diff --git a/weed/storage/needle_byte_cache.go b/weed/storage/needle_byte_cache.go
index 930ead81d..ae35a48ba 100644
--- a/weed/storage/needle_byte_cache.go
+++ b/weed/storage/needle_byte_cache.go
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import (
-	"github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/glog"
 var (
@@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ In caching, the string~[]byte mapping is cached
 func init() {
 	bytesPool = util.NewBytesPool()
-	bytesCache, _ = lru.NewWithEvict(50, func(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
+	bytesCache, _ = lru.NewWithEvict(512, func(key interface{}, value interface{}) {
@@ -47,37 +46,22 @@ func (block *Block) increaseReference() {
 // get bytes from the LRU cache of []byte first, then from the bytes pool
 // when []byte in LRU cache is evicted, it will be put back to the bytes pool
 func getBytesForFileBlock(r *os.File, offset int64, readSize int) (dataSlice []byte, block *Block, err error) {
-	//Skip the cache if we are looking for a block that is too big to fit in the cache (defaulting to 10MB)
-	cacheable := readSize <= (1024*1024*10)
-	if !cacheable {
-		glog.V(4).Infoln("Block too big to keep in cache. Size:", readSize)
-	}
-	cacheKey := string("")
-	if cacheable {
 	// check cache, return if found
-		cacheKey = fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d:%d", r.Fd(), offset >> 3, readSize)
+	cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d:%d", r.Fd(), offset>>3, readSize)
 	if obj, found := bytesCache.Get(cacheKey); found {
-		glog.V(4).Infoln("Found block in cache. Size:", readSize)
 		block = obj.(*Block)
 		dataSlice = block.Bytes[0:readSize]
 		return dataSlice, block, nil
-		}
 	// get the []byte from pool
 	b := bytesPool.Get(readSize)
 	// refCount = 2, one by the bytesCache, one by the actual needle object
-	refCount := int32(1)
-	if cacheable {
-		refCount = 2
-	}
-	block = &Block{Bytes: b, refCount: refCount}
+	block = &Block{Bytes: b, refCount: 2}
 	dataSlice = block.Bytes[0:readSize]
 	_, err = r.ReadAt(dataSlice, offset)
-	if cacheable {
 	bytesCache.Add(cacheKey, block)
-	}
 	return dataSlice, block, err