Eric Yang
2 years ago
committed by
No known key found for this signature in database
79 changed files with 2828 additions and 1130 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ |
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct |
## Our Pledge |
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as |
contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and |
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body |
size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, |
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and |
orientation. |
## Our Standards |
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment |
include: |
- Using welcoming and inclusive language |
- Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences |
- Gracefully accepting constructive criticism |
- Focusing on what is best for the community |
- Showing empathy towards other community members |
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: |
- The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or |
advances |
- Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks |
- Public or private harassment |
- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic |
address, without explicit permission |
- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a |
professional setting |
## Our Responsibilities |
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable |
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in |
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. |
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or |
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions |
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or |
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, |
threatening, offensive, or harmful. |
## Scope |
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces |
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of |
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail |
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed |
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be |
further defined and clarified by project maintainers. |
## Enforcement |
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be |
reported by contacting the project team at <enteremailhere>. All |
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that |
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is |
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. |
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. |
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good |
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other |
members of the project's leadership. |
## Attribution |
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, |
available at [][version] |
[homepage]: |
[version]: |
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ |
apiVersion: v1 |
apiVersion: v1 |
description: SeaweedFS |
description: SeaweedFS |
name: seaweedfs |
name: seaweedfs |
appVersion: "3.37" |
version: "3.37" |
appVersion: "latest" |
version: "latest" |
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ |
package filer |
import ( |
"" |
"" |
"" |
"sync" |
) |
type ChunkGroup struct { |
lookupFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType |
chunkCache chunk_cache.ChunkCache |
manifestChunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk |
sections map[SectionIndex]*FileChunkSection |
sectionsLock sync.RWMutex |
} |
func NewChunkGroup(lookupFn wdclient.LookupFileIdFunctionType, chunkCache chunk_cache.ChunkCache, chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) (*ChunkGroup, error) { |
group := &ChunkGroup{ |
lookupFn: lookupFn, |
chunkCache: chunkCache, |
sections: make(map[SectionIndex]*FileChunkSection), |
} |
err := group.SetChunks(chunks) |
return group, err |
} |
func (group *ChunkGroup) AddChunk(chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk) error { |
group.sectionsLock.Lock() |
defer group.sectionsLock.Unlock() |
sectionIndexStart, sectionIndexStop := SectionIndex(chunk.Offset/SectionSize), SectionIndex((chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size))/SectionSize) |
for si := sectionIndexStart; si < sectionIndexStop+1; si++ { |
section, found := group.sections[si] |
if !found { |
section = NewFileChunkSection(si) |
group.sections[si] = section |
} |
section.addChunk(chunk) |
} |
return nil |
} |
func (group *ChunkGroup) ReadDataAt(fileSize int64, buff []byte, offset int64) (n int, tsNs int64, err error) { |
group.sectionsLock.RLock() |
defer group.sectionsLock.RUnlock() |
sectionIndexStart, sectionIndexStop := SectionIndex(offset/SectionSize), SectionIndex((offset+int64(len(buff)))/SectionSize) |
