package s3acl
import ( "encoding/json" "encoding/xml" "fmt" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/private/protocol/xml/xmlutil" "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/s3" "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/filer" "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/glog" "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/pb/filer_pb" "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/s3api/s3_constants" "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/s3api/s3err" util_http "github.com/seaweedfs/seaweedfs/weed/util/http" "net/http" "strings" )
var customAclHeaders = []string{s3_constants.AmzAclFullControl, s3_constants.AmzAclRead, s3_constants.AmzAclReadAcp, s3_constants.AmzAclWrite, s3_constants.AmzAclWriteAcp}
type AccountManager interface { GetAccountNameById(canonicalId string) string GetAccountIdByEmail(email string) string }
// GetAccountId get AccountId from request headers, AccountAnonymousId will be return if not presen
func GetAccountId(r *http.Request) string { id := r.Header.Get(s3_constants.AmzAccountId) if len(id) == 0 { return s3_constants.AccountAnonymousId } else { return id } }
// ValidateAccount validate weather request account id is allowed to access
func ValidateAccount(requestAccountId string, allowedAccounts ...string) bool { for _, allowedAccount := range allowedAccounts { if requestAccountId == allowedAccount { return true } } return false }
// ExtractBucketAcl extracts the acl from the request body, or from the header if request body is empty
func ExtractBucketAcl(r *http.Request, accountManager AccountManager, objectOwnership, bucketOwnerId, requestAccountId string, createBucket bool) (grants []*s3.Grant, errCode s3err.ErrorCode) { cannedAclPresent := false if r.Header.Get(s3_constants.AmzCannedAcl) != "" { cannedAclPresent = true } customAclPresent := false for _, customAclHeader := range customAclHeaders { if r.Header.Get(customAclHeader) != "" { customAclPresent = true break } }
// AccessControlList body is not support when create object/bucket
if !createBucket && r.Body != nil && r.Body != http.NoBody { defer util_http.CloseRequest(r) if cannedAclPresent || customAclPresent { return nil, s3err.ErrUnexpectedContent } var acp s3.AccessControlPolicy err := xmlutil.UnmarshalXML(&acp, xml.NewDecoder(r.Body), "") if err != nil || acp.Owner == nil || acp.Owner.ID == nil { return nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest }
//owner should present && owner is immutable
if *acp.Owner.ID == "" || *acp.Owner.ID != bucketOwnerId { glog.V(3).Infof("set acl denied! owner account is not consistent, request account id: %s, expect account id: %s", *acp.Owner.ID, bucketOwnerId) return nil, s3err.ErrAccessDenied } grants = acp.Grants } else { if cannedAclPresent && customAclPresent { return nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest } if cannedAclPresent { grants, errCode = ExtractBucketCannedAcl(r, requestAccountId) } else if customAclPresent { grants, errCode = ExtractCustomAcl(r) } if errCode != s3err.ErrNone { return nil, errCode } } errCode = ValidateObjectOwnershipAndGrants(objectOwnership, bucketOwnerId, grants) if errCode != s3err.ErrNone { return nil, errCode } grants, errCode = ValidateAndTransferGrants(accountManager, grants) if errCode != s3err.ErrNone { return nil, errCode } return grants, s3err.ErrNone }
// ExtractObjectAcl extracts the acl from the request body, or from the header if request body is empty
func ExtractObjectAcl(r *http.Request, accountManager AccountManager, objectOwnership, bucketOwnerId, requestAccountId string, createObject bool) (ownerId string, grants []*s3.Grant, errCode s3err.ErrorCode) { cannedAclPresent := false if r.Header.Get(s3_constants.AmzCannedAcl) != "" { cannedAclPresent = true } customAclPresent := false for _, customAclHeader := range customAclHeaders { if r.Header.Get(customAclHeader) != "" { customAclPresent = true break } }
// AccessControlList body is not support when create object/bucket
