package shell
import ( "bytes" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/filer" "io" "sort" "strings"
"github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/pb/filer_pb" "github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/pb/iam_pb" )
func init() { Commands = append(Commands, &commandS3Configure{}) }
type commandS3Configure struct { }
func (c *commandS3Configure) Name() string { return "s3.configure" }
func (c *commandS3Configure) Help() string { return `configure and apply s3 options for each bucket
# see the current configuration file content s3.configure ` }
func (c *commandS3Configure) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv, writer io.Writer) (err error) {
s3ConfigureCommand := flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError) actions := s3ConfigureCommand.String("actions", "", "comma separated actions names: Read,Write,List,Tagging,Admin") user := s3ConfigureCommand.String("user", "", "user name") buckets := s3ConfigureCommand.String("buckets", "", "bucket name") accessKey := s3ConfigureCommand.String("access_key", "", "specify the access key") secretKey := s3ConfigureCommand.String("secret_key", "", "specify the secret key") isDelete := s3ConfigureCommand.Bool("delete", false, "delete users, actions or access keys") apply := s3ConfigureCommand.Bool("apply", false, "update and apply s3 configuration") if err = s3ConfigureCommand.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil }
var buf bytes.Buffer if err = commandEnv.WithFilerClient(false, func(client filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient) error { return filer.ReadEntry(commandEnv.MasterClient, client, filer.IamConfigDirecotry, filer.IamIdentityFile, &buf) }); err != nil && err != filer_pb.ErrNotFound { return err }
s3cfg := &iam_pb.S3ApiConfiguration{} if buf.Len() > 0 { if err = filer.ParseS3ConfigurationFromBytes(buf.Bytes(), s3cfg); err != nil { return err } }
idx := 0 changed := false if *user != "" { for i, identity := range s3cfg.Identities { if *user == identity.Name { idx = i changed = true break } } } var cmdActions []string for _, action := range strings.Split(*actions, ",") { if *buckets == "" { cmdActions = append(cmdActions, action) } else { for _, bucket := range strings.Split(*buckets, ",") { cmdActions = append(cmdActions, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", action, bucket)) } } } if changed { infoAboutSimulationMode(writer, *apply, "-apply") if *isDelete { var exists []int for _, cmdAction := range cmdActions { for i, currentAction := range s3cfg.Identities[idx].Actions { if cmdAction == currentAction { exists = append(exists, i) } } } sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.IntSlice(exists))) for _, i := range exists { s3cfg.Identities[idx].Actions = append( s3cfg.Identities[idx].Actions[:i], s3cfg.Identities[idx].Actions[i+1:]..., ) } if *accessKey != "" { exists = []int{} for i, credential := range s3cfg.Identities[idx].Credentials { if credential.AccessKey == *accessKey { exists = append(exists, i) } } sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(sort.IntSlice(exists))) for _, i := range exists { s3cfg.Identities[idx].Credentials = append( s3cfg.Identities[idx].Credentials[:i], s3cfg.Identities[idx].Credentials[:i+1]..., ) }
} if *actions == "" && *accessKey == "" && *buckets == "" { s3cfg.Identities = append(s3cfg.Identities[:idx], s3cfg.Identities[idx+1:]...) } } else { if *actions != "" { for _, cmdAction := range cmdActions { found := false for _, action := range s3cfg.Identities[idx].Actions { if cmdAction == action { found = true break } } if !found { s3cfg.Identities[idx].Actions = append(s3cfg.Identities[idx].Actions, cmdAction) } } } if *accessKey != "" && *user != "anonymous" { found := false for _, credential := range s3cfg.Identities[idx].Credentials { if credential.AccessKey == *accessKey { found = true credential.SecretKey = *secretKey break } } if !found { s3cfg.Identities[idx].Credentials = append(s3cfg.Identities[idx].Credentials, &iam_pb.Credential{ AccessKey: *accessKey, SecretKey: *secretKey, }) } } } } else if *user != "" && *actions != "" { infoAboutSimulationMode(writer, *apply, "-apply") identity := iam_pb.Identity{ Name: *user, Actions: cmdActions, Credentials: []*iam_pb.Credential{}, } if *user != "anonymous" { identity.Credentials = append(identity.Credentials, &iam_pb.Credential{AccessKey: *accessKey, SecretKey: *secretKey}) } s3cfg.Identities = append(s3cfg.Identities, &identity) }
accessKeySet := make(map[string]string) for _, ident := range s3cfg.Identities { for _, cred := range ident.Credentials { if userName, found := accessKeySet[cred.AccessKey]; !found { accessKeySet[cred.AccessKey] = ident.Name } else { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("duplicate accessKey: %s, already configured in user[%s]", cred.AccessKey, userName)) } } }
buf.Reset() filer.ProtoToText(&buf, s3cfg)
fmt.Fprintf(writer, string(buf.Bytes())) fmt.Fprintln(writer)
if *apply {
if err := commandEnv.WithFilerClient(false, func(client filer_pb.SeaweedFilerClient) error { return filer.SaveInsideFiler(client, filer.IamConfigDirecotry, filer.IamIdentityFile, buf.Bytes()) }); err != nil { return err }
return nil }