for si := sectionIndexStart; si < sectionIndexStop+1; si++ { |
section, found := group.sections[si] |
rangeStart, rangeStop := max(offset, int64(si*SectionSize)), min(offset+int64(len(buff)), int64((si+1)*SectionSize)) |
if !found { |
for i := rangeStart; i < rangeStop; i++ { |
buff[i-offset] = 0 |
} |
continue |
} |
xn, xTsNs, xErr := section.readDataAt(group, fileSize, buff[rangeStart-offset:rangeStop-offset], rangeStart) |
if xErr != nil { |
err = xErr |
} |
n += xn |
tsNs = max(tsNs, xTsNs) |
} |
return |
} |
func (group *ChunkGroup) SetChunks(chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk) error { |
var dataChunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk |
for _, chunk := range chunks { |
if !chunk.IsChunkManifest { |
dataChunks = append(dataChunks, chunk) |
continue |
} |
resolvedChunks, err := ResolveOneChunkManifest(group.lookupFn, chunk) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
group.manifestChunks = append(group.manifestChunks, chunk) |
dataChunks = append(dataChunks, resolvedChunks...) |
} |
for _, chunk := range dataChunks { |
sectionIndexStart, sectionIndexStop := SectionIndex(chunk.Offset/SectionSize), SectionIndex((chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size))/SectionSize) |
for si := sectionIndexStart; si < sectionIndexStop+1; si++ { |
section, found := group.sections[si] |
if !found { |
section = NewFileChunkSection(si) |
group.sections[si] = section |
} |
section.chunks = append(section.chunks, chunk) |
} |
} |
return nil |
} |
const ( |
// see weedfs_file_lseek.go
SEEK_DATA uint32 = 3 // seek to next data after the offset
// SEEK_HOLE uint32 = 4 // seek to next hole after the offset
) |
// FIXME: needa tests
func (group *ChunkGroup) SearchChunks(offset, fileSize int64, whence uint32) (found bool, out int64) { |
group.sectionsLock.RLock() |
defer group.sectionsLock.RUnlock() |
return group.doSearchChunks(offset, fileSize, whence) |
} |
func (group *ChunkGroup) doSearchChunks(offset, fileSize int64, whence uint32) (found bool, out int64) { |
sectionIndex, maxSectionIndex := SectionIndex(offset/SectionSize), SectionIndex(fileSize/SectionSize) |
if whence == SEEK_DATA { |
for si := sectionIndex; si < maxSectionIndex+1; si++ { |
section, foundSection := group.sections[si] |
if !foundSection { |
continue |
} |
sectionStart := section.DataStartOffset(group, offset, fileSize) |
if sectionStart == -1 { |
continue |
} |
return true, sectionStart |
} |
return false, 0 |
} else { |
// whence == SEEK_HOLE
for si := sectionIndex; si < maxSectionIndex; si++ { |
section, foundSection := group.sections[si] |
if !foundSection { |
return true, offset |
} |
holeStart := section.NextStopOffset(group, offset, fileSize) |
if holeStart%SectionSize == 0 { |
continue |
} |
return true, holeStart |
} |
return true, fileSize |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
package filer |
import ( |
"" |
"testing" |
) |
func TestChunkGroup_doSearchChunks(t *testing.T) { |
type fields struct { |
sections map[SectionIndex]*FileChunkSection |
} |
type args struct { |
offset int64 |
fileSize int64 |
whence uint32 |
} |
tests := []struct { |
name string |
fields fields |
args args |
wantFound bool |
wantOut int64 |
}{ |
// TODO: Add test cases.
} |
for _, tt := range tests { |
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { |
group := &ChunkGroup{ |
sections: tt.fields.sections, |
} |
gotFound, gotOut := group.doSearchChunks(tt.args.offset, tt.args.fileSize, tt.args.whence) |
assert.Equalf(t, tt.wantFound, gotFound, "doSearchChunks(%v, %v, %v)", tt.args.offset, tt.args.fileSize, tt.args.whence) |
assert.Equalf(t, tt.wantOut, gotOut, "doSearchChunks(%v, %v, %v)", tt.args.offset, tt.args.fileSize, tt.args.whence) |
}) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ |
package filer |
import ( |
"" |
"sync" |
) |
const SectionSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 128 // 256MiB
type SectionIndex int64 |
type FileChunkSection struct { |
sectionIndex SectionIndex |
chunks []*filer_pb.FileChunk |
visibleIntervals *IntervalList[*VisibleInterval] |
chunkViews *IntervalList[*ChunkView] |
reader *ChunkReadAt |
lock sync.Mutex |
} |
func NewFileChunkSection(si SectionIndex) *FileChunkSection { |
return &FileChunkSection{ |
sectionIndex: si, |
} |
} |
func (section *FileChunkSection) addChunk(chunk *filer_pb.FileChunk) error { |
section.lock.Lock() |
defer section.lock.Unlock() |
start, stop := max(int64(section.sectionIndex)*SectionSize, chunk.Offset), min(((int64(section.sectionIndex)+1)*SectionSize), chunk.Offset+int64(chunk.Size)) |
section.chunks = append(section.chunks, chunk) |
if section.visibleIntervals != nil { |
