@ -2,26 +2,30 @@ package postgres_store
import (
"hash/crc32 "
"path/filepath "
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
_ "path/filepath"
const (
default_maxIdleConnections = 100
default_maxOpenConnections = 50
default_maxTableNums = 1024
tableName = "filer_mapping "
filesTableName = "files"
direc toriesT ableName = "directories "
var (
_init_db sync . Once
_db_connections [ ] * sql . DB
_init_db sync . Once
_db_connection * sql . DB
type PostgresConf struct {
@ -30,27 +34,60 @@ type PostgresConf struct {
HostName string
Port int
DataBase string
SslMode string
SslMode string
MaxIdleConnections int
MaxOpenConnections int
type ShardingConf struct {
IsSharding bool ` json:"isSharding" `
ShardCount int ` json:"shardCount" `
type PostgresStore struct {
dbs [ ] * sql . DB
isSharding bool
shardCount int
server string
user string
db * sql . DB
server string
user string
password string
func ( s * PostgresStore ) CreateFile ( fullFileName string , fid string ) ( err error ) {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Calling posgres_store CreateFile" )
return s . Put ( fullFileName , fid )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) FindFile ( fullFileName string ) ( fid string , err error ) {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Calling posgres_store FindFile" )
return s . Get ( fullFileName )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) DeleteFile ( fullFileName string ) ( fid string , err error ) {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Calling posgres_store DeleteFile" )
return "" , s . Delete ( fullFileName )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) FindDirectory ( dirPath string ) ( dirId filer . DirectoryId , err error ) {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Calling posgres_store FindDirectory" )
return s . FindDir ( dirPath )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) ListDirectories ( dirPath string ) ( dirs [ ] filer . DirectoryEntry , err error ) {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Calling posgres_store ListDirectories" )
return s . ListDirs ( dirPath )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) ListFiles ( dirPath string , lastFileName string , limit int ) ( files [ ] filer . FileEntry , err error ) {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Calling posgres_store ListFiles" )
return s . FindFiles ( dirPath , lastFileName , limit )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) DeleteDirectory ( dirPath string , recursive bool ) ( err error ) {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Calling posgres_store DeleteDirectory" )
return s . DeleteDir ( dirPath , recursive )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) Move ( fromPath string , toPath string ) ( err error ) {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Calling posgres_store Move" )
return errors . New ( "Move is not yet implemented for the PostgreSQL store." )
func databaseExists ( db * sql . DB , databaseName string ) ( bool , error ) {
sqlStatement := "SELECT datname from pg_database WHERE datname='%s'"
sqlStatement := "SELECT datname from pg_database WHERE datname='%s'"
row := db . QueryRow ( fmt . Sprintf ( sqlStatement , databaseName ) )
var dbName string
@ -64,164 +101,126 @@ func databaseExists(db *sql.DB, databaseName string) (bool, error) {
return true , nil
func createDatabase ( db * sql . DB , databaseName string ) ( error ) {
sqlStatement := "CREATE DATABASE %s ENCODING='UTF8'" ;
func createDatabase ( db * sql . DB , databaseName string ) error {
sqlStatement := "CREATE DATABASE %s ENCODING='UTF8'"
_ , err := db . Exec ( fmt . Sprintf ( sqlStatement , databaseName ) )
return err
func getDbConnection ( confs [ ] PostgresConf ) [ ] * sql . DB {
func getDbConnection ( conf PostgresConf ) * sql . DB {
_init_db . Do ( func ( ) {
for _ , conf := range confs {
sqlUrl := fmt . Sprintf ( "host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=%s connect_timeout=30" , conf . HostName , conf . Port , conf . User , conf . Password , "postgres" , conf . SslMode )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Opening postgres master database" )
var dbErr error
_db_connection , dbErr := sql . Open ( "postgres" , sqlUrl )
if dbErr != nil {
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
panic ( dbErr )
pingErr := _db_connection . Ping ( )
if pingErr != nil {
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