if !createObject && r.Body != nil && r.Body != http.NoBody { defer util_http.CloseRequest(r) if cannedAclPresent || customAclPresent { return "", nil, s3err.ErrUnexpectedContent } var acp s3.AccessControlPolicy err := xmlutil.UnmarshalXML(&acp, xml.NewDecoder(r.Body), "") if err != nil || acp.Owner == nil || acp.Owner.ID == nil { return "", nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest }
//owner should present && owner is immutable
if *acp.Owner.ID == "" { glog.V(1).Infof("Access denied! The owner id is required when specifying grants using AccessControlList") return "", nil, s3err.ErrAccessDenied } ownerId = *acp.Owner.ID grants = acp.Grants } else { if cannedAclPresent && customAclPresent { return "", nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest } if cannedAclPresent { ownerId, grants, errCode = ExtractObjectCannedAcl(r, objectOwnership, bucketOwnerId, requestAccountId, createObject) } else { grants, errCode = ExtractCustomAcl(r) } if errCode != s3err.ErrNone { return "", nil, errCode } } errCode = ValidateObjectOwnershipAndGrants(objectOwnership, bucketOwnerId, grants) if errCode != s3err.ErrNone { return "", nil, errCode } grants, errCode = ValidateAndTransferGrants(accountManager, grants) return ownerId, grants, errCode }
func ExtractCustomAcl(r *http.Request) ([]*s3.Grant, s3err.ErrorCode) { var errCode s3err.ErrorCode var grants []*s3.Grant for _, customAclHeader := range customAclHeaders { headerValue := r.Header.Get(customAclHeader) switch customAclHeader { case s3_constants.AmzAclRead: errCode = ParseCustomAclHeader(headerValue, s3_constants.PermissionRead, &grants) case s3_constants.AmzAclWrite: errCode = ParseCustomAclHeader(headerValue, s3_constants.PermissionWrite, &grants) case s3_constants.AmzAclReadAcp: errCode = ParseCustomAclHeader(headerValue, s3_constants.PermissionReadAcp, &grants) case s3_constants.AmzAclWriteAcp: errCode = ParseCustomAclHeader(headerValue, s3_constants.PermissionWriteAcp, &grants) case s3_constants.AmzAclFullControl: errCode = ParseCustomAclHeader(headerValue, s3_constants.PermissionFullControl, &grants) default: errCode = s3err.ErrInvalidAclArgument } if errCode != s3err.ErrNone { return nil, errCode } } return grants, s3err.ErrNone }
func ParseCustomAclHeader(headerValue, permission string, grants *[]*s3.Grant) s3err.ErrorCode { if len(headerValue) > 0 { split := strings.Split(headerValue, ",") for _, grantStr := range split { kv := strings.Split(grantStr, "=") if len(kv) != 2 { return s3err.ErrInvalidRequest }
switch strings.TrimSpace(kv[0]) { case "id": accountId := decodeGranteeValue(kv[1]) *grants = append(*grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, ID: &accountId, }, Permission: &permission, }) case "emailAddress": emailAddress := decodeGranteeValue(kv[1]) *grants = append(*grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeAmazonCustomerByEmail, EmailAddress: &emailAddress, }, Permission: &permission, }) case "uri": var groupName string groupName = decodeGranteeValue(kv[1]) *grants = append(*grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeGroup, URI: &groupName, }, Permission: &permission, }) } } } return s3err.ErrNone }
func decodeGranteeValue(value string) (result string) { if !strings.HasPrefix(value, "\"") { return value } _ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(value), &result) if result == "" { result = value } return result }
// ExtractBucketCannedAcl parse bucket canned acl, includes: 'private'|'public-read'|'public-read-write'|'authenticated-read'
func ExtractBucketCannedAcl(request *http.Request, requestAccountId string) (grants []*s3.Grant, err s3err.ErrorCode) { cannedAcl := request.Header.Get(s3_constants.AmzCannedAcl) if cannedAcl == "" { return grants, s3err.ErrNone } err = s3err.ErrNone objectWriterFullControl := &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ ID: &requestAccountId, Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, }, Permission: &s3_constants.PermissionFullControl, } switch cannedAcl { case s3_constants.CannedAclPrivate: grants = append(grants, objectWriterFullControl) case s3_constants.CannedAclPublicRead: grants = append(grants, objectWriterFullControl) grants = append(grants, s3_constants.PublicRead...) case s3_constants.CannedAclPublicReadWrite: grants = append(grants, objectWriterFullControl) grants = append(grants, s3_constants.PublicReadWrite...) case s3_constants.CannedAclAuthenticatedRead: grants = append(grants, objectWriterFullControl) grants = append(grants, s3_constants.AuthenticatedRead...) default: err = s3err.ErrInvalidAclArgument } return }