MergeIntoVisibles(section.visibleIntervals, start, stop, chunk) |
garbageFileIds := FindGarbageChunks(section.visibleIntervals, start, stop) |
for _, garbageFileId := range garbageFileIds { |
length := len(section.chunks) |
for i, t := range section.chunks { |
if t.FileId == garbageFileId { |
section.chunks[i] = section.chunks[length-1] |
section.chunks = section.chunks[:length-1] |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if section.chunkViews != nil { |
MergeIntoChunkViews(section.chunkViews, start, stop, chunk) |
} |
return nil |
} |
func (section *FileChunkSection) setupForRead(group *ChunkGroup, fileSize int64) { |
if section.visibleIntervals == nil { |
section.visibleIntervals = readResolvedChunks(section.chunks, int64(section.sectionIndex)*SectionSize, (int64(section.sectionIndex)+1)*SectionSize) |
section.chunks, _ = SeparateGarbageChunks(section.visibleIntervals, section.chunks) |
if section.reader != nil { |
_ = section.reader.Close() |
section.reader = nil |
} |
} |
if section.chunkViews == nil { |
section.chunkViews = ViewFromVisibleIntervals(section.visibleIntervals, int64(section.sectionIndex)*SectionSize, (int64(section.sectionIndex)+1)*SectionSize) |
} |
if section.reader == nil { |
section.reader = NewChunkReaderAtFromClient(group.lookupFn, section.chunkViews, group.chunkCache, min(int64(section.sectionIndex+1)*SectionSize, fileSize)) |
} |
section.reader.fileSize = fileSize |
} |
func (section *FileChunkSection) readDataAt(group *ChunkGroup, fileSize int64, buff []byte, offset int64) (n int, tsNs int64, err error) { |
section.lock.Lock() |
defer section.lock.Unlock() |
section.setupForRead(group, fileSize) |
return section.reader.ReadAtWithTime(buff, offset) |
} |
func (section *FileChunkSection) DataStartOffset(group *ChunkGroup, offset int64, fileSize int64) int64 { |
section.lock.Lock() |
defer section.lock.Unlock() |
section.setupForRead(group, fileSize) |
for x := section.visibleIntervals.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next { |
visible := x.Value |
if visible.stop <= offset { |
continue |
} |
if offset < visible.start { |
return offset |
} |
return offset |
} |
return -1 |
} |
func (section *FileChunkSection) NextStopOffset(group *ChunkGroup, offset int64, fileSize int64) int64 { |
section.lock.Lock() |
defer section.lock.Unlock() |
section.setupForRead(group, fileSize) |
isAfterOffset := false |
for x := section.visibleIntervals.Front(); x != nil; x = x.Next { |
visible := x.Value |
if !isAfterOffset { |
if visible.stop <= offset { |
continue |
} |
isAfterOffset = true |
} |
if offset < visible.start { |
return offset |
} |
// now visible.start <= offset
if offset < visible.stop { |
offset = visible.stop |
} |
} |
return offset |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ |
package filer |
import ( |
"math" |
"sync" |
) |
type IntervalValue interface { |
SetStartStop(start, stop int64) |
Clone() IntervalValue |
} |
type Interval[T IntervalValue] struct { |
StartOffset int64 |
StopOffset int64 |
TsNs int64 |
Value T |
Prev *Interval[T] |
Next *Interval[T] |
} |
func (interval *Interval[T]) Size() int64 { |
return interval.StopOffset - interval.StartOffset |
} |
// IntervalList mark written intervals within one page chunk
type IntervalList[T IntervalValue] struct { |
head *Interval[T] |
tail *Interval[T] |
Lock sync.Mutex |
} |
func NewIntervalList[T IntervalValue]() *IntervalList[T] { |
list := &IntervalList[T]{ |
head: &Interval[T]{ |
StartOffset: -1, |
StopOffset: -1, |
}, |
tail: &Interval[T]{ |
StartOffset: math.MaxInt64, |
StopOffset: math.MaxInt64, |
}, |
} |
return list |
} |
func (list *IntervalList[T]) Front() (interval *Interval[T]) { |
return list.head.Next |
} |
func (list *IntervalList[T]) AppendInterval(interval *Interval[T]) { |
list.Lock.Lock() |
defer list.Lock.Unlock() |
if list.head.Next == nil { |
list.head.Next = interval |
} |
interval.Prev = list.tail.Prev |
if list.tail.Prev != nil { |
list.tail.Prev.Next = interval |
} |
list.tail.Prev = interval |
} |
func (list *IntervalList[T]) Overlay(startOffset, stopOffset, tsNs int64, value T) { |
if startOffset >= stopOffset { |
return |
} |
interval := &Interval[T]{ |
StartOffset: startOffset, |
StopOffset: stopOffset, |
TsNs: tsNs, |
Value: value, |
} |
list.Lock.Lock() |
defer list.Lock.Unlock() |
list.overlayInterval(interval) |
} |
func (list *IntervalList[T]) InsertInterval(startOffset, stopOffset, tsNs int64, value T) { |
interval := &Interval[T]{ |
StartOffset: startOffset, |
StopOffset: stopOffset, |
TsNs: tsNs, |
Value: value, |
} |
list.Lock.Lock() |
defer list.Lock.Unlock() |
value.SetStartStop(startOffset, stopOffset) |
list.insertInterval(interval) |
