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shell: volumeServer.evacuate adds option to skip non moveable volumes

Chris Lu 5 years ago
  1. 34


@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -32,6 +33,11 @@ func (c *commandVolumeServerEvacuate) Help() string {
Usually this is used to prepare to shutdown or upgrade the volume server.
Sometimes a volume can not be moved because there are no
good destination to meet the replication requirement.
E.g. a volume replication 001 in a cluster with 2 volume servers can not be moved.
You can use "-skipNonMoveable" to move the rest volumes.
@ -43,6 +49,7 @@ func (c *commandVolumeServerEvacuate) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv,
vsEvacuateCommand := flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError)
volumeServer := vsEvacuateCommand.String("node", "", "<host>:<port> of the volume server")
skipNonMoveable := vsEvacuateCommand.Bool("skipNonMoveable", false, "skip volumes that can not be moved")
applyChange := vsEvacuateCommand.Bool("force", false, "actually apply the changes")
if err = vsEvacuateCommand.Parse(args); err != nil {
return nil
@ -52,11 +59,11 @@ func (c *commandVolumeServerEvacuate) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv,
return fmt.Errorf("need to specify volume server by -node=<host>:<port>")
return volumeServerEvacuate(commandEnv, *volumeServer, *applyChange, writer)
return volumeServerEvacuate(commandEnv, *volumeServer, *skipNonMoveable, *applyChange, writer)
func volumeServerEvacuate(commandEnv *CommandEnv, volumeServer string, applyChange bool, writer io.Writer) (err error) {
func volumeServerEvacuate(commandEnv *CommandEnv, volumeServer string, skipNonMoveable, applyChange bool, writer io.Writer) (err error) {
// 1. confirm the volume server is part of the cluster
// 2. collect all other volume servers, sort by empty slots
// 3. move to any other volume server as long as it satisfy the replication requirements
@ -71,18 +78,18 @@ func volumeServerEvacuate(commandEnv *CommandEnv, volumeServer string, applyChan
return err
if err := evacuateNormalVolumes(commandEnv, resp, volumeServer, applyChange); err != nil {
if err := evacuateNormalVolumes(commandEnv, resp, volumeServer, skipNonMoveable, applyChange, writer); err != nil {
return err
if err := evacuateEcVolumes(commandEnv, resp, volumeServer, applyChange); err != nil {
if err := evacuateEcVolumes(commandEnv, resp, volumeServer, skipNonMoveable, applyChange, writer); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func evacuateNormalVolumes(commandEnv *CommandEnv, resp *master_pb.VolumeListResponse, volumeServer string, applyChange bool) error {
func evacuateNormalVolumes(commandEnv *CommandEnv, resp *master_pb.VolumeListResponse, volumeServer string, skipNonMoveable, applyChange bool, writer io.Writer) error {
// find this volume server
volumeServers := collectVolumeServersByDc(resp.TopologyInfo, "")
thisNode, otherNodes := nodesOtherThan(volumeServers, volumeServer)
@ -98,18 +105,23 @@ func evacuateNormalVolumes(commandEnv *CommandEnv, resp *master_pb.VolumeListRes
return fmt.Errorf("move away volume %d from %s: %v", vol.Id, volumeServer, err)
if !hasMoved {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to move volume %d from %s", vol.Id, volumeServer)
if skipNonMoveable {
replicaPlacement, _ := super_block.NewReplicaPlacementFromByte(byte(vol.ReplicaPlacement))
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "skipping non moveable volume %d replication:%s\n", vol.Id, replicaPlacement.String())
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to move volume %d from %s", vol.Id, volumeServer)
return nil
func evacuateEcVolumes(commandEnv *CommandEnv, resp *master_pb.VolumeListResponse, volumeServer string, applyChange bool) error {
func evacuateEcVolumes(commandEnv *CommandEnv, resp *master_pb.VolumeListResponse, volumeServer string, skipNonMoveable, applyChange bool, writer io.Writer) error {
// find this ec volume server
ecNodes, _ := collectEcVolumeServersByDc(resp.TopologyInfo, "")
thisNode, otherNodes := ecNodesOtherThan(ecNodes, volumeServer)
if thisNode == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not found in this cluster", volumeServer)
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not found in this cluster\n", volumeServer)
// move away ec volumes
@ -119,7 +131,11 @@ func evacuateEcVolumes(commandEnv *CommandEnv, resp *master_pb.VolumeListRespons
return fmt.Errorf("move away volume %d from %s: %v", ecShardInfo.Id, volumeServer, err)
if !hasMoved {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to move ec volume %d from %s", ecShardInfo.Id, volumeServer)
if skipNonMoveable {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "failed to move away ec volume %d from %s\n", ecShardInfo.Id, volumeServer)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to move away ec volume %d from %s", ecShardInfo.Id, volumeServer)
return nil
