* Download the latest binary from https://github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/releases and unzip a single binary file `weed` or `weed.exe`
* Run `weed server -dir=/some/data/dir -s3` to start one master, one volume server, one filer, and one S3 gateway.
Also, to increase capacity, just add more volume servers by `weed volume -dir="/some/data/dir2" -mserver="<master_host>:9333" -port=8081` locally or a different machine. That is it!
Also, to increase capacity, just add more volume servers by `weed volume -dir="/some/data/dir2" -mserver="<master_host>:9333" -port=8081` locally, or a different machine, or thoudsands of machines. That is it!