8 changed files with 180 additions and 33 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ |
package seaweedfs.client; |
import org.slf4j.Logger; |
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; |
import java.io.IOException; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.List; |
import java.util.Map; |
public class FileChunkManifest { |
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileChunkManifest.class); |
private static final int mergeFactor = 3; |
public static boolean hasChunkManifest(List<FilerProto.FileChunk> chunks) { |
for (FilerProto.FileChunk chunk : chunks) { |
if (chunk.getIsChunkManifest()) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
public static List<FilerProto.FileChunk> resolveChunkManifest( |
final FilerGrpcClient filerGrpcClient, List<FilerProto.FileChunk> chunks) throws IOException { |
List<FilerProto.FileChunk> dataChunks = new ArrayList<>(); |
for (FilerProto.FileChunk chunk : chunks) { |
if (!chunk.getIsChunkManifest()) { |
dataChunks.add(chunk); |
continue; |
} |
// IsChunkManifest |
LOG.debug("fetching chunk manifest:{}", chunk); |
byte[] data = fetchChunk(filerGrpcClient, chunk); |
FilerProto.FileChunkManifest m = FilerProto.FileChunkManifest.newBuilder().mergeFrom(data).build(); |
List<FilerProto.FileChunk> resolvedChunks = new ArrayList<>(); |
for (FilerProto.FileChunk t : m.getChunksList()) { |
// avoid deprecated chunk.getFileId() |
resolvedChunks.add(t.toBuilder().setFileId(FilerClient.toFileId(t.getFid())).build()); |
} |
dataChunks.addAll(resolveChunkManifest(filerGrpcClient, resolvedChunks)); |
} |
return dataChunks; |
} |
private static byte[] fetchChunk(final FilerGrpcClient filerGrpcClient, FilerProto.FileChunk chunk) throws IOException { |
FilerProto.LookupVolumeRequest.Builder lookupRequest = FilerProto.LookupVolumeRequest.newBuilder(); |
String vid = "" + chunk.getFid().getVolumeId(); |
lookupRequest.addVolumeIds(vid); |
FilerProto.LookupVolumeResponse lookupResponse = filerGrpcClient |
.getBlockingStub().lookupVolume(lookupRequest.build()); |
Map<String, FilerProto.Locations> vid2Locations = lookupResponse.getLocationsMapMap(); |
FilerProto.Locations locations = vid2Locations.get(vid); |
SeaweedRead.ChunkView chunkView = new SeaweedRead.ChunkView( |
FilerClient.toFileId(chunk.getFid()), // avoid deprecated chunk.getFileId() |
0, |
-1, |
0, |
true, |
chunk.getCipherKey().toByteArray(), |
chunk.getIsCompressed()); |
byte[] chunkData = SeaweedRead.chunkCache.getChunk(chunkView.fileId); |
if (chunkData == null) { |
LOG.debug("doFetchFullChunkData:{}", chunkView); |
chunkData = SeaweedRead.doFetchFullChunkData(chunkView, locations); |
} |
LOG.debug("chunk {} size {}", chunkView.fileId, chunkData.length); |
SeaweedRead.chunkCache.setChunk(chunkView.fileId, chunkData); |
return chunkData; |
} |
public static List<FilerProto.FileChunk> maybeManifestize( |
final FilerGrpcClient filerGrpcClient, List<FilerProto.FileChunk> inputChunks) throws IOException { |
// the return variable |
List<FilerProto.FileChunk> chunks = new ArrayList<>(); |
List<FilerProto.FileChunk> dataChunks = new ArrayList<>(); |
for (FilerProto.FileChunk chunk : inputChunks) { |
if (!chunk.getIsChunkManifest()) { |
dataChunks.add(chunk); |
} else { |
chunks.add(chunk); |
} |
} |
int remaining = dataChunks.size(); |
for (int i = 0; i + mergeFactor < dataChunks.size(); i += mergeFactor) { |
FilerProto.FileChunk chunk = mergeIntoManifest(filerGrpcClient, dataChunks.subList(i, i + mergeFactor)); |
chunks.add(chunk); |
remaining -= mergeFactor; |
} |
// remaining |
for (int i = dataChunks.size() - remaining; i < dataChunks.size(); i++) { |
chunks.add(dataChunks.get(i)); |
} |
return chunks; |
} |
private static FilerProto.FileChunk mergeIntoManifest(final FilerGrpcClient filerGrpcClient, List<FilerProto.FileChunk> dataChunks) throws IOException { |
// create and serialize the manifest |
FilerProto.FileChunkManifest.Builder m = FilerProto.FileChunkManifest.newBuilder().addAllChunks(dataChunks); |
byte[] data = m.build().toByteArray(); |
long minOffset = Long.MAX_VALUE; |
long maxOffset = -1; |
for (FilerProto.FileChunk chunk : dataChunks) { |
minOffset = Math.min(minOffset, chunk.getOffset()); |
maxOffset = Math.max(maxOffset, chunk.getSize() + chunk.getOffset()); |
} |
FilerProto.FileChunk.Builder manifestChunk = SeaweedWrite.writeChunk( |
filerGrpcClient.getReplication(), |
filerGrpcClient, |
minOffset, |
data, 0, data.length); |
manifestChunk.setIsChunkManifest(true); |
manifestChunk.setSize(maxOffset - minOffset); |
return manifestChunk.build(); |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue