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add build option support 5-byte offset

Chris Lu 6 years ago
  1. 53
  2. 63
  3. 80


@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ type Offset struct {
type OffsetHigher struct {
// b4 byte
type OffsetLower struct {
b3 byte
b2 byte
@ -26,12 +22,10 @@ type OffsetLower struct {
type Cookie uint32
const (
OffsetSize = 4 // + 1
SizeSize = 4 // uint32 size
NeedleEntrySize = CookieSize + NeedleIdSize + SizeSize
TimestampSize = 8 // int64 size
NeedlePaddingSize = 8
MaxPossibleVolumeSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 8
TombstoneFileSize = math.MaxUint32
CookieSize = 4
@ -54,50 +48,3 @@ func ParseCookie(cookieString string) (Cookie, error) {
return Cookie(cookie), nil
func OffsetToBytes(bytes []byte, offset Offset) {
bytes[3] = offset.b0
bytes[2] = offset.b1
bytes[1] = offset.b2
bytes[0] = offset.b3
// only for testing, will be removed later.
func Uint32ToOffset(offset uint32) Offset {
return Offset{
OffsetLower: OffsetLower{
b0: byte(offset),
b1: byte(offset >> 8),
b2: byte(offset >> 16),
b3: byte(offset >> 24),
func BytesToOffset(bytes []byte) Offset {
return Offset{
OffsetLower: OffsetLower{
b0: bytes[3],
b1: bytes[2],
b2: bytes[1],
b3: bytes[0],
func (offset Offset) IsZero() bool {
return offset.b0 == 0 && offset.b1 == 0 && offset.b2 == 0 && offset.b3 == 0
func ToOffset(offset int64) Offset {
smaller := uint32(offset / int64(NeedlePaddingSize))
return Uint32ToOffset(smaller)
func (offset Offset) ToAcutalOffset() (actualOffset int64) {
return (int64(offset.b0) + int64(offset.b1)<<8 + int64(offset.b2)<<16 + int64(offset.b3)<<24) * int64(NeedlePaddingSize)
func (offset Offset) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(offset.b0)+int64(offset.b1)<<8+int64(offset.b2)<<16+int64(offset.b3)<<24)


@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// +build !5BytesOffset
package types
import (
type OffsetHigher struct {
// b4 byte
const (
OffsetSize = 4
MaxPossibleVolumeSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 8 // 32GB
func OffsetToBytes(bytes []byte, offset Offset) {
bytes[3] = offset.b0
bytes[2] = offset.b1
bytes[1] = offset.b2
bytes[0] = offset.b3
// only for testing, will be removed later.
func Uint32ToOffset(offset uint32) Offset {
return Offset{
OffsetLower: OffsetLower{
b0: byte(offset),
b1: byte(offset >> 8),
b2: byte(offset >> 16),
b3: byte(offset >> 24),
func BytesToOffset(bytes []byte) Offset {
return Offset{
OffsetLower: OffsetLower{
b0: bytes[3],
b1: bytes[2],
b2: bytes[1],
b3: bytes[0],
func (offset Offset) IsZero() bool {
return offset.b0 == 0 && offset.b1 == 0 && offset.b2 == 0 && offset.b3 == 0
func ToOffset(offset int64) Offset {
smaller := uint32(offset / int64(NeedlePaddingSize))
return Uint32ToOffset(smaller)
func (offset Offset) ToAcutalOffset() (actualOffset int64) {
return (int64(offset.b0) + int64(offset.b1)<<8 + int64(offset.b2)<<16 + int64(offset.b3)<<24) * int64(NeedlePaddingSize)
func (offset Offset) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(offset.b0)+int64(offset.b1)<<8+int64(offset.b2)<<16+int64(offset.b3)<<24)


@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
// +build 5BytesOffset
package types
import (
type OffsetHigher struct {
b4 byte
const (
OffsetSize = 4 + 1
MaxPossibleVolumeSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 8 * 256 /* 256 is from the extra byte */ // 8TB
func OffsetToBytes(bytes []byte, offset Offset) {
bytes[4] = offset.b4
bytes[3] = offset.b0
bytes[2] = offset.b1
bytes[1] = offset.b2
bytes[0] = offset.b3
// only for testing, will be removed later.
func Uint32ToOffset(offset uint32) Offset {
return Offset{
OffsetHigher: OffsetHigher{
b4: byte(offset >> 32),
OffsetLower: OffsetLower{
b0: byte(offset),
b1: byte(offset >> 8),
b2: byte(offset >> 16),
b3: byte(offset >> 24),
func BytesToOffset(bytes []byte) Offset {
return Offset{
OffsetHigher: OffsetHigher{
b4: bytes[4],
OffsetLower: OffsetLower{
b0: bytes[3],
b1: bytes[2],
b2: bytes[1],
b3: bytes[0],
func (offset Offset) IsZero() bool {
return offset.b0 == 0 && offset.b1 == 0 && offset.b2 == 0 && offset.b3 == 0 && offset.b4 == 0
func ToOffset(offset int64) Offset {
smaller := offset / int64(NeedlePaddingSize)
return Offset{
OffsetHigher: OffsetHigher{
b4: byte(smaller >> 32),
OffsetLower: OffsetLower{
b0: byte(smaller),
b1: byte(smaller >> 8),
b2: byte(smaller >> 16),
b3: byte(smaller >> 24),
func (offset Offset) ToAcutalOffset() (actualOffset int64) {
return (int64(offset.b0) + int64(offset.b1)<<8 + int64(offset.b2)<<16 + int64(offset.b3)<<24 + int64(offset.b4)<<32) * int64(NeedlePaddingSize)
func (offset Offset) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(offset.b0)+int64(offset.b1)<<8+int64(offset.b2)<<16+int64(offset.b3)<<24+int64(offset.b4)<<32)