package broker
import ( "context" "fmt" "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/glog" "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/mq/topic" "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/pb/mq_pb" "google.golang.org/grpc/peer" "math/rand" "net" "sync/atomic" "time" )
// PUB
// 1. gRPC API to configure a topic
// 1.1 create a topic with existing partition count
// 1.2 assign partitions to brokers
// 2. gRPC API to lookup topic partitions
// 3. gRPC API to publish by topic partitions
// SUB
// 1. gRPC API to lookup a topic partitions
// Re-balance topic partitions for publishing
// 1. collect stats from all the brokers
// 2. Rebalance and configure new generation of partitions on brokers
// 3. Tell brokers to close current gneration of publishing.
// Publishers needs to lookup again and publish to the new generation of partitions.
// Re-balance topic partitions for subscribing
// 1. collect stats from all the brokers
// Subscribers needs to listen for new partitions and connect to the brokers.
// Each subscription may not get data. It can act as a backup.
func (b *MessageQueueBroker) Publish(stream mq_pb.SeaweedMessaging_PublishServer) error { // 1. write to the volume server
// 2. find the topic metadata owning filer
// 3. write to the filer
var localTopicPartition *topic.LocalPartition req, err := stream.Recv() if err != nil { return err } response := &mq_pb.PublishResponse{} // TODO check whether current broker should be the leader for the topic partition
ackInterval := 1 initMessage := req.GetInit() if initMessage != nil { t, p := topic.FromPbTopic(initMessage.Topic), topic.FromPbPartition(initMessage.Partition) localTopicPartition = b.localTopicManager.GetTopicPartition(t, p) if localTopicPartition == nil { response.Error = fmt.Sprintf("topic %v partition %v not setup", initMessage.Topic, initMessage.Partition) glog.Errorf("topic %v partition %v not setup", initMessage.Topic, initMessage.Partition) return stream.Send(response) } ackInterval = int(initMessage.AckInterval) stream.Send(response) } else { response.Error = fmt.Sprintf("missing init message") glog.Errorf("missing init message") return stream.Send(response) }
clientName := fmt.Sprintf("%v-%4d/%s/%v", findClientAddress(stream.Context()), rand.Intn(10000), initMessage.Topic, initMessage.Partition) localTopicPartition.Publishers.AddPublisher(clientName, topic.NewLocalPublisher())
ackCounter := 0 var ackSequence int64 var isStopping int32 respChan := make(chan *mq_pb.PublishResponse, 128) defer func() { atomic.StoreInt32(&isStopping, 1) close(respChan) localTopicPartition.Publishers.RemovePublisher(clientName) }() go func() { ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second) for { select { case resp := <-respChan: if resp != nil { if err := stream.Send(resp); err != nil { glog.Errorf("Error sending response %v: %v", resp, err) } } else { return } case <-ticker.C: if atomic.LoadInt32(&isStopping) == 0 { response := &mq_pb.PublishResponse{ AckSequence: ackSequence, } respChan <- response } else { return } case <-localTopicPartition.StopPublishersCh: respChan <- &mq_pb.PublishResponse{ AckSequence: ackSequence, ShouldClose: true, } } } }()
// process each published messages
for { // receive a message
req, err := stream.Recv() if err != nil { return err }
// Process the received message
if dataMessage := req.GetData(); dataMessage != nil { localTopicPartition.Publish(dataMessage) }
ackCounter++ ackSequence++ if ackCounter >= ackInterval { ackCounter = 0 // send back the ack
response := &mq_pb.PublishResponse{ AckSequence: ackSequence, } respChan <- response } }
glog.V(0).Infof("topic %v partition %v publish stream closed.", initMessage.Topic, initMessage.Partition)
return nil }
// duplicated from master_grpc_server.go
func findClientAddress(ctx context.Context) string { // fmt.Printf("FromContext %+v\n", ctx)
pr, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx) if !ok { glog.Error("failed to get peer from ctx") return "" } if pr.Addr == net.Addr(nil) { glog.Error("failed to get peer address") return "" } return pr.Addr.String() }