package weed_server
import ( "code.google.com/p/weed-fs/go/operation" "code.google.com/p/weed-fs/go/stats" "code.google.com/p/weed-fs/go/storage" "net/http" "strconv" "strings" )
func (ms *MasterServer) lookupVolumeId(vids []string, collection string) (volumeLocations map[string]operation.LookupResult) { volumeLocations = make(map[string]operation.LookupResult) for _, vid := range vids { commaSep := strings.Index(vid, ",") if commaSep > 0 { vid = vid[0:commaSep] } if _, ok := volumeLocations[vid]; ok { continue } volumeId, err := storage.NewVolumeId(vid) if err == nil { machines := ms.Topo.Lookup(collection, volumeId) if machines != nil { var ret []operation.Location for _, dn := range machines { ret = append(ret, operation.Location{Url: dn.Url(), PublicUrl: dn.PublicUrl}) } volumeLocations[vid] = operation.LookupResult{VolumeId: vid, Locations: ret} } else { volumeLocations[vid] = operation.LookupResult{VolumeId: vid, Error: "volumeId not found."} } } else { volumeLocations[vid] = operation.LookupResult{VolumeId: vid, Error: "Unknown volumeId format."} } } return }
// Takes one volumeId only, can not do batch lookup
func (ms *MasterServer) dirLookupHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { vid := r.FormValue("volumeId") commaSep := strings.Index(vid, ",") if commaSep > 0 { vid = vid[0:commaSep] } vids := []string{vid} collection := r.FormValue("collection") //optional, but can be faster if too many collections
volumeLocations := ms.lookupVolumeId(vids, collection) location := volumeLocations[vid] if location.Error != "" { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) } writeJsonQuiet(w, r, location) }
// This can take batched volumeIds, &volumeId=x&volumeId=y&volumeId=z
func (ms *MasterServer) volumeLookupHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { r.ParseForm() vids := r.Form["volumeId"] collection := r.FormValue("collection") //optional, but can be faster if too many collections
volumeLocations := ms.lookupVolumeId(vids, collection) var ret []operation.LookupResult for _, volumeLocation := range volumeLocations { ret = append(ret, volumeLocation) } writeJsonQuiet(w, r, ret) }
func (ms *MasterServer) dirAssignHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { stats.AssignRequest() requestedCount, e := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("count")) if e != nil { requestedCount = 1 }
option, err := ms.getVolumeGrowOption(r) if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotAcceptable) writeJsonQuiet(w, r, map[string]string{"error": err.Error()}) return }
if !ms.Topo.HasWriableVolume(option) { if ms.Topo.FreeSpace() <= 0 { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) writeJsonQuiet(w, r, map[string]string{"error": "No free volumes left!"}) return } else { ms.vgLock.Lock() defer ms.vgLock.Unlock() if !ms.Topo.HasWriableVolume(option) { if _, err = ms.vg.AutomaticGrowByType(option, ms.Topo); err != nil { writeJsonQuiet(w, r, map[string]string{"error": "Cannot grow volume group! " + err.Error()}) return } } } } fid, count, dn, err := ms.Topo.PickForWrite(requestedCount, option) if err == nil { writeJsonQuiet(w, r, map[string]interface{}{"fid": fid, "url": dn.Url(), "publicUrl": dn.PublicUrl, "count": count}) } else { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotAcceptable) writeJsonQuiet(w, r, map[string]string{"error": err.Error()}) } }