package mount
import ( "github.com/hanwen/go-fuse/v2/fuse" "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/pb/filer_pb" "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/util" )
func (wfs *WFS) AcquireHandle(inode uint64, flags, uid, gid uint32) (fileHandle *FileHandle, status fuse.Status) { var entry *filer_pb.Entry var path util.FullPath path, _, entry, status = wfs.maybeReadEntry(inode) if status == fuse.OK { if wfs.wormEnabledForEntry(path, entry) && flags&fuse.O_ANYWRITE != 0 { return nil, fuse.EPERM } // need to AcquireFileHandle again to ensure correct handle counter
fileHandle = wfs.fhMap.AcquireFileHandle(wfs, inode, entry) } return }
func (wfs *WFS) ReleaseHandle(handleId FileHandleId) { wfs.fhMap.ReleaseByHandle(handleId) }
func (wfs *WFS) GetHandle(handleId FileHandleId) *FileHandle { return wfs.fhMap.GetFileHandle(handleId) }