 0, io.EOF
} }
if entry.IsInRemoteOnly() { if entry.IsInRemoteOnly() {
@ -36,43 +38,28 @@ func (fh *FileHandle) readFromChunks(buff []byte, offset int64) (int64, error) {
newEntry, err := fh.downloadRemoteEntry(entry) newEntry, err := fh.downloadRemoteEntry(entry)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
glog.V(1).Infof("download remote entry %s: %v", fileFullPath, err) glog.V(1).Infof("download remote entry %s: %v", fileFullPath, err)
return 0, err
return 0, 0, err
} }
entry = newEntry entry = newEntry
} }
fileSize := int64(filer.FileSize(entry))
fileSize := int64(entry.Attributes.FileSize)
if fileSize == 0 {
fileSize = int64(filer.FileSize(entry))
if fileSize == 0 { if fileSize == 0 {
glog.V(1).Infof("empty fh %v", fileFullPath) glog.V(1).Infof("empty fh %v", fileFullPath)
return 0, io.EOF
return 0, 0, io.EOF
} }
if offset+int64(len(buff)) <= int64(len(entry.Content)) { if offset+int64(len(buff)) <= int64(len(entry.Content)) {
totalRead := copy(buff, entry.Content[offset:]) totalRead := copy(buff, entry.Content[offset:])
glog.V(4).Infof("file handle read cached %s [%d,%d] %d", fileFullPath, offset, offset+int64(totalRead), totalRead) glog.V(4).Infof("file handle read cached %s [%d,%d] %d", fileFullPath, offset, offset+int64(totalRead), totalRead)
return int64(totalRead), nil
var chunkResolveErr error
if fh.entryViewCache == nil {
fh.entryViewCache, chunkResolveErr = filer.NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(fh.wfs.LookupFn(), entry.GetChunks(), 0, fileSize)
if chunkResolveErr != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("fail to resolve chunk manifest: %v", chunkResolveErr)
if fh.reader == nil {
chunkViews := filer.ViewFromVisibleIntervals(fh.entryViewCache, 0, fileSize)
glog.V(4).Infof("file handle read %s [%d,%d) from %d views", fileFullPath, offset, offset+int64(len(buff)), len(chunkViews))
for _, chunkView := range chunkViews {
glog.V(4).Infof(" read %s [%d,%d) from chunk %+v", fileFullPath, chunkView.LogicOffset, chunkView.LogicOffset+int64(chunkView.Size), chunkView.FileId)
fh.reader = filer.NewChunkReaderAtFromClient(fh.wfs.LookupFn(), chunkViews, fh.wfs.chunkCache, fileSize)
return int64(totalRead), 0, nil
} }
totalRead, err := fh.reader.ReadAt(buff, offset)
totalRead, ts, err := fh.entryChunkGroup.ReadDataAt(fileSize, buff, offset)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF { if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
glog.Errorf("file handle read %s: %v", fileFullPath, err) glog.Errorf("file handle read %s: %v", fileFullPath, err)
@ -80,7 +67,7 @@ func (fh *FileHandle) readFromChunks(buff []byte, offset int64) (int64, error) {
// glog.V(4).Infof("file handle read %s [%d,%d] %d : %v", fileFullPath, offset, offset+int64(totalRead), totalRead, err) // glog.V(4).Infof("file handle read %s [%d,%d] %d : %v", fileFullPath, offset, offset+int64(totalRead), totalRead, err)
return int64(totalRead), err
return int64(totalRead), ts, err
} }
func (fh *FileHandle) downloadRemoteEntry(entry *filer_pb.Entry) (*filer_pb.Entry, error) { func (fh *FileHandle) downloadRemoteEntry(entry *filer_pb.Entry) (*filer_pb.Entry, error) {


@ -29,35 +29,35 @@ func newPageWriter(fh *FileHandle, chunkSize int64) *PageWriter {
return pw return pw
} }
func (pw *PageWriter) AddPage(offset int64, data []byte, isSequential bool) {
func (pw *PageWriter) AddPage(offset int64, data []byte, isSequential bool, tsNs int64) {
glog.V(4).Infof("%v AddPage [%d, %d)", pw.fh.fh, offset, offset+int64(len(data))) glog.V(4).Infof("%v AddPage [%d, %d)", pw.fh.fh, offset, offset+int64(len(data)))
chunkIndex := offset / pw.chunkSize chunkIndex := offset / pw.chunkSize
for i := chunkIndex; len(data) > 0; i++ { for i := chunkIndex; len(data) > 0; i++ {
writeSize := min(int64(len(data)), (i+1)*pw.chunkSize-offset) writeSize := min(int64(len(data)), (i+1)*pw.chunkSize-offset)
pw.addToOneChunk(i, offset, data[:writeSize], isSequential)
pw.addToOneChunk(i, offset, data[:writeSize], isSequential, tsNs)
offset += writeSize offset += writeSize
data = data[writeSize:] data = data[writeSize:]
} }
} }
func (pw *PageWriter) addToOneChunk(chunkIndex, offset int64, data []byte, isSequential bool) {
pw.randomWriter.AddPage(offset, data, isSequential)
func (pw *PageWriter) addToOneChunk(chunkIndex, offset int64, data []byte, isSequential bool, tsNs int64) {
pw.randomWriter.AddPage(offset, data, isSequential, tsNs)
} }
func (pw *PageWriter) FlushData() error { func (pw *PageWriter) FlushData() error {
return pw.randomWriter.FlushData() return pw.randomWriter.FlushData()
} }
func (pw *PageWriter) ReadDirtyDataAt(data []byte, offset int64) (maxStop int64) {
func (pw *PageWriter) ReadDirtyDataAt(data []byte, offset int64, tsNs int64) (maxStop int64) {
glog.V(4).Infof("ReadDirtyDataAt %v [%d, %d)", pw.fh.fh, offset, offset+int64(len(data))) glog.V(4).Infof("ReadDirtyDataAt %v [%d, %d)", pw.fh.fh, offset, offset+int64(len(data)))
chunkIndex := offset / pw.chunkSize chunkIndex := offset / pw.chunkSize
for i := chunkIndex; len(data) > 0; i++ { for i := chunkIndex; len(data) > 0; i++ {
readSize := min(int64(len(data)), (i+1)*pw.chunkSize-offset) readSize := min(int64(len(data)), (i+1)*pw.chunkSize-offset)
maxStop = pw.randomWriter.ReadDirtyDataAt(data[:readSize], offset)
maxStop = pw.randomWriter.ReadDirtyDataAt(data[:readSize], offset, tsNs)
offset += readSize offset += readSize
data = data[readSize:] data = data[readSize:]


@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package page_writer
import "time"
type ActivityScore struct {
lastActiveTsNs int64
decayedActivenessScore int64
func NewActivityScore() *ActivityScore {
return &ActivityScore{}
func (as ActivityScore) MarkRead() {
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
deltaTime := (now - as.lastActiveTsNs) >> 30 // about number of seconds
as.lastActiveTsNs = now
as.decayedActivenessScore = as.decayedActivenessScore>>deltaTime + 256
if as.decayedActivenessScore < 0 {
as.decayedActivenessScore = 0
func (as ActivityScore) MarkWrite() {
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
deltaTime := (now - as.lastActiveTsNs) >> 30 // about number of seconds
as.lastActiveTsNs = now
as.decayedActivenessScore = as.decayedActivenessScore>>deltaTime + 1024
if as.decayedActivenessScore < 0 {
as.decayedActivenessScore = 0
func (as ActivityScore) ActivityScore() int64 {
deltaTime := (time.Now().UnixNano() - as.lastActiveTsNs) >> 30 // about number of seconds
return as.decayedActivenessScore >> deltaTime


@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
type ChunkWrittenInterval struct { type ChunkWrittenInterval struct {
StartOffset int64 StartOffset int64
stopOffset int64 stopOffset int64
TsNs int64
prev *ChunkWrittenInterval prev *ChunkWrittenInterval
next *ChunkWrittenInterval next *ChunkWrittenInterval
} }
@ -42,10 +43,14 @@ func newChunkWrittenIntervalList() *ChunkWrittenIntervalList {
return list return list
} }
func (list *ChunkWrittenIntervalList) MarkWritten(startOffset, stopOffset int64) {
func (list *ChunkWrittenIntervalList) MarkWritten(startOffset, stopOffset, tsNs int64) {
if startOffset >= stopOffset {
interval := &ChunkWrittenInterval{ interval := &ChunkWrittenInterval{
StartOffset: startOffset, StartOffset: startOffset,
stopOffset: stopOffset, stopOffset: stopOffset,
TsNs: tsNs,
} }
list.addInterval(interval) list.addInterval(interval)
} }
@ -62,50 +67,54 @@ func (list *ChunkWrittenIntervalList) WrittenSize() (writtenByteCount int64) {
func (list *ChunkWrittenIntervalList) addInterval(interval *ChunkWrittenInterval) { func (list *ChunkWrittenIntervalList) addInterval(interval *ChunkWrittenInterval) {
//t := list.head
//for ; != nil; t = {
// if t.TsNs > interval.TsNs {
// println("writes is out of order", t.TsNs-interval.TsNs, "ns")
// }
p := list.head p := list.head
for ; != nil && <= interval.StartOffset; p = {
for ; != nil && <= interval.StartOffset; p = {
} }
q := list.tail q := list.tail
for ; q.prev != nil && q.prev.stopOffset >= interval.stopOffset; q = q.prev {
for ; q.prev != nil && q.prev.StartOffset >= interval.stopOffset; q = q.prev {
} }
if interval.StartOffset <= p.stopOffset && q.StartOffset <= interval.stopOffset {
// merge p and q together
p.stopOffset = q.stopOffset
// left side
// interval after start
if < interval.StartOffset {
t := &ChunkWrittenInterval{
stopOffset: interval.StartOffset,
} = t
t.prev = p = interval
interval.prev = t
} else { = interval
interval.prev = p
} }
if interval.StartOffset <= p.stopOffset {
// merge new interval into p
p.stopOffset = interval.stopOffset
unlinkNodesBetween(p, q)
if q.StartOffset <= interval.stopOffset {
// merge new interval into q
q.StartOffset = interval.StartOffset
unlinkNodesBetween(p, q)
// add the new interval between p and q
unlinkNodesBetween(p, q) = interval
interval.prev = p
q.prev = interval = q
// unlinkNodesBetween remove all nodes after start and before stop, exclusive
func unlinkNodesBetween(start *ChunkWrittenInterval, stop *ChunkWrittenInterval) {
if == stop {
// right side
// interval ends before p.prev
if interval.stopOffset < q.prev.stopOffset {
t := &ChunkWrittenInterval{
StartOffset: interval.stopOffset,
stopOffset: q.prev.stopOffset,
TsNs: q.prev.TsNs,
q.prev = t = q = t
t.prev = interval
} else {
q.prev = interval = q
} } = nil = stop = nil
stop.prev = start
} }
func (list *ChunkWrittenIntervalList) size() int { func (list *ChunkWrittenIntervalList) size() int {