panic ( pingErr )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Checking to see if DB exists: " , conf . DataBase )
var existsErr error
dbExists , existsErr := databaseExists ( _db_connection , conf . DataBase )
if existsErr != nil {
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
panic ( existsErr )
if ! dbExists {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Database doesn't exist. Attempting to create one: " , conf . DataBase )
createErr := createDatabase ( _db_connection , conf . DataBase )
if createErr != nil {
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
panic ( createErr )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Closing master postgres database and opening configured database: " , conf . DataBase )
sqlUrl := fmt . Sprintf ( "host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=%s connect_timeout=30" , conf . HostName , conf . Port , conf . User , conf . Password , "postgres" , conf . SslMode )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Opening postgres master database" )
var dbErr error
_db_connection , dbErr := sql . Open ( "postgres" , sqlUrl )
if dbErr != nil {
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
sqlUrl = fmt . Sprintf ( "host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=%s connect_timeout=30" , conf . HostName , conf . Port , conf . User , conf . Password , conf . DataBase , conf . SslMode )
_db_connection , dbErr = sql . Open ( "postgres" , sqlUrl )
if dbErr != nil {
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
panic ( dbErr )
panic ( dbErr )
pingErr := _db_connection . Ping ( )
if pingErr != nil {
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
panic ( pingErr )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Checking to see if DB exists: " , conf . DataBase )
var existsErr error
dbExists , existsErr := databaseExists ( _db_connection , conf . DataBase )
if existsErr != nil {
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
panic ( existsErr )
pingErr = _db_connection . Ping ( )
if pingErr != nil {
if ! dbExists {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Database doesn't exist. Attempting to create one: " , conf . DataBase )
createErr := createDatabase ( _db_connection , conf . DataBase )
if createErr != nil {
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
panic ( pingErr )
panic ( createErr )
var maxIdleConnections , maxOpenConnections int
if conf . MaxIdleConnections != 0 {
maxIdleConnections = conf . MaxIdleConnections
} else {
maxIdleConnections = default_maxIdleConnections
if conf . MaxOpenConnections != 0 {
maxOpenConnections = conf . MaxOpenConnections
} else {
maxOpenConnections = default_maxOpenConnections
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Closing master postgres database and opening configured database: " , conf . DataBase )
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
_db_connection . SetMaxIdleConns ( maxIdleConnections )
_db_connection . SetMaxOpenConns ( maxOpenConnections )
_db_connections = append ( _db_connections , _db_connection )
sqlUrl = fmt . Sprintf ( "host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=%s connect_timeout=30" , conf . HostName , conf . Port , conf . User , conf . Password , conf . DataBase , conf . SslMode )
_db_connection , dbErr = sql . Open ( "postgres" , sqlUrl )
if dbErr != nil {
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
panic ( dbErr )
} )
return _db_connections
func NewPostgresStore ( confs [ ] PostgresConf , isSharding bool , shardCount int ) * PostgresStore {
pg := & PostgresStore {
dbs : getDbConnection ( confs ) ,
isSharding : isSharding ,
shardCount : shardCount ,
pingErr = _db_connection . Ping ( )
if pingErr != nil {
_db_connection . Close ( )
_db_connection = nil
panic ( pingErr )
for _ , db := range pg . dbs {
if ! isSharding {
pg . shardCount = 1
var maxIdleConnections , maxOpenConnections int
if conf . MaxIdleConnections != 0 {
maxIdleConnections = conf . MaxIdleConnections
} else {
if pg . shardCount == 0 {
pg . shardCount = default_maxTableNums
maxIdleConnections = default_maxIdleConnections
for i := 0 ; i < pg . shardCount ; i ++ {
if err := pg . createTables ( db , tableName , i ) ; err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "create table failed %v" , err )
if conf . MaxOpenConnections != 0 {
maxOpenConnections = conf . MaxOpenConnections
} else {
maxOpenConnections = default_maxOpenConnections
return pg
func ( s * PostgresStore ) hash ( fullFileName string ) ( instance_offset , table_postfix int ) {
