diff --git a/weed/command/server.go b/weed/command/server.go
index 0c6731eb2..edf626fe7 100644
--- a/weed/command/server.go
+++ b/weed/command/server.go
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ func init() {
 	serverOptions.v.publicUrl = cmdServer.Flag.String("volume.publicUrl", "", "publicly accessible address")
 	serverOptions.v.preStopSeconds = cmdServer.Flag.Int("volume.preStopSeconds", 10, "number of seconds between stop send heartbeats and stop volume server")
 	serverOptions.v.pprof = cmdServer.Flag.Bool("volume.pprof", false, "enable pprof http handlers. precludes --memprofile and --cpuprofile")
-	serverOptions.v.idxFolder = cmdServer.Flag.String("volume.dir.idx", "", "directory to store .idx files")
+	serverOptions.v.idxFolder = cmdServer.Flag.String("volume.dir.idx", "", "WIP directory to store .idx files")
 	s3Options.port = cmdServer.Flag.Int("s3.port", 8333, "s3 server http listen port")
 	s3Options.domainName = cmdServer.Flag.String("s3.domainName", "", "suffix of the host name in comma separated list, {bucket}.{domainName}")
diff --git a/weed/command/volume.go b/weed/command/volume.go
index 9597e843a..fec783514 100644
--- a/weed/command/volume.go
+++ b/weed/command/volume.go
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ func init() {
 	v.fileSizeLimitMB = cmdVolume.Flag.Int("fileSizeLimitMB", 256, "limit file size to avoid out of memory")
 	v.pprof = cmdVolume.Flag.Bool("pprof", false, "enable pprof http handlers. precludes --memprofile and --cpuprofile")
 	v.metricsHttpPort = cmdVolume.Flag.Int("metricsPort", 0, "Prometheus metrics listen port")
-	v.idxFolder = cmdVolume.Flag.String("dir.idx", "", "directory to store .idx files")
+	v.idxFolder = cmdVolume.Flag.String("dir.idx", "", "WIP directory to store .idx files")
 var cmdVolume = &Command{