@ -10,40 +10,72 @@ func Test_PageChunkWrittenIntervalList(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, 0, list.size(), "empty list") assert.Equal(t, 0, list.size(), "empty list")
list.MarkWritten(0, 5)
list.MarkWritten(0, 5, 1)
assert.Equal(t, 1, list.size(), "one interval") assert.Equal(t, 1, list.size(), "one interval")
list.MarkWritten(0, 5)
list.MarkWritten(0, 5, 2)
assert.Equal(t, 1, list.size(), "duplicated interval2") assert.Equal(t, 1, list.size(), "duplicated interval2")
list.MarkWritten(95, 100)
list.MarkWritten(95, 100, 3)
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.size(), "two intervals") assert.Equal(t, 2, list.size(), "two intervals")
list.MarkWritten(50, 60)
list.MarkWritten(50, 60, 4)
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.size(), "three intervals") assert.Equal(t, 3, list.size(), "three intervals")
list.MarkWritten(50, 55)
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.size(), "three intervals merge")
list.MarkWritten(50, 55, 5)
assert.Equal(t, 4, list.size(), "three intervals merge")
list.MarkWritten(40, 50)
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.size(), "three intervals grow forward")
list.MarkWritten(40, 50, 6)
assert.Equal(t, 5, list.size(), "three intervals grow forward")
list.MarkWritten(50, 65)
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.size(), "three intervals grow backward")
list.MarkWritten(50, 65, 7)
assert.Equal(t, 4, list.size(), "three intervals grow backward")
list.MarkWritten(70, 80)
assert.Equal(t, 4, list.size(), "four intervals")
list.MarkWritten(70, 80, 8)
assert.Equal(t, 5, list.size(), "four intervals")
list.MarkWritten(60, 70)
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.size(), "three intervals merged")
list.MarkWritten(60, 70, 9)
assert.Equal(t, 6, list.size(), "three intervals merged")
list.MarkWritten(59, 71)
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.size(), "covered three intervals")
list.MarkWritten(59, 71, 10)
assert.Equal(t, 6, list.size(), "covered three intervals")
list.MarkWritten(5, 59)
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.size(), "covered two intervals")
list.MarkWritten(5, 59, 11)
assert.Equal(t, 5, list.size(), "covered two intervals")
list.MarkWritten(70, 99)
assert.Equal(t, 1, list.size(), "covered one intervals")
list.MarkWritten(70, 99, 12)
assert.Equal(t, 5, list.size(), "covered one intervals")
} }
type interval struct {
start int64
stop int64
expected bool
func Test_PageChunkWrittenIntervalList1(t *testing.T) {
list := newChunkWrittenIntervalList()
inputs := []interval{
{1, 5, true},
{2, 3, true},
for i, input := range inputs {
list.MarkWritten(input.start, input.stop, int64(i)+1)
actual := hasData(list, 0, 4)
if actual != input.expected {
t.Errorf("input [%d,%d) expected %v actual %v", input.start, input.stop, input.expected, actual)
func hasData(usage *ChunkWrittenIntervalList, chunkStartOffset, x int64) bool {
for t :=; t != usage.tail; t = {
logicStart := chunkStartOffset + t.StartOffset
logicStop := chunkStartOffset + t.stopOffset
if logicStart <= x && x < logicStop {
return true
return false


@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
package page_writer package page_writer
type DirtyPages interface { type DirtyPages interface {
AddPage(offset int64, data []byte, isSequential bool)
AddPage(offset int64, data []byte, isSequential bool, tsNs int64)
FlushData() error FlushData() error
ReadDirtyDataAt(data []byte, startOffset int64) (maxStop int64)
ReadDirtyDataAt(data []byte, startOffset int64, tsNs int64) (maxStop int64)
Destroy() Destroy()
LockForRead(startOffset, stopOffset int64) LockForRead(startOffset, stopOffset int64)
UnlockForRead(startOffset, stopOffset int64) UnlockForRead(startOffset, stopOffset int64)


@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ import (
"io" "io"
) )
type SaveToStorageFunc func(reader io.Reader, offset int64, size int64, cleanupFn func())
type SaveToStorageFunc func(reader io.Reader, offset int64, size int64, modifiedTsNs int64, cleanupFn func())
type PageChunk interface { type PageChunk interface {
FreeResource() FreeResource()
WriteDataAt(src []byte, offset int64) (n int)
ReadDataAt(p []byte, off int64) (maxStop int64)
WriteDataAt(src []byte, offset int64, tsNs int64) (n int)
ReadDataAt(p []byte, off int64, tsNs int64) (maxStop int64)
IsComplete() bool IsComplete() bool
ActivityScore() int64
WrittenSize() int64 WrittenSize() int64
SaveContent(saveFn SaveToStorageFunc) SaveContent(saveFn SaveToStorageFunc)
} }


@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ type MemChunk struct {
usage *ChunkWrittenIntervalList usage *ChunkWrittenIntervalList
chunkSize int64 chunkSize int64
logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex
activityScore *ActivityScore
} }
func NewMemChunk(logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex, chunkSize int64) *MemChunk { func NewMemChunk(logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex, chunkSize int64) *MemChunk {
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ func NewMemChunk(logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex, chunkSize int64) *MemChunk {
chunkSize: chunkSize, chunkSize: chunkSize,
buf: mem.Allocate(int(chunkSize)), buf: mem.Allocate(int(chunkSize)),
usage: newChunkWrittenIntervalList(), usage: newChunkWrittenIntervalList(),
activityScore: NewActivityScore(),
} }
} }
@ -39,29 +41,37 @@ func (mc *MemChunk) FreeResource() {
mem.Free(mc.buf) mem.Free(mc.buf)
} }
func (mc *MemChunk) WriteDataAt(src []byte, offset int64) (n int) {
func (mc *MemChunk) WriteDataAt(src []byte, offset int64, tsNs int64) (n int) {
mc.Lock() mc.Lock()
defer mc.Unlock() defer mc.Unlock()
innerOffset := offset % mc.chunkSize innerOffset := offset % mc.chunkSize
n = copy(mc.buf[innerOffset:], src) n = copy(mc.buf[innerOffset:], src)
mc.usage.MarkWritten(innerOffset, innerOffset+int64(n))
mc.usage.MarkWritten(innerOffset, innerOffset+int64(n), tsNs)
return return
} }
func (mc *MemChunk) ReadDataAt(p []byte, off int64) (maxStop int64) {
func (mc *MemChunk) ReadDataAt(p []byte, off int64, tsNs int64) (maxStop int64) {
mc.RLock() mc.RLock()
defer mc.RUnlock() defer mc.RUnlock()
memChunkBaseOffset := int64(mc.logicChunkIndex) * mc.chunkSize memChunkBaseOffset := int64(mc.logicChunkIndex) * mc.chunkSize
for t :=; t != mc.usage.tail; t = { for t :=; t != mc.usage.tail; t = {
logicStart := max(off, int64(mc.logicChunkIndex)*mc.chunkSize+t.StartOffset)
logicStart := max(off, memChunkBaseOffset+t.StartOffset)
logicStop := min(off+int64(len(p)), memChunkBaseOffset+t.stopOffset) logicStop := min(off+int64(len(p)), memChunkBaseOffset+t.stopOffset)
if logicStart < logicStop { if logicStart < logicStop {
copy(p[logicStart-off:logicStop-off], mc.buf[logicStart-memChunkBaseOffset:logicStop-memChunkBaseOffset])
maxStop = max(maxStop, logicStop)
if t.TsNs >= tsNs {
copy(p[logicStart-off:logicStop-off], mc.buf[logicStart-memChunkBaseOffset:logicStop-memChunkBaseOffset])
maxStop = max(maxStop, logicStop)
} else {
println("read old data1", tsNs-t.TsNs, "ns")
} }
} }
return return
} }
@ -72,6 +82,10 @@ func (mc *MemChunk) IsComplete() bool {
return mc.usage.IsComplete(mc.chunkSize) return mc.usage.IsComplete(mc.chunkSize)
} }
func (mc *MemChunk) ActivityScore() int64 {
return mc.activityScore.ActivityScore()
func (mc *MemChunk) WrittenSize() int64 { func (mc *MemChunk) WrittenSize() int64 {
mc.RLock() mc.RLock()
defer mc.RUnlock() defer mc.RUnlock()
@ -88,7 +102,7 @@ func (mc *MemChunk) SaveContent(saveFn SaveToStorageFunc) {
} }
for t :=; t != mc.usage.tail; t = { for t :=; t != mc.usage.tail; t = {
reader := util.NewBytesReader(mc.buf[t.StartOffset:t.stopOffset]) reader := util.NewBytesReader(mc.buf[t.StartOffset:t.stopOffset])
saveFn(reader, int64(mc.logicChunkIndex)*mc.chunkSize+t.StartOffset, t.Size(), func() {
saveFn(reader, int64(mc.logicChunkIndex)*mc.chunkSize+t.StartOffset, t.Size(), t.TsNs, func() {
}) })
} }
} }


