Browse Source
store is sort of working
store is sort of working
git-svn-id: 282b0af5-e82d-9cf1-ede4-77906d7719d0pull/2/head
13 years ago
10 changed files with 467 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
<projectDescription> |
<name>weed-fs</name> |
<comment></comment> |
<projects> |
</projects> |
<buildSpec> |
<buildCommand> |
<name>com.googlecode.goclipse.goBuilder</name> |
<arguments> |
</arguments> |
</buildCommand> |
</buildSpec> |
<natures> |
<nature>goclipse.goNature</nature> |
</natures> |
</projectDescription> |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
package main |
import ( |
"http" |
// "runtime"
"log" |
"os" |
"exec" |
"fmt" |
) |
func HelloServer(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { |
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain") |
w.Write([]byte("hello, world!\n")) |
} |
func ShellHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
name := r.FormValue("cmd") |
args := r.Form["arg"] |
dir := r.FormValue("dir") |
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain") |
cmd := run(w, dir, name, args) |
cmd.Wait() |
} |
func run(w http.ResponseWriter, dir string, name string, args []string) *exec.Cmd { |
cmd := exec.Command(name, args...) |
cmd.Dir = dir |
cmd.Env = os.Environ() |
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin |
cmd.Stdout = w |
cmd.Stderr = w |
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil { |
fmt.Fprint(w, "could not execute", args, ":", cmd.Args, "\n", err,"\n") |
} |
return cmd |
} |
func main() { |
// runtime.GOMAXPROCS(1)
http.HandleFunc("/", HelloServer) |
http.HandleFunc("/shell", ShellHandler) |
log.Println("Serving at") |
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
package main |
import ( |
"directory" |
// "runtime"
"log" |
) |
func main() { |
m := directory.NewMapper("/tmp", "directory") |
log.Println("map size", len(m.Virtual2physical)) |
m.Add(10, 11,12,13) |
m.Add(20, 21,22,23) |
log.Println("map(10)", m.Get(10)) |
log.Println("map size", len(m.Virtual2physical)) |
m.Save() |
defer m.Save() |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ |
package main |
import ( |
"store" |
"directory" |
"flag" |
"fmt" |
"http" |
"log" |
"mime" |
"os" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
) |
var ( |
port = flag.Int("port", 8080, "http listen port") |
chunkFolder = flag.String("dir", "/tmp", "data directory to store files") |
chunkCount = flag.Int("chunks", 5, "data chunks to store files") |
chunkEnabled = flag.Bool("data", false, "act as a store server") |
metaEnabled = flag.Bool("meta", false, "act as a directory server") |
metaFolder = flag.String("mdir", "/tmp", "data directory to store mappings") |
) |
type Haystack struct { |
store *store.Store |
directory *directory.Mapper |
} |
func storeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
switch r.Method { |
case "GET": |
server.GetHandler(w, r) |
case "DELETE": |
server.DeleteHandler(w, r) |
case "POST": |
server.PostHandler(w, r) |
} |
} |
func (s *Haystack) GetHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
n := new(store.Needle) |
path := r.URL.Path |
sepIndex := strings.Index(path[1:], "/") + 1 |
volumeId, _ := strconv.Atoi(path[1:sepIndex]) |
dotIndex := strings.LastIndex(path, ".") |
n.ParsePath(path[sepIndex+1 : dotIndex]) |
ext := path[dotIndex:] |
|, n) |
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", mime.TypeByExtension(ext)) |
w.Write(n.Data) |
} |
func (s *Haystack) PostHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
volumeId := |
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain") |
fmt.Fprint(w, "volumeId=", volumeId, "\n") |
} |
func (s *Haystack) DeleteHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
} |
func directoryHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { |
} |
var server *Haystack |
func main() { |
flag.Parse() |
if !*chunkEnabled && !*metaEnabled { |
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Need to act as either a store server or a directory server, or both\n") |
flag.PrintDefaults() |