hash_value := crc32 . ChecksumIEEE ( [ ] byte ( fullFileName ) )
instance_offset = int ( hash_value ) % len ( s . dbs )
table_postfix = int ( hash_value ) % s . shardCount
_db_connection . SetMaxIdleConns ( maxIdleConnections )
_db_connection . SetMaxOpenConns ( maxOpenConnections )
} )
return _db_connection
func ( s * PostgresStore ) parseFilerMappingInfo ( path string ) ( instanceId int , tableFullName string , err error ) {
instance_offset , table_postfix := s . hash ( path )
instanceId = instance_offset
if s . isSharding {
tableFullName = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s_%04d" , tableName , table_postfix )
} else {
tableFullName = tableName
//func NewPostgresStore(master string, confs []PostgresConf, isSharding bool, shardCount int) *PostgresStore {
func NewPostgresStore ( master string , conf PostgresConf ) * PostgresStore {
pg := & PostgresStore {
db : getDbConnection ( conf ) ,
pg . createDirectoriesTable ( )
if err := pg . createFilesTable ( ) ; err != nil {
fmt . Printf ( "create table failed %v" , err )
return pg
func ( s * PostgresStore ) Get ( fullFilePath string ) ( fid string , err error ) {
instance_offset , tableFullName , err := s . parseFilerMappingInfo ( fullFilePath )
if err != nil {
return "" , fmt . Errorf ( "PostgresStore Get operation can not parse file path %s: err is %v" , fullFilePath , err )
fid , err = s . query ( fullFilePath , s . dbs [ instance_offset ] , tableFullName )
fid , err = s . query ( fullFilePath )
return fid , err
func ( s * PostgresStore ) Put ( fullFilePath string , fid string ) ( err error ) {
var tableFullName string
instance_offset , tableFullName , err := s . parseFilerMappingInfo ( fullFilePath )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "PostgresStore Put operation can not parse file path %s: err is %v" , fullFilePath , err )
var old_fid string
if old_fid , err = s . query ( fullFilePath , s . dbs [ instance_offset ] , tableFullName ) ; err != nil && err != sql . ErrNoRows {
if old_fid , err = s . query ( fullFilePath ) ; err != nil && err != sql . ErrNoRows {
return fmt . Errorf ( "PostgresStore Put operation failed when querying path %s: err is %v" , fullFilePath , err )
} else {
if len ( old_fid ) == 0 {
err = s . insert ( fullFilePath , fid , s . dbs [ instance_offset ] , tableFullName )
err = s . insert ( fullFilePath , fid )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "PostgresStore Put operation failed when inserting path %s with fid %s : err is %v" , fullFilePath , fid , err )
} else {
err = s . update ( fullFilePath , fid , s . dbs [ instance_offset ] , tableFullName )
err = s . update ( fullFilePath , fid )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "PostgresStore Put operation failed when updating path %s with fid %s : err is %v" , fullFilePath , fid , err )
@ -232,16 +231,15 @@ func (s *PostgresStore) Put(fullFilePath string, fid string) (err error) {
func ( s * PostgresStore ) Delete ( fullFilePath string ) ( err error ) {
var fid string
instance_offset , tableFullName , err := s . parseFilerMappingInfo ( fullFilePath )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "PostgresStore Delete operation can not parse file path %s: err is %v" , fullFilePath , err )
if fid , err = s . query ( fullFilePath , s . dbs [ instance_offset ] , tableFullName ) ; err != nil {
if fid , err = s . query ( fullFilePath ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "PostgresStore Delete operation failed when querying path %s: err is %v" , fullFilePath , err )
} else if fid == "" {
return nil
if err = s . delete ( fullFilePath , s . dbs [ instance_offset ] , tableFullName ) ; err != nil {
if err = s . delete ( fullFilePath ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "PostgresStore Delete operation failed when deleting path %s: err is %v" , fullFilePath , err )
} else {
return nil
@ -249,39 +247,87 @@ func (s *PostgresStore) Delete(fullFilePath string) (err error) {
func ( s * PostgresStore ) Close ( ) {
for _ , db := range s . dbs {
db . Close ( )
s . db . Close ( )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) FindDir ( dirPath string ) ( dirId filer . DirectoryId , err error ) {
dirId , _ , err = s . lookupDirectory ( dirPath )
return dirId , err
func ( s * PostgresStore ) ListDirs ( dirPath string ) ( dirs [ ] filer . DirectoryEntry , err error ) {
dirs , err = s . findDirectories ( dirPath , 20 )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Postgres ListDirs = found %d directories under %s" , len ( dirs ) , dirPath )