// ExtractObjectCannedAcl parse object canned acl, includes: 'private'|'public-read'|'public-read-write'|'authenticated-read'|'aws-exec-read'|'bucket-owner-read'|'bucket-owner-full-control'
func ExtractObjectCannedAcl(request *http.Request, objectOwnership, bucketOwnerId, requestAccountId string, createObject bool) (ownerId string, grants []*s3.Grant, errCode s3err.ErrorCode) { if createObject { ownerId = requestAccountId }
cannedAcl := request.Header.Get(s3_constants.AmzCannedAcl) if cannedAcl == "" { return ownerId, grants, s3err.ErrNone }
errCode = s3err.ErrNone objectWriterFullControl := &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ ID: &requestAccountId, Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, }, Permission: &s3_constants.PermissionFullControl, }
switch cannedAcl { case s3_constants.CannedAclPrivate: grants = append(grants, objectWriterFullControl) case s3_constants.CannedAclPublicRead: grants = append(grants, objectWriterFullControl) grants = append(grants, s3_constants.PublicRead...) case s3_constants.CannedAclPublicReadWrite: grants = append(grants, objectWriterFullControl) grants = append(grants, s3_constants.PublicReadWrite...) case s3_constants.CannedAclAuthenticatedRead: grants = append(grants, objectWriterFullControl) grants = append(grants, s3_constants.AuthenticatedRead...) case s3_constants.CannedAclLogDeliveryWrite: grants = append(grants, objectWriterFullControl) grants = append(grants, s3_constants.LogDeliveryWrite...) case s3_constants.CannedAclBucketOwnerRead: grants = append(grants, objectWriterFullControl) if requestAccountId != bucketOwnerId { grants = append(grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, ID: &bucketOwnerId, }, Permission: &s3_constants.PermissionRead, }) } case s3_constants.CannedAclBucketOwnerFullControl: if bucketOwnerId != "" { // if set ownership to 'BucketOwnerPreferred' when upload object, the bucket owner will be the object owner
if createObject && objectOwnership == s3_constants.OwnershipBucketOwnerPreferred { ownerId = bucketOwnerId grants = append(grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, ID: &bucketOwnerId, }, Permission: &s3_constants.PermissionFullControl, }) } else { grants = append(grants, objectWriterFullControl) if requestAccountId != bucketOwnerId { grants = append(grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, ID: &bucketOwnerId, }, Permission: &s3_constants.PermissionFullControl, }) } } } case s3_constants.CannedAclAwsExecRead: errCode = s3err.ErrNotImplemented default: errCode = s3err.ErrInvalidAclArgument } return }
// ValidateAndTransferGrants validate grant & transfer Email-Grant to Id-Grant
func ValidateAndTransferGrants(accountManager AccountManager, grants []*s3.Grant) ([]*s3.Grant, s3err.ErrorCode) { var result []*s3.Grant for _, grant := range grants { grantee := grant.Grantee if grantee == nil || grantee.Type == nil { glog.Warning("invalid grantee! grantee or granteeType is nil") return nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest }
switch *grantee.Type { case s3_constants.GrantTypeGroup: if grantee.URI == nil { glog.Warning("invalid group grantee! group URI is nil") return nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest } ok := s3_constants.ValidateGroup(*grantee.URI) if !ok { glog.Warningf("invalid group grantee! group name[%s] is not valid", *grantee.URI) return nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest } result = append(result, grant) case s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser: if grantee.ID == nil { glog.Warning("invalid canonical grantee! account id is nil") return nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest } name := accountManager.GetAccountNameById(*grantee.ID) if len(name) == 0 { glog.Warningf("invalid canonical grantee! account id[%s] is not