package redis2
import ( "context" "fmt" "time"
"github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/filer" "github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/glog" "github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/pb/filer_pb" "github.com/chrislusf/seaweedfs/weed/util" )
const ( DIR_LIST_MARKER = "\x00" )
type UniversalRedis2Store struct { Client redis.UniversalClient superLargeDirectoryHash map[string]string }
func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) isSuperLargeDirectory(dir string) (dirHash string, isSuperLargeDirectory bool) { dirHash, isSuperLargeDirectory = store.superLargeDirectoryHash[dir] return }
func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) loadSuperLargeDirectories(superLargeDirectories []string) { // set directory hash
store.superLargeDirectoryHash = make(map[string]string) existingHash := make(map[string]string) for _, dir := range superLargeDirectories { // adding dir hash to avoid duplicated names
dirHash := util.Md5String([]byte(dir))[:4] store.superLargeDirectoryHash[dir] = dirHash if existingDir, found := existingHash[dirHash]; found { glog.Fatalf("directory %s has the same hash as %s", dir, existingDir) } existingHash[dirHash] = dir } }
func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) BeginTransaction(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, error) { return ctx, nil } func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) CommitTransaction(ctx context.Context) error { return nil } func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) RollbackTransaction(ctx context.Context) error { return nil }
func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) InsertEntry(ctx context.Context, entry *filer.Entry) (err error) {
value, err := entry.EncodeAttributesAndChunks() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("encoding %s %+v: %v", entry.FullPath, entry.Attr, err) }
if len(entry.Chunks) > 50 { value = util.MaybeGzipData(value) }
if err = store.Client.Set(string(entry.FullPath), value, time.Duration(entry.TtlSec)*time.Second).Err(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("persisting %s : %v", entry.FullPath, err) }
dir, name := entry.FullPath.DirAndName() if _, found := store.isSuperLargeDirectory(dir); found { return nil }
if name != "" { if err = store.Client.ZAddNX(genDirectoryListKey(dir), redis.Z{Score: 0, Member: name}).Err(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("persisting %s in parent dir: %v", entry.FullPath, err) } }
return nil }
func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) UpdateEntry(ctx context.Context, entry *filer.Entry) (err error) {
return store.InsertEntry(ctx, entry) }
func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) FindEntry(ctx context.Context, fullpath util.FullPath) (entry *filer.Entry, err error) {
data, err := store.Client.Get(string(fullpath)).Result() if err == redis.Nil { return nil, filer_pb.ErrNotFound }
if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("get %s : %v", fullpath, err) }
entry = &filer.Entry{ FullPath: fullpath, } err = entry.DecodeAttributesAndChunks(util.MaybeDecompressData([]byte(data))) if err != nil { return entry, fmt.Errorf("decode %s : %v", entry.FullPath, err) }
return entry, nil }
func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) DeleteEntry(ctx context.Context, fullpath util.FullPath) (err error) {
_, err = store.Client.Del(genDirectoryListKey(string(fullpath))).Result() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("delete dir list %s : %v", fullpath, err) }
_, err = store.Client.Del(string(fullpath)).Result() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("delete %s : %v", fullpath, err) }
dir, name := fullpath.DirAndName() if _, found := store.isSuperLargeDirectory(dir); found { return nil } if name != "" { _, err = store.Client.ZRem(genDirectoryListKey(dir), name).Result() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("DeleteEntry %s in parent dir: %v", fullpath, err) } }
return nil }
func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) DeleteFolderChildren(ctx context.Context, fullpath util.FullPath) (err error) {
if _, found := store.isSuperLargeDirectory(string(fullpath)); found { return nil }
members, err := store.Client.ZRange(genDirectoryListKey(string(fullpath)), 0, -1).Result() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("DeleteFolderChildren %s : %v", fullpath, err) }
for _, fileName := range members { path := util.NewFullPath(string(fullpath), fileName) _, err = store.Client.Del(string(path)).Result() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("DeleteFolderChildren %s in parent dir: %v", fullpath, err) } }
return nil }
func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) ListDirectoryPrefixedEntries(ctx context.Context, fullpath util.FullPath, startFileName string, inclusive bool, limit int, prefix string) (entries []*filer.Entry, err error) { return nil, filer.ErrUnsupportedListDirectoryPrefixed }
func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) ListDirectoryEntries(ctx context.Context, fullpath util.FullPath, startFileName string, inclusive bool, limit int) (entries []*filer.Entry, err error) {
dirListKey := genDirectoryListKey(string(fullpath)) start := int64(0) if startFileName != "" { start, _ = store.Client.ZRank(dirListKey, startFileName).Result() if !inclusive { start++ } } members, err := store.Client.ZRange(dirListKey, start, start+int64(limit)-1).Result() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("list %s : %v", fullpath, err) }
// fetch entry meta
for _, fileName := range members { path := util.NewFullPath(string(fullpath), fileName) entry, err := store.FindEntry(ctx, path) if err != nil { glog.V(0).Infof("list %s : %v", path, err) } else { if entry.TtlSec > 0 { if entry.Attr.Crtime.Add(time.Duration(entry.TtlSec) * time.Second).Before(time.Now()) { store.Client.Del(string(path)).Result() store.Client.ZRem(dirListKey, fileName).Result() continue } } entries = append(entries, entry) } }
return entries, err }
func genDirectoryListKey(dir string) (dirList string) { return dir + DIR_LIST_MARKER }
func (store *UniversalRedis2Store) Shutdown() { store.Client.Close() }