return dirs , err
func ( s * PostgresStore ) DeleteDir ( dirPath string , recursive bool ) ( err error ) {
err = s . deleteDirectory ( dirPath , recursive )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 0 ) . Infof ( "Error in Postgres DeleteDir '%s' (recursive = '%t'): %s" , err )
return err
var createTable = `
func ( s * PostgresStore ) FindFiles ( dirPath string , lastFileName string , limit int ) ( files [ ] filer . FileEntry , err error ) {
files , err = s . findFiles ( dirPath , lastFileName , limit )
return files , err
var createDirectoryTable = `
uriPath VARCHAR ( 1024 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
directoryRoot VARCHAR ( 1024 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
directoryName VARCHAR ( 1024 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
CONSTRAINT unique_directory UNIQUE ( directoryRoot , directoryName )
) ;
var createFileTable = `
directoryPart VARCHAR ( 1024 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
filePart VARCHAR ( 1024 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
remark VARCHAR ( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ' ,
PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ,
CONSTRAINT % s_index_uriPath UNIQUE ( uriPath )
CONSTRAINT % s_unique_file UNIQUE ( directoryPart , filePart )
) ;
func ( s * PostgresStore ) createTables ( db * sql . DB , tableName string , postfix int ) error {
var realTableName string
if s . isSharding {
realTableName = fmt . Sprintf ( "%s_%04d" , tableName , postfix )
} else {
realTableName = tableName
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Creating postgres table if it doesn't exist: " , realTableName )
sqlCreate := fmt . Sprintf ( createTable , realTableName , realTableName )
stmt , err := db . Prepare ( sqlCreate )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) createDirectoriesTable ( ) error {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Creating postgres table if it doesn't exist: " , directoriesTableName )
sqlCreate := fmt . Sprintf ( createDirectoryTable , directoriesTableName )
stmt , err := s . db . Prepare ( sqlCreate )
if err != nil {
return err
defer stmt . Close ( )
_ , err = stmt . Exec ( )
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func ( s * PostgresStore ) createFilesTable ( ) error {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infoln ( "Creating postgres table if it doesn't exist: " , filesTableName )
sqlCreate := fmt . Sprintf ( createFileTable , filesTableName , filesTableName )
stmt , err := s . db . Prepare ( sqlCreate )
if err != nil {
return err
@ -294,27 +340,29 @@ func (s *PostgresStore) createTables(db *sql.DB, tableName string, postfix int)
return nil
func ( s * PostgresStore ) query ( uriPath string , db * sql . DB , tableName string ) ( string , error ) {
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "SELECT fid FROM %s WHERE uriPath=$1" , tableName )
row := db . QueryRow ( sqlStatement , uriPath )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) query ( uriPath string ) ( string , error ) {
directoryPart , filePart := filepath . Split ( uriPath )
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "SELECT fid FROM %s WHERE directoryPart=$1 AND filePart=$2" , filesTableName )
row := s . db . QueryRow ( sqlStatement , directoryPart , filePart )
var fid string
err := row . Scan ( & fid )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Postgres query -- looking up path '%s' and found id '%s' " , uriPath , fid )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return fid , nil
func ( s * PostgresStore ) update ( uriPath string , fid string , db * sql . DB , tableName string ) error {
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "UPDATE %s SET fid=$1, updateTime=$2 WHERE uriPath=$3" , tableName )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) update ( uriPath string , fid string ) error {
directoryPart , filePart := filepath . Split ( uriPath )
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "UPDATE %s SET fid=$1, updateTime=$2 WHERE directoryPart=$3 AND filePart=$4" , filesTableName )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Postgres query -- updating path '%s' with id '%s'" , uriPath , fid )
res , err := db . Exec ( sqlStatement , fid , time . Now ( ) . Unix ( ) , uriPath )
res , err := s . db . Exec ( sqlStatement , fid , time . Now ( ) . Unix ( ) , directoryPart , filePart )
if err != nil {
return err
@ -326,33 +374,83 @@ func (s *PostgresStore) update(uriPath string, fid string, db *sql.DB, tableName