os.Exit(-1) |
} |
server = new(Haystack) |
if *chunkEnabled { |
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Chunk data stored in %s\n", *chunkFolder) |
| = store.NewStore(*chunkFolder, *chunkCount) |
defer |
http.HandleFunc("/", storeHandler) |
} |
if *metaEnabled { |
| = directory.NewMapper(*metaFolder, "directory") |
defer |
http.HandleFunc("/directory", directoryHandler) |
} |
log.Println("Serving at" + strconv.Itoa(*port)) |
http.ListenAndServe(":"+strconv.Itoa(*port), nil) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
package directory |
import ( |
"gob" |
"os" |
"log" |
) |
type Mapper struct { |
dir string |
fileName string |
Virtual2physical map[uint32][]uint32 |
} |
func NewMapper(dirname string, filename string) (m *Mapper) { |
m = new(Mapper) |
m.dir = dirname |
m.fileName = filename |
log.Println("Loading virtual to physical:", m.dir, "/", m.fileName) |
dataFile, e := os.OpenFile(m.dir+string(os.PathSeparator)+m.fileName+".map", os.O_RDONLY, 0644) |
if e != nil { |
log.Fatalf("Mapping File Read [ERROR] %s\n", e) |
} else { |
m.Virtual2physical = make(map[uint32][]uint32) |
decoder := gob.NewDecoder(dataFile) |
decoder.Decode(m.Virtual2physical) |
dataFile.Close() |
} |
return |
} |
func (m *Mapper) Get(vid uint32) []uint32 { |
return m.Virtual2physical[vid] |
} |
func (m *Mapper) Add(vid uint32, pids ...uint32) { |
m.Virtual2physical[vid] = append(m.Virtual2physical[vid], pids...) |
} |
func (m *Mapper) Save() { |
log.Println("Saving virtual to physical:", m.dir, "/", m.fileName) |
dataFile, e := os.OpenFile(m.dir+string(os.PathSeparator)+m.fileName+".map", os.O_WRONLY, 0644) |
if e != nil { |
log.Fatalf("Mapping File Save [ERROR] %s\n", e) |
} |
defer dataFile.Close() |
m.Virtual2physical = make(map[uint32][]uint32) |
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(dataFile) |
encoder.Encode(m.Virtual2physical) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
package store |
import ( |
"io" |
"io/ioutil" |
"http" |
"log" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
) |
type Needle struct{ |
Cookie uint8 "random number to mitigate brute force lookups" |
Key uint64 "file id" |
AlternateKey uint32 "supplemental id" |
Size uint32 "Data size" |
Data []byte "The actual file data" |
Checksum int32 "CRC32 to check integrity" |
Padding []byte "Aligned to 8 bytes" |
} |
func NewNeedle(r *http.Request)(n *Needle){ |
n = new(Needle) |
form,fe:=r.MultipartReader() |
if fe!=nil { |
log.Fatalf("MultipartReader [ERROR] %s\n", fe) |
} |
part,_:=form.NextPart() |
data,_:=ioutil.ReadAll(part) |
n.Data = data |
n.ParsePath(r.URL.Path[1:strings.LastIndex(r.URL.Path,".")]) |
return |
} |
func (n *Needle) ParsePath(path string){ |
a := strings.Split(path,"_") |
log.Println("cookie",a[0],"key",a[1],"altKey",a[2]) |
cookie,_ := strconv.Atoi(a[0]) |
n.Cookie = uint8(cookie) |
n.Key,_ = strconv.Atoui64(a[1]) |
altKey,_ := strconv.Atoui64(a[2]) |
n.AlternateKey = uint32(altKey) |
} |
func (n *Needle) Append(w io.Writer){ |
header := make([]byte,17) |
header[0] = n.Cookie |
uint64toBytes(header[1:9],n.Key) |
uint32toBytes(header[9:13],n.AlternateKey) |
n.Size = uint32(len(n.Data)) |
uint32toBytes(header[13:17],n.Size) |
w.Write(header) |
w.Write(n.Data) |
rest := 8-((n.Size+17+4)%8) |
uint32toBytes(header[0:4],uint32(n.Checksum)) |
w.Write(header[0:rest+4]) |
} |
func (n *Needle) Read(r io.Reader, size uint32){ |
bytes := make([]byte,size+17+4) |
r.Read(bytes) |
n.Cookie = bytes[0] |
n.Key = bytesToUint64(bytes[1:9]) |
n.AlternateKey = bytesToUint32(bytes[9:13]) |
n.Size = bytesToUint32(bytes[13:17]) |
n.Data = bytes[17:17+size] |
n.Checksum = int32(bytesToUint32(bytes[17+size:17+size+4])) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ |
package store |
import ( |
"os" |
) |
type NeedleKey struct{ |
Key uint64 "file id" |
AlternateKey uint32 "supplemental id" |
} |
func (k *NeedleKey) String() string { |
var tmp [12]byte |
for i :=uint(0);i<8;i++{ |
tmp[i] = byte(k.Key >> (8*i)); |
} |
for i :=uint(0);i<4;i++{ |
