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41 lines
880 B

  1. syntax = "proto3";
  2. package pb;
  3. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. service Seaweed {
  5. rpc SendHeartbeat(stream Heartbeat) returns (stream HeartbeatResponse) {}
  6. }
  7. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  8. message Heartbeat {
  9. bool is_init = 1;
  10. string ip = 2;
  11. uint32 port = 3;
  12. string public_url = 4;
  13. uint32 max_volume_count = 5;
  14. uint64 max_file_key = 6;
  15. string data_center = 7;
  16. string rack = 8;
  17. repeated VolumeInformationMessage volumes = 9;
  18. uint32 admin_port = 10;
  19. }
  20. message HeartbeatResponse {
  21. uint64 volumeSizeLimit = 1;
  22. string secretKey = 2;
  23. }
  24. message VolumeInformationMessage {
  25. uint32 id = 1;
  26. uint64 size = 2;
  27. string collection = 3;
  28. uint64 file_count = 4;
  29. uint64 delete_count = 5;
  30. uint64 deleted_byte_count = 6;
  31. bool read_only = 7;
  32. uint32 replica_placement = 8;
  33. uint32 version = 9;
  34. uint32 ttl = 10;
  35. }