return nil
func ( s * PostgresStore ) insert ( uriPath string , fid string , db * sql . DB , tableName string ) error {
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "INSERT INTO %s (uriPath,fid,createTime) VALUES($1, $2, $3)" , tableName )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) insert ( uriPath string , fid string ) error {
directoryPart , filePart := filepath . Split ( uriPath )
existingId , _ , _ := s . lookupDirectory ( directoryPart )
if existingId == 0 {
s . recursiveInsertDirectory ( directoryPart )
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "INSERT INTO %s (directoryPart,filePart,fid,createTime) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4)" , filesTableName )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Postgres query -- inserting path '%s' with id '%s'" , uriPath , fid )
res , err := db . Exec ( sqlStatement , uriPath , fid , time . Now ( ) . Unix ( ) )
res , err := s . db . Exec ( sqlStatement , directoryPart , filePart , fid , time . Now ( ) . Unix ( ) )
if err != nil {
return err
rows , err := res . RowsAffected ( )
rows , err := res . RowsAffected ( )
if rows != 1 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "Postgres insert -- rows affected = %d. Expecting 1" , rows )
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func ( s * PostgresStore ) delete ( uriPath string , db * sql . DB , tableName string ) error {
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "DELETE FROM %s WHERE uriPath=$1" , tableName )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) recursiveInsertDirectory ( dirPath string ) {
pathParts := strings . Split ( dirPath , "/" )
var workingPath string = "/"
for _ , part := range pathParts {
if part == "" {
workingPath += ( part + "/" )
existingId , _ , _ := s . lookupDirectory ( workingPath )
if existingId == 0 {
s . insertDirectory ( workingPath )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) insertDirectory ( dirPath string ) {
pathParts := strings . Split ( dirPath , "/" )
directoryRoot := "/"
directoryName := ""
if len ( pathParts ) > 1 {
directoryRoot = strings . Join ( pathParts [ 0 : len ( pathParts ) - 2 ] , "/" ) + "/"
directoryName = strings . Join ( pathParts [ len ( pathParts ) - 2 : ] , "/" )
} else if len ( pathParts ) == 1 {
directoryRoot = "/"
directoryName = pathParts [ 0 ] + "/"
sqlInsertDirectoryStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "INSERT INTO %s (directoryroot, directoryname) " +
"SELECT $1, $2 WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM %s WHERE directoryroot=$3 AND directoryname=$4 )" ,
directoriesTableName , directoriesTableName )
glog . V ( 4 ) . Infof ( "Postgres query -- Inserting directory (if it doesn't exist) - root = %s, name = %s" ,
directoryRoot , directoryName )
_ , err := s . db . Exec ( sqlInsertDirectoryStatement , directoryRoot , directoryName , directoryRoot , directoryName )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 0 ) . Infof ( "Postgres query -- Error inserting directory - root = %s, name = %s: %s" ,
directoryRoot , directoryName , err )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) delete ( uriPath string ) error {
directoryPart , filePart := filepath . Split ( uriPath )
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "DELETE FROM %s WHERE directoryPart=$1 AND filePart=$2" , filesTableName )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Postgres query -- deleting path '%s'" , uriPath )
res , err := db . Exec ( sqlStatement , uriPath )
res , err := s . db . Exec ( sqlStatement , directoryPart , filePart )
if err != nil {
return err
@ -362,4 +460,164 @@ func (s *PostgresStore) delete(uriPath string, db *sql.DB, tableName string) err
return err
return nil
func ( s * PostgresStore ) lookupDirectory ( dirPath string ) ( filer . DirectoryId , string , error ) {
directoryRoot , directoryName := s . mySplitPath ( dirPath )
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "SELECT id, directoryroot, directoryname FROM %s WHERE directoryRoot=$1 AND directoryName=$2" , directoriesTableName )
row := s . db . QueryRow ( sqlStatement , directoryRoot , directoryName )
var id filer . DirectoryId
var dirRoot string
var dirName string
err := row . Scan ( & id , & dirRoot , & dirName )
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Postgres lookupDirectory -- looking up directory '%s' and found id '%d', root '%s', name '%s' " , dirPath , id , dirRoot , dirName )
if err != nil {
