package shell
import ( "flag" "fmt" "io" )
func init() { Commands = append(Commands, &commandEcBalance{}) }
type commandEcBalance struct { }
func (c *commandEcBalance) Name() string { return "ec.balance" }
// TODO: Update help string and move to command_ec_common.go once shard replica placement logic is enabled.
func (c *commandEcBalance) Help() string { return `balance all ec shards among all racks and volume servers
ec.balance [-c EACH_COLLECTION|<collection_name>] [-force] [-dataCenter <data_center>] [-shardReplicaPlacement <replica_placement>]
func EcBalance() { for each collection: balanceEcVolumes(collectionName) for each rack: balanceEcRack(rack) }
func balanceEcVolumes(collectionName){ for each volume: doDeduplicateEcShards(volumeId)
tracks rack~shardCount mapping for each volume: doBalanceEcShardsAcrossRacks(volumeId)
for each volume: doBalanceEcShardsWithinRacks(volumeId) }
// spread ec shards into more racks
func doBalanceEcShardsAcrossRacks(volumeId){ tracks rack~volumeIdShardCount mapping averageShardsPerEcRack = totalShardNumber / numRacks // totalShardNumber is 14 for now, later could varies for each dc
ecShardsToMove = select overflown ec shards from racks with ec shard counts > averageShardsPerEcRack for each ecShardsToMove { destRack = pickOneRack(rack~shardCount, rack~volumeIdShardCount, ecShardReplicaPlacement) destVolumeServers = volume servers on the destRack pickOneEcNodeAndMoveOneShard(destVolumeServers) } }
func doBalanceEcShardsWithinRacks(volumeId){ racks = collect all racks that the volume id is on for rack, shards := range racks doBalanceEcShardsWithinOneRack(volumeId, shards, rack) }
// move ec shards
func doBalanceEcShardsWithinOneRack(volumeId, shards, rackId){ tracks volumeServer~volumeIdShardCount mapping averageShardCount = len(shards) / numVolumeServers volumeServersOverAverage = volume servers with volumeId's ec shard counts > averageShardsPerEcRack ecShardsToMove = select overflown ec shards from volumeServersOverAverage for each ecShardsToMove { destVolumeServer = pickOneVolumeServer(volumeServer~shardCount, volumeServer~volumeIdShardCount, ecShardReplicaPlacement) pickOneEcNodeAndMoveOneShard(destVolumeServers) } }
// move ec shards while keeping shard distribution for the same volume unchanged or more even
func balanceEcRack(rack){ averageShardCount = total shards / numVolumeServers for hasMovedOneEcShard { sort all volume servers ordered by the number of local ec shards pick the volume server A with the lowest number of ec shards x pick the volume server B with the highest number of ec shards y if y > averageShardCount and x +1 <= averageShardCount { if B has a ec shard with volume id v that A does not have { move one ec shard v from B to A hasMovedOneEcShard = true } } } }
` }
func (c *commandEcBalance) HasTag(CommandTag) bool { return false }
func (c *commandEcBalance) Do(args []string, commandEnv *CommandEnv, writer io.Writer) (err error) { balanceCommand := flag.NewFlagSet(c.Name(), flag.ContinueOnError) collection := balanceCommand.String("collection", "EACH_COLLECTION", "collection name, or \"EACH_COLLECTION\" for each collection") dc := balanceCommand.String("dataCenter", "", "only apply the balancing for this dataCenter") shardReplicaPlacement := balanceCommand.String("shardReplicaPlacement", "", "replica placement for EC shards, or master default if empty") applyBalancing := balanceCommand.Bool("force", false, "apply the balancing plan") if err = balanceCommand.Parse(args); err != nil { return nil } infoAboutSimulationMode(writer, *applyBalancing, "-force")
if err = commandEnv.confirmIsLocked(args); err != nil { return }
var collections []string if *collection == "EACH_COLLECTION" { collections, err = ListCollectionNames(commandEnv, false, true) if err != nil { return err } } else { collections = append(collections, *collection) } fmt.Printf("balanceEcVolumes collections %+v\n", len(collections))
rp, err := parseReplicaPlacementArg(commandEnv, *shardReplicaPlacement) if err != nil { return err }
return EcBalance(commandEnv, collections, *dc, rp, *applyBalancing) }