} |
func (list *IntervalList[T]) insertInterval(interval *Interval[T]) { |
prev := list.head |
next := prev.Next |
for interval.StartOffset < interval.StopOffset { |
if next == nil { |
// add to the end
list.insertBetween(prev, interval, list.tail) |
break |
} |
// interval is ahead of the next
if interval.StopOffset <= next.StartOffset { |
list.insertBetween(prev, interval, next) |
break |
} |
// interval is after the next
if next.StopOffset <= interval.StartOffset { |
prev = next |
next = next.Next |
continue |
} |
// intersecting next and interval
if interval.TsNs >= next.TsNs { |
// interval is newer
if next.StartOffset < interval.StartOffset { |
// left side of next is ahead of interval
t := &Interval[T]{ |
StartOffset: next.StartOffset, |
StopOffset: interval.StartOffset, |
TsNs: next.TsNs, |
Value: next.Value.Clone().(T), |
} |
t.Value.SetStartStop(t.StartOffset, t.StopOffset) |
list.insertBetween(prev, t, interval) |
next.StartOffset = interval.StartOffset |
next.Value.SetStartStop(next.StartOffset, next.StopOffset) |
prev = t |
} |
if interval.StopOffset < next.StopOffset { |
// right side of next is after interval
next.StartOffset = interval.StopOffset |
next.Value.SetStartStop(next.StartOffset, next.StopOffset) |
list.insertBetween(prev, interval, next) |
break |
} else { |
// next is covered
prev.Next = interval |
next = next.Next |
} |
} else { |
// next is newer
if interval.StartOffset < next.StartOffset { |
// left side of interval is ahead of next
t := &Interval[T]{ |
StartOffset: interval.StartOffset, |
StopOffset: next.StartOffset, |
TsNs: interval.TsNs, |
Value: interval.Value.Clone().(T), |
} |
t.Value.SetStartStop(t.StartOffset, t.StopOffset) |
list.insertBetween(prev, t, next) |
interval.StartOffset = next.StartOffset |
interval.Value.SetStartStop(interval.StartOffset, interval.StopOffset) |
} |
if next.StopOffset < interval.StopOffset { |
// right side of interval is after next
interval.StartOffset = next.StopOffset |
interval.Value.SetStartStop(interval.StartOffset, interval.StopOffset) |
} else { |
// interval is covered
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
func (list *IntervalList[T]) insertBetween(a, interval, b *Interval[T]) { |
a.Next = interval |
b.Prev = interval |
if a != list.head { |
interval.Prev = a |
} |
if b != list.tail { |
interval.Next = b |
} |
} |
func (list *IntervalList[T]) overlayInterval(interval *Interval[T]) { |
//t := list.head
//for ; t.Next != nil; t = t.Next {
// if t.TsNs > interval.TsNs {
// println("writes is out of order", t.TsNs-interval.TsNs, "ns")
// }
p := list.head |
for ; p.Next != nil && p.Next.StopOffset <= interval.StartOffset; p = p.Next { |
} |
q := list.tail |
for ; q.Prev != nil && q.Prev.StartOffset >= interval.StopOffset; q = q.Prev { |
} |
// left side
// interval after p.Next start
if p.Next != nil && p.Next.StartOffset < interval.StartOffset { |
t := &Interval[T]{ |
StartOffset: p.Next.StartOffset, |
StopOffset: interval.StartOffset, |
TsNs: p.Next.TsNs, |
Value: p.Next.Value, |
} |
p.Next = t |
if p != list.head { |
t.Prev = p |
} |
t.Next = interval |
interval.Prev = t |
} else { |
p.Next = interval |
if p != list.head { |
interval.Prev = p |
} |
} |
// right side
// interval ends before p.Prev
if q.Prev != nil && interval.StopOffset < q.Prev.StopOffset { |
t := &Interval[T]{ |
StartOffset: interval.StopOffset, |
StopOffset: q.Prev.StopOffset, |
TsNs: q.Prev.TsNs, |
Value: q.Prev.Value, |
} |
q.Prev = t |
if q != list.tail { |
t.Next = q |
} |
interval.Next = t |
t.Prev = interval |
} else { |
q.Prev = interval |
if q != list.tail { |
interval.Next = q |
} |
} |
} |
func (list *IntervalList[T]) Len() int { |
list.Lock.Lock() |
defer list.Lock.Unlock() |
var count int |
for t := list.head; t != nil; t = t.Next { |
count++ |
} |
return count - 1 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,327 @@ |
package filer |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"" |
"testing" |
) |
type IntervalInt int |
func (i IntervalInt) SetStartStop(start, stop int64) { |
} |
func (i IntervalInt) Clone() IntervalValue { |
return i |
} |
func TestIntervalList_Overlay(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.Overlay(0, 100, 1, 1) |
list.Overlay(50, 150, 2, 2) |
list.Overlay(200, 250, 3, 3) |
list.Overlay(225, 250, 4, 4) |
list.Overlay(175, 210, 5, 5) |
list.Overlay(0, 25, 6, 6) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 6, list.Len()) |
println() |
list.Overlay(50, 150, 7, 7) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 6, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_Overlay2(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1) |