return 0 , "" , err
return id , filepath . Join ( dirRoot , dirName ) , err
func ( s * PostgresStore ) findDirectories ( dirPath string , limit int ) ( dirs [ ] filer . DirectoryEntry , err error ) {
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "SELECT id, directoryroot, directoryname FROM %s WHERE directoryRoot=$1 AND directoryName != '' ORDER BY id LIMIT $2" , directoriesTableName )
rows , err := s . db . Query ( sqlStatement , dirPath , limit )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 0 ) . Infof ( "Postgres findDirectories error: %s" , err )
if rows != nil {
defer rows . Close ( )
for rows . Next ( ) {
var id filer . DirectoryId
var directoryRoot string
var directoryName string
scanErr := rows . Scan ( & id , & directoryRoot , & directoryName )
if scanErr != nil {
err = scanErr
dirs = append ( dirs , filer . DirectoryEntry { Name : ( directoryName ) , Id : id } )
func ( s * PostgresStore ) safeToDeleteDirectory ( dirPath string , recursive bool ) bool {
if recursive {
return true
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "SELECT id FROM %s WHERE directoryRoot LIKE $1 LIMIT 1" , directoriesTableName )
row := s . db . QueryRow ( sqlStatement , dirPath + "%" )
var id filer . DirectoryId
err := row . Scan ( & id )
if err != nil {
if err == sql . ErrNoRows {
return true
return false
func ( s * PostgresStore ) mySplitPath ( dirPath string ) ( directoryRoot string , directoryName string ) {
pathParts := strings . Split ( dirPath , "/" )
directoryRoot = "/"
directoryName = ""
if len ( pathParts ) > 1 {
directoryRoot = strings . Join ( pathParts [ 0 : len ( pathParts ) - 2 ] , "/" ) + "/"
directoryName = strings . Join ( pathParts [ len ( pathParts ) - 2 : ] , "/" )
} else if len ( pathParts ) == 1 {
directoryRoot = "/"
directoryName = pathParts [ 0 ] + "/"
return directoryRoot , directoryName
func ( s * PostgresStore ) deleteDirectory ( dirPath string , recursive bool ) ( err error ) {
directoryRoot , directoryName := s . mySplitPath ( dirPath )
// delete files
sqlStatement := fmt . Sprintf ( "DELETE FROM %s WHERE directorypart=$1" , filesTableName )
_ , err = s . db . Exec ( sqlStatement , dirPath )
if err != nil {
return err
// delete specific directory if it is empty or recursive delete was requested
safeToDelete := s . safeToDeleteDirectory ( dirPath , recursive )
if safeToDelete {
sqlStatement = fmt . Sprintf ( "DELETE FROM %s WHERE directoryRoot=$1 AND directoryName=$2" , directoriesTableName )
_ , err = s . db . Exec ( sqlStatement , directoryRoot , directoryName )
if err != nil {
return err
if recursive {
// delete descendant files
sqlStatement = fmt . Sprintf ( "DELETE FROM %s WHERE directorypart LIKE $1" , filesTableName )
_ , err = s . db . Exec ( sqlStatement , dirPath + "%" )
if err != nil {
return err
// delete descendant directories
sqlStatement = fmt . Sprintf ( "DELETE FROM %s WHERE directoryRoot LIKE $1" , directoriesTableName )
_ , err = s . db . Exec ( sqlStatement , dirPath + "%" )
if err != nil {
return err
return err
func ( s * PostgresStore ) findFiles ( dirPath string , lastFileName string , limit int ) ( files [ ] filer . FileEntry , err error ) {
var rows * sql . Rows = nil
if lastFileName == "" {
sqlStatement :=
fmt . Sprintf ( "SELECT fid, directorypart, filepart FROM %s WHERE directorypart=$1 ORDER BY id LIMIT $2" , filesTableName )
rows , err = s . db . Query ( sqlStatement , dirPath , limit )
} else {
sqlStatement :=
fmt . Sprintf ( "SELECT fid, directorypart, filepart FROM %s WHERE directorypart=$1 " +
"AND id > (SELECT id FROM %s WHERE directoryPart=$2 AND filepart=$3) ORDER BY id LIMIT $4" ,
filesTableName , filesTableName )
_ , lastFileNameName := filepath . Split ( lastFileName )
rows , err = s . db . Query ( sqlStatement , dirPath , dirPath , lastFileNameName , limit )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 0 ) . Infof ( "Postgres find files error: %s" , err )
if rows != nil {
defer rows . Close ( )
for rows . Next ( ) {
var fid filer . FileId
var directoryPart string
var filePart string
scanErr := rows . Scan ( & fid , & directoryPart , & filePart )
if scanErr != nil {
err = scanErr
files = append ( files , filer . FileEntry { Name : filepath . Join ( directoryPart , filePart ) , Id : fid } )
if len ( files ) >= limit {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "Postgres findFiles -- looking up files under '%s' and found %d files. Limit=%d, lastFileName=%s" ,
dirPath , len ( files ) , limit , lastFileName )
return files , err