@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ var (
type ActualChunkIndex int type ActualChunkIndex int
type SwapFile struct { type SwapFile struct {
dir string
file *os.File
logicToActualChunkIndex map[LogicChunkIndex]ActualChunkIndex
logicToActualChunkIndexLock sync.Mutex
chunkSize int64
freeActualChunkList []ActualChunkIndex
dir string
file *os.File
chunkSize int64
chunkTrackingLock sync.Mutex
activeChunkCount int
freeActualChunkList []ActualChunkIndex
} }
type SwapFileChunk struct { type SwapFileChunk struct {
@ -29,14 +29,15 @@ type SwapFileChunk struct {
usage *ChunkWrittenIntervalList usage *ChunkWrittenIntervalList
logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex
actualChunkIndex ActualChunkIndex actualChunkIndex ActualChunkIndex
activityScore *ActivityScore
//memChunk *MemChunk
} }
func NewSwapFile(dir string, chunkSize int64) *SwapFile { func NewSwapFile(dir string, chunkSize int64) *SwapFile {
return &SwapFile{ return &SwapFile{
dir: dir,
file: nil,
logicToActualChunkIndex: make(map[LogicChunkIndex]ActualChunkIndex),
chunkSize: chunkSize,
dir: dir,
file: nil,
chunkSize: chunkSize,
} }
} }
func (sf *SwapFile) FreeResource() { func (sf *SwapFile) FreeResource() {
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ func (sf *SwapFile) FreeResource() {
} }
} }
func (sf *SwapFile) NewTempFileChunk(logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex) (tc *SwapFileChunk) {
func (sf *SwapFile) NewSwapFileChunk(logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex) (tc *SwapFileChunk) {
if sf.file == nil { if sf.file == nil {
var err error var err error
sf.file, err = os.CreateTemp(sf.dir, "") sf.file, err = os.CreateTemp(sf.dir, "")
@ -55,70 +56,98 @@ func (sf *SwapFile) NewTempFileChunk(logicChunkIndex LogicChunkIndex) (tc *SwapF
return nil return nil
} }
} }
defer sf.logicToActualChunkIndexLock.Unlock()
actualChunkIndex, found := sf.logicToActualChunkIndex[logicChunkIndex]
if !found {
if len(sf.freeActualChunkList) > 0 {
actualChunkIndex = sf.freeActualChunkList[0]
sf.freeActualChunkList = sf.freeActualChunkList[1:]
} else {
actualChunkIndex = ActualChunkIndex(len(sf.logicToActualChunkIndex))
sf.logicToActualChunkIndex[logicChunkIndex] = actualChunkIndex
defer sf.chunkTrackingLock.Unlock()
// assign a new physical chunk
var actualChunkIndex ActualChunkIndex
if len(sf.freeActualChunkList) > 0 {
actualChunkIndex = sf.freeActualChunkList[0]
sf.freeActualChunkList = sf.freeActualChunkList[1:]
} else {
actualChunkIndex = ActualChunkIndex(sf.activeChunkCount)
} }
return &SwapFileChunk{
swapFileChunk := &SwapFileChunk{
swapfile: sf, swapfile: sf,
usage: newChunkWrittenIntervalList(), usage: newChunkWrittenIntervalList(),
logicChunkIndex: logicChunkIndex, logicChunkIndex: logicChunkIndex,
actualChunkIndex: actualChunkIndex, actualChunkIndex: actualChunkIndex,
activityScore: NewActivityScore(),
// memChunk: NewMemChunk(logicChunkIndex, sf.chunkSize),
} }
// println(logicChunkIndex, "|", "++++", swapFileChunk.actualChunkIndex, swapFileChunk, sf)
return swapFileChunk
} }
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) FreeResource() { func (sc *SwapFileChunk) FreeResource() {
defer sc.swapfile.logicToActualChunkIndexLock.Unlock()
sc.Lock() sc.Lock()
defer sc.Unlock() defer sc.Unlock()
defer sc.swapfile.chunkTrackingLock.Unlock()
sc.swapfile.freeActualChunkList = append(sc.swapfile.freeActualChunkList, sc.actualChunkIndex) sc.swapfile.freeActualChunkList = append(sc.swapfile.freeActualChunkList, sc.actualChunkIndex)
delete(sc.swapfile.logicToActualChunkIndex, sc.logicChunkIndex)
// println(sc.logicChunkIndex, "|", "----", sc.actualChunkIndex, sc, sc.swapfile)
} }
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) WriteDataAt(src []byte, offset int64) (n int) {
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) WriteDataAt(src []byte, offset int64, tsNs int64) (n int) {
sc.Lock() sc.Lock()
defer sc.Unlock() defer sc.Unlock()
// println(sc.logicChunkIndex, "|", tsNs, "write at", offset, len(src), sc.actualChunkIndex)
innerOffset := offset % sc.swapfile.chunkSize innerOffset := offset % sc.swapfile.chunkSize
var err error var err error
n, err = sc.swapfile.file.WriteAt(src, int64(sc.actualChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize+innerOffset) n, err = sc.swapfile.file.WriteAt(src, int64(sc.actualChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize+innerOffset)
if err == nil {
sc.usage.MarkWritten(innerOffset, innerOffset+int64(n))
} else {
sc.usage.MarkWritten(innerOffset, innerOffset+int64(n), tsNs)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("failed to write swap file %s: %v", sc.swapfile.file.Name(), err) glog.Errorf("failed to write swap file %s: %v", sc.swapfile.file.Name(), err)
} }
//sc.memChunk.WriteDataAt(src, offset, tsNs)
return return
} }
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) ReadDataAt(p []byte, off int64) (maxStop int64) {
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) ReadDataAt(p []byte, off int64, tsNs int64) (maxStop int64) {
sc.RLock() sc.RLock()
defer sc.RUnlock() defer sc.RUnlock()
// println(sc.logicChunkIndex, "|", tsNs, "read at", off, len(p), sc.actualChunkIndex)
//memCopy := make([]byte, len(p))
//copy(memCopy, p)
chunkStartOffset := int64(sc.logicChunkIndex) * sc.swapfile.chunkSize chunkStartOffset := int64(sc.logicChunkIndex) * sc.swapfile.chunkSize
for t :=; t != sc.usage.tail; t = { for t :=; t != sc.usage.tail; t = {
logicStart := max(off, chunkStartOffset+t.StartOffset) logicStart := max(off, chunkStartOffset+t.StartOffset)
logicStop := min(off+int64(len(p)), chunkStartOffset+t.stopOffset) logicStop := min(off+int64(len(p)), chunkStartOffset+t.stopOffset)
if logicStart < logicStop { if logicStart < logicStop {
actualStart := logicStart - chunkStartOffset + int64(sc.actualChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize
if _, err := sc.swapfile.file.ReadAt(p[logicStart-off:logicStop-off], actualStart); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("failed to reading swap file %s: %v", sc.swapfile.file.Name(), err)
if t.TsNs >= tsNs {
actualStart := logicStart - chunkStartOffset + int64(sc.actualChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize
if _, err := sc.swapfile.file.ReadAt(p[logicStart-off:logicStop-off], actualStart); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("failed to reading swap file %s: %v", sc.swapfile.file.Name(), err)
maxStop = max(maxStop, logicStop)
} else {
println("read old data2", tsNs-t.TsNs, "ns")
} }
maxStop = max(maxStop, logicStop)
} }
} }
//sc.memChunk.ReadDataAt(memCopy, off, tsNs)
//if bytes.Compare(memCopy, p) != 0 {
// println("read wrong data from swap file", off, sc.logicChunkIndex)
return return
} }
@ -128,6 +157,10 @@ func (sc *SwapFileChunk) IsComplete() bool {
return sc.usage.IsComplete(sc.swapfile.chunkSize) return sc.usage.IsComplete(sc.swapfile.chunkSize)
} }
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) ActivityScore() int64 {
return sc.activityScore.ActivityScore()
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) WrittenSize() int64 { func (sc *SwapFileChunk) WrittenSize() int64 {
sc.RLock() sc.RLock()
defer sc.RUnlock() defer sc.RUnlock()
@ -135,20 +168,22 @@ func (sc *SwapFileChunk) WrittenSize() int64 {
} }
func (sc *SwapFileChunk) SaveContent(saveFn SaveToStorageFunc) { func (sc *SwapFileChunk) SaveContent(saveFn SaveToStorageFunc) {
defer sc.RUnlock()
if saveFn == nil { if saveFn == nil {
return return
} }
defer sc.Unlock()
// println(sc.logicChunkIndex, "|", "save")
for t :=; t != sc.usage.tail; t = { for t :=; t != sc.usage.tail; t = {
data := mem.Allocate(int(t.Size())) data := mem.Allocate(int(t.Size()))
sc.swapfile.file.ReadAt(data, t.StartOffset+int64(sc.actualChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize)
reader := util.NewBytesReader(data)
saveFn(reader, int64(sc.logicChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize+t.StartOffset, t.Size(), func() {
n, _ := sc.swapfile.file.ReadAt(data, t.StartOffset+int64(sc.actualChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize)
if n > 0 {
reader := util.NewBytesReader(data[:n])
saveFn(reader, int64(sc.logicChunkIndex)*sc.swapfile.chunkSize+t.StartOffset, int64(n), t.TsNs, func() {
mem.Free(data) mem.Free(data)
} }
sc.usage = newChunkWrittenIntervalList()
} }


