@ -56,54 +56,27 @@ func (fs *FilerServer) uploadReaderToChunks(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reque |
break |
} |
} |
dataReader := util.NewBytesReader(bytesBuffer.Bytes()) |
// retry to assign a different file id
var fileId, urlLocation string |
var auth security.EncodedJwt |
var assignErr, uploadErr error |
var uploadResult *operation.UploadResult |
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { |
// assign one file id for one chunk
fileId, urlLocation, auth, assignErr = fs.assignNewFileInfo(so) |
if assignErr != nil { |
return nil, nil, 0, assignErr, nil |
} |
// upload the chunk to the volume server
uploadResult, uploadErr, _ = fs.doUpload(urlLocation, w, r, dataReader, fileName, contentType, nil, auth) |
if uploadErr != nil { |
time.Sleep(251 * time.Millisecond) |
continue |
} |
break |
} |
chunk, uploadErr := fs.dataToChunk(fileName, contentType, bytesBuffer.Bytes(), chunkOffset, so, md5Hash) |
if uploadErr != nil { |
return nil, nil, 0, uploadErr, nil |
} |
// if last chunk exhausted the reader exactly at the border
if uploadResult.Size == 0 { |
if chunk == nil { |
break |
} |
if chunkOffset == 0 { |
uploadedMd5 := util.Base64Md5ToBytes(uploadResult.ContentMd5) |
readedMd5 := md5Hash.Sum(nil) |
if !bytes.Equal(uploadedMd5, readedMd5) { |
glog.Errorf("md5 %x does not match %x uploaded chunk %s to the volume server", readedMd5, uploadedMd5, uploadResult.Name) |
} |
} |
// Save to chunk manifest structure
fileChunks = append(fileChunks, uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, chunkOffset)) |
fileChunks = append(fileChunks, chunk) |
glog.V(4).Infof("uploaded %s chunk %d to %s [%d,%d)", fileName, len(fileChunks), fileId, chunkOffset, chunkOffset+int64(uploadResult.Size)) |
glog.V(4).Infof("uploaded %s chunk %d to %s [%d,%d)", fileName, len(fileChunks), chunk.FileId, chunkOffset, chunkOffset+int64(chunk.Size)) |
// reset variables for the next chunk
chunkOffset = chunkOffset + int64(uploadResult.Size) |
chunkOffset = chunkOffset + int64(chunk.Size) |
// if last chunk was not at full chunk size, but already exhausted the reader
if int64(uploadResult.Size) < int64(chunkSize) { |
if int64(chunk.Size) < int64(chunkSize) { |
break |
} |
} |
@ -111,7 +84,7 @@ func (fs *FilerServer) uploadReaderToChunks(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Reque |
return fileChunks, md5Hash, chunkOffset, nil, smallContent |
} |
func (fs *FilerServer) doUpload(urlLocation string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, limitedReader io.Reader, fileName string, contentType string, pairMap map[string]string, auth security.EncodedJwt) (*operation.UploadResult, error, []byte) { |
func (fs *FilerServer) doUpload(urlLocation string, limitedReader io.Reader, fileName string, contentType string, pairMap map[string]string, auth security.EncodedJwt) (*operation.UploadResult, error, []byte) { |
stats.FilerRequestCounter.WithLabelValues("chunkUpload").Inc() |
start := time.Now() |
@ -125,3 +98,49 @@ func (fs *FilerServer) doUpload(urlLocation string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *ht |
} |
return uploadResult, err, data |
} |
func (fs *FilerServer) dataToChunk(fileName, contentType string, data []byte, chunkOffset int64, so *operation.StorageOption, md5Hash hash.Hash) (*filer_pb.FileChunk, error) { |
dataReader := util.NewBytesReader(data) |
// retry to assign a different file id
var fileId, urlLocation string |
var auth security.EncodedJwt |
var uploadErr error |
var uploadResult *operation.UploadResult |
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { |
// assign one file id for one chunk
fileId, urlLocation, auth, uploadErr = fs.assignNewFileInfo(so) |
if uploadErr != nil { |
glog.V(4).Infof("retry later due to assign error: %v", uploadErr) |
time.Sleep(time.Duration(i+1) * 251 * time.Millisecond) |
continue |
} |
// upload the chunk to the volume server
uploadResult, uploadErr, _ = fs.doUpload(urlLocation, dataReader, fileName, contentType, nil, auth) |
if uploadErr != nil { |
glog.V(4).Infof("retry later due to upload error: %v", uploadErr) |
time.Sleep(time.Duration(i+1) * 251 * time.Millisecond) |
continue |
} |
break |
} |
if uploadErr != nil { |
glog.Errorf("upload error: %v", uploadErr) |
return nil, uploadErr |
} |
// if last chunk exhausted the reader exactly at the border
if uploadResult.Size == 0 { |
return nil, nil |
} |
if chunkOffset == 0 { |
uploadedMd5 := util.Base64Md5ToBytes(uploadResult.ContentMd5) |
readedMd5 := md5Hash.Sum(nil) |
if !bytes.Equal(uploadedMd5, readedMd5) { |
glog.Errorf("md5 %x does not match %x uploaded chunk %s to the volume server", readedMd5, uploadedMd5, uploadResult.Name) |
} |
} |
return uploadResult.ToPbFileChunk(fileId, chunkOffset), nil |
} |