exists", *grantee.ID) return nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest } result = append(result, grant) case s3_constants.GrantTypeAmazonCustomerByEmail: if grantee.EmailAddress == nil { glog.Warning("invalid email grantee! email address is nil") return nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest } accountId := accountManager.GetAccountIdByEmail(*grantee.EmailAddress) if len(accountId) == 0 { glog.Warningf("invalid email grantee! email address[%s] is not exists", *grantee.EmailAddress) return nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest } result = append(result, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, ID: &accountId, }, Permission: grant.Permission, }) default: return nil, s3err.ErrInvalidRequest } } return result, s3err.ErrNone }
// ValidateObjectOwnershipAndGrants validate if grants equals OwnerFullControl when 'ObjectOwnership' is 'BucketOwnerEnforced'
func ValidateObjectOwnershipAndGrants(objectOwnership, bucketOwnerId string, grants []*s3.Grant) s3err.ErrorCode { if len(grants) == 0 { return s3err.ErrNone } if objectOwnership == "" { objectOwnership = s3_constants.DefaultObjectOwnership } if objectOwnership != s3_constants.OwnershipBucketOwnerEnforced { return s3err.ErrNone } if len(grants) > 1 { return s3err.AccessControlListNotSupported }
bucketOwnerFullControlGrant := &s3.Grant{ Permission: &s3_constants.PermissionFullControl, Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, ID: &bucketOwnerId, }, } if GrantEquals(bucketOwnerFullControlGrant, grants[0]) { return s3err.ErrNone } return s3err.AccessControlListNotSupported }
// DetermineRequiredGrants generates the grant set (Grants) according to accountId and reqPermission.
func DetermineRequiredGrants(accountId, permission string) (grants []*s3.Grant) { // group grantee (AllUsers)
grants = append(grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeGroup, URI: &s3_constants.GranteeGroupAllUsers, }, Permission: &permission, }) grants = append(grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeGroup, URI: &s3_constants.GranteeGroupAllUsers, }, Permission: &s3_constants.PermissionFullControl, })
// canonical grantee (accountId)
grants = append(grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, ID: &accountId, }, Permission: &permission, }) grants = append(grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, ID: &accountId, }, Permission: &s3_constants.PermissionFullControl, })
// group grantee (AuthenticateUsers)
if accountId != s3_constants.AccountAnonymousId { grants = append(grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeGroup, URI: &s3_constants.GranteeGroupAuthenticatedUsers, }, Permission: &permission, }) grants = append(grants, &s3.Grant{ Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeGroup, URI: &s3_constants.GranteeGroupAuthenticatedUsers, }, Permission: &s3_constants.PermissionFullControl, }) } return }
func SetAcpOwnerHeader(r *http.Request, acpOwnerId string) { r.Header.Set(s3_constants.ExtAmzOwnerKey, acpOwnerId) }
func GetAcpOwner(entryExtended map[string][]byte, defaultOwner string) string { ownerIdBytes, ok := entryExtended[s3_constants.ExtAmzOwnerKey] if ok && len(ownerIdBytes) > 0 { return string(ownerIdBytes) } return defaultOwner }
func SetAcpGrantsHeader(r *http.Request, grants []*s3.Grant) { if len(grants) > 0 { a, err := MarshalGrantsToJson(grants) if err == nil { r.Header.Set(s3_constants.ExtAmzAclKey, string(a)) } else { glog.Warning("Marshal acp grants err", err) } } }
// GetAcpGrants return grants parsed from entry
func GetAcpGrants(ownerId *string, entryExtended map[string][]byte) []*s3.Grant { acpBytes, ok := entryExtended[s3_constants.ExtAmzAclKey] if ok && len(acpBytes) > 0 { var grants []*s3.Grant err := json.Unmarshal(acpBytes, &grants) if err == nil { return grants } glog.Warning("grants Unmarshal error", err) } if ownerId == nil { return nil } return []*s3.Grant{ { Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, ID: ownerId, }, Permission: &s3_constants.PermissionFullControl, }, } }
// AssembleEntryWithAcp fill entry with owner and grants