list.Overlay(0, 50, 2, 2) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
} |
func TestIntervalList_Overlay3(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1) |
assert.Equal(t, 1, list.Len()) |
list.Overlay(0, 60, 2, 2) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_Overlay4(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1) |
list.Overlay(0, 100, 2, 2) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 1, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_Overlay5(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1) |
list.Overlay(0, 110, 2, 2) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 1, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_Overlay6(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1) |
list.Overlay(50, 110, 2, 2) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 1, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_Overlay7(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1) |
list.Overlay(50, 90, 2, 2) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_Overlay8(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1) |
list.Overlay(60, 90, 2, 2) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_Overlay9(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1) |
list.Overlay(60, 100, 2, 2) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_Overlay10(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.Overlay(50, 100, 1, 1) |
list.Overlay(60, 110, 2, 2) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_Overlay11(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.Overlay(0, 100, 1, 1) |
list.Overlay(100, 110, 2, 2) |
list.Overlay(0, 90, 3, 3) |
list.Overlay(0, 80, 4, 4) |
list.Overlay(0, 90, 5, 5) |
list.Overlay(90, 90, 6, 6) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval1(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2) |
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 3, 3) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval2(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2) |
list.InsertInterval(0, 25, 3, 3) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval3(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2) |
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4) |
list.InsertInterval(0, 75, 3, 3) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval4(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4) |
list.InsertInterval(0, 225, 3, 3) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval5(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4) |
list.InsertInterval(0, 225, 5, 5) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval6(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2) |
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4) |
list.InsertInterval(0, 275, 1, 1) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 5, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval7(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2) |
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4) |
list.InsertInterval(75, 275, 1, 1) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 4, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval8(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2) |
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4) |
list.InsertInterval(75, 275, 3, 3) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 4, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval9(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 2, 2) |
list.InsertInterval(200, 250, 4, 4) |
list.InsertInterval(50, 150, 3, 3) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 2, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval10(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.InsertInterval(50, 100, 2, 2) |
list.InsertInterval(200, 300, 4, 4) |
list.InsertInterval(100, 200, 5, 5) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 3, list.Len()) |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertInterval11(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalInt]() |
list.InsertInterval(0, 64, 1, 1) |
list.InsertInterval(72, 136, 3, 3) |
list.InsertInterval(64, 128, 2, 2) |
list.InsertInterval(68, 72, 4, 4) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 4, list.Len()) |
} |
type IntervalStruct struct { |
x int |
start int64 |
stop int64 |
} |
func newIntervalStruct(i int) IntervalStruct { |
return IntervalStruct{ |
x: i, |
} |
} |
func (i IntervalStruct) SetStartStop(start, stop int64) { |
i.start, i.stop = start, stop |
} |
func (i IntervalStruct) Clone() IntervalValue { |
return &IntervalStruct{ |
x: i.x, |
start: i.start, |
stop: i.stop, |
} |
} |
func TestIntervalList_insertIntervalStruct(t *testing.T) { |