@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ func NewUploadPipeline(writers *util.LimitedConcurrentExecutor, chunkSize int64,
return t return t
} }
func (up *UploadPipeline) SaveDataAt(p []byte, off int64, isSequential bool) (n int) {
func (up *UploadPipeline) SaveDataAt(p []byte, off int64, isSequential bool, tsNs int64) (n int) {
up.chunksLock.Lock() up.chunksLock.Lock()
defer up.chunksLock.Unlock() defer up.chunksLock.Unlock()
@ -65,33 +66,56 @@ func (up *UploadPipeline) SaveDataAt(p []byte, off int64, isSequential bool) (n
if !found { if !found {
if len(up.writableChunks) > up.writableChunkLimit { if len(up.writableChunks) > up.writableChunkLimit {
// if current file chunks is over the per file buffer count limit // if current file chunks is over the per file buffer count limit
fullestChunkIndex, fullness := LogicChunkIndex(-1), int64(0)
candidateChunkIndex, fullness := LogicChunkIndex(-1), int64(0)
for lci, mc := range up.writableChunks { for lci, mc := range up.writableChunks {
chunkFullness := mc.WrittenSize() chunkFullness := mc.WrittenSize()
if fullness < chunkFullness { if fullness < chunkFullness {
fullestChunkIndex = lci
candidateChunkIndex = lci
fullness = chunkFullness fullness = chunkFullness
} }
} }
up.moveToSealed(up.writableChunks[fullestChunkIndex], fullestChunkIndex)
// fmt.Printf("flush chunk %d with %d bytes written\n", logicChunkIndex, fullness)
/* // this algo generates too many chunks
candidateChunkIndex, lowestActivityScore := LogicChunkIndex(-1), int64(math.MaxInt64)
for wci, wc := range up.writableChunks {
activityScore := wc.ActivityScore()
if lowestActivityScore >= activityScore {
if lowestActivityScore == activityScore {
chunkFullness := wc.WrittenSize()
if fullness < chunkFullness {
candidateChunkIndex = lci
fullness = chunkFullness
candidateChunkIndex = wci
lowestActivityScore = activityScore
up.moveToSealed(up.writableChunks[candidateChunkIndex], candidateChunkIndex)
// fmt.Printf("flush chunk %d with %d bytes written\n", logicChunkIndex, oldestTs)
} }
if isSequential && if isSequential &&
len(up.writableChunks) < up.writableChunkLimit && len(up.writableChunks) < up.writableChunkLimit &&
atomic.LoadInt64(&memChunkCounter) < 4*int64(up.writableChunkLimit) { atomic.LoadInt64(&memChunkCounter) < 4*int64(up.writableChunkLimit) {
pageChunk = NewMemChunk(logicChunkIndex, up.ChunkSize) pageChunk = NewMemChunk(logicChunkIndex, up.ChunkSize)
} else { } else {
pageChunk = up.swapFile.NewTempFileChunk(logicChunkIndex)
pageChunk = up.swapFile.NewSwapFileChunk(logicChunkIndex)
} }
up.writableChunks[logicChunkIndex] = pageChunk up.writableChunks[logicChunkIndex] = pageChunk
} }
n = pageChunk.WriteDataAt(p, off)
//if _, foundSealed := up.sealedChunks[logicChunkIndex]; foundSealed {
// println("found already sealed chunk", logicChunkIndex)
//if _, foundReading := up.activeReadChunks[logicChunkIndex]; foundReading {
// println("found active read chunk", logicChunkIndex)
n = pageChunk.WriteDataAt(p, off, tsNs)
up.maybeMoveToSealed(pageChunk, logicChunkIndex) up.maybeMoveToSealed(pageChunk, logicChunkIndex)
return return
} }
func (up *UploadPipeline) MaybeReadDataAt(p []byte, off int64) (maxStop int64) {
func (up *UploadPipeline) MaybeReadDataAt(p []byte, off int64, tsNs int64) (maxStop int64) {
logicChunkIndex := LogicChunkIndex(off / up.ChunkSize) logicChunkIndex := LogicChunkIndex(off / up.ChunkSize)
up.chunksLock.Lock() up.chunksLock.Lock()
@ -103,12 +127,8 @@ func (up *UploadPipeline) MaybeReadDataAt(p []byte, off int64) (maxStop int64) {
// read from sealed chunks first // read from sealed chunks first
sealedChunk, found := up.sealedChunks[logicChunkIndex] sealedChunk, found := up.sealedChunks[logicChunkIndex]
if found { if found {
if found {
maxStop = sealedChunk.chunk.ReadDataAt(p, off)
maxStop = sealedChunk.chunk.ReadDataAt(p, off, tsNs)
glog.V(4).Infof("%s read sealed memchunk [%d,%d)", up.filepath, off, maxStop) glog.V(4).Infof("%s read sealed memchunk [%d,%d)", up.filepath, off, maxStop)
sealedChunk.FreeReference(fmt.Sprintf("%s finish reading chunk %d", up.filepath, logicChunkIndex))
} }
// read from writable chunks last // read from writable chunks last
@ -116,7 +136,7 @@ func (up *UploadPipeline) MaybeReadDataAt(p []byte, off int64) (maxStop int64) {
if !found { if !found {
return return
} }
writableMaxStop := writableChunk.ReadDataAt(p, off)
writableMaxStop := writableChunk.ReadDataAt(p, off, tsNs)
glog.V(4).Infof("%s read writable memchunk [%d,%d)", up.filepath, off, writableMaxStop) glog.V(4).Infof("%s read writable memchunk [%d,%d)", up.filepath, off, writableMaxStop)
maxStop = max(maxStop, writableMaxStop) maxStop = max(maxStop, writableMaxStop)


@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ func writeRange(uploadPipeline *UploadPipeline, startOff, stopOff int64) {
p := make([]byte, 4) p := make([]byte, 4)
for i := startOff / 4; i < stopOff/4; i += 4 { for i := startOff / 4; i < stopOff/4; i += 4 {
util.Uint32toBytes(p, uint32(i)) util.Uint32toBytes(p, uint32(i))
uploadPipeline.SaveDataAt(p, i, false)
uploadPipeline.SaveDataAt(p, i, false, 0)
} }
} }
func confirmRange(t *testing.T, uploadPipeline *UploadPipeline, startOff, stopOff int64) { func confirmRange(t *testing.T, uploadPipeline *UploadPipeline, startOff, stopOff int64) {
p := make([]byte, 4) p := make([]byte, 4)
for i := startOff; i < stopOff/4; i += 4 { for i := startOff; i < stopOff/4; i += 4 {
uploadPipeline.MaybeReadDataAt(p, i)
uploadPipeline.MaybeReadDataAt(p, i, 0)
x := util.BytesToUint32(p) x := util.BytesToUint32(p)
if x != uint32(i) { if x != uint32(i) {
t.Errorf("expecting %d found %d at offset [%d,%d)", i, x, i, i+4) t.Errorf("expecting %d found %d at offset [%d,%d)", i, x, i, i+4)


@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ func (wfs *WFS) GetAttr(cancel <-chan struct{}, input *fuse.GetAttrIn, out *fuse
_, _, entry, status := wfs.maybeReadEntry(inode) _, _, entry, status := wfs.maybeReadEntry(inode)
if status == fuse.OK { if status == fuse.OK {
out.AttrValid = 1 out.AttrValid = 1
wfs.setAttrByPbEntry(&out.Attr, inode, entry)
wfs.setAttrByPbEntry(&out.Attr, inode, entry, true)
return status return status
} else { } else {
if fh, found := wfs.fhmap.FindFileHandle(inode); found { if fh, found := wfs.fhmap.FindFileHandle(inode); found {
out.AttrValid = 1 out.AttrValid = 1
wfs.setAttrByPbEntry(&out.Attr, inode, fh.entry.GetEntry())
wfs.setAttrByPbEntry(&out.Attr, inode, fh.entry.GetEntry(), true)
out.Nlink = 0 out.Nlink = 0
return fuse.OK return fuse.OK
} }
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func (wfs *WFS) SetAttr(cancel <-chan struct{}, input *fuse.SetAttrIn, out *fuse
// set the new chunks and reset entry cache // set the new chunks and reset entry cache
entry.Chunks = chunks entry.Chunks = chunks
if fh != nil { if fh != nil {
fh.entryViewCache = nil
} }
} }
entry.Attributes.Mtime = time.Now().Unix() entry.Attributes.Mtime = time.Now().Unix()
@ -114,7 +114,11 @@ func (wfs *WFS) SetAttr(cancel <-chan struct{}, input *fuse.SetAttrIn, out *fuse
} }
out.AttrValid = 1 out.AttrValid = 1
wfs.setAttrByPbEntry(&out.Attr, input.NodeId, entry)
size, includeSize := input.GetSize()
if includeSize {
out.Attr.Size = size
wfs.setAttrByPbEntry(&out.Attr, input.NodeId, entry, !includeSize)
if fh != nil { if fh != nil {
fh.dirtyMetadata = true fh.dirtyMetadata = true
@ -139,12 +143,14 @@ func (wfs *WFS) setRootAttr(out *fuse.AttrOut) {
out.Nlink = 1 out.Nlink = 1
} }
func (wfs *WFS) setAttrByPbEntry(out *fuse.Attr, inode uint64, entry *filer_pb.Entry) {
func (wfs *WFS) setAttrByPbEntry(out *fuse.Attr, inode uint64, entry *filer_pb.Entry, calculateSize bool) {
out.Ino = inode out.Ino = inode
if entry.Attributes != nil && entry.Attributes.Inode != 0 { if entry.Attributes != nil && entry.Attributes.Inode != 0 {
out.Ino = entry.Attributes.Inode out.Ino = entry.Attributes.Inode
} }
out.Size = filer.FileSize(entry)
if calculateSize {
out.Size = filer.FileSize(entry)
if entry.FileMode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 { if entry.FileMode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
out.Size = uint64(len(entry.Attributes.SymlinkTarget)) out.Size = uint64(len(entry.Attributes.SymlinkTarget))
} }
@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ func (wfs *WFS) outputPbEntry(out *fuse.EntryOut, inode uint64, entry *filer_pb.
out.Generation = 1 out.Generation = 1
out.EntryValid = 1 out.EntryValid = 1
out.AttrValid = 1 out.AttrValid = 1
wfs.setAttrByPbEntry(&out.Attr, inode, entry)
wfs.setAttrByPbEntry(&out.Attr, inode, entry, true)
} }
func (wfs *WFS) outputFilerEntry(out *fuse.EntryOut, inode uint64, entry *filer.Entry) { func (wfs *WFS) outputFilerEntry(out *fuse.EntryOut, inode uint64, entry *filer.Entry) {


@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
package mount package mount
import ( import (
"net/http" "net/http"
"" ""
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ func (wfs *WFS) CopyFileRange(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.CopyFileRangeIn)
} }
// lock source and target file handles // lock source and target file handles
fhOut.orderedMutex.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
defer fhOut.orderedMutex.Release(1)
defer fhOut.Unlock()
fhOut.entryLock.Lock() fhOut.entryLock.Lock()
defer fhOut.entryLock.Unlock() defer fhOut.entryLock.Unlock()
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ func (wfs *WFS) CopyFileRange(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.CopyFileRangeIn)
} }
if fhIn.fh != fhOut.fh { if fhIn.fh != fhOut.fh {
fhIn.orderedMutex.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
defer fhIn.orderedMutex.Release(1)
defer fhIn.Unlock()
fhIn.entryLock.Lock() fhIn.entryLock.Lock()
defer fhIn.entryLock.Unlock() defer fhIn.entryLock.Unlock()
} }
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ func (wfs *WFS) CopyFileRange(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.CopyFileRangeIn)
// put data at the specified offset in target file // put data at the specified offset in target file
fhOut.dirtyPages.writerPattern.MonitorWriteAt(int64(in.OffOut), int(in.Len)) fhOut.dirtyPages.writerPattern.MonitorWriteAt(int64(in.OffOut), int(in.Len))
fhOut.entry.Content = nil fhOut.entry.Content = nil
fhOut.dirtyPages.AddPage(int64(in.OffOut), data, fhOut.dirtyPages.writerPattern.IsSequentialMode())
fhOut.dirtyPages.AddPage(int64(in.OffOut), data, fhOut.dirtyPages.writerPattern.IsSequentialMode(), time.Now().UnixNano())
fhOut.entry.Attributes.FileSize = uint64(max(int64(in.OffOut)+totalRead, int64(fhOut.entry.Attributes.FileSize))) fhOut.entry.Attributes.FileSize = uint64(max(int64(in.OffOut)+totalRead, int64(fhOut.entry.Attributes.FileSize)))
fhOut.dirtyMetadata = true fhOut.dirtyMetadata = true
written = uint32(totalRead) written = uint32(totalRead)