tmp[i+8] = byte(k.AlternateKey >> (8*i)); |
} |
return string(tmp[:]) |
} |
type NeedleValue struct{ |
Offset uint32 "Volume offset" //since aligned to 8 bytes, range is 4G*8=32G
Size uint32 "Size of the data portion" |
} |
type NeedleMap struct{ |
m map[string]*NeedleValue //mapping NeedleKey(Key,AlternateKey) to NeedleValue
} |
func NewNeedleMap() (nm *NeedleMap){ |
nm = new(NeedleMap) |
nm.m = make(map[string]*NeedleValue) |
return |
} |
func (nm *NeedleMap) load(file *os.File){ |
} |
func makeKey(key uint64, altKey uint32) string { |
var tmp [12]byte |
for i :=uint(0);i<8;i++{ |
tmp[i] = byte(key >> (8*i)); |
} |
for i :=uint(0);i<4;i++{ |
tmp[i+8] = byte(altKey >> (8*i)); |
} |
return string(tmp[:]) |
} |
func (nm *NeedleMap) put(key uint64, altKey uint32, offset uint32, size uint32){ |
nm.m[makeKey(key,altKey)] = &NeedleValue{Offset:offset, Size:size} |
} |
func (nm *NeedleMap) get(key uint64, altKey uint32) (element *NeedleValue, ok bool){ |
element, ok = nm.m[makeKey(key,altKey)] |
return |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
package store |
import ( |
"log" |
"strconv" |
) |
type Store struct{ |
volumes []*Volume |
dir string |
freeVolumeChannel chan int |
} |
func NewStore(dirname string, count int) (s *Store){ |
s = new(Store) |
s.dir = dirname |
s.volumes = make([]*Volume,count) |
s.freeVolumeChannel = make(chan int, count) |
for i:=0;i<count;i++{ |
s.volumes[i] = NewVolume(s.dir, strconv.Itob(i,16)) |
s.freeVolumeChannel <- i |
} |
log.Println("Store started on dir:", dirname, "with", count,"volumes"); |
return |
} |
func (s *Store)Close(){ |
close(s.freeVolumeChannel) |
for _, v := range s.volumes{ |
v.Close() |
} |
} |
func (s *Store)Write(n *Needle)(int){ |
i := <- s.freeVolumeChannel |
s.volumes[i].write(n) |
s.freeVolumeChannel <- i |
return i |
} |
func (s *Store)Read(i int, n *Needle){ |
s.volumes[i].read(n) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
package store |
func bytesToUint64(b []byte)(v uint64){ |
for i :=uint(7);i>0;i-- { |
v += uint64(b[i]) |
v <<= 8 |
} |
v+=uint64(b[0]) |
return |
} |
func bytesToUint32(b []byte)(v uint32){ |
for i :=uint(3);i>0;i-- { |
v += uint32(b[i]) |
v <<= 8 |
} |
v+=uint32(b[0]) |
return |
} |
func uint64toBytes(b []byte, v uint64){ |
for i :=uint(0);i<8;i++ { |
b[i] = byte(v>>(i*8)) |
} |
} |
func uint32toBytes(b []byte, v uint32){ |
for i :=uint(0);i<4;i++ { |
b[i] = byte(v>>(i*8)) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ |
package store |
import ( |
"os" |
"log" |
) |
type Volume struct { |
dir string |
fileName string |
dataFile, indexFile *os.File |
nm *NeedleMap |
accessChannel chan int |
} |
func NewVolume(dirname string, filename string) (v *Volume) { |
var e os.Error |
v = new(Volume) |
v.dir = dirname |
v.fileName = filename |
log.Println("file", v.dir, "/", v.fileName) |
v.dataFile, e = os.OpenFile(v.dir+string(os.PathSeparator)+v.fileName+".dat", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0644) |
if e != nil { |
log.Fatalf("New Volume [ERROR] %s\n", e) |
} |
v.indexFile, e = os.OpenFile(v.dir+string(os.PathSeparator)+v.fileName+".idx", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0644) |
if e != nil { |
log.Fatalf("New Volume [ERROR] %s\n", e) |
} |
v.nm = NewNeedleMap() |
v.nm.load(v.indexFile) |
v.accessChannel = make(chan int, 1) |
v.accessChannel <- 0 |
return |
} |
func (v *Volume) Close() { |
close(v.accessChannel) |
v.dataFile.Close() |
v.indexFile.Close() |
} |
func (v *Volume) write(n *Needle) { |
counter := <-v.accessChannel |
offset, _ := v.dataFile.Seek(0, 2) |
n.Append(v.dataFile) |
nv, ok := v.nm.get(n.Key, n.AlternateKey) |
if !ok || int64(nv.Offset)*8 < offset { |
v.nm.put(n.Key, n.AlternateKey, uint32(offset/8), n.Size) |
} |
v.accessChannel <- counter + 1 |
} |
func (v *Volume) read(n *Needle) { |
counter := <-v.accessChannel |
nv, ok := v.nm.get(n.Key, n.AlternateKey) |
if ok && nv.Offset > 0 { |
v.dataFile.Seek(int64(nv.Offset)*8, 0) |
n.Read(v.dataFile, nv.Size) |
} |
v.accessChannel <- counter + 1 |
} |
Reference in new issue