list := NewIntervalList[IntervalStruct]() |
list.InsertInterval(0, 64, 1, newIntervalStruct(1)) |
list.InsertInterval(64, 72, 2, newIntervalStruct(2)) |
list.InsertInterval(72, 136, 3, newIntervalStruct(3)) |
list.InsertInterval(64, 68, 4, newIntervalStruct(4)) |
for p := list.Front(); p != nil; p = p.Next { |
fmt.Printf("[%d,%d) %d %d\n", p.StartOffset, p.StopOffset, p.TsNs, p.Value) |
} |
assert.Equal(t, 4, list.Len()) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
package images |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"image" |
"image/gif" |
"image/jpeg" |
"image/png" |
"io" |
"" |
"" |
) |
func Cropped(ext string, read io.ReadSeeker, x1, y1, x2, y2 int) (cropped io.ReadSeeker, err error) { |
srcImage, _, err := image.Decode(read) |
if err != nil { |
glog.Error(err) |
return read, err |
} |
bounds := srcImage.Bounds() |
if x2 > bounds.Dx() || y2 > bounds.Dy() { |
read.Seek(0, 0) |
return read, nil |
} |
rectangle := image.Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2) |
dstImage := imaging.Crop(srcImage, rectangle) |
var buf bytes.Buffer |
switch ext { |
case ".jpg", ".jpeg": |
if err = jpeg.Encode(&buf, dstImage, nil); err != nil { |
glog.Error(err) |
} |
case ".png": |
if err = png.Encode(&buf, dstImage); err != nil { |
glog.Error(err) |
} |
case ".gif": |
if err = gif.Encode(&buf, dstImage, nil); err != nil { |
glog.Error(err) |
} |
} |
return bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes()), err |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
package images |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"os" |
"testing" |
"" |
) |
func TestCropping(t *testing.T) { |
fname := "sample1.jpg" |
dat, _ := os.ReadFile(fname) |
cropped, _ := Cropped(".jpg", bytes.NewReader(dat), 1072, 932, 1751, 1062) |
buf := new(bytes.Buffer) |
buf.ReadFrom(cropped) |
util.WriteFile("cropped1.jpg", buf.Bytes(), 0644) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
package page_writer |
import "time" |
type ActivityScore struct { |
lastActiveTsNs int64 |
decayedActivenessScore int64 |
} |
func NewActivityScore() *ActivityScore { |
return &ActivityScore{} |
} |
func (as ActivityScore) MarkRead() { |
now := time.Now().UnixNano() |
deltaTime := (now - as.lastActiveTsNs) >> 30 // about number of seconds
as.lastActiveTsNs = now |
as.decayedActivenessScore = as.decayedActivenessScore>>deltaTime + 256 |
if as.decayedActivenessScore < 0 { |
as.decayedActivenessScore = 0 |
} |
} |
func (as ActivityScore) MarkWrite() { |
now := time.Now().UnixNano() |
deltaTime := (now - as.lastActiveTsNs) >> 30 // about number of seconds
as.lastActiveTsNs = now |
as.decayedActivenessScore = as.decayedActivenessScore>>deltaTime + 1024 |
if as.decayedActivenessScore < 0 { |
as.decayedActivenessScore = 0 |
} |
} |
func (as ActivityScore) ActivityScore() int64 { |
deltaTime := (time.Now().UnixNano() - as.lastActiveTsNs) >> 30 // about number of seconds
return as.decayedActivenessScore >> deltaTime |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
package shell |
import ( |
"context" |
"io" |
"" |
) |
func init() { |
Commands = append(Commands, &commandDisableVacuum{}) |
} |
type commandDisableVacuum struct { |
} |
func (c *commandDisableVacuum) Name() string { |
return "volume.vacuum.disable" |
} |
func (c *commandDisableVacuum) Help() string { |
return `disable vacuuming request from Master, however volume.vacuum still works. |
volume.vacuum.disable |
` |
} |
func (c *commandDisableVacuum) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv, writer io.Writer) (err error) { |
if err = commandEnv.confirmIsLocked(args); err != nil { |
return |
} |
err = commandEnv.MasterClient.WithClient(false, func(client master_pb.SeaweedClient) error { |
_, err = client.DisableVacuum(context.Background(), &master_pb.DisableVacuumRequest{}) |
return err |
}) |
return |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
package shell |
import ( |
"context" |
"io" |
"" |
) |
func init() { |
Commands = append(Commands, &commandEnableVacuum{}) |
} |
type commandEnableVacuum struct { |
} |
func (c *commandEnableVacuum) Name() string { |
return "volume.vacuum.enable" |
} |
func (c *commandEnableVacuum) Help() string { |
return `enable vacuuming request from Master |
volume.vacuum.enable |
` |
} |
func (c *commandEnableVacuum) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv, writer io.Writer) (err error) { |
if err = commandEnv.confirmIsLocked(args); err != nil { |
return |
} |
err = commandEnv.MasterClient.WithClient(false, func(client master_pb.SeaweedClient) error { |
_, err = client.EnableVacuum(context.Background(), &master_pb.EnableVacuumRequest{}) |
return err |
}) |
return |
} |
Reference in new issue