@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package mount package mount
import ( import (
"syscall" "syscall"
"" ""
@ -36,8 +35,8 @@ func (wfs *WFS) Lseek(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.LseekIn, out *fuse.LseekO
} }
// lock the file until the proper offset was calculated // lock the file until the proper offset was calculated
fh.orderedMutex.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
defer fh.orderedMutex.Release(1)
defer fh.Unlock()
fh.entryLock.Lock() fh.entryLock.Lock()
defer fh.entryLock.Unlock() defer fh.entryLock.Unlock()
@ -56,17 +55,8 @@ func (wfs *WFS) Lseek(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.LseekIn, out *fuse.LseekO
return ENXIO return ENXIO
} }
// refresh view cache if necessary
if fh.entryViewCache == nil {
var err error
fh.entryViewCache, err = filer.NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(fh.wfs.LookupFn(), fh.entry.GetChunks(), 0, fileSize)
if err != nil {
return fuse.EIO
// search chunks for the offset // search chunks for the offset
found, offset := searchChunks(fh, offset, fileSize, in.Whence)
found, offset := fh.entryChunkGroup.SearchChunks(offset, fileSize, in.Whence)
if found { if found {
out.Offset = uint64(offset) out.Offset = uint64(offset)
return fuse.OK return fuse.OK
@ -82,30 +72,3 @@ func (wfs *WFS) Lseek(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.LseekIn, out *fuse.LseekO
return fuse.OK return fuse.OK
} }
// searchChunks goes through all chunks to find the correct offset
func searchChunks(fh *FileHandle, offset, fileSize int64, whence uint32) (found bool, out int64) {
chunkViews := filer.ViewFromVisibleIntervals(fh.entryViewCache, offset, fileSize)
for _, chunkView := range chunkViews {
if offset < chunkView.LogicOffset {
if whence == SEEK_HOLE {
out = offset
} else {
out = chunkView.LogicOffset
return true, out
if offset >= chunkView.LogicOffset && offset < chunkView.Offset+int64(chunkView.Size) && whence == SEEK_DATA {
out = offset
return true, out
offset += int64(chunkView.Size)


@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
package mount package mount
import ( import (
"io" "io"
"" ""
@ -40,8 +41,8 @@ func (wfs *WFS) Read(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.ReadIn, buff []byte) (fuse
return nil, fuse.ENOENT return nil, fuse.ENOENT
} }
fh.orderedMutex.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
defer fh.orderedMutex.Release(1)
defer fh.Unlock()
offset := int64(in.Offset) offset := int64(in.Offset)
totalRead, err := readDataByFileHandle(buff, fh, offset) totalRead, err := readDataByFileHandle(buff, fh, offset)
@ -50,6 +51,23 @@ func (wfs *WFS) Read(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.ReadIn, buff []byte) (fuse
return nil, fuse.EIO return nil, fuse.EIO
} }
if IsDebugFileReadWrite {
// print(".")
mirrorData := make([]byte, totalRead)
fh.mirrorFile.ReadAt(mirrorData, offset)
if bytes.Compare(mirrorData, buff[:totalRead]) != 0 {
againBuff := make([]byte, len(buff))
againRead, _ := readDataByFileHandle(buff, fh, offset)
againCorrect := bytes.Compare(mirrorData, againBuff[:againRead]) == 0
againSame := bytes.Compare(buff[:totalRead], againBuff[:againRead]) == 0
fmt.Printf("\ncompare %v [%d,%d) size:%d againSame:%v againCorrect:%v\n", fh.mirrorFile.Name(), offset, offset+totalRead, totalRead, againSame, againCorrect)
//fmt.Printf("read mirrow data: %v\n", mirrorData)
//fmt.Printf("read actual data: %v\n", buff[:totalRead])
return fuse.ReadResultData(buff[:totalRead]), fuse.OK return fuse.ReadResultData(buff[:totalRead]), fuse.OK
} }
@ -59,9 +77,9 @@ func readDataByFileHandle(buff []byte, fhIn *FileHandle, offset int64) (int64, e
fhIn.lockForRead(offset, size) fhIn.lockForRead(offset, size)
defer fhIn.unlockForRead(offset, size) defer fhIn.unlockForRead(offset, size)
n, err := fhIn.readFromChunks(buff, offset)
n, tsNs, err := fhIn.readFromChunks(buff, offset)
if err == nil || err == io.EOF { if err == nil || err == io.EOF {
maxStop := fhIn.readFromDirtyPages(buff, offset)
maxStop := fhIn.readFromDirtyPages(buff, offset, tsNs)
n = max(maxStop-offset, n) n = max(maxStop-offset, n)
} }
if err == io.EOF { if err == io.EOF {


@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ func (wfs *WFS) Fsync(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.FsyncIn) (code fuse.Statu
} }
func (wfs *WFS) doFlush(fh *FileHandle, uid, gid uint32) fuse.Status { func (wfs *WFS) doFlush(fh *FileHandle, uid, gid uint32) fuse.Status {
fh.orderedMutex.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
defer fh.orderedMutex.Release(1)
defer fh.Unlock()
// flush works at fh level // flush works at fh level
fileFullPath := fh.FullPath() fileFullPath := fh.FullPath()
@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ func (wfs *WFS) doFlush(fh *FileHandle, uid, gid uint32) fuse.Status {
} }
glog.V(4).Infof("%s set chunks: %v", fileFullPath, len(entry.GetChunks())) glog.V(4).Infof("%s set chunks: %v", fileFullPath, len(entry.GetChunks()))
for i, chunk := range entry.GetChunks() {
glog.V(4).Infof("%s chunks %d: %v [%d,%d)", fileFullPath, i, chunk.GetFileIdString(), chunk.Offset, chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size))
//for i, chunk := range entry.GetChunks() {
// glog.V(4).Infof("%s chunks %d: %v [%d,%d)", fileFullPath, i, chunk.GetFileIdString(), chunk.Offset, chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size))
manifestChunks, nonManifestChunks := filer.SeparateManifestChunks(entry.GetChunks()) manifestChunks, nonManifestChunks := filer.SeparateManifestChunks(entry.GetChunks())
@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ func (wfs *WFS) doFlush(fh *FileHandle, uid, gid uint32) fuse.Status {
glog.V(0).Infof("MaybeManifestize: %v", manifestErr) glog.V(0).Infof("MaybeManifestize: %v", manifestErr)
} }
entry.Chunks = append(chunks, manifestChunks...) entry.Chunks = append(chunks, manifestChunks...)
wfs.mapPbIdFromLocalToFiler(request.Entry) wfs.mapPbIdFromLocalToFiler(request.Entry)
defer wfs.mapPbIdFromFilerToLocal(request.Entry) defer wfs.mapPbIdFromFilerToLocal(request.Entry)
@ -181,5 +182,9 @@ func (wfs *WFS) doFlush(fh *FileHandle, uid, gid uint32) fuse.Status {
return fuse.EIO return fuse.EIO
} }
if IsDebugFileReadWrite {
return fuse.OK return fuse.OK
} }


@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
package mount package mount
import ( import (
"" ""
"net/http" "net/http"
"syscall" "syscall"
) )
/** /**
@ -46,8 +46,10 @@ func (wfs *WFS) Write(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.WriteIn, data []byte) (wr
fh.dirtyPages.writerPattern.MonitorWriteAt(int64(in.Offset), int(in.Size)) fh.dirtyPages.writerPattern.MonitorWriteAt(int64(in.Offset), int(in.Size))
fh.orderedMutex.Acquire(context.Background(), 1)
defer fh.orderedMutex.Release(1)
tsNs := time.Now().UnixNano()
defer fh.Unlock()
entry := fh.GetEntry() entry := fh.GetEntry()
if entry == nil { if entry == nil {
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ func (wfs *WFS) Write(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.WriteIn, data []byte) (wr
entry.Attributes.FileSize = uint64(max(offset+int64(len(data)), int64(entry.Attributes.FileSize))) entry.Attributes.FileSize = uint64(max(offset+int64(len(data)), int64(entry.Attributes.FileSize)))
// glog.V(4).Infof("%v write [%d,%d) %d", fh.f.fullpath(), req.Offset, req.Offset+int64(len(req.Data)), len(req.Data)) // glog.V(4).Infof("%v write [%d,%d) %d", fh.f.fullpath(), req.Offset, req.Offset+int64(len(req.Data)), len(req.Data))
fh.dirtyPages.AddPage(offset, data, fh.dirtyPages.writerPattern.IsSequentialMode())
fh.dirtyPages.AddPage(offset, data, fh.dirtyPages.writerPattern.IsSequentialMode(), tsNs)
written = uint32(len(data)) written = uint32(len(data))
@ -70,5 +72,10 @@ func (wfs *WFS) Write(cancel <-chan struct{}, in *fuse.WriteIn, data []byte) (wr
fh.dirtyMetadata = true fh.dirtyMetadata = true
if IsDebugFileReadWrite {
// print("+")
fh.mirrorFile.WriteAt(data, offset)
return written, fuse.OK return written, fuse.OK
} }


@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
func (wfs *WFS) saveDataAsChunk(fullPath util.FullPath) filer.SaveDataAsChunkFunctionType { func (wfs *WFS) saveDataAsChunk(fullPath util.FullPath) filer.SaveDataAsChunkFunctionType {
return func(reader io.Reader, filename string, offset int64) (chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk, err error) {
return func(reader io.Reader, filename string, offset int64, tsNs int64) (chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk, err error) {
fileId, uploadResult, err, data := operation.UploadWithRetry( fileId, uploadResult, err, data := operation.UploadWithRetry(
wfs, wfs,
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func (wfs *WFS) saveDataAsChunk(fullPath util.FullPath) filer.SaveDataAsChunkFun
wfs.chunkCache.SetChunk(fileId, data) wfs.chunkCache.SetChunk(fileId, data)
} }
chunk = uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, offset)
chunk = uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, offset, tsNs)
return chunk, nil return chunk, nil
} }
} }


@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ type UploadResult struct {
RetryCount int `json:"-"` RetryCount int `json:"-"`
} }
func (uploadResult *UploadResult) ToPbFileChunk(fileId string, offset int64) *filer_pb.FileChunk {
func (uploadResult *UploadResult) ToPbFileChunk(fileId string, offset int64, tsNs int64) *filer_pb.FileChunk {
fid, _ := filer_pb.ToFileIdObject(fileId) fid, _ := filer_pb.ToFileIdObject(fileId)
return &filer_pb.FileChunk{ return &filer_pb.FileChunk{
FileId: fileId, FileId: fileId,
Offset: offset, Offset: offset,
Size: uint64(uploadResult.Size), Size: uint64(uploadResult.Size),
ModifiedTsNs: time.Now().UnixNano(),
ModifiedTsNs: tsNs,
ETag: uploadResult.ContentMd5, ETag: uploadResult.ContentMd5,
CipherKey: uploadResult.CipherKey, CipherKey: uploadResult.CipherKey,
IsCompressed: uploadResult.Gzip > 0, IsCompressed: uploadResult.Gzip > 0,


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions: // versions:
// protoc-gen-go v1.26.0
// protoc v3.17.3
// protoc-gen-go v1.28.1
// protoc v3.21.4
// source: filer.proto // source: filer.proto
package filer_pb package filer_pb
@ -4480,7 +4480,7 @@ var file_filer_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{
var file_filer_proto_depIdxs = []int32{ var file_filer_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
5, // 0: filer_pb.LookupDirectoryEntryResponse.entry:type_name -> filer_pb.Entry 5, // 0: filer_pb.LookupDirectoryEntryResponse.entry:type_name -> filer_pb.Entry
5, // 1: filer_pb.ListEntriesResponse.entry:type_name -> filer_pb.Entry 5, // 1: filer_pb.ListEntriesResponse.entry:type_name -> filer_pb.Entry
8, // 2: filer_pb.Entry.GetChunks():type_name -> filer_pb.FileChunk
8, // 2: filer_pb.Entry.chunks:type_name -> filer_pb.FileChunk
11, // 3: filer_pb.Entry.attributes:type_name -> filer_pb.FuseAttributes 11, // 3: filer_pb.Entry.attributes:type_name -> filer_pb.FuseAttributes
55, // 4: filer_pb.Entry.extended:type_name -> filer_pb.Entry.ExtendedEntry 55, // 4: filer_pb.Entry.extended:type_name -> filer_pb.Entry.ExtendedEntry
4, // 5: filer_pb.Entry.remote_entry:type_name -> filer_pb.RemoteEntry 4, // 5: filer_pb.Entry.remote_entry:type_name -> filer_pb.RemoteEntry


@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// - protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.2.0
// - protoc v3.21.4
// source: filer.proto
package filer_pb package filer_pb


@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// - protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.2.0
// - protoc v3.21.4
// source: iam.proto
package iam_pb package iam_pb


@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ service Seaweed {
} }
rpc VacuumVolume (VacuumVolumeRequest) returns (VacuumVolumeResponse) { rpc VacuumVolume (VacuumVolumeRequest) returns (VacuumVolumeResponse) {
} }
rpc DisableVacuum (DisableVacuumRequest) returns (DisableVacuumResponse) {
rpc EnableVacuum (EnableVacuumRequest) returns (EnableVacuumResponse) {
rpc VolumeMarkReadonly (VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest) returns (VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse) { rpc VolumeMarkReadonly (VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest) returns (VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse) {
} }
rpc GetMasterConfiguration (GetMasterConfigurationRequest) returns (GetMasterConfigurationResponse) { rpc GetMasterConfiguration (GetMasterConfigurationRequest) returns (GetMasterConfigurationResponse) {
@ -305,6 +309,16 @@ message VacuumVolumeRequest {
message VacuumVolumeResponse { message VacuumVolumeResponse {
} }
message DisableVacuumRequest {
message DisableVacuumResponse {
message EnableVacuumRequest {
message EnableVacuumResponse {
message VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest { message VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest {
string ip = 1; string ip = 1;
uint32 port = 2; uint32 port = 2;

File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File


@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// - protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.2.0
// - protoc v3.21.4
// source: master.proto
package master_pb package master_pb
@ -32,6 +28,8 @@ type SeaweedClient interface {
VolumeList(ctx context.Context, in *VolumeListRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*VolumeListResponse, error) VolumeList(ctx context.Context, in *VolumeListRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*VolumeListResponse, error)
LookupEcVolume(ctx context.Context, in *LookupEcVolumeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*LookupEcVolumeResponse, error) LookupEcVolume(ctx context.Context, in *LookupEcVolumeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*LookupEcVolumeResponse, error)
VacuumVolume(ctx context.Context, in *VacuumVolumeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*VacuumVolumeResponse, error) VacuumVolume(ctx context.Context, in *VacuumVolumeRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*VacuumVolumeResponse, error)
DisableVacuum(ctx context.Context, in *DisableVacuumRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*DisableVacuumResponse, error)
EnableVacuum(ctx context.Context, in *EnableVacuumRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*EnableVacuumResponse, error)
VolumeMarkReadonly(ctx context.Context, in *VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse, error) VolumeMarkReadonly(ctx context.Context, in *VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse, error)
GetMasterConfiguration(ctx context.Context, in *GetMasterConfigurationRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*GetMasterConfigurationResponse, error) GetMasterConfiguration(ctx context.Context, in *GetMasterConfigurationRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*GetMasterConfigurationResponse, error)
ListClusterNodes(ctx context.Context, in *ListClusterNodesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListClusterNodesResponse, error) ListClusterNodes(ctx context.Context, in *ListClusterNodesRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListClusterNodesResponse, error)
@ -185,6 +183,24 @@ func (c *seaweedClient) VacuumVolume(ctx context.Context, in *VacuumVolumeReques
return out, nil return out, nil
} }
func (c *seaweedClient) DisableVacuum(ctx context.Context, in *DisableVacuumRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*DisableVacuumResponse, error) {
out := new(DisableVacuumResponse)
err :=, "/master_pb.Seaweed/DisableVacuum", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *seaweedClient) EnableVacuum(ctx context.Context, in *EnableVacuumRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*EnableVacuumResponse, error) {
out := new(EnableVacuumResponse)
err :=, "/master_pb.Seaweed/EnableVacuum", in, out, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func (c *seaweedClient) VolumeMarkReadonly(ctx context.Context, in *VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse, error) { func (c *seaweedClient) VolumeMarkReadonly(ctx context.Context, in *VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse, error) {
out := new(VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse) out := new(VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse)
err :=, "/master_pb.Seaweed/VolumeMarkReadonly", in, out, opts...) err :=, "/master_pb.Seaweed/VolumeMarkReadonly", in, out, opts...)
@ -280,6 +296,8 @@ type SeaweedServer interface {
VolumeList(context.Context, *VolumeListRequest) (*VolumeListResponse, error) VolumeList(context.Context, *VolumeListRequest) (*VolumeListResponse, error)
LookupEcVolume(context.Context, *LookupEcVolumeRequest) (*LookupEcVolumeResponse, error) LookupEcVolume(context.Context, *LookupEcVolumeRequest) (*LookupEcVolumeResponse, error)
VacuumVolume(context.Context, *VacuumVolumeRequest) (*VacuumVolumeResponse, error) VacuumVolume(context.Context, *VacuumVolumeRequest) (*VacuumVolumeResponse, error)
DisableVacuum(context.Context, *DisableVacuumRequest) (*DisableVacuumResponse, error)
EnableVacuum(context.Context, *EnableVacuumRequest) (*EnableVacuumResponse, error)
VolumeMarkReadonly(context.Context, *VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest) (*VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse, error) VolumeMarkReadonly(context.Context, *VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest) (*VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse, error)
GetMasterConfiguration(context.Context, *GetMasterConfigurationRequest) (*GetMasterConfigurationResponse, error) GetMasterConfiguration(context.Context, *GetMasterConfigurationRequest) (*GetMasterConfigurationResponse, error)
ListClusterNodes(context.Context, *ListClusterNodesRequest) (*ListClusterNodesResponse, error) ListClusterNodes(context.Context, *ListClusterNodesRequest) (*ListClusterNodesResponse, error)
@ -326,6 +344,12 @@ func (UnimplementedSeaweedServer) LookupEcVolume(context.Context, *LookupEcVolum
func (UnimplementedSeaweedServer) VacuumVolume(context.Context, *VacuumVolumeRequest) (*VacuumVolumeResponse, error) { func (UnimplementedSeaweedServer) VacuumVolume(context.Context, *VacuumVolumeRequest) (*VacuumVolumeResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method VacuumVolume not implemented") return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method VacuumVolume not implemented")
} }
func (UnimplementedSeaweedServer) DisableVacuum(context.Context, *DisableVacuumRequest) (*DisableVacuumResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method DisableVacuum not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSeaweedServer) EnableVacuum(context.Context, *EnableVacuumRequest) (*EnableVacuumResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method EnableVacuum not implemented")
func (UnimplementedSeaweedServer) VolumeMarkReadonly(context.Context, *VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest) (*VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse, error) { func (UnimplementedSeaweedServer) VolumeMarkReadonly(context.Context, *VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest) (*VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method VolumeMarkReadonly not implemented") return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method VolumeMarkReadonly not implemented")
} }
@ -562,6 +586,42 @@ func _Seaweed_VacuumVolume_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec fun
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler) return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
} }
func _Seaweed_DisableVacuum_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(DisableVacuumRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SeaweedServer).DisableVacuum(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/master_pb.Seaweed/DisableVacuum",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SeaweedServer).DisableVacuum(ctx, req.(*DisableVacuumRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _Seaweed_EnableVacuum_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(EnableVacuumRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil {
return nil, err
if interceptor == nil {
return srv.(SeaweedServer).EnableVacuum(ctx, in)
info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
Server: srv,
FullMethod: "/master_pb.Seaweed/EnableVacuum",
handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.(SeaweedServer).EnableVacuum(ctx, req.(*EnableVacuumRequest))
return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
func _Seaweed_VolumeMarkReadonly_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) { func _Seaweed_VolumeMarkReadonly_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
in := new(VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest) in := new(VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest)
if err := dec(in); err != nil { if err := dec(in); err != nil {
@ -763,6 +823,14 @@ var Seaweed_ServiceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
MethodName: "VacuumVolume", MethodName: "VacuumVolume",
Handler: _Seaweed_VacuumVolume_Handler, Handler: _Seaweed_VacuumVolume_Handler,
}, },
MethodName: "DisableVacuum",
Handler: _Seaweed_DisableVacuum_Handler,
MethodName: "EnableVacuum",
Handler: _Seaweed_EnableVacuum_Handler,
{ {
MethodName: "VolumeMarkReadonly", MethodName: "VolumeMarkReadonly",
Handler: _Seaweed_VolumeMarkReadonly_Handler, Handler: _Seaweed_VolumeMarkReadonly_Handler,


@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// - protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.2.0
// - protoc v3.21.4
// source: mount.proto
package mount_pb package mount_pb


@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ const (
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - 20) _ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - 20)
) )
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////
type SegmentInfo struct { type SegmentInfo struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ func (x *CheckBrokerLoadResponse) GetBytesCount() int64 {
return 0 return 0
} }
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////
type PublishRequest struct { type PublishRequest struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache


@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// - protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.2.0
// - protoc v3.21.4
// source: mq.proto
package mq_pb package mq_pb