func AssembleEntryWithAcp(filerEntry *filer_pb.Entry, ownerId string, grants []*s3.Grant) s3err.ErrorCode { if filerEntry.Extended == nil { filerEntry.Extended = make(map[string][]byte) }
if len(ownerId) > 0 { filerEntry.Extended[s3_constants.ExtAmzOwnerKey] = []byte(ownerId) } else { delete(filerEntry.Extended, s3_constants.ExtAmzOwnerKey) }
if grants != nil { grantsBytes, err := MarshalGrantsToJson(grants) if err != nil { glog.Warning("assemble acp to entry:", err) return s3err.ErrInvalidRequest } filerEntry.Extended[s3_constants.ExtAmzAclKey] = grantsBytes } else { delete(filerEntry.Extended, s3_constants.ExtAmzAclKey) }
return s3err.ErrNone }
// GrantEquals Compare whether two Grants are equal in meaning, not completely
// equal (compare Grantee.Type and the corresponding Value for equality, other
// fields of Grantee are ignored)
func GrantEquals(a, b *s3.Grant) bool { // grant
if a == b { return true }
if a == nil || b == nil { return false }
// grant.Permission
if a.Permission != b.Permission { if a.Permission == nil || b.Permission == nil { return false }
if *a.Permission != *b.Permission { return false } }
// grant.Grantee
ag := a.Grantee bg := b.Grantee if ag != bg { if ag == nil || bg == nil { return false } // grantee.Type
if ag.Type != bg.Type { if ag.Type == nil || bg.Type == nil { return false } if *ag.Type != *bg.Type { return false } } // value corresponding to granteeType
if ag.Type != nil { switch *ag.Type { case s3_constants.GrantTypeGroup: if ag.URI != bg.URI { if ag.URI == nil || bg.URI == nil { return false }
if *ag.URI != *bg.URI { return false } } case s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser: if ag.ID != bg.ID { if ag.ID == nil || bg.ID == nil { return false }
if *ag.ID != *bg.ID { return false } } case s3_constants.GrantTypeAmazonCustomerByEmail: if ag.EmailAddress != bg.EmailAddress { if ag.EmailAddress == nil || bg.EmailAddress == nil { return false }
if *ag.EmailAddress != *bg.EmailAddress { return false } } } } } return true }
func MarshalGrantsToJson(grants []*s3.Grant) ([]byte, error) { if len(grants) == 0 { return []byte{}, nil } var GrantsToMap []map[string]any for _, grant := range grants { grantee := grant.Grantee switch *grantee.Type { case s3_constants.GrantTypeGroup: GrantsToMap = append(GrantsToMap, map[string]any{ "Permission": grant.Permission, "Grantee": map[string]any{ "Type": grantee.Type, "URI": grantee.URI, }, }) case s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser: GrantsToMap = append(GrantsToMap, map[string]any{ "Permission": grant.Permission, "Grantee": map[string]any{ "Type": grantee.Type, "ID": grantee.ID, }, }) case s3_constants.GrantTypeAmazonCustomerByEmail: GrantsToMap = append(GrantsToMap, map[string]any{ "Permission": grant.Permission, "Grantee": map[string]any{ "Type": grantee.Type, "EmailAddress": grantee.EmailAddress, }, }) default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("grantee type[%s] is not valid", *grantee.Type) } }
return json.Marshal(GrantsToMap) }
func GrantWithFullControl(accountId string) *s3.Grant { return &s3.Grant{ Permission: &s3_constants.PermissionFullControl, Grantee: &s3.Grantee{ Type: &s3_constants.GrantTypeCanonicalUser, ID: &accountId, }, } }
func CheckObjectAccessForReadObject(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, entry *filer.Entry, bucketOwnerId string) (statusCode int, ok bool) { if entry.IsDirectory() { return http.StatusOK, true }
requestAccountId := GetAccountId(r) if len(requestAccountId) == 0 { glog.Warning("#checkObjectAccessForReadObject header[accountId] not exists!") return http.StatusForbidden, false }
//owner access
objectOwner := GetAcpOwner(entry.Extended, bucketOwnerId) if ValidateAccount(requestAccountId, objectOwner) { return http.StatusOK, true }
//find in Grants
acpGrants := GetAcpGrants(nil, entry.Extended) if acpGrants != nil { reqGrants := DetermineRequiredGrants(requestAccountId, s3_constants.PermissionRead) for _, requiredGrant := range reqGrants { for _, grant := range acpGrants { if GrantEquals(requiredGrant, grant) { return http.StatusOK, true } } } }
glog.V(3).Infof("acl denied! request account id: %s", requestAccountId) return http.StatusForbidden, false }