package command
import ( "io/ioutil" "path/filepath" )
func init() { cmdScaffold.Run = runScaffold // break init cycle
var cmdScaffold = &Command{ UsageLine: "scaffold [filer]", Short: "generate basic configuration files", Long: `Generate filer.toml with all possible configurations for you to customize.
`, }
var ( outputPath = cmdScaffold.Flag.String("output", "", "if not empty, save the configuration file to this directory") config = cmdScaffold.Flag.String("config", "filer", "[filer|replication] the configuration file to generate") )
func runScaffold(cmd *Command, args []string) bool {
content := "" switch *config { case "filer": content = FILER_TOML_EXAMPLE case "replication": content = REPLICATION_TOML_EXAMPLE } if content == "" { println("need a valid -config option") return false }
if *outputPath != "" { ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(*outputPath, *config+".toml"), []byte(content), 0x755) } else { println(content) } return true }
const ( FILER_TOML_EXAMPLE = ` # A sample TOML config file for SeaweedFS filer store # Used with "weed filer" or "weed server -filer" # Put this file to one of the location, with descending priority # ./filer.toml # $HOME/.seaweedfs/filer.toml # /etc/seaweedfs/filer.toml
[memory] # local in memory, mostly for testing purpose enabled = false
[leveldb] # local on disk, mostly for simple single-machine setup, fairly scalable enabled = false dir = "." # directory to store level db files
#################################################### # multiple filers on shared storage, fairly scalable ####################################################
[mysql] # CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS filemeta ( # dirhash BIGINT COMMENT 'first 64 bits of MD5 hash value of directory field', # name VARCHAR(1000) COMMENT 'directory or file name', # directory VARCHAR(4096) COMMENT 'full path to parent directory', # meta BLOB, # PRIMARY KEY (dirhash, name) # ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; enabled = true hostname = "localhost" port = 3306 username = "root" password = "" database = "" # create or use an existing database connection_max_idle = 2 connection_max_open = 100
[postgres] # CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS filemeta ( # dirhash BIGINT, # name VARCHAR(1000), # directory VARCHAR(4096), # meta bytea, # PRIMARY KEY (dirhash, name) # ); enabled = false hostname = "localhost" port = 5432 username = "postgres" password = "" database = "" # create or use an existing database sslmode = "disable" connection_max_idle = 100 connection_max_open = 100
[cassandra] # CREATE TABLE filemeta ( # directory varchar, # name varchar, # meta blob, # PRIMARY KEY (directory, name) # ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (name ASC); enabled = false keyspace="seaweedfs" hosts=[ "localhost:9042", ]
[redis] enabled = true address = "localhost:6379" password = "" db = 0
[redis_cluster] enabled = false addresses = [ "localhost:30001", "localhost:30002", "localhost:30003", "localhost:30004", "localhost:30005", "localhost:30006", ]
#################################################### # notification # sends filer updates for each file to an external message queue #################################################### [notification.log] enabled = true
[notification.kafka] enabled = false hosts = [ "localhost:9092" ] topic = "seaweedfs_filer"
` REPLICATION_TOML_EXAMPLE = ` # A sample TOML config file for replicating SeaweedFS filer # Used with "weed filer.replicate" # Put this file to one of the location, with descending priority # ./replication.toml # $HOME/.seaweedfs/replication.toml # /etc/seaweedfs/replication.toml
[source.filer] enabled = true grpcAddress = "localhost:18888" directory = "/buckets" # all files under this directory tree are replicated
[notification.kafka] enabled = true hosts = [ "localhost:9092" ] topic = "seaweedfs_filer1_to_filer2"
[sink.filer] enabled = true grpcAddress = "localhost:18888" directory = "/backup" # all replicated files are under this directory tree replication = "" collection = "" ttlSec = 0
` )