database: https://github.com/arangodb/arangodb go driver: https://github.com/arangodb/go-driver
``` [arangodb] enabled=true db_name="seaweedfs" servers=["http://localhost:8529"] #basic auth
user="root" pass="test"
# tls settings
insecure_skip_verify=true ```
i test using this dev database: `docker run -p 8529:8529 -e ARANGO_ROOT_PASSWORD=test arangodb/arangodb:3.9.0`
## features i don't personally need but are missing
[ ] provide tls cert to arango [ ] authentication that is not basic auth [ ] synchronise endpoint interval config [ ] automatic creation of custom index [ ] configure default arangodb collection sharding rules [ ] configure default arangodb collection replication rules
## complexity
ok, so if https://www.arangodb.com/docs/stable/indexing-index-basics.html#persistent-index is correct
O(1) - InsertEntry - UpdateEntry - FindEntry - DeleteEntry - KvPut - KvGet - KvDelete
O(log(BUCKET_SIZE)) - DeleteFolderChildren
O(log(DIRECTORY_SIZE)) - ListDirectoryEntries - ListDirectoryPrefixedEntries