@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ const (
_ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - 20) _ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - 20)
) )
// ///////////////////////
// Remote Storage related // Remote Storage related
// ///////////////////////
type RemoteConf struct { type RemoteConf struct {
state protoimpl.MessageState state protoimpl.MessageState
sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache


@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go-grpc. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// - protoc-gen-go-grpc v1.2.0
// - protoc v3.21.4
// source: s3.proto
package s3_pb package s3_pb


@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions: // versions:
// protoc-gen-go v1.26.0
// protoc v3.17.3
// protoc-gen-go v1.28.1
// protoc v3.21.4
// source: volume_server.proto // source: volume_server.proto
package volume_server_pb package volume_server_pb


@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ import (
"" ""
) )
func CopyFromChunkViews(chunkViews []*filer.ChunkView, filerSource *source.FilerSource, writeFunc func(data []byte) error) error {
func CopyFromChunkViews(chunkViews *filer.IntervalList[*filer.ChunkView], filerSource *source.FilerSource, writeFunc func(data []byte) error) error {
for _, chunk := range chunkViews {
for x := chunkViews.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next {
chunk := x.Value
fileUrls, err := filerSource.LookupFileId(chunk.FileId) fileUrls, err := filerSource.LookupFileId(chunk.FileId)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ func CopyFromChunkViews(chunkViews []*filer.ChunkView, filerSource *source.Filer
var shouldRetry bool var shouldRetry bool
for _, fileUrl := range fileUrls { for _, fileUrl := range fileUrls {
shouldRetry, err = util.ReadUrlAsStream(fileUrl, chunk.CipherKey, chunk.IsGzipped, chunk.IsFullChunk(), chunk.Offset, int(chunk.Size), func(data []byte) {
shouldRetry, err = util.ReadUrlAsStream(fileUrl, chunk.CipherKey, chunk.IsGzipped, chunk.IsFullChunk(), chunk.OffsetInChunk, int(chunk.ViewSize), func(data []byte) {
writeErr = writeFunc(data) writeErr = writeFunc(data)
}) })
if err != nil { if err != nil {


@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ func (fs *FilerServer) saveMetaData(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request, fileNa
func (fs *FilerServer) saveAsChunk(so *operation.StorageOption) filer.SaveDataAsChunkFunctionType { func (fs *FilerServer) saveAsChunk(so *operation.StorageOption) filer.SaveDataAsChunkFunctionType {
return func(reader io.Reader, name string, offset int64) (*filer_pb.FileChunk, error) {
return func(reader io.Reader, name string, offset int64, tsNs int64) (*filer_pb.FileChunk, error) {
var fileId string var fileId string
var uploadResult *operation.UploadResult var uploadResult *operation.UploadResult
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ func (fs *FilerServer) saveAsChunk(so *operation.StorageOption) filer.SaveDataAs
return nil, err return nil, err
} }
return uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, offset), nil
return uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, offset, tsNs), nil
} }
} }


@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func (fs *FilerServer) encrypt(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *ht
} }
// Save to chunk manifest structure // Save to chunk manifest structure
fileChunks := []*filer_pb.FileChunk{uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, 0)}
fileChunks := []*filer_pb.FileChunk{uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, 0, time.Now().UnixNano())}
// fmt.Printf("uploaded: %+v\n", uploadResult) // fmt.Printf("uploaded: %+v\n", uploadResult)


@ -214,5 +214,5 @@ func (fs *FilerServer) dataToChunk(fileName, contentType string, data []byte, ch
if uploadResult.Size == 0 { if uploadResult.Size == 0 {
return nil, nil return nil, nil
} }
return []*filer_pb.FileChunk{uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, chunkOffset)}, nil
return []*filer_pb.FileChunk{uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, chunkOffset, time.Now().UnixNano())}, nil
} }


@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ package weed_server
import ( import (
"context" "context"
"fmt" "fmt"
"reflect" "reflect"
"strings" "strings"
"sync" "sync"
"time" "time"
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
@ -283,6 +284,20 @@ func (ms *MasterServer) VacuumVolume(ctx context.Context, req *master_pb.VacuumV
return resp, nil return resp, nil
} }
func (ms *MasterServer) DisableVacuum(ctx context.Context, req *master_pb.DisableVacuumRequest) (*master_pb.DisableVacuumResponse, error) {
resp := &master_pb.DisableVacuumResponse{}
return resp, nil
func (ms *MasterServer) EnableVacuum(ctx context.Context, req *master_pb.EnableVacuumRequest) (*master_pb.EnableVacuumResponse, error) {
resp := &master_pb.EnableVacuumResponse{}
return resp, nil
func (ms *MasterServer) VolumeMarkReadonly(ctx context.Context, req *master_pb.VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest) (*master_pb.VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse, error) { func (ms *MasterServer) VolumeMarkReadonly(ctx context.Context, req *master_pb.VolumeMarkReadonlyRequest) (*master_pb.VolumeMarkReadonlyResponse, error) {
if !ms.Topo.IsLeader() { if !ms.Topo.IsLeader() {


@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ func (vs *VolumeServer) BatchDelete(ctx context.Context, req *volume_server_pb.B
n := new(needle.Needle) n := new(needle.Needle)
volumeId, _ := needle.NewVolumeId(vid) volumeId, _ := needle.NewVolumeId(vid)
ecVolume, isEcVolume :=
if req.SkipCookieCheck { if req.SkipCookieCheck {
n.Id, _, err = needle.ParseNeedleIdCookie(id_cookie) n.Id, _, err = needle.ParseNeedleIdCookie(id_cookie)
if err != nil { if err != nil {
@ -40,13 +41,24 @@ func (vs *VolumeServer) BatchDelete(ctx context.Context, req *volume_server_pb.B
} else { } else {
n.ParsePath(id_cookie) n.ParsePath(id_cookie)
cookie := n.Cookie cookie := n.Cookie
if _, err :=, n, nil, nil); err != nil {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, &volume_server_pb.DeleteResult{
FileId: fid,
Status: http.StatusNotFound,
Error: err.Error(),
if !isEcVolume {
if _, err :=, n, nil, nil); err != nil {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, &volume_server_pb.DeleteResult{
FileId: fid,
Status: http.StatusNotFound,
Error: err.Error(),
} else {
if _, err :=, n, nil); err != nil {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, &volume_server_pb.DeleteResult{
FileId: fid,
Status: http.StatusNotFound,
Error: err.Error(),
} }
if n.Cookie != cookie { if n.Cookie != cookie {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, &volume_server_pb.DeleteResult{ resp.Results = append(resp.Results, &volume_server_pb.DeleteResult{
@ -68,18 +80,34 @@ func (vs *VolumeServer) BatchDelete(ctx context.Context, req *volume_server_pb.B
} }
n.LastModified = now n.LastModified = now
if size, err :=, n); err != nil {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, &volume_server_pb.DeleteResult{
FileId: fid,
Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Error: err.Error()},
if !isEcVolume {
if size, err :=, n); err != nil {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, &volume_server_pb.DeleteResult{
FileId: fid,
Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Error: err.Error()},
} else {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, &volume_server_pb.DeleteResult{
FileId: fid,
Status: http.StatusAccepted,
Size: uint32(size)},
} else { } else {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, &volume_server_pb.DeleteResult{
FileId: fid,
Status: http.StatusAccepted,
Size: uint32(size)},
if size, err :=, n, n.Cookie); err != nil {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, &volume_server_pb.DeleteResult{
FileId: fid,
Status: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Error: err.Error()},
} else {
resp.Results = append(resp.Results, &volume_server_pb.DeleteResult{
FileId: fid,
Status: http.StatusAccepted,
Size: uint32(size)},
} }
} }


@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import (
"encoding/json" "encoding/json"
"errors" "errors"
"fmt" "fmt"
"io" "io"
"mime" "mime"
"net/http" "net/http"
@ -17,6 +15,9 @@ import (
"sync/atomic" "sync/atomic"
"time" "time"
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
@ -204,7 +205,9 @@ func (vs *VolumeServer) GetOrHeadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
} }
if n.IsCompressed() { if n.IsCompressed() {
if _, _, _, shouldResize := shouldResizeImages(ext, r); shouldResize {
_, _, _, shouldResize := shouldResizeImages(ext, r)
_, _, _, _, shouldCrop := shouldCropImages(ext, r)
if shouldResize || shouldCrop {
if n.Data, err = util.DecompressData(n.Data); err != nil { if n.Data, err = util.DecompressData(n.Data); err != nil {
glog.V(0).Infoln("ungzip error:", err, r.URL.Path) glog.V(0).Infoln("ungzip error:", err, r.URL.Path)
} }
@ -220,7 +223,8 @@ func (vs *VolumeServer) GetOrHeadHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
} }
if !readOption.IsMetaOnly { if !readOption.IsMetaOnly {
rs := conditionallyResizeImages(bytes.NewReader(n.Data), ext, r)
rs := conditionallyCropImages(bytes.NewReader(n.Data), ext, r)
rs = conditionallyResizeImages(rs, ext, r)
if e := writeResponseContent(filename, mtype, rs, w, r); e != nil { if e := writeResponseContent(filename, mtype, rs, w, r); e != nil {
glog.V(2).Infoln("response write error:", e) glog.V(2).Infoln("response write error:", e)
} }
@ -240,7 +244,8 @@ func shouldAttemptStreamWrite(hasLocalVolume bool, ext string, r *http.Request)
return true, true return true, true
} }
_, _, _, shouldResize := shouldResizeImages(ext, r) _, _, _, shouldResize := shouldResizeImages(ext, r)
if shouldResize {
_, _, _, _, shouldCrop := shouldCropImages(ext, r)
if shouldResize || shouldCrop {
return false, false return false, false
} }
return true, false return true, false
@ -277,7 +282,8 @@ func (vs *VolumeServer) tryHandleChunkedFile(n *needle.Needle, fileName string,
chunkedFileReader := operation.NewChunkedFileReader(chunkManifest.Chunks, vs.GetMaster(), vs.grpcDialOption) chunkedFileReader := operation.NewChunkedFileReader(chunkManifest.Chunks, vs.GetMaster(), vs.grpcDialOption)
defer chunkedFileReader.Close() defer chunkedFileReader.Close()
rs := conditionallyResizeImages(chunkedFileReader, ext, r)
rs := conditionallyCropImages(chunkedFileReader, ext, r)
rs = conditionallyResizeImages(rs, ext, r)
if e := writeResponseContent(fileName, mType, rs, w, r); e != nil { if e := writeResponseContent(fileName, mType, rs, w, r); e != nil {
glog.V(2).Infoln("response write error:", e) glog.V(2).Infoln("response write error:", e)
@ -311,6 +317,41 @@ func shouldResizeImages(ext string, r *http.Request) (width, height int, mode st
return return
} }
func conditionallyCropImages(originalDataReaderSeeker io.ReadSeeker, ext string, r *http.Request) io.ReadSeeker {
rs := originalDataReaderSeeker
if len(ext) > 0 {
ext = strings.ToLower(ext)
x1, y1, x2, y2, shouldCrop := shouldCropImages(ext, r)
if shouldCrop {
var err error
rs, err = images.Cropped(ext, rs, x1, y1, x2, y2)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Cropping images error: %s", err)
return rs
func shouldCropImages(ext string, r *http.Request) (x1, y1, x2, y2 int, shouldCrop bool) {
if ext == ".png" || ext == ".jpg" || ext == ".jpeg" || ext == ".gif" {
if r.FormValue("crop_x1") != "" {
x1, _ = strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("crop_x1"))
if r.FormValue("crop_y1") != "" {
y1, _ = strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("crop_y1"))
if r.FormValue("crop_x2") != "" {
x2, _ = strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("crop_x2"))
if r.FormValue("crop_y2") != "" {
y2, _ = strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("crop_y2"))
shouldCrop = x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0 && x2 > x1 && y2 > y1
func writeResponseContent(filename, mimeType string, rs io.ReadSeeker, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { func writeResponseContent(filename, mimeType string, rs io.ReadSeeker, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
totalSize, e := rs.Seek(0, 2) totalSize, e := rs.Seek(0, 2)
if mimeType == "" { if mimeType == "" {


@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ func (fi *FileInfo) IsDir() bool { return fi.isDirectory }
func (fi *FileInfo) Sys() interface{} { return nil } func (fi *FileInfo) Sys() interface{} { return nil }
type WebDavFile struct { type WebDavFile struct {
fs *WebDavFileSystem
name string
isDirectory bool
off int64
entry *filer_pb.Entry
entryViewCache []filer.VisibleInterval
reader io.ReaderAt
bufWriter *buffered_writer.BufferedWriteCloser
fs *WebDavFileSystem
name string
isDirectory bool
off int64
entry *filer_pb.Entry
visibleIntervals *filer.IntervalList[*filer.VisibleInterval]
reader io.ReaderAt
bufWriter *buffered_writer.BufferedWriteCloser
} }
func NewWebDavFileSystem(option *WebDavOption) (webdav.FileSystem, error) { func NewWebDavFileSystem(option *WebDavOption) (webdav.FileSystem, error) {
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ func (fs *WebDavFileSystem) Stat(ctx context.Context, name string) (os.FileInfo,
return fs.stat(ctx, name) return fs.stat(ctx, name)
} }
func (f *WebDavFile) saveDataAsChunk(reader io.Reader, name string, offset int64) (chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk, err error) {
func (f *WebDavFile) saveDataAsChunk(reader io.Reader, name string, offset int64, tsNs int64) (chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk, err error) {
fileId, uploadResult, flushErr, _ := operation.UploadWithRetry( fileId, uploadResult, flushErr, _ := operation.UploadWithRetry(
f.fs, f.fs,
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ func (f *WebDavFile) saveDataAsChunk(reader io.Reader, name string, offset int64
glog.V(0).Infof("upload failure %v: %v",, flushErr) glog.V(0).Infof("upload failure %v: %v",, flushErr)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("upload result: %v", uploadResult.Error) return nil, fmt.Errorf("upload result: %v", uploadResult.Error)
} }
return uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, offset), nil
return uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, offset, tsNs), nil
} }
func (f *WebDavFile) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) { func (f *WebDavFile) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ func (f *WebDavFile) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
f.bufWriter.FlushFunc = func(data []byte, offset int64) (flushErr error) { f.bufWriter.FlushFunc = func(data []byte, offset int64) (flushErr error) {
var chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk var chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk
chunk, flushErr = f.saveDataAsChunk(util.NewBytesReader(data),, offset)
chunk, flushErr = f.saveDataAsChunk(util.NewBytesReader(data),, offset, time.Now().UnixNano())
if flushErr != nil { if flushErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s upload result: %v",, flushErr) return fmt.Errorf("%s upload result: %v",, flushErr)
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ func (f *WebDavFile) Close() error {
if f.entry != nil { if f.entry != nil {
f.entry = nil f.entry = nil
f.entryViewCache = nil
f.visibleIntervals = nil
} }
return err return err
@ -521,12 +521,12 @@ func (f *WebDavFile) Read(p []byte) (readSize int, err error) {
if fileSize == 0 { if fileSize == 0 {
return 0, io.EOF return 0, io.EOF
} }
if f.entryViewCache == nil {
f.entryViewCache, _ = filer.NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(filer.LookupFn(f.fs), f.entry.GetChunks(), 0, fileSize)
if f.visibleIntervals == nil {
f.visibleIntervals, _ = filer.NonOverlappingVisibleIntervals(filer.LookupFn(f.fs), f.entry.GetChunks(), 0, fileSize)
f.reader = nil f.reader = nil
} }
if f.reader == nil { if f.reader == nil {
chunkViews := filer.ViewFromVisibleIntervals(f.entryViewCache, 0, fileSize)
chunkViews := filer.ViewFromVisibleIntervals(f.visibleIntervals, 0, fileSize)
f.reader = filer.NewChunkReaderAtFromClient(filer.LookupFn(f.fs), chunkViews, f.fs.chunkCache, fileSize) f.reader = filer.NewChunkReaderAtFromClient(filer.LookupFn(f.fs), chunkViews, f.fs.chunkCache, fileSize)
} }


@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ type ItemEntry struct {
func (c *commandFsVerify) verifyTraverseBfs(path string) (fileCount int64, errCount int64, err error) { func (c *commandFsVerify) verifyTraverseBfs(path string) (fileCount int64, errCount int64, err error) {
timeNowAtSec := time.Now().Unix() timeNowAtSec := time.Now().Unix()
return fileCount, errCount, doTraverseBfsAndSaving(c.env, nil, path, false,
return fileCount, errCount, doTraverseBfsAndSaving(c.env, c.writer, path, false,
func(entry *filer_pb.FullEntry, outputChan chan interface{}) (err error) { func(entry *filer_pb.FullEntry, outputChan chan interface{}) (err error) {
if c.modifyTimeAgoAtSec > 0 { if c.modifyTimeAgoAtSec > 0 {
if entry.Entry.Attributes != nil && c.modifyTimeAgoAtSec < timeNowAtSec-entry.Entry.Attributes.Mtime { if entry.Entry.Attributes != nil && c.modifyTimeAgoAtSec < timeNowAtSec-entry.Entry.Attributes.Mtime {


@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ func (c *commandVolumeFsck) collectFilerFileIdAndPaths(dataNodeVolumeIdToVInfo m
} }
}() }()
return doTraverseBfsAndSaving(c.env, nil, c.getCollectFilerFilePath(), false,
return doTraverseBfsAndSaving(c.env, c.writer, c.getCollectFilerFilePath(), false,
func(entry *filer_pb.FullEntry, outputChan chan interface{}) (err error) { func(entry *filer_pb.FullEntry, outputChan chan interface{}) (err error) {
if *c.verbose && entry.Entry.IsDirectory { if *c.verbose && entry.Entry.IsDirectory {
fmt.Fprintf(c.writer, "checking directory %s\n", util.NewFullPath(entry.Dir, entry.Entry.Name)) fmt.Fprintf(c.writer, "checking directory %s\n", util.NewFullPath(entry.Dir, entry.Entry.Name))


@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package shell
import (
func init() {
Commands = append(Commands, &commandDisableVacuum{})
type commandDisableVacuum struct {
func (c *commandDisableVacuum) Name() string {
return "volume.vacuum.disable"
func (c *commandDisableVacuum) Help() string {
return `disable vacuuming request from Master, however volume.vacuum still works.
func (c *commandDisableVacuum) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv, writer io.Writer) (err error) {
if err = commandEnv.confirmIsLocked(args); err != nil {
err = commandEnv.MasterClient.WithClient(false, func(client master_pb.SeaweedClient) error {
_, err = client.DisableVacuum(context.Background(), &master_pb.DisableVacuumRequest{})
return err


@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package shell
import (
func init() {
Commands = append(Commands, &commandEnableVacuum{})
type commandEnableVacuum struct {
func (c *commandEnableVacuum) Name() string {
return "volume.vacuum.enable"
func (c *commandEnableVacuum) Help() string {
return `enable vacuuming request from Master
func (c *commandEnableVacuum) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv, writer io.Writer) (err error) {
if err = commandEnv.confirmIsLocked(args); err != nil {
err = commandEnv.MasterClient.WithClient(false, func(client master_pb.SeaweedClient) error {
_, err = client.EnableVacuum(context.Background(), &master_pb.EnableVacuumRequest{})
return err


@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ type Topology struct {
volumeSizeLimit uint64 volumeSizeLimit uint64
replicationAsMin bool replicationAsMin bool
isDisableVacuum bool
Sequence sequence.Sequencer Sequence sequence.Sequencer
@ -338,3 +339,13 @@ func (t *Topology) DataNodeRegistration(dcName, rackName string, dn *DataNode) {
rack.LinkChildNode(dn) rack.LinkChildNode(dn)
glog.Infof("[%s] reLink To topo ", dn.Id()) glog.Infof("[%s] reLink To topo ", dn.Id())
} }
func (t *Topology) DisableVacuum() {
t.isDisableVacuum = true
func (t *Topology) EnableVacuum() {
t.isDisableVacuum = false


@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
package topology package topology
import ( import (
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
"" ""
@ -25,7 +26,9 @@ func (t *Topology) StartRefreshWritableVolumes(grpcDialOption grpc.DialOption, g
go func(garbageThreshold float64) { go func(garbageThreshold float64) {
for { for {
if t.IsLeader() { if t.IsLeader() {
t.Vacuum(grpcDialOption, garbageThreshold, 0, "", preallocate)
if !t.isDisableVacuum {
t.Vacuum(grpcDialOption, garbageThreshold, 0, "", preallocate)
} else { } else {
stats.MasterReplicaPlacementMismatch.Reset() stats.MasterReplicaPlacementMismatch.Reset()
} }


@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
) )
var ( var (
VERSION_NUMBER = fmt.Sprintf("%.02f", 3.37)
VERSION_NUMBER = fmt.Sprintf("%.02f", 3.38)
VERSION = sizeLimit + " " + VERSION_NUMBER VERSION = sizeLimit + " " + VERSION